
Lucky Stars by Fantasia Yu – Review by Jenni Bishop

Lucky StarsLucky Stars by Fantasia Yu
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Lucky Stars is a New Adult Sci Fi romance story by Fantasia Yu who is a new author. I was intrigued by the cover that caught my eye which normally I don’t take much notice of. This is her third book, and her writing is descriptive making it easy for the reader to imagine this new world that Fantasia has created. It is a space romance adventure inspired by an old movie. It is also a quick fast paced read but it is action packed.
With adventure, princesses, bounty hunters, space pirates, a rebel pilot and a dangerous secrets and deceptions there is something for anyone who loves Sci Fi tales.
She wants a normal life to do as she pleases and be with whomever she is free to love.
He wants to make amends and live a free life and it seems fate is about to step in and give him more than he thought. Unfortunately, not everyone agrees with destiny. Will they be able to be what the other needs whilst staying ahead whilst on the run.
It does end with a cliff-hanger so there is more to come.


Reviewed by @jennadb

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Devlin by Angela K. Parker – Review by Angela Plate, January 2023

DevlinDevlin by Angela K. Parker
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This isn’t my typical genre. With that being said, I thoroughly enjoyed this book. I had time to kill during my kids surgery and while not a nice situation it was nice to be able to sit down and read it all at once without feeling rushed or interrupted. The characters were great and the storyline flowed well.

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Lucky Stars by Fantasia Yu – Review by Heather Stanley

Lucky StarsLucky Stars by Fantasia Yu
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I love Sci-fi romance novels; this one is no different. It was entertaining, fast paced and really keeps the reader hooked. The author also does a good job of the reader being invested in the characters written. You really are rooting for them. It does end in a cliff-hanger so be prepared to want more to read asap. I really hope more comes soon.

Reviewed by @heather26

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Lucky Stars by Fantasia Yu – Review by Kerry Carr

Lucky StarsLucky Stars by Fantasia Yu
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I really enjoyed this sci-fi film romance. It was full of action and adventure that keeps you turning the pages. The author does an amazing job of describing to us the worlds that the characters are seeing and travelling to, it really brings the story to life.
The romance is so good as well. Its 2 people from different places but coming together to create something amazing.
Princess Mora has been sent to marry Prince Fidge. It is to create an alliance between the 2 worlds or so Mora’s family thought. However that isn’t what Prince Fidge’s family has planned at all. Now Mora has found this out she wants to marry him even less. All she wants is a chance to live her life her way and be free. And that chance comes in the form of Darin.

Darin is an outcast. He has connections to the space pirates and is seen as an enemy of the kingdom. All he wants to do is earn his credits so he can leave the land he is imprisoned on. He was never expecting to find love until Mrs Langley(Mora) came into his life.
Together they try to make things right, to make the moon people free, to end Darin’s imprisonment. But with secrets and deception will these two have a chance of making a romance work. What will happen when Darin finds out that Mrs Langley is infact Princess Mora?
This story is action packed with Sci fi adventure as well a burning romance between two people who are destined to be together even though everyone else disagrees.

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Lucky Stars by Fantasia Yu – Review by Shelly Kittell

Lucky StarsLucky Stars by Fantasia Yu
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I found this a quick and interesting read. All Princess Mora wants is a normal life. She gets an opportunity and takes it. It makes for a fun adventure and lets her help put things toward being right. I found the the characters to be well-written and they fit into the story line just right (even the tourist, Jake). The best part is the name of the bounty hunter (didn’t see that coming.). It’s an entertaining fantasy that ends with a cliff hanger. I hope there’s another one coming, I’ll be eagerly awaiting it.

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Lucky Stars by Fantasia Yu

(˶◡‿◡)(´ ❥ `) BOOK SPOTLIGHT SHOWCASE (´ ❥ `)(˶◡‿◡)
Lucky Stars by Fantasia Yu
Genre – New Adult, Romance
Page Count – 160

Princess Mora breaks free from the constraints of her royal duties, escaping onto a tour craft led by the charming rebel pilot Darin O’Joy. As they journey across the galaxy, they must evade the pursuit of a persistent bounty hunter, while she grapples with her feelings for Darin, and her true identity kept from him. Will Mora be able to choose true love over her royal obligations?

This exciting romance, set in a fantastical world of princesses, space pirates, and moon planets, is the latest offering from author Fantasia Yu, author of the mermaid fantasy, Echoes: Treasures of the Deep. She is known for her imaginative environments and lovable, quirky characters. Follow along as Mora discovers her own strength and independence, all while falling head over heels for Darin. Inspired by Audrey Hepburn’s Roman Holiday, Lucky Stars is complete with all the heart and romance you could ask for.


Click here to view the Book Trailer for Lucky Stars by Fantasia Yu

Click here to experience a Chapter Reading of Lucky Stars by Fantasia Yu

Author Interview with Fantasia Yu



❣🌹❤🥀 ❥ PREORDER ❣🌹❤🥀 ❥ Savage Start (Hidden Valley Elite Prequel) by Isla Vaughn

❣🌹❤🥀 ❥ PREORDER ❣🌹❤🥀 ❥
Savage Start (Hidden Valley Elite Prequel) by Isla Vaughn
Genre – New Adult, Romance, Bully
Page Count – 55
Cover Designer – TE Black Designs

Virgin? Check

New Identity? Double Check.

Grifter? Triple Check. 

Look, it’s not like I have a choice about being born into a family of conmen, or women- technically. A girl’s got to survive, and by the looks of the new town I’m forced into, it’s time to step up my game.  

It doesn’t take long to survey my prey, steal a souvenir, and get stopped by a panty-melting local who steals a kiss.  

That kiss is poison. Not really, but the emotional kind that forces me to face the fact. 

If I give up my precious v-card to a guy, he’s the kind who would take it. Dangerous. Sexy as hell and just as deadly. Distracting enough that I somehow managed to get caught… but will I escape?

Savage Start is an enemies-to-lovers, new adult bully romance with plenty of angst, and the prequel to Riley and Cole’s duet Savage Lies and Savage Truth. 

This book contains mature content that some readers may find disturbing. It is not a standalone and does end in a cliffhanger that continues with Savage Lies. 



❣🌹❤🥀 ❥ COMING SOON ❣🌹❤🥀 ❥ Savage Start (Hidden Valley Elite Prequel) by Isla Vaughn

❣🌹❤🥀 ❥ COMING SOON ❣🌹❤🥀 ❥
Savage Start (Hidden Valley Elite Prequel) by Isla Vaughn
Genre – New Adult, Romance, Bully
Page Count – 55
Cover Designer – TE Black Designs

Virgin? Check

New Identity? Double Check.

Grifter? Triple Check. 

Look, it’s not like I have a choice about being born into a family of conmen, or women- technically. A girl’s got to survive, and by the looks of the new town I’m forced into, it’s time to step up my game.  

It doesn’t take long to survey my prey, steal a souvenir, and get stopped by a panty-melting local who steals a kiss.  

That kiss is poison. Not really, but the emotional kind that forces me to face the fact. 

If I give up my precious v-card to a guy, he’s the kind who would take it. Dangerous. Sexy as hell and just as deadly. Distracting enough that I somehow managed to get caught… but will I escape?

Savage Start is an enemies-to-lovers, new adult bully romance with plenty of angst, and the prequel to Riley and Cole’s duet Savage Lies and Savage Truth. 

This book contains mature content that some readers may find disturbing. It is not a standalone and does end in a cliffhanger that continues with Savage Lies. 

Click here to view the Coming Soon Trailer for Savage Start (Hidden Valley Elite Prequel) by Isla Vaughn



Devlin by Angela K. Parker – Review by April McCoy

DevlinDevlin by Angela K. Parker
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This story was so great! It was the perfect escape from a seriously hectic time! The characters had chemistry that you really felt and the dynamic they had was addictive. Author writes a great story that keeps you on your toes and never bored! The forbidden fruit aspect of the tale really put the cherry on top!

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National Parks: An Angsty Second Chance Multicultural Romance by Laikyn Meng – Review By Lauren West

National ParksNational Parks by Laikyn Meng
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The moment I saw this cover and read it’s synopsis I was eager to get my hands on this book. It was a beautiful and heartfelt story. It captured the familiar feeling of love when the timing may not be right, second chances, fate, and the beauty in us and around us. Phoebe and Enzo’s story is one that makes you smile as it brings out emotional tears along the way. It was amazing book and it definitely left an impression.

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National Parks: An Angsty Second Chance Multicultural Romance by Laikyn Meng – Review By Vanessa Estrada

Vanessa Estrada rated a book it was amazing
National Parks by Laikyn Meng

National Parks

by Laikyn Meng (Goodreads Author)
This book was sooo good, it had so much angst and I personally love that because it makes me feel so much. Their love is beautiful but complicated and I love how we were able to travel everywhere while reading about Enzo and Phoebe’s love as well. The writing itself was a bit confusing at times but nothing too bad. It can be very triggering so be sure to check the trigger warnings but it really is worth reading. Highly recommend this book.

National Parks: An Angsty Second Chance Multicultural Romance by Laikyn Meng – Review by Ayla Phipps

National ParksNational Parks by Laikyn Meng
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is the first book that I have read by Laikyn Meng. I found the cover interesting and the synopsis original and decided to give it a try. With so little multicultural romances out there it was interesting to find one so unique. Phoebe is a nature photographer. Kenzo is her boyfriend that loves traveling with her for her job.
From the first page the author pulls at your heart strings for Phoebe. Growing up her family was very cold, and didn’t show affection, the first time she felt happy she also felt sad. She was between the ages of eight and eleven, unsure because she didn’t always get a birthday celebration every year. While at her aunt’s house in Texas for the summer she would watch a neighbor girl wait on the front porch for her grandfather, and after several minutes of hugging each other, they would leave. In those moments she realized for the first time that there were other types of families out there, loving families. Phoebe for the first time wanted something that she didn’t have. At the age of sixteen she left home for the first time finding her passion for photography and being told for the first time that it was more than just a hobby and was paid for her beautiful pictures. She was older now, loving her work and her boyfriend but the echoes of the happiness she once felt weren’t always enough. Kenzo never thought he would be the kind of guy to fall in love and settle down, until he suddenly was willing to do anything, even jump into the murky waters of the Everglades National Park in Florida to retrieve Phoebe’s first camera that had fallen in the water. With time all things change, “Only remember the Good Echoes.”
Will Phoebe and Kenzo find their ways back to each other? Are the echoes enough to keep the spark going? The world the author created in National Parks was beautiful, while the time jumps sometimes made it difficult to keep up with what was past and present the book flowed like the rivers of Nepal. I look forward to reading more of the amazing works by Laikyn Meng in the future.

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National Parks: An Angsty Second Chance Multicultural Romance by Laikyn Meng – Review By Shannen Kern

National ParksNational Parks by Laikyn Meng
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This story sticks with you long after finishing it and tugs at every emotion you have. I was blown away by this book which was pleasantly surprising because I hadn’t heard of the author before. I am beyond happy I decided to pick this up and give them a chance. You will get to know Phoebe and Enzo throughout this second-chance romance. It’s not a walk in the park by any means, so please heed the trigger warning that the author kindly put up. Even through the heartbreak I was rooting for them, the author did a phenomenal job creating this world. I am watching this author intently now as I want to read anything they put out. You won’t be disappointed, please give this book a chance to engage you in an emotional rollercoaster!

Reviewed by @shannlynn

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National Parks: An Angsty Second Chance Multicultural Romance by Laikyn Meng – Review By Sara Grantham

National ParksNational Parks by Laikyn Meng
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I am so glad I took a chance on this book! I was absolutely captivated by the cover, and then the story pulled at my heart as well. It was a tragic but beautiful story, and very original. I am looking forward to more books by Laikyn Meng now! National Parks was all about adventure, broken hearts, and second chances… and was definitely worth the read.

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National Parks: An Angsty Second Chance Multicultural Romance by Laikyn Meng – Review By Michelle Marlow

National ParksNational Parks by Laikyn Meng
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Please please please make sure you read these trigger warnings. This is my first read by this author and she absolutely hit the feelings and emotions button with me. I do wish the writing flowed together a bit more. Some of the ideas seemed smashed together. However, that doesn’t take away from this second chance romance. We are met with Enzo & Phoebe and takes place over quite a long time period. Stick it out though this is worth a read. But again, please with how this starts out, check the trigger warnings.

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National Parks: An Angsty Second Chance Multicultural Romance by Laikyn Meng – Review By Christine Baranek

National ParksNational Parks by Laikyn Meng
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

National Parks
Laikyn Meng

The first thing I want to point out is that there is a trigger warning on this book and that it is very valid. However, this is definitely a must read book. Every once in a while I read a book that stays with me long past the end of the book. The kind of book that lingers in your soul, leaves you thinking about the characters well after it ends. The kind of book that makes you look at humanity just a little bit differently. This is one of those books. Phoebe and Enzo are wonderfully broken characters who felt so human, so real. I wanted to reach out and touch them. I felt this story so deeply I cried at several points throughout. I definitely encourage everyone to read it!

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National Parks: An Angsty Second Chance Multicultural Romance by Laikyn Meng – Review By Aranza

National ParksNational Parks by Laikyn Meng
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

National Parks: An Angsty Second Chance Multicultural Romance
by Laikyn Meng

4 out of 5 Stars

This book takes you on an angsty, full of trauma bumpy road. The story of Enzo and Phoebe is one to keep you thinking and will bring all the feelings. Even though the title says it was going to be angsty I didn’t expect it to be so heartfelt. If you want to travel around beautiful landscapes and have all your feelings hit you at once you should definitely give this book a try.

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National Parks: An Angsty Second Chance Multicultural Romance by Laikyn Meng – Review By Kerry Carr

National ParksNational Parks by Laikyn Meng
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was a very emotional book to read. The author’s writing is so emotive that you can’t help but feel every emotion that the characters are going through. The changing of the landscape added an extra special dimension to the story as you went along on the adventures with them to different places. As the story progresses you learn of the heartbreak and struggles that both Enzo and Phoebe have been through in their pasts and what they go through together. There are a few subject matters that maybe triggers for some people because the author talks about them in an open and honest raw way. This is story about finding love in another person but only after you’ve found love with yourself and I think that’s a very strong message. I will advise having tissues to hand because you are going to be take on a very emotional journey.

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National Parks: An Angsty Second Chance Multicultural Romance by Laikyn Meng – Review By Daryian Lucas

National ParksNational Parks by Laikyn Meng
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

3/5 stars
This was my first read by this author. The story line has potential to be very solid but the writing style didn’t mesh with me well. I felt like sometimes the word choices tried to be too unique and deep which lost me. The beginning of the book didn’t match the rest of the chapters to me and left me confused when I started reading the rest of the beginning.

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National Parks: An Angsty Second Chance Multicultural Romance by Laikyn Meng – Review By La Toya Lewis

National ParksNational Parks by Laikyn Meng
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

National Parks is a beautifully written story about a couple that has a second chance at love. Phoebe and Enzo are a couple that loves each other deeply but is not ready for the love that they truly desire. The story takes you all over from Montana to Japan. You get to see this couple fall in love in these beautiful places. There is a lot of angst. There are also the themes of self-love and friendship, which I absolutely love. It is hard to read about this couple that loves each other so much going through so much heartache. I was delighted to see Phoebe and Enzo get their happy ending! There are strong themes in this book dealing with suicide, but if you enjoy angst and happily ever afters, you need to read this book.

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National Parks: An Angsty Second Chance Multicultural Romance by Laikyn Meng – Review By Lorralei Hoerner

National ParksNational Parks by Laikyn Meng
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

4 Stars 🌟🌟🌟🌟

Well written new adult, contemporary love story that had me drawn by the beautiful cover. As I turned each page I loved the story of Enzo and Phoebe….but their story is definitely not easy..and many times a gut punch. How you can be in love so hard with every bit of might you have and turn and walk away that leads to guilt, sadness, tears and never feeling whole.

Phoebe is a photographer whom travels the world……she meets Enzo by chance encounter as they were strangers. Enzo ends up following Phoebe to all her beautiful destinations so she can capture the beauty in her pictures…but family pressure leads Enzo down the road to a different path. That path seals the fate for many years for both Enzo and Phoebe. Will their love survive the true hardship that comes their way?

This story is beautiful and moments are hard, but the story is so raw and real. The author really captures the true essence of a love that was broken and trying to find the way back. The use of famous National Parks and the descriptive beauty is very captivating. This is a great read.

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National Parks: An Angsty Second Chance Multicultural Romance by Laikyn Meng – Review By Kerry Baker

National ParksNational Parks by Laikyn Meng
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I know the book said it was a angsty second chance romance but I really wasn’t prepared for just how true that was. The characters are designed to pull at your heart strings with their story, that honestly could have been love or tragedy at any moment it felt like. I thought the pacing of the whole book was spot on and fit what the author was trying to portray.
This is a new author to me and I think it was a brilliant introduction. I connected with the story and the complexity in it. This is a great book all round and I can wait to see what else This author produces.

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Devlin by Angela K. Parker – Review by Mercedes Jones

DevlinDevlin by Angela K. Parker
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

What happens when the coworker you’ve secretly been pining over for years, is suddenly giving you attention after your recent breakup? This is exactly what happens to Eve. She is focused on her career and knows that she shouldn’t get involved with Devlin. Devlin is the office eye candy and he knows it. But the women in the office just don’t cut it for him, there’s only one and it’s Eve. Now that she finally got rid of her boyfriend, he can finally make his move. After spending a night together, Eve just wants things to go back to normal. Devlin on the other hand, cannot keep her off his mind. Will the be able to continue working together as if nothing happened or will their office romance turn into something even heavier?

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Devlin by Angela K. Parker – Review by Robin Rankin

DevlinDevlin by Angela K. Parker
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Devlin: A Forbidden Office Romance

There is something about the “forbidden ” and Devlin and Eve do the forbidden right. The first time they explore it was pretty hot and changed everything.

Devlin comes off as arrogant which he is but he is more than his ego. He doesn’t show the other side unless you’re worthy.

Eve is driven at work and wants to be the best and when a huge opportunity arrives she is determined to take advantage of it.

This is a book to be savored and enjoyed. It isn’t one that you should rush through. Once you hat caught up into the story you will have a hard time stepping away.

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Devlin by Angela K. Parker – Review by Dr. Anya Schultz

DevlinDevlin by Angela K. Parker
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Devlin: A Forbidden Office Romance was a great enemy to lovers read. Eve and Devlin are coworkers at a toy company. Eve is an independent, hard-working woman who will not let herself be wooed by Devlin’s charm. Devlin has always been attracted to Eve but understood not to mess business with pleasure. That was until he heard she broke up with her long-term boyfriend and saw his chance. Eve is not having that since Devlin is known as the bachelor with no hopes for anything but a physical relationship. What the two of them don’t realize is that the sexual chemistry just couldn’t be denied. Devlin starts to realize he can no longer deny his feelings and can’t believe that Eve made her way into his heart. There is a problem however, Devlin has kept a pretty big secret that could destroy everything, along with the fact that he is going to also be her boss. Can they keep their relationship a “dirty little secret” to save their jobs and their hearts?
I always enjoy a good enemy-to-lovers story. Both characters were very enjoyable and engaged in a no-bullshit type of way. The banter and progression of their story were romantic, realistic, and sexy. I thought Eve portrayed a character that was relatable and confident. She didn’t let Devlin in without him knowing what she wanted and didn’t. Devlin also had a way of “handling” her, he was portrayed as a confident, but not narcissistic man which came across the page as very sexy. The ending left me feeling meh. I love that it progressed to where it did, however, I feel we went from one feeling to something way beyond that. I liked that there was an epilogue but I almost wished I found out a little more about where they go.

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Devlin by Angela K. Parker – Review by Ashley Sugar

DevlinDevlin by Angela K. Parker
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Ooooooh I love this book! The angst, the spice…so good! Eve and Devlin are constantly bumping heads…they work together…and they’re constantly bickering. But they also can’t stop the sexual tension every time they’re in the same room. Can they keep their distance from one another or will they finally give into temptation?Book had my attention from the very first page and I finished in one sitting. If you love a good tense and angsty read, this is the one! Great characters, great plot, GREAT spice 🌶

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Devlin by Angela K. Parker – Review by Faith Jackson

DevlinDevlin by Angela K. Parker
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

What makes these books so entertaining for me is the way that the steamy chemistry starts off slow. It’s also steamy that you can feel it as you read each word and as it builds more, it makes you excited for the characters and their intensifying adventures or ways to keep them going. This is a sensational read. Hope you enjoy as much as I did.

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Devlin by Angela K. Parker – Review by Allison Davis

DevlinDevlin by Angela K. Parker
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Hot and steamy enemies to lovers office romance! Devlin and Eve both have their career in their #1 spot on their priority lists, that is until they start having a difficult time keeping their distance from each other. They have plenty of struggles throughout, working together, trouble communicating…plenty of twists and turns! If you’re looking for a quick, steamy office romance this is the book for you. I am looking forward to what else this author writes!

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National Parks: An Angsty Second Chance Multicultural Romance by Laikyn Meng – Review By Shelly Kittell

National ParksNational Parks by Laikyn Meng
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

First off, this story does have a trigger warning for suicide and PTSD from an attack.
On that note, it’s a sweet, angsty tale of two young people going through the challenges of a relationship. Because of their backgrounds, the family history, they have some issues. I found the writing style was confusing at times with the POV going back and forth between National Parks and countries. I was able to get back on track. The characters were okay. I would have loved to see Phoebe develop into a stronger woman. My favorite part of the story was when she met Kenzo’s family and was hearing about his mom’s family history. Overall, it’s an okay story that if you like relationship drama and second chances, you’ll enjoy this one.
First off, this story does have a trigger warning for suicide and PTSD from an attack.
On that note, it’s a sweet, angsty tale of two young people going through the challenges of a relationship. Because of their backgrounds, the family history, they have some issues. I found the writing style was confusing at times with the POV going back and forth between National Parks and countries. I was able to get back on track. The characters were okay. I would have loved to see Phoebe develop into a stronger woman. My favorite part of the story was when she met Kenzo’s family and was hearing about his mom’s family history. Overall, it’s an okay story that if you like relationship drama and second chances, you’ll enjoy this one.

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Devlin by Angela K. Parker – Review by Leeann custins

DevlinDevlin by Angela K. Parker
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

A very well written story. Catches the reader attention immediately and keeps it until the cart end. The author did and very good job developing the relationship between the two main characters

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