
Ritual Obsession (Blood Obsession Book 1) by R.L. Dunn – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

Ritual Obsession (Blood Obsession Book 1)Ritual Obsession by R.L. Dunn
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This story contains many trigger warning, so is only suitable for those over 18 and with a strong constitution, for other information, please see trigger warnings in the blurb.

Roberta “Bobbi” Wallace is a socialite and has been for her entire life, that is until she discovered that money doesn’t solve all problems and because of this and a dare that she wouldn’t get through basic training, she decided to become a police officer and has been slowly gaining experience and rising through the ranks over the last couple of years. Max Buckley is a detective in the NYPD and is working in a team of officers who have worked together for a while and have a companionship which involves banter, gentle mickey taking and sometimes annoying each other just for the fun of it, but that changes when the newest member of the team walks in for their first day.

The moment Bobbi walks into the NYPD office she is about to become a part of, the first person she comes across is a male detective who tries it on as soon as he claps eyes on her, but she isn’t interested and instead rebuffs him and goes to meet her new partner. Meanwhile, Max is determined to make a good impression and so plays Bobbi down to the rest of the team, that however, causes them to band together to rip into his misinformation, but this stops as soon as the Captain walks in and makes the introductions.

As Bobbi is learning the ropes and the ways of those around her, she is thrown into the deep end when a murder comes in, the victim is a hazel eyed and brown haired victim who has been brutalised, stabbed and left in a bathtub in a hotel room, thus the killer is named the “Bathtub Murderer”. She is thrown together with Max as part of the duty allocations and cannot deny that there is an attraction between them, despite trying hard to deny it, but Max has no such qualms and keeps plugging away and wooing Bobbi in order to convince her to let down her walls.

As the leads are getting them nowhere and the victims increase in number, it is decided that Bobbi will go undercover as she matches the description of the victims, however, Max and Bobbi are slowly becoming inseparable, but fate intervenes and others actions try and tear them apart. Will the team be able to work out the identity of the “Bathtub Murderer” before Bobbi becomes their next victim and will the relationship between her and Max survive the undercover operation? This is a thriller with a lot of adult themes and is not for the faint of heart, or weak of stomach with plenty of action and graphic scenes throughout as the you follow along and try to solve the case yourself.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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Ouroboros (Antipodes Book 3) by T.S. Simons – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

Ouroboros (Antipodes #3)Ouroboros by T.S. Simons
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

In this installment of the Antipodes series, Cam has set off on a journey of discovery and healing after the loss of his wife Laetitia when she was cruelly killed, he is in pain and needs some closure, so he heads away from his home, his family and his life so that he can go back to them fully healed and able to be with them completely, so he takes of on his boat. On his naval travels, the first place Cam stops at is Kirkwall and a visit to the community living on Orkney where some of the other women who shared in his late wife’s ordeal live, he cannot remember what happened on that fateful day and so he asks to speak to them when they are ready. In the meantime, he meets up with some old friends and sees how life has changed there over the past year, he is happy to see them and he thinks that they are happy to see him too, or at least some of them are, but he finds out that they are all still suffering too, he knows he has to regain their trust before they will open up to him.

As he introduces himself to the inhabitants of the island he hasn’t yet met, he has a feeling that there is someone in the crowd he knows, but cannot place them, it turns out to be someone who was heading up the recruitment centre where he was chosen when the whole domed community idea was started. As they properly introduce themselves, Cam asks what they have been doing on Orkney and how they ended up there, this leads on to conversations about their role on the island, the portals and everything else they had learned over the last few years and Cam is invited to join them on future trips around the community, to which he readily agrees. He stays with a friend and it is their partner who opens up first and shocks Cam by telling him that the women feared him after his outburst a year ago, but now that they have seen him and he explains his reasons why and his feelings on everything that happened, they can understand him better too. As the days pass and a working relationship with the woman from Australia develops, Cam stays on the island as he waits for the other women to talk to him, he learns all that he can so that he can take the information with him when he gets home. When the opportunity to talk to the women arrives, it helps them all with some closure and acceptance of what happened and Cam is grateful for it all, but nobody is surprised when he continues on his travels past the place he lost his mind to grief and on to another place in Scotland he hoped to find some more answers.

As he approaches the place he needs to go, Cam finds somewhere dry to spend the time he needs to dig for some information, this takes a little longer than planned, but is worth it in the end when he finds what he was looking for, as well as some unexpected information along the way. He makes a few more stops on his travels and shares some of the things he has learned along the way with others who are as shocked as he is, but it causes him to question the friendships he has and others he hasn’t. Will Cam be able to use the information he finds out to look after those he holds dear, or will circumstances beyond his control threaten the life he has come home to find again and will he be able to look on his life and friendships in the same way because of it? This is another journey of secrets, revelations and discovery which keeps you on your toes as you journey along with Cam and those around him, a story you will not want to miss out on.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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Watcher: A MM Romeo and Juliet Retelling (Star Crossed Celestials) by A.L. Morrow – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

Watcher (Star-Crossed Celestials Duet #1)Watcher by A.L. Morrow
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Jace is a Watcher, a type of angel who lives on Earth observing the humans who live around him, but they are not the only ones he watches, demons and Messengers fall under his umbrella as well. Cyrus is a Messenger who has recently arrived to take up a position on Earth, but instead of the war he is seeing, he wants peace instead. Unfortunately, the Messengers are also angels, however, they are not as friendly as the Watchers, they view their ancestors as the ones who corrupted humans through their indiscretions and it is because of this, they are viewed as almost as badly as the demons. It is because of this ancestry that he has spent his entire life running from the Messengers, at least until he had to move to Las Vegas and move in with them, in a manner of speaking.

Jace has a weakness for handsome angels and so decided to take his best friend along to a gathering of Messengers so he can find a particular one, however, when he gets there, he is waylaid by a completely different Messenger. Cyrus is attending his welcome party, along with the others who arrived with him is not particularly enjoying being in the company of certain individuals so welcomes the distraction of a handsome, dark haired angel who catches his eye and a lot more than that.

As time passes, Jace and Cyrus end up finding time for some close encounters and intimate shenanigans, but because of the divide between their factions, they have to keep their growing bond a secret from even their nearest and dearest. This is becoming more difficult, especially when Cyrus is tasked to get close to the one person he wishes he could stay away from, but is this the true danger which lies in wait for the two star crossed lovers?

In this celestial retelling of a classic love story, will the end remain the same, or will love conquer all? This is a fast paced romance with plenty of steamy action, wise cracking demons and angels galore to keep you interested throughout this tale of two factions.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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Sword of Darkness (The Vigilant) by LM Preston – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

Sword of Darkness (Vigilant, #3.5)Sword of Darkness by L.M. Preston
My rating: 1 of 5 stars

Reece is a young man who loves to live dangerously, he is a street car racer and weapons designer, he is also a well trained fighter thank to his parents who are skilled in all arts of fighting and weapons. He hears about a street race in the new town he has moved to, but it is nothing like he expects, but he is determined to win, so he follows the steps and signs up, but when he sees how vicious the race is, he is even more determined to win.

As the race is about to start, he sees a beautiful young woman and she takes his breath away, but despite warning from her friends and other strangers, he is determined to interact with he more after the race, but that never happens and eventually he comes second in the race and leaves with his prize. His obsession with this girl however, becomes more serious as the days go by and he goes to great lengths to spend even a small amount of time alone with her, that is until one day when his life changes forever.

Meanwhile, he is having dreams about creating a weapon more beautiful and complex than any other he has previously designed and made, so when he is taken to a shop which breaks all the rules of convention, he sees exactly what he needs to finish it, but the price he has to pay for it is something unlike any other. Will Reece be able to survive being pulled in multiple directions by his friends, family, school and time with this girl, or will he be overcome by his obsessions? This is a fast paced fantasy tale full of paranormal antics and supernatural romance which will keep you hooked until the end.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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The Secret Cure: A gripping psychological thriller with a twist by JD Spero – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

The Secret CureThe Secret Cure by J.D. Spero
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Rosalie Giordano is a young woman in her mid thirties, she has her whole life ahead of her and a husband who dotes on her, he is strong, charming, charismatic and beautiful and they have been married for ten blissful years and it has almost been like a fairytale, especially after escaping the manipulative clutches of her mother. Rosalie and her husband decide to start a family, but things don’t go to plan when one day she is struck by a mysterious illness which leaves her paralysed and unable to speak, so they have to hire an assistant to care for her. He is shocked and struggles to come to terms with the change in her and as the days turn to weeks and months, he starts to pull away from her, but she still wants him, if only she could tell him, or show him.

As the months pass and there looks like Rosalie will never recover, she noticed that her husband is a lot less attentive to her and acting as though she isn’t even there, but she suspects he is having an affair when she smells a fragrance on him she doesn’t recognise. One day she slowly begins to regain some of her movement, a finger twitch here, a vocalisation there and she is ecstatic, but because of her husband’s possible infidelity, she decides not to tell him and pretend that things haven’t changed at all.

As this complex web continues to be woven, her husband decides to take her and her carer away for a trip to warmer climates, so Rosalie decides that this is where she will enact her revenge, but things don’t quite go according to plan. Will Rosalie be able to enact her revenge and surprise her cheating husband, or will she be too weak to follow through? This is a suspenseful story of love, lies and revenge which will keep you reading and not want to put the book down until you find out what happened at the end.

Reviewed by @roxsannel


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Caged Fire (The Vigilant Book 1) by LM Preston – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

Caged Fire (Vigilant, #1)Caged Fire by L.M. Preston
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

EmVee is back after barely escaping with her life and after the run in with her ex boyfriend changing her, she had no choice but to run and nobody but her father left to run with her. Since they night, they have been on the run and living with one eye watching behind them at all times, but this can’t last forever and between the fights and sleeping in their car, EmVee and her father hope that this time, they will have enough to leave the country, but all those hopes are dashed and the latest fight.

It all stays off fine with her father fighting and EmVee collecting the money, but when she sees someone from their past in the crowd, she know that something isn’t right and let’s her dad know as soon as she can. He tells her to run, but she won’t leave him behind, so instead she hides while he confronts the ones following them. Unfortunately, he doesn’t survive the confrontation and so EmVee has to find her own safety, so she turns to someone she hopes will be a safe haven, even if only for one night before, she starts her mission to destroy the one who have destroyed her life and her family.

As EmVee follows the clues left behind, she runs into the best friend of her ex, Kayson who says that he can help her get the answers she do desperately seeks, however, they aren’t the answers she expects. A whole new world of supernatural and paranormal beings is opened up to her and if she hadn’t been through what she had, she would have said she was crazy, but if it gets her where she wants to be, then she might just have to start having faith in him.

Can EmVee trust Kayson, did he know what a monster his best friend was and does he know what happened to her to make her the monster she is today? Will they survive long enough to get the answers to both their questions, or will death find them sooner than they expect? This is a fantasy adventure which is full of tension, twists, turns and supernatural beings in this action packed story you will not want to miss.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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Enchanted In Time by Nikki Lynn Barrett – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

Enchanted in TimeEnchanted in Time by Nikki Lynn Barrett
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Roxanne Ferris is a woman who writes a blog, but she has a tragedy burdening her shoulders and so is best selling author Claudette Grayson, although there are decades in age between them, all they want is to escape from the memories haunting them. This led them to meet when Claudette asked for someone to be her caregiver over her last summer, she is unwell and has not got long to live, whereas Roxanne is younger but weighed down by her world. Both women both write and find they in common, but as they spend more time together, other things come to the fore as well.

Claudette is determined to write one last story and she wants Roxanne to help her with it, so they discuss the setting, timeframe, characters and the storyline, in between these conversations, Claudette gives Roxanne her notes so that she can start the task of writing it and it being up to her expectations. As the women dive into this story, they bond over it, however when Claudette goes to bed, Roxanne starts to experience unusual things in the house and starts to think that it is all in her head, so she tries her best to ignore it.

As time goes on, Roxanne starts to hear and see one of the fictional characters in the house and at some point, the apparition starts to talk to her and it all begins to feel a bit too real. Who is the stranger, what is his story and is it just a coincidence that he resembles one of the characters in this story? Will this summer be the undoing of both women, or will their sanity come out of the other side unscathed, stronger and more resilient, bringing about the peace they both so desperately crave? This is an emotional rollercoaster as the supernatural and fictional combine to create a fantastical story of grief, life, love and loss which will ensnare you hook, line and sinker from start to finish.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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Princess of Prias by Courtney Davis – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

Princess of PriasPrincess of Prias by Courtney Davis
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Elle is a young woman with a promising future, as an orphan, she was brought up by another family member, but as a child, she did have the usual dreams, as every orphan does, of a fairytale type life where she is a princess. She is about to go out one evening when she finds out about a tragedy which is near to her heart, she is devastated and feels alone, but it also leads to a life changing event, she finds some of her mothers belongings, one of which starts glowing green, she just thinks that it’s something caused by grief.

When life returns to a bit of normality, she suddenly starts feeling like she is being followed, so when handsome Locan turns up telling her that her dream is actual true and she is a princess, he gives her a choice to either come with him in his spaceship, or be left to fend for herself against the less friendly people who intend her harm. Elle feels like she is either going insane, or Locan is, but thanks to the odd feelings and mysterious blue star birthmarks appearing on her arm, she decides to take a chance and makes the last minute decision to go with him.

As they journey through space, Locan explains more about where she is from and what it is like living there, including about her Uncle, it is a lot to process, but Elle seems to be taking it in her stride, but as with all journeys, this one doesn’t go smoothly. Along the way, there are dangers all around Elle and Locan, from the people following her who have been sent by her Uncle and to make matters more difficult, there are her peoples Goddesses who appear with side quests for them, mainly saving earthlings and aliens alike, but always with their own hidden agendas, all the while Elle and Locan are trying to deny the growing attraction between them.

Will Elle be able to step up into the shoes everyone wants her to, or will she bow under the pressure and will Locan finally be able to accept himself and see himself as Elle sees him? This is a Sci-Fi adventure spanning across space as this romance plays out amongst the stars.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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A Quirk of Destiny: Apocalyptic Visionary Sci-Fi Thriller by Catherine Greenall -Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

A Quirk of Destiny: Ignoramus et IgnorabimusA Quirk of Destiny: Ignoramus et Ignorabimus by Catherine Greenall
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Calum is scientist who works approving food and drinks for distribution in the UK, he has thrown himself into his work ever since his fiancée died a year ago, despite the best efforts of his best friends. One day, while he is looking into a specific food, he sees that it has been approved despite not going through the relevant and robust testing needed. Calum talks to his friends about it and they all decide to do some further research, so he goes to some archives and meets a fellow lover of the environment called Jessie and arranges to meet up the week after. When he goes into a meeting with all of his research, coupled with the research his friends have done, but when he brings it up to his superiors, he is shocked my their attitude and the repercussions of this.

By the time a couple of days had passed news of some mysterious disappearances have come to light, including his next door neighbour, but the most shocking things are the reports of a mystery illness spreading throughout the country, but when he finds out that his friends are seeing the same thing and it is putting them on edge, he advises them to come to him, so they can stick together. As danger follows them to Calum’s home, he decides to contact Jessie and along the way picks up another person who has been unaffected by the disease.

As the group try to do to somewhere a bit better to defend, they talk about what could be causing the disease and who might be behind it, while also trying to figure out how to avoid the people who have contracted it. Meanwhile, they find that they are being followed by the diseased, the only thing is, the more they encounter, the more that something doesn’t quite add up, it seems that some of the diseased have mutated and now have abilities while cross over into the paranormal, but they aren’t alone, there are other forces hunting the group down and these don’t play well with others.

Will Calum be able to keep his friends safe and out of danger while being chased by the mutants and other interested parties? This is an apocalyptic sci-fi which deals with current issues in an imaginative and exploratory way, while being a race against time with plenty of action and adventure throughout.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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The Liminal Space (Antipodes Book 2) by T.S. Simons – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

The Liminal Space (Antipodes #2)The Liminal Space by T.S. Simons
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Cam Mackintosh is back in the second installment of the Antipodes series and he is happily living on Lewis with his family and adapting to the changes within it, he still hasn’t fully recovered from the experiences of going through the tunnels and how his body felt while he did, but he tries not to think about it if he can, but he is more scared by the upcoming change in his life, but as he is listening to his friends advice about the situation, he definitely still feels unprepared. He finds that he reminisces about his family before the virus more as he thinks about them all and what examples he can take from it, as well as thinking about how different his wife’s upbringing was and how that will be useful in the future as well. He is also remembering his last lot of travels to Ireland and the people he spoke to there, especially what he learned from one person in particular about the portals and how they work, as well as who may have created them, it was an in depth conversation, but he now he knows more information, he was able to share it with his community on Lewis when he returned. When he returned last time he also realised that this is where he was meant to be and where his home was, including the woman who was waiting for him there.

As life continued on in the community, Cam is the happiest he has been in a long time and although he has had a lot of work to catch up on in the greenhouses and the orchards, he has been the most settled he had been in a long time too, that is until he bumps into someone and a whole flux of memories come flooding back, he escapes to his spot in the hills to think about what he has just found out and ends up confronting old feelings and learning things that he has wanted to know for over a year, this will hopefully bring some closure to the past, but instead it opens up a whole new can of worms. As a community meeting is called, some more surprising information is announced by a group from another community who have returned from their travels and he learns that there were other communities established in Australia which has less strict requirements and as such that there is a possibility that other people may have survived in other domes, but when a list of people is produced and a certain name jumps out at him, he knows that he has to take another trip through the portal and take a chance to see if this person is still alive, but this means leaving his family and he is not sure if he can do that, however, he is encouraged to go.

As a small group prepares to set off on this new adventure, will they find what they are looking for and discover whether the rumours of other domed communities are true, or will the time Cam spends away from his family be its undoing? In this dystopian adventure, you go on an emotional journey across the world to uncover secrets which could change the groups world view and experience everything with them, prepare for a journey through a bleak world to see whether there are any lights at the end of the tunnel.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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Love in the Roses: A Historical Medieval Romance (Love Through The Ages) by T.L. Clark – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

Love in the RosesLove in the Roses by T.L. Clark
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

In 15th Century England and in the time of the War of the Roses where Isabel lives with her parents in rural Suffolk, they are a loving unit and she has no want to leave their side, however, she has come of age and is now told by her mother that she needs to start thinking about her future and the marriage that this will entail. Isabel is shocked and cannot believe that her parents are thinking of this and it makes her anxious and unable to concentrate on her daily lessons, she asks about her intended and is disheartened when no information is forthcoming, apart from that her father is travelling a long way to make the intended match and that it is a good one. As the days pass and her father returns from his travels, he makes the announcement that he has made an arrangement and that she has indeed been promised to a young knight, Sir William, however, when she overhears that it is a match with a family on the wrong side of the War of the Roses, she cannot believe what she is hearing and her anxiety ramps up a notch or two.

As her anxieties increase and the day of her wedding approaches, Isabel’s mother comforts her with words of wisdom, as do the Good Women whom she has grown up around, but she is still a little scared at the idea of her father giving her away to a Lancastrian supporter when all she has known is the Yorkists, but she puts it aside and tries to make the best of the situation. As she approaches the aisle and sees her betrothed for the first time, she is satisfied by how handsome and polite he is and doesn’t let her emotions run away with her as they exchange vows and celebrate with the friends and family surrounding the newly wed couple. The hardest part of it all is leaving her family the next day to travel to her new home, with a trip to visit another relative of her husband, however, tensions run high on the journey, but she keeps her opinions as much to herself as she can, even if this means increasing tensions between the newlyweds.

This continues on the long journeys they embark on as they make their way slowly to their new home, but what kind of reception will they receive and will love be able to remove the barriers the opposing alliances create? In a time of unrest, lies, secrecy and danger, 15th century England is not the easiest place to build a new life, but these young partners do their best to be a good husband and wife to the other in every way, emotionally, physically and mentally as they embark on a new life in this captivating historical romance.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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The Cool Thing: A Dark Comedy. Or Not. By Robert Rife – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

The Cool Thing: A Dark Comedy. Or Not.The Cool Thing: A Dark Comedy. Or Not. by Robert Rife
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

There are people out there who will do anything to make a quick buck and there are those out there who fall prey to these people, but when one shifty couple plunder a UFO and try to sell the pilfered items, they are found out and get into more trouble than they expected and now they have to work out how to escape from the predicament they find themselves in.

It all starts with a filthy man, moves to a drunken man in a loveless marriage working in a shop with questionable morals and motives, through to someone who charms their way into selling wares of questionable value to those who are easy to fleece. From here, an old house is discovered which is ripe for rumours and riches, but is it really worth the hassle associated with gaining access to the contents within?

With aliens, monsters, madness and love all taking turns to twist and manoeuvre pieces into place, so that devious experiments can be carried out, but is there any escape from probably pain and possible death, when you are a terrified female, paired with a blundering fool? This is a story told through the eyes of many different people, some are loveable and some are not, but the overarching theme of this comedic horror will keep you keep you reading and likely giggling until the end.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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The Vilification Of Aqua Marine (Working Masks Book 1) by Megan Mackie – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

com/book/show/61251260-the-vilification-of-aqua-marine” style=”float: left; padding-right: 20px”>The Vilification of Aqua Marine (Working Mask, #1)The Vilification of Aqua Marine by Megan Mackie
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Aqua Marine is a young woman with dreams of being a superhero and despite having stellar parent, one a villainess and the other a superhero, she hasn’t quite inherited their prowess. The only thing she can do is control a cup of water, she can make it swirl, move and jump, but that’s it and what kind of rubbish power is that?

One day she is watching the news with her mother when there is a report of a villain, the Overlord Of The Dance who is strutting his stuff and using this to make everyone around him strut their stuff as well. He isn’t the most well known villains, but Aqua Marine spots her chance to make a name for herself and decides to confront him and stop him in his musical tracks. When she gets there however, he is less than impressed with her powers and pretty much laughs at her attempts to stop him, that is until he feels something squeezing and pulling him backwards, that something is actually a someone, it is Aqua Marine.

All she thinks is that she has hold of a cup of water, but until she watched him die in front of her, Aqua Marine doesn’t realise that the cup of water she was controlling was in the Overlords heart, so she calls in some help and he is rushed away in an ambulance. A few days after she fears she has killed the poor man and she is ready to turn herself in, instead she attends a function with her mother, something she is unwilling to, but expected to attend and it seems that her opportunity to become a hero has passed her by, that is until the Overlord appears and insists that she becomes his arch nemesis.

Will Aqua Marine take up the offer of being the hero nemesis to the Overlords villainy, or is the road to hell paved with good intentions, which are not the same as what everyone else wants? This is a super fun fantasy adventure where heroes and villains abound and mayhem ensues, all while you try and figure out which side will win in the end.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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Death & Mirrors (All Things Dark & Deadly Book 1) by S.F. Benson – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

Death & Mirrors: All Things Dark & Deadly, Book OneDeath & Mirrors: All Things Dark & Deadly, Book One by S.F. Benson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Evaline Wainwright is the daughter of a well to do gentleman, who is also a practitioner of magic and Evaline has inherited this talent as well, although in London in 1888, this is frowned upon and can lead to a whole host of problems if it is discovered that you practice magic without a license and as a woman, Evaline is not likely to be able to procure one any time soon. As well as practitioners of magic, her parents are occult archeologists and have spent most of their lives researching into and finding artefacts of great power, that is until Evaline’s mother passed away and her father retired from the field because of it, but Evaline wishes to follow a similar path and become a great detective, but this is frowned upon as well.

As Evaline starts her day in the usual manner, she is about to start helping her father with some work when a strange woman clothed all in black with a severe countenance requests a meeting with him. Her father ushers Evaline out of the room so that the discussion can be held with privacy, however, Evaline cannot help herself and listens in. This is where she overhears the woman asking her father for help to retrieve an artefact which can not only save her world, but the one the mystery woman inhabits as well. This news of alternate worlds is news to Evaline, however, she just cannot resist a mystery and a chance to prove her skills, so when she overhears where the woman will be staying, she makes up her mind to go and speak to her herself, even though it is against the wishes of all those around her.

While all this is happening, Evaline is also trying to avoid an arranged marriage and spend time with her beau without the watchful eyes of her father and the staff whom he employs, however, when the two of them end up being transported to the mysterious world of Londinium by the mystery woman, the decision as to whether to investigate is taken out of their hands. As they learn more about their surroundings, Evaline and her beau realise that the sun never shines there, the weather and the purple are perpetually miserable and Doctor Death is the one pulling all the strings, but how does this all connect to the strange woman’s request of Evaline’s father?

This is a historical mystery which will keep you on the edge of your seat as you explore Londinium and solve the clues in this fast paced fantasy, with elements of Sherlock Holmes and the paranormal throughout.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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Murder In The Lightning Room: A Historical Mystery by A. D. Brazeau – Reviewed by Roxsanne Lesieur.

Murder in the Lightning Room: A Historical MysteryMurder in the Lightning Room: A Historical Mystery by A.D. Brazeau
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The year is 1899 and Cora Croft is seventeen years old, she lives is Colorado Springs and is in the last year of Palmer High School and is hoping to continue her studies in a prestigious university, however being interested in biological sciences and a woman is not going to help, so when she hears about a position as an assistant to Nikola Tesla, she is dubious, but decides to apply for the position anyway. The day she goes to see him, she is accompanied by Marshall, a long time friend and Harrison, a student in her class who is always trying to charm her, she has heard differing opinions on Tesla, but she wishes to make up her own mine, however, the position isn’t what she expected when the tasks are menial, however, when some papers go missing from the lab, Tesla reveals that this isn’t the first time this has happened and that the young man who was found dead the day before was his previous assistant.

This revelation shocks all three of them, but when Tesla announces that without those papers, he might as well just pack up and leave Colorado Springs, so Cora decides that she is going to investigate who has stolen the paperwork as well as look further into the death of the young man which also seems suspicious, so she asks Marshall and Harrison for their help and they agree, although reluctantly. Cora starts that evening by asking Harrison and Tesla questions, however, they don’t know overly much, so she decides to use her societal position to ask around the town and see if she can uncover any pertinent information, while Harrison and Marshall use their own connections to try and find information their way.

Cora soon realises that they might be in over her head when things start to happen and the more she investigates, the more danger creeps closer to her, Marshall and Harrison, but will they be able to solve the mystery before the person behind these nefarious acts comes after them? This is a historical mystery which is full of secrets, revelations and murder where you will be sucked into the investigation all the way until the suspect is uncovered.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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Castor’s Kiss (Soul Bonded in the Stars Book 2) by Tai James – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

“” style=”float: left; padding-right: 20px”>Castor's Kiss: Soul Bonded in the Stars Book 2Castor’s Kiss: Soul Bonded in the Stars Book 2 by Tai James
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Mia is a woman who hasn’t had a lot of luck over the last few years, she has been kidnaped, tortured and now she is fighting for her life in an arena on Planet Nod which is run by a sadistic individual who runs an arena where Mia has to fight to the death everyday, but she is damn good at it and has become a fan favourite. The fact that she has survived all of this is a miracle, but it has changed her, however, she has never forgotten the dream of escaping and trying to go back to her old life, but it has felt so far away for a long time that she has resigned herself to her fate, but one day that all changes.

Castor is an Atlantean and his race have been reclusive, but he is about to bring them into the light and become a bit of a spectacle when he goes to liberate her, however, he soon comes to realise that this will not be as simple as he first planned. When Castor and Mia first lay eyes on each other, they cannot look away and this is something neither of them expected and it is this that leads them into trouble as Castor’s plan goes awry and the two end up thrown together in the arena and have to make a decision in order to survive, although Mia does not trust easily and she doesn’t believe that Castor is meant to be her saviour, she can’t.

The owner of the arena decides that both Mia and Castor are going to have to fight in the ultimate fighting challenge and battle for their survival, so as she explains just what they have gotten themselves into and how this challenge works, they both devise an escape plan, but while this is all happening, they cannot deny that there is a growing attraction between them, no matter how much they try, it is at this point that Castor realises that Mia is his soulmate, but Mia is shocked and struggles to accept it.

Will Castor and Mia be able to escape the arena before the big battle or will death come before escape and how will their bond as fated mates get in the way, or enable them to overcome the odds stacked against them? This is a fast paced fantasy where the odds are against everyone and danger lies around every turn which will draw you in and keep you invested all the way through.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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Mermaid and the Water Magnifying Glass: a Mermaid Science Story by Lois Wickstrom – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur..

The Mermaid and the Water Magnifying Glass (Mermaid Science, #3)The Mermaid and the Water Magnifying Glass by Lois Wickstrom
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Maia and Fig are back at the lakeside and this time they are building a tower out of stones when Trezzie the Mermaid comes up to see them with a rock, this rock is too small for the tower that they are building, but when they look closer they can see a pattern in it, so Fig asks Maia what it is, but she can’t tell because it is too small to really see it. When Maia asks for a magnifying glass Fig knows how to make one, so between the tree of them, can Fig, Maia and Trezzie find what they need to make a magnifying glass and what will they find when they do?

This is a charming story which talks about science in a way which is easy and engaging for children, where they can learn useful scientific facts while still being in a land of fantasy.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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Insatiable Darkness (The Vigilant – Book 0) by LM Preston – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

Insatiable Darkness (Vigilant, #0.5)Insatiable Darkness by L.M. Preston
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

EmVee has just moved to a new town with her parents where they have opened a new business and they all have a passion for boxing and EmVee herself has a dream to go semi-pro with it and although this new place is small, she is hoping that she can still achieve that dream. So when she heads to school for her first day, all she can think of is that all the jocks are drop dead gorgeous and the cheerleaders are stunningly beautiful, but they are also quite strange, not to mention the other pupils there as well, who are also a bit unusual, but as soon as she arrives, she is befriended by two of the jocks, Kayson and Silas.

As she settles into a new routine and making new friends, she notices that things are a bit off and starts to worry that her parents have gotten in a bit over their heads and EmVee starts to suspect that things are not what they seem and she decides to investigate, but will she and her friends be able to solve the mystery before things go from bad to worse and the danger becomes too much? This is a fantastic prequel which gets you hooked into the mystery and the characters in the series in the best possible way and leaves you wanting more.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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The Blood Prince by Ayla Marie – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

The Blood PrinceThe Blood Prince by Ayla Marie
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Leo is a young man who has supernatural talents, he is a mercenary and is known as “the Blood Prince” because of the colour of blood which sweeps into his eyes whenever he has to complete a job, or fight an adversary who has taken a dislike to him. It is because his skills as a fighter and executioner combined give him an edge over the competition that he is the right hand man of one of the crime lords in the city he lives in, but this is also the reason he has to keep in the shadows. In the country of Tominay, it is forbidden to have blood eyes and if you are caught, you face certain death, but this has been a way of life for Leo for so long, it has now become his normality and Lady Death is never far away.

As a youth, he participated in underground fights in illegal arenas so that he could put food on the table for his siblings, now he continues this while protecting them from external forces who would do them harm and he would protect them with his life if he had to and this becomes even more important when his younger brother shows signs of following in his paranormal path. Leo is heading out for his next job when his boss approaches him and informs him that he knows what powers his brother has shown and that he wants him to join his mercenaries, this is something which Leo has always been scared of, so albeit he agrees to the deal, he has no intention of following through and as soon as he gets home he instructs his siblings to pack a bag each and ready to leave as soon as they can so that they can escape into the night.

As the siblings flee their home, they try and journey to the land of their ancestors, but it is a long and dangerous road for them, especially when past and present collide to bring more trials and tribulations to the family as they risk discovery and slaughter, but will they find the happy ending they are looking for, or will they only find more pain and hardship? This is a tale full of fantasy, danger, secrets, lies, truths and family where nothing is as it seems and there are twists and turns throughout, in this race for survival in a land fraught with obstacles, which will leave you breathless as if you are racing with them.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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Tale of a Body Thief (Rovena Silvex Book 1) by Kristy Centeno – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

Tale of a Body Thief (Rovena Silvex chronicles Book 1)Tale of a Body Thief by Kristy Centeno
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Rovena Silvex is a demon hunter, but she is no ordinary demon hunter, she has a special set of skills which make her one of, if not the best one, she has killed dozens of demons since she completed her training and she has it down to a fine art, however, sometimes, she is asked to perform other assignments which don’t involve hunting, but they do involve certain aspects of her skill set that are unique to her and tonight is one of those nights, tonight she has to visit the county morgue.

When she is sent to the morgue this time, it is so that she can work out how a victim died and who killed them, however, when she gets there, nothing goes to plan, she finds out the how, but not the who and when she next turns to look at the corpse, its eyes are open and it is holding onto her hand. What happens next is not something she can even process when the corpse attacks her and as she is fighting back, she hears footsteps coming down the hall and she now knows that she has to take the walking corpse with her when she leaves, but it isn’t as willing as she would hope.

With her walking corpse in tow, Rovena heads to the only place where she may get some answers, however, as she spends more time with the deceased, things stop adding up and she realises that it isn’t the victims soul in this body, it is something else entirely and that it is something she has never come across before. Now Rovena has a plan, it isn’t one that she wants to have, she has to babysit this walking corpse and keep them alive, or at least as alive as she can, but when demons come after them, she realises that keeping a demon alive is much harder than killing them! This is a fantasy adventure filled with magic, the supernatural and adventure galore, as a choice has to be made between keeping heaven and hell happy and trapping a demon in a world where they definitely don’t belong.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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The Lie That Binds by Amy Argent – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

The Lie That BindsThe Lie That Binds by Amy Argent
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Holly is the new girl in school, she has been here before and she is hoping that she won’t have to be here again, but she decides that this time will be different, this time, she will be one of the popular kids, this time, she won’t be an outcast, so apart from the usual first day jitters when she has to introduce herself to each of her classes, but there is one thing she doesn’t expect and that is how gorgeous one of the popular kids is. One lunch, Holly finally decides to try her luck at the popular table, but as usual, it backfires and she is back to being the pariah, back to being insulted and terrorized by the popular kids as they bully her again, so she again gravitates to the outcasts who she knows will take her in and become the friends she needs and wants.

As the days pass and the novelty of being the new girl wears off, all she has to do now is not freak out every time she sits with her chemistry lab partner, who just happens to be the gorgeous popular guy who is one of the main bully’s in the school, but sometimes when he thinks nobody sees, flashes of what lies behind the façade show through, but it isn’t until her friend is the target of a malicious prank that she sees just what he is hiding.

Holly discovers the lie which this person has been hiding behind, she discovers just what they have worked so hard to protect and she discovers just how terrified they are that people will discover just how scared they are that everyone will find out and what the consequences of that would be. This lie binds Holly and her lab partner together, but what lengths they will go to keep this lie intact? This is an intense contemporary romance which deals with some hard hitting subjects and will leave you hooked as you follow along on the journey one lie can take someone on and how it affects everyone who comes into contact with it.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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Ballet School Rumours: An Amberwood Hall Ballet School Adventure by Eleanor Dixon – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

Ballet School Rumours: An Amberwood Hall Ballet School AdventureBallet School Rumours: An Amberwood Hall Ballet School Adventure by Eleanor Dixon
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

It is a new term at Amberwood Hall Ballet School and Lauren and Katie are excited to talk all about their holidays, but most of all, they are excited to be dancing again! At the end of the last year they had the final performance and it went extremely well and as friends and family watched, so did Grace and Rodney the schools resident ghosts, but as much as the holidays are full of excitement, sometimes being at school can be even more so. Alfie, one of the boys in Katie and Lauren’s year comes back to school with some gadgets which he says can detect ghosts and he is determined after certain events last year that he can prove there are ghosts at Amberwood hall and Lauren is worried for her friends.

As everyone settles in, Katie is becoming more involved with the school newspaper and one of the ideas that she has come up with is a gossip board where news can be shared in a more public way and it starts off brilliantly, with students posting about supernatural happenings around the school, but one day an individual starts posting rumours about Lauren, but she just ignores them. As the term really gets underway a House Choreographics Cup is announced and each house holds auditions for the parts, so when the dancers are chosen and Lauren is one of them, rehearsals take up a lot of the students time.

As these rehearsals continue, the account posting the rumours intensifies and the rumours become malicious and start to affect the close friendship Lauren and Katie share, but who could it be? Amid ghost hunting escapades, rehearsals and defending herself against the rumours, will Lauren have time to investigate the source of the rumours, or will she lose her closest friend in the world? This is a lovely cosy mystery with plenty of twists and turns as the adventures as Amberwood Hall continue in this lovely tale of friendship, trust and lies.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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Between Darkness & Light (War of Destiny Book 3) by Theresa Van Spankeren – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

Between Darkness & Light (War of Destiny #3)Between Darkness & Light by Theresa Van Spankeren
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Julia is still recovering after betraying her ka-tet, the remorse and guilt is plaguing them all and she has become tired of trying to explain what happened and why, but the others have also become tired of her trying, Matthew has left the group completely while the others are only just tolerating her presence in the house. She is still also worried about being yet again plagued by the visions of her dead husband and the voices who whisper things to her, she fears that they will return and the insanity and madness which led to her past betrayals will start again, the others just fear that she has already gone insane and that is why they are avoiding her.

One night their leader disappears and nobody realises until Julia tries one more time to approach him, but when she finds he has left, she turns to the only other person he would speak to, Matthew, who is as shocked to see Julia there as he is to hear that their leader had vanished. After excusing himself from the house of his new found friends, the Medici family, where Julia found him, they check where he and Matthew would usually be, when he is not there, this is where Julia realises that she is the only one who can track him and so she and Matthew agree, reluctantly on his part, to journey after their wayward leader and bring him back home, but like so many other things, this plan goes awry.

As the journey continues, Julia’s visitations begin again and Matthew is wary, however, as they talk more about the situation, they realise that there is something else going on around them and that they are just a small part of it, someone is trying to change the course of destiny, but who this is and why remain a mystery. Will they be able to find the missing member of their group and solve the mystery surrounding Julia and her future, or will they be too late to change any positive outcome? This is a fast paced fantasy which will suck you in and pull you along in a world where vampires and destiny meet head on, in a race to discover lost secrets and reveal truths which will be life changing, in a way that only a vampires life can be changed.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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Love Is Worth Fighting For (The Meraki Series Book 3) by Effie Kammenou – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur..

Love is Worth Fighting forLove is Worth Fighting for by Effie Kammenou
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Krystina Meraki is the youngest sister of three and this is her story, she is in her late teens and obsessed with her Instagram and blog about travelling the locale where she lives in the USA, however, her dream is for that to become a hit and increase her already large following so that she can travel the world and see all the exotic places she wants to. Loukas is the same age as Krystina and lives next door, but since he messed up their close friendship years ago, she doesn’t see him as anything more than a pain who won’t leave her alone and this isn’t helped by the fact that he spends a lot of time with her family too.

The other thing Krystina wants to be able to do is finish what her sisters started and bring their grandfather home so that her grandmother can be truly happy again, but that is easier said than done when he lives so far away, but Krystina is determined and when the chance to do just that falls into her lap, she gives it all she has to try and convince him. Meanwhile, circumstances take a turn for the worse and external challenges interfere with all her plans, not to mention that Loukas is still following her around like a lost puppy and that is irritating her to no end, however, as she faces the challenges all around her, Krystina comes to realise that it is Loukas of all people who is helping her deal with it all.

This is another romantic adventure where a quest to bring family back into the fold faces impossible hurdles and where frenemies have to relearn how to work together to face an uncertain present, while reuniting a past. This is an unpredictable story where twists and turns throw you off until the path to the end is revealed.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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Blood & Vengeance: A dark, paranormal romance (The Casket Girls Book 2) by A.D. Brazeau – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

Blood & Vengeance (The Casket Girls #2)Blood & Vengeance by A.D. Brazeau
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Desiree is one of the Casket Girls of New Orleans, or she was, now it is just a name and thanks to the discoveries made a few weeks previously when she was freed from a trap she knew nothing about, but now, she knows why and that is because of vampires and now she believes that they all must die in order for her to feel safe again. This is why she has been training so that she can become stronger and help those who cannot help themselves, she is not the type to just sit around and hope for the best, so she has convinced Theron to train her so that she can rid New Orleans of the last of the nest which fed off of them, Theron agrees to this and so while they wait for his true love to return from the Underworld, they make plans.

Jaxon is a vampire and was part of the nest associated with the Casket Girls, however, he never could stomach the idea of killing his Girl, or her husband, so he left to try and make some sort of life for himself, however, when he sees Theron and Desiree killing the rest of his nest, he sees a chance to redeem himself and asks to join them in their hunt. Neither Desiree nor Theron truly trust him, but they are willing to have his help, but when they find the rest of the nest, it isn’t only vampires that they find, a figure from Jaxon’s past is there as well, someone he knew only as the Mistress and it freezes him on the spot as the memories of his time with her assault him.

As soon as she disappears, Theron and Desiree demand to know what happened and so they go back to the mansion and Jaxon reveals what he can, this brings up feeling he thought had all but disappeared, including matters of the heart. Theron decides to find out more about the Mistress and in his quest for fact finding discovers that she is a witch and a powerful one at that, so he tries to find out a way to defeat her, in the meantime, Jaxon is having to fight his feelings for Desiree and the attraction he feels building, especially when Desiree herself says they have no future together because of his vampiric nature.

As the days pass and the plan to defeat the Mistress is being hatched, they all realise that her end game is Jaxon, she wants him back at all costs and will do anything to achieve this goal, but will Jaxon be able to hold his own against this formidable opponent and gain the freedom he so truly desires, or will he be denied the one thing which is changing him for the better? This is another fast paced fantasy where good and evil are pitted against each other in another battle for New Orleans where strong adversaries fight it out for supremacy and the right to love, where you are pulled along an action packed path with them.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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Pursuit into Darkness (War of Destiny Book 2) by Theresa Van Spankeren – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

Pursuit into Darkness (War of Destiny, #2)Pursuit into Darkness by Theresa Van Spankeren
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

It is the year 1582 when Julia returns and it is seventy years since we last heard from her, she is passing the time learning from Samuel and the rest of the resistance fighters she agreed to help as part of the deal of her living within Samuel’s group, her ka-tet. It has been a peaceful time and she has grown to love and care for those she is living with and they have carved out a place in the society around them, but all that changes with the arrival of Valentino, he is a long term enemy of Samuel and has intended on hurting him and the Resistance he leads for a long time.

Samuel knows that Julia and the rest of the ka-tet are nowhere near strong enough to face Valentino between Julia being a mere fledgling as well as some of the others who aren’t in much better situation, so Julia reluctantly agrees to flee to safety before the Vampire King can get to her, this however, doesn’t go to plan!

As they escape, it becomes clear that fighting is inevitable ans Julia throws herself into the fray to protect those around her, but their ka-tet is in more danger than ever as attacks come from all around them, but will they be able to stick to their plan, or is the danger too great? This is an emotional rollercoaster of a fight where good and evil cover a lot of grey areas, danger lies around every corner and relationships are in jeopardy for both internal and external forces. This is a sequel which will keep you hooked from the start and keep you on the edge of your seat throughout.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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Caring for Kingsley, Believing in a Better Way When Canine Cancer Comes Crashing Into Your World by Alli Eldridge – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

Caring for Kingsley, Believing in a Better Way When Canine Cancer Comes Crashing Into Your WorldCaring for Kingsley, Believing in a Better Way When Canine Cancer Comes Crashing Into Your World by Alli Eldridge
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book talks about love, loss and some topics which may trigger those with similar experiences.

Alli, her husband and their dog Kingsley are the and the perfect trio, they love life, walks, snuggles on the sofa and spending time with family and at only 8 years old, there is a lot of life left in him, that is until one day when it is discovered that Kinglsey has cancer. Alli and her husband are in shock and disbelief as Kingsley’s behaviour and attitude hadn’t changed at all, but it is all confirmed with a biopsy and some hard decisions have to be made when they are told that instead of years together, they may only have months.

As Alli and her husband come to terms with Kingsley’s diagnosis and the options for treatments and the time they have left with him, they feel devastated, despairing and hopeless, so Alli turns to research, she looks into all of the options, places where he can get treatment and things they can do themselves at home.

This book takes you through their experience from start to finish, it is a diary of sorts which takes you through the ups and downs associated with the diagnosis of cancer in a pet and how it affects the life of the pet and the owners alike. It is informative as the type of cancer, treatment options and other things affecting the emotional state of the family are explained in detail.

This book will take you on a rollercoaster of emotions, as you follow along on this journey of caring for a beloved pet with cancer.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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The Second Alpha Heir by C.L. Ledford – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

The Second Alpha HeirThe Second Alpha Heir by C.L. Ledford
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Nolen is a young man of fifteen, he lives with his family and the rest of his pack, the Rhyolite pack and he is the second son of the Alpha and Luna, he is more than happy to be second in command under his big brother and the rest of the pack is happy with that too, until one day when his brother is killed by a neighbouring pack and Nolen has to step into his bog brothers place as the next Alpha.

Nolen is not happy about this as he does not have the best history with his pack , however, he is sent too another neighbouring pack for training, Nolen is nervous at first, but when he starts to get to know the other pack members, he comes into his own and makes friends. When he finishes his training and returns home for his eighteenth birthday, they are also celebrating his first shift and the finding of his mate, so when he finds her, he is gutted that he can’t tell her because of pack law, but he keeps as close an eye on her as he can.

Fast forward three peaceful and happy years as Alpha of his pack and Nolen is doing really well, however, another pack threatens that peace and in order for him to stop any bloodshed, he challenges that pack’s Alpha and loses. As he struggles to regain his health, Nolen has to find a way to become stronger and take back his pack, but will he be able to gather the strength and support of those he needs to do this and claim his Luna in the process? This is a fantasy romance with aspects of a coming of age tale mixed in where peace and war teeter on a hairs breadth line and love, strength and support are all that hold the balance between the two in this story which will draw you in slowly at first, but then lead you on a wild tale throughout.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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Vive La Résistance (Donovan Trait Book 3) by Seelie Kay – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

Vive la ResistanceVive la Resistance by Seelie Kay
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Donovan Trait and his wife Shirley Magnusen are back as the hottest Lawyer in town and the Judge who snagged him in this third part of their story, so far, they are still running away from the Vampire Coalition after her chemical turning and the birth of their half blood children. The Coalition are not giving up on their plan to arrest them though, thanks to their revelations around the Great Lie and the corruption which lies at the heart of this ancient institution.

This escape from death and refusal to surrender has led the Coalition to widen their net and start punishing half bloods across the world until they turn themselves in. This leads Donovan and Shirley on a mission to not just protect their family, but the lives of the half bloods as well, but it isn’t as easy as they would like it to be. They are not just targeting vampires, but humans and Were’s as well, as if they haven’t experienced enough prejudice and cruelty in their lives already!

As the Coalition’s campaign ramps up, so does the Trait’s as they use their minds rather than force to get their message across and with the help of a few well place Were helpers and some nudging of the human authorities, they get the message out that half bloods should make themselves known in a safe way. When the Traits realise that if they are to save millions, they may have to sacrifice themselves in the process, but do they have the courage to act out their plan, or will the Coalition get to their hidden island before they can? This is another exciting instalment into this series full of vampires, lawyers and other supernatural creatures as time runs out in this fight for survival on a global scale which will keep you engrossed throughout.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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No Pistol Tastes the Same (PTSD Disaster Book 1) by Jacob Paul Patchen – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

No Pistol Tastes the SameNo Pistol Tastes the Same by Jacob Paul Patchen
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This story and review contains many trigger warnings and is only for those over 18 and is a heavy, but interesting read and deals with a lot of emotions and mental health related issues.

Sergeant JP Grimm is a marine, a veteran and he has a wonderful family, a wife, a son and two loving grandparents, but when he came back from war, something had changed, something was different and that something was about to tear him apart.

This story starts in a desert, a desert across the other side of the world from his home, this is where he trained, lived and laughed with his team, this is where they worked together on missions and spent their downtime together when no out on patrol, this team became like brothers to JP, but one day, while on a mission, they had almost completed their mission when a child comes out from behind a building, a child that looked so much like his own son, a child who he knew he should shoot on site, but how can you kill a child? How can you shoot down an innocent? All this went through JP’s mind and more in the instant before he saw the remote in the child’s hand and the instant before that child blew up his team members, the instant in which he didn’t pull the trigger and save them.

After recovering from the after affects of that trauma, JP returns home to his family, his son and his life, but as he tries to come to terms with everything that happens, he reacts as though he is still in that hell of a desert, surrounded by death and destruction. He tries to reconnect to that life before war, but he is struggling and so are those around him, everything reminds him of the past and he cannot shake the visions, thoughts and emotions which chase him when the sun sets until the sun rises again bringing another day of hope. However, it seems that the world is against him and is becoming embroiled in a fiery doom of its own, as the Earth’s magnetic field reduces and the sun flares increase and everything is surrounded by uncertainty.

As he spirals, JP pushes away everyone and everything he holds dear until he feels that he has nothing left, until he tastes his pistol and tastes the bourbon, but does every pistol taste the same, or are there other things that taste better? Can JP bring himself back from the brink and work through the nightmares which plague him? Will his family allow him space while giving him the support he needs, or will they leave him to fight this fight alone? As internal and external worlds spin out of control in this heavy read, you learn about PTSD and how it affects the mind and body, both increasing your knowledge, empathy and understanding, as well as being an interesting and engrossing read throughout.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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