Cam Creates a Hero (Courage Tales Series) by Dagmara Sitek – Review by Micalah Weatherholtz

Cam Creates a HeroCam Creates a Hero by Dagmara Sitek
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

All of the books by this author include foster children and the things they can achieve if only given a chance. In Cam Creates a Hero he sees that not everyone is as fortunate as he is in finding his family, even going so far as to have been abused by their family. Cam wants to come up with a hero that can help anyone in need. After staying up all night Cam is disappointed in his and his siblings attempt to do this, so back to the drawing board he goes, and his perseverance pays off. It’s such a cute and inspiring story that will remind kids that compassion, courage, and perseverance really makes a difference. Having a hero will really help children navigate through the rough patches in their lives. The illustrations were well done and depicted the scenes beautifully. I appreciated the thought put into this book and the lessons it will teach.

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