Sure as Hell (Life is Hell Series Book 4) by Naomi Valkyrie – Review by Ayla Phipps

Sure As Hell (Life is Hell #4)Sure As Hell by Naomi Valkyrie
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Such sweet moments sprinkled in. This is book four in the Life is Hell series and like the others it can technically be read as a standalone but once again it picks up after the events of the previous book. Dual perspectives of Jaru and Lark.
Jaru is determined to give contract companions a safe place to work. Following the attack in the previous book, Hell in a Handbasket, Jaru starts his own agency, Devil’s Delights. Only shortly after finally starting up warnings begin to appear, notes and phone calls. Contract companions are disappearing, and his boys are next. Lark is the last of his grove and surprised to still be alive and now finding his newfound loneliness too much as his best friend is no longer around as much. Thanks to his secret portal system he is faced with an emergency that shows Jaru and Soren one of his abilities that he has kept secret. Having experienced holding hands and finally his first kiss Lark is willing to do what is needed, even helping Soren cook dinner. Lark and Jaru learn together as Soren helps. But everything is different and the chaos never waivers. One attack was stopped thanks to Soren’s guards, but the mystery remains.
Who is attacking contract companions? How long can they keep the warnings secret from Teivel? Does Jaru finally discover what love really is? This world has such a hold on me with each book. While I loved the previous books and was glad to finally get into Teivel’s head each new pair is so unknown, their history, wants, and feelings that each one pulls you in as you watch them grow with each other as the pages fly by. So many sweet moments happened in this book that just makes you say aww, and route for Lark to learn how to be a good boy and for them all to find happiness. Now book five, A Cold Day in Hell, to finally learn what happened to Hadassah and Jezebel after the chaos in book one with Delilah and Malakhi. Can’t believe it’s the end already love Juniper Lake and seeing the gang grow together. See you there.

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