
Chevalier: War Horses Book 1 by Scott Warren – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

War Horses Book 1: ChevalierWar Horses Book 1: Chevalier by Scott Warren
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Rande VanDelle or “Vandal” as he is more commonly known is a mechanic for the upright tanks in the Chevaliers Private Cavalry and has been for eight years and because of this, he is one of the sought out veteran mechanics there is. He manages to keep the old girls running despite the best efforts of the enemy fire they see off, but like every mechanic, he always has a favourite.

One night, after finishing routine maintenance on one of the oldest uprights in the section, Vandal asks to take it out on a routine patrol a bit earlier than planned as he really wants to test it out, after much humming and hawing, they eventually let him. He puts the machine through its paces in a way that not many other mechanics can and manages to go a bit further than planned, but he then picks up a threat message on his sensors.

Not sure what to do, he reports in, but when he hears nothing back, he starts to go in the offensive so that he can try and make his way back to the barracks and help. He is not combat or pilot trained in the slightest, but he still manages to fight his way out of a life threatening situation and just about keeps his head attached in the process, albeit with some sensory overload when the call comes in to evacuate, he is helped into the transport taking them away from the battlefield.

It is when he is called upon by his superior that he thinks it is the end of his career, but instead he is given a choice, he can continue with the maintenance team and love on until his superiors grace runs out, or he can train to be a pilot and hone his skills, which he showed during the confrontation. The problem is he never really wanted to be a pilot, but he agrees to the promotion and trains hard until he is called up.

Will Vandal be able to control his designated upright tank after only a short training period against an enemy who as well as turncoats and rebels, is harbouring an elite fighting force in support of them? This is a sci-fi set in a world which could be the future of our own where old technology is pitted against new in a war of attrition with a reluctant hero at the centre of it all, in this story which will leave you on tenterhooks throughout, as military teams engage in deadly confrontations, as civilians hide away.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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Euphoric Wonderland: An Eclectic Collection of Psychedelic Poetry to Stimulate the Senses and Open the Mind by Ryan M. Becker – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

Euphoric Wonderland: An Eclectic Collection of Psychedelic Poetry to Stimulate the Senses and Open the MindEuphoric Wonderland: An Eclectic Collection of Psychedelic Poetry to Stimulate the Senses and Open the Mind by Ryan M. Becker
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Euphoric Wonderland is just what the title says it is, a very eclectic collection of works of poetry with which to open your mind to new experiences, words and a glimpse into a unique mind. With both long and short poems to suit every reading preference, this is a collection centred around mental health and the challenges this can bring.

Detailing everything from birth to the present, people, music and places, this book opens up a whole new world of literary surprises for all, but be prepared, it is a wild and psychedelic ride.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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Just One More Egg: A Science Folktale (Science Folktales) by Lois Wickstrom – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

Just One More Egg: A Science Folktale (Science Folktales)Just One More Egg: A Science Folktale by Lois Wickstrom
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Mama Warbler is a tiny bird sitting on a clutch of eggs, they are small and she loves them all, but one day a cuckoo pushes her out of her nest and lays an egg of its own, it is larger and Mama Warbler’s neighbour comments on how large the egg is, but Mama Warbler just sees it as one more egg.

When the cuckoo chick hatches, it is large, noisy and hungry all the time, again Mama Warblers neighbour again comments on this and again Mama Warbler just says it is one more chick, but will she be able to raise this large, hungry chick and love it like it is one of her own when her own eggs hatch? This is a story based on scientific fact with beautiful illustrations and a lesson we all can learn from, a wonderful short read.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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Mafia Elite Series Box Set: Volume Two by Amy McKinley – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

Mafia Elite Box Set: Volume TwoMafia Elite Box Set: Volume Two by Amy McKinley
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

For full reviews please see each book individually. Not for those under 18.

Savage Secrets.

Elena Caruso is a beautiful young woman who is running away from her past so that she can keep herself and those she loves safe from harm and for a while it has worked, that is until one day when she receives a communication from someone saying that she has been found. Marco La Rosa is the boss of a branch of the La Rosa family, one of the Five Mafia Families in Chicago and he is as handsome as he is deadly, but the one thing that he has wanted disappeared from his life, but just when he thought he had come to terms with that, she pops back up on his radar and he will do anything to find her.

As Elena starts off her daily routine, she goes through the motions of her life while making sure that there is nobody following or watching her, just like she has done everyday since she left behind everything she knew, she enjoys what she has created for herself. However, as she returns from her morning run, she notices that she has missed calls, assuming it is her boss, she waits until she is back in her apartment, but when she finds that it is the communication she always dreaded receiving. Marco has just found out where the love of his life has been since she disappeared and he leaves to retrieve her the first opportunity that he can and when she opens the door and he finally sees her in front of him, it takes his breath away, just like before, however, now she is a woman and does it on a whole new level. When their eyes meet across the threshold, Elena tries to get round him and after grappling for a bit she flees and he has to use every ounce of speed he has to keep up with her.

Will Elena and Marco be able to overcome the hurdles between them and keep her safe from the dangers which are quickly closing in on her, or will they be ripped apart by circumstance again?

Ruthless Heir.

Luc Savino is the heir to a Mafia throne, but he is unaware of that, he has success in in his life, a business he has built from the ground up and a determination which keeps him wanting more. Summer Johansson is a woman determined to be better than her childhood, she wants to have a life without worrying where the money for the next bill is coming from, or whether she can afford to eat, but her current temp job is allowing her that, although not by much.

When Summer was attacked in her home by a Mafia boss, she grabbed what she could and left, with little left and less opportunities in her future, she asked for help and managed to keep under the radar, that is until she found out her best friend had been murdered. Luc is preparing himself to meet the employees of his new company, as well as delegating out work he needs completing so he can get a better idea of the structure, personnel needs and future plans, however when he comes face to face with the mystery woman from the night before, he is determined to find out more about her. As Summer races into the office, she sees her old boss being dragged out and shouting about something, she doesn’t know how to react and when she is about to bolt, her new boss stops her and demands to how why she was about to leave and why her former boss was accusing her of being a spy.

Shortly after this, another Mafia boss arrives and asks Summer and Luc to go on a plane to Chicago with him, but with all the lies which are flying around when they arrive in Chicago, Luc will not let sleeping dogs lie with Summer, but as they become closer, the attraction they are desperately trying to deny comes to the fore, but can they forgive the secrets and lies which lie between them?

Collateral Damage.

Trey La Rosa leads a double life, on one hand he is a surgeon at the local hospital and on the other he is the one who stitches up and treats all those within the Five Families Mafia in Chicago, but leading this double life is exhausting for him and one day, he hopes that he can manage his time better. Hailey Carmichael is the daughter to rich parents who have her life planned out for her as a socialite running in the same circles they do, but she wants more, however, she isn’t sure how to get it, not in the least the man she has had a crush on since the first time she saw him.

It is a day full of tension for Hailey as she has to confront someone important to her about something she is dreading talking about, but she takes a couple of deep breaths and decides to go for it before she buckles and backs off before she gets what she wants, that is until she is kidnapped and thrown into the back of a van right in front of the person she was about to talk to. For Trey, it is just another day on call at the hospital where he does his usual rounds and interacts with his patients so that he can make the best decisions he can for them, however, when he is called in to the office of one of his superiors and finds out that a woman he has tried to forget has been kidnapped, memories surface of the first and last time he saw or spoke to her and how grief for his first love got in the way, he decides then and there that he is going to rescue her, whatever it takes.

As they spend more time together in his home, the attraction they felt the first time they met resurfaces and they both struggle to maintain the distance between them and the one thing they crave the most, each other, but will they be able to uncover the secrets and reveal the truth before their new found relationship is severed, again?


In this instalment of the Mafia Elite series, it is the turn of the quiet brother, he may not be one of the loudest in the family, but he is just as deadly as his other brothers, he is able to blend into the background, which is useful when he needs to glean information and he is extremely observant, because of this, he is underestimated, but not by Mia Tucci. Mia is a New York Mafia Princess who turns up in a place she shouldn’t after escaping from her own Mafia family, they only want her as a bargaining chip, but she wants more, she wants one of the Chicago Mafia brothers and she will do everything to get him and the safety she do desperately craves. So Mia offers a deal he cannot refuse, but first he needs some more information and calls his family to help, but as he waits, he considers her offer and what ramifications it could have on the Five Families. Will the Five Families come out of this intact, or will the danger be too high and consequences to dire?

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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LAB SPILL: A Dark Comedy. Maybe. (THE COOL THING SERIES Book 2) by Robert Rife – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

LAB SPILL: A Dark Comedy. Maybe. (THE COOL THING SERIES)LAB SPILL: A Dark Comedy. Maybe. by Robert Rife
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

RL and Jaderay return in the second part of this story, RL still has the breastplate and it is currently locked in a safe, but soon a mysterious explosion breaks it and RL has to move it elsewhere, preferably away from Jaderay and all her praying and shouting about it being the devils handiwork, like she does every time she sees it. Meanwhile, in the depths of the Waydowns, the lower decks of a lost starship, an insane doctor, a bunch of mutants and some crazy pulsating mould are moving through the area and becoming ore unstable and unhinged as time goes on, some still look vaguely human and others do not, but the Coiler in particular is slowly moving away from its isolated area, but the creatures down in the bowels of this ancient and forgotten place all have one thing in common, they all need to kill.

As Jaderay and RL explore a new acquisition, they manage to find their way into the Waydowns and have no idea where they are or how much danger they are in, but will they manage to find their way back out, or will this lab spill take their lives, before the other inhabitants get there first? This is a sci-fi which is full of dark humour and darker environments where things crawl and skitter through the darkness to find their next victim in a tale which will equally make you laugh, despair and grimace throughout, but will have you so intrigued you will just have to finish it.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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Grave Digger Academy II by C.A. King – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

Grave Digger Academy IIGrave Digger Academy II by C.A. King
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Makayla is back for year two at the Grave Digger Academy, she spent the end of last year segregated from her friends and dealing with all the snide remarks and open stares alone was tough, it wasn’t any easier when she was at home for the break, her brothers taunted her and her parents pretty much ignored the fact that she wouldn’t be changing Academies, nobody would be, the transfer position was withheld completely, so when she returns to the Academy, she is pleasantly surprised when her friends come up to see her at the entrance.

As the new year starts, the usual rules and regulations are set out, but before she can unpack, Makayla is summoned to the head mistresses office, she is expecting the usual warnings and being told to stay out of mischief, but what she doesn’t expect is to be thrown into the team for the inter academy face off this year, but then again, between the choice of that with her freedoms returned, or the Academy becoming a jail with a full complement of guards, Makayla knows which choice she will make.

The face off is between all the paranormal academies and the winners receive prestige and funding, both of which the Grave Digger Academy desperately needs, but they never seem to make the cut, they are hoping that this year will be different. The new year two teachers are introduced and classes are well underway when the team for the inter academy face off are chosen, it just so happens that Makayla’s friends are chosen to join in as well, but not knowing what they will come up against, they can’t really plan much, but Makayla has plans of her own.

When the Games roll around and the Academies players are in place, something seems wrong, it smells of rot and death and all journeys lead to the same place, no matter who travels or where they were originally heading and Makayla knows that this spells bad luck, but how bad could it get? In a world where mythical creatures and monsters abide and the Grave Diggers are the only ones holding them at bay, what new dangers lie in store for the group as secrets are revealed and truths realised in this fantasy adventure which will keep you on your toes throughout.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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Moby Plays the Flute by Eeha Bhatt – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

Moby Plays the FluteMoby Plays the Flute by Eeha Bhatt
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Moby is a young lady who lives with her parents and sticks to the back of class, she doesn’t like to be noticed very much though, she finds school hard and always wants to run away and most of the time, she does. One day, just before her birthday, her dad, who is a marine has to leave on a tour and is going to miss her party, but he gives her a gift and asks her to open it on her birthday, she promises she will and waves him off.

Her birthday arrives and she opens her gift, it is a beautiful bamboo flute, but when Moby tries to play it, it doesn’t work, its broken, so when she speaks to her dad, she complains and he says to just try harder, but she gives up like she has done many tomes before.

Time passes and Moby’s next birthday comes around, but her dad doesn’t send her anything and it makes her sad, so she looks for the abandoned flute and picks it back up, but when it still doesn’t work, she wants to find out why, this is when she finds a letter from her dad and it changes her perspective on the flute completely.

What lesson can Moby learn from the flute her dad gave her and will she learn from it in the end? This is a story of love, hard work and perseverance and that you should never give up on your dreams.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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Nightfall in Deptford (Crescent Moon Chronicles) by L.E. Towne – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

Nightfall in Deptford (Crescent Moon Chronicles #4)Nightfall in Deptford by L.E. Towne
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Tam Paradiso is a woman on a mission and she will stop at nothing until she sees it through to the end, there is only one complication, it involves time travel and that is something she is not familiar with, hunting monsters and aiding supernatural beings, yes, but time travel no, but hey, there is a first time for everything. Meanwhile, Christopher Marlowe is being delivered to the White Tower in London in 1593 after being summoned there from a visit to a friend, he has no idea who is behind taking him there, but he understands what he is being charged with, all he knows is that he must get word to Tam so that she doesn’t try anything reckless to help free him.

You may ask what has spurred this new challenge in Tam’s life and that is the change in the details of the death of her lover Christopher Marlowe, a fellow monster hunter and the love of her life, so with the help of friends and family, she prepares for a journey like no other to correct the timeline and stop the drastic changes it is causing. As she ties up the loose ends in her other occupation as a Detective in modern day New York to take some vacation days, she has to bring allies into the fold, only some of which know the whole story, but she cannot risk anything more than she already is by telling them where she is really going. However, as usual things do not go smoothly and Tam’s sister Isabelle plays a key role in the journey, as does her ex-lover Theo North who has to accompany her in order for the two of them not to stick out any more than they know they will.

When they arrive in Marlowe’s time, the try and work out who is behind the accusations and so start to dig into the backgrounds of any clues Marlowe has left them, but the further they dig, he more tangled a web they find and time is running out for them all, especially when they have to battle a key witness of Marlowe’s death who also happens to be a shifter, but will they solve their puzzle and get Marlowe out in time, just so he can die the death he was supposed to? This is an adventure which is full of political intrigue, time travel and the supernatural, in this race against time which will have you on the edge of your seat throughout.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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River Witch by Cheryl Burman – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

River WitchRiver Witch by Cheryl Burman
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Hester is a farmers daughter who lives with her parents and three brothers on a farm near the town off Shiphaven, she helps out with the chores on the farm and the sewing her mother completes to earn a little extra income, they are a happy family, but they do think that Hester has her head in the clouds, what they don’t know is that Hester can hear the river speaking to her and can see the nymphs as they ride in the waves, calling for her to join them. Aaron is a gentleman who lives on his own in a little cottage in the woods, near the river, it is further away from Shiphaven than the farm and has seen better days, but he is too tired and his spirit is too lacklustre to move anywhere else at this point thanks to events in his past which still haunt his memories.

One day, Hester is walking by the river and listening to her words when she meets Aaron, he explains that the river is a goddess and her name is Sabrina, he also tells her that not everyone can hear her and that they are special, not ordinary and that they are wise, he then walks Hester back to her farm. A few years later and Hester is quickly growing into a young woman, but the siren call of Sabrina and the nymphs one day drive her to where the river meets the sea, but Aaron stops her from joining them and gives her a gift to keep her strong and give her courage, he also tells her about the flowers and plants they see as they walk together, this sparks an interest in Hester that soon grown within her.

The next time Hester and Aaron meet, she insists that he tells her more about being a wise person and herbal lore and she won’t take no for an answer, especially as it is now a driving force in her to become a wise woman and not just settle for being an ordinary woman with a husband and children. However, when Hester tells her mother about what she would like to do, her mother scorns her decision and dismisses it as old wives tales and witchcraft, saying that no good will come of it, then when Aaron says he would be better off as ordinary, she is devastated and feels betrayed.

Will Hester be able to convince Aaron to help her fulfil this need to use the lore of the forest and fields to heal those who need it, or will he let the past overshadow the bright future this young woman has and will the river help or hinder his decision when she constantly tells Hester to “Be wise and be strong”? This is a fantasy tale of one young woman and her struggles to see her dreams become reality amid a turbulent and twisting path which will keep you reading until you know whether she succeeds or fails.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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Sessrúmnir (Antipodes Series Book 5) by T.S. Simons – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

Sessrumnir (Antipodes #5)Sessrumnir by T.S. Simons
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Cam and Freya are back in and their children are quickly growing up and albeit they aren’t together, they are still trying to raise them right, despite the arguments and cold feelings between them, but just as Freya feels like she can finally move on, she is told to pack a bag quickly as she has to leave Lewis and her home she is currently sharing with Illyria. She is shocked and wants an explanation as to why, but she is told that she will be told soon, but for now they have to leave immediately, but when she sees that Cam and some of the children, as well as others from the island community are leaving too, she is even more confused and angry that she will be on a ship with Cam.

As soon as they leave Lewis in an emotional flurry, Freya is told that they will be making a stop on Moussa, a small island where the land is healthy so that they can top up on anything they can find which will be of use for a prolonged trip, but when she and Cam are abandoned and left to “Sort.It.Out” on the island by the others, she is more than just angry, she is infuriated and grabs what she needs for solitude, food and warmth, however, it isn’t enough to stave off the cold for long and so after a couple of days she goes on a long walk round the island to warm up. This is where she finds Cam lost in his memories of the last time they were on the island, but she doesn’t get away in time and the fall into another argument, but this time, it ends in more than just harsh words and her stomping off, it ends in understanding and renewal of the passion they both thought had disappeared.

As the days pass and Cam and Freya reunite and sort things out, they see the boat returning, this is where Freya finds out the real reason they had to leave in the middle of the night without saying goodbye, the children they have brought with them are in danger and until they know who is behind the threat, nowhere is safe, so they try and find somewhere they can regroup until the danger passes, but will anywhere be safe and to what lengths will the group go to, to protect their children? This is another epic dystopian which will carry you further on the wave this series has created and relationships and motives are questioned, love, loss and emotions are running both high and low as friends, partners, parents and communities are pushed to breaking point to protect those they love and you will join them all on this rollercoaster of a story until you all know how it ends.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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Operation Pinpoint (Space Force Rejects Book 1) by Landra Graf – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

Operation PinpointOperation Pinpoint by Landra Graf
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Captain Ravenna Joyner is a woman who has risen through the ranks of the Space Force and has a gained a reputation while doing it, but only one person has seen through that and actually made her happy and now they have disappeared and Ravenna will do anything to rescue them, even if that means working with someone she can’t stand and a prisoner who could kill her in seconds. Dravos Trax is a is an alien who has been imprisoned by humans for the last five years and has little to no trust for them, but when he is given the opportunity to be released from his captivity by tracking the missing Space Force ship the Perseus, he jumps at the chance, even if his life would be forfeit if he leads the others on the mission wrong.

As Ravenna joins the rest of the team she will be living with for the time it will take to complete the mission and find her lover, this is where she first lays eyes on the Tracker who will be accompanying them and the first impressions are interesting, she is more curious than fearful and in comparison to her crewmates, this is definitely not the norm, but she feels an unexpected connection to the alien in front of her, but she has no idea why. Dravos has been starved and when he first lays eyes and ears on the commandoes in front of him, all he can do is listen to the conversation and assess them, however, as soon as he sees the only woman in the group, he knows he is in trouble, her scent is unique and calls to him in a way that only his mate can and that is just his luck, that his mate would be a detestable human, but soon all he can think of is feeding as an irresistible meal is brought to him.

As the mission sets off, Dravos tries to keep his distance from Ravenna, but in the confines of a ship, this is not easy to do, but he is determined to do it until the mission is finished, especially when he finds out that the ship they are searching for harbours his mate’s lover, just another complications to add to things. Meanwhile, Ravenna is finding it difficult to keep the relationship with Dravos professional and is struggling with those feelings, but when they find the Perseus everything changes, so the team don their space suits and head to the ship and as they find body after body, but no sign of a struggle, they suspect something is wrong, but grief devastates Ravenna when they find her lovers body. Shortly after this, communications break down and Ravenna and Dravos are left on the ship by their fellow commandoes and told that they need to tie up loose ends, so they both go into survival mode and manage to escape by the skin of their teeth, but now they are stuck together trying to find out the who and the why behind the betrayal of her crew and the deaths of those aboard the Perseus.

Will Dravos and Ravenna manage to find the answers they seek, or will their survival be found out and their lives become endangered all over again? Will they allow the budding passion growing between them to flourish, or will revenge stop something before it can begin? This is a fantasy romance with space themed action throughout, as a race for answers ensues before fate catches those who try and outrun it in this engaging story.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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Gathering of the Four: Book One of the Serrulata Saga by A.E. Bennett – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

Gathering of the Four (The Serrulata Saga #1)Gathering of the Four by A.E. Bennett
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Leora of Mae is a young woman of nineteen and only half a year from her majority when she can decide her own future, leave the home she has grown up in and the family who has raised her since she was orphaned at a young age. The father was kind to her and didn’t treat her with the same contempt which his wife and her son, as well as the rest of the inhabitants of Mae, this is because she is Xanthi and because of this and the fact that she can wield Xancraft, she was ostracised, but when she overhears a conversation that they were going to sell her, she uses that craft and escapes, running as far and as quickly as she can because if she doesn’t the alternative is being sold into Servantry and losing her freedom, followed by her life.

Leora knows that she is breaking the Edicts of the Realm, but has no idea what that means until she is put into danger when she is found, but when she uses her Xancraft, she breaks the cardinal Edict “Every citizen knows their place”, but one good thing comes of it, she meets a fellow traveller, Roland Shallowbrook of Charm City and a member of the Thieves Road. As they travel together, they try and stay under the radar by travelling through the woods and relying on their wits and skills, however, when they run into fellow travellers Lady Aurora Verte, a member of the gentry class and Sir Leopold, a White Rider with a secret, they learn that they are not the only ones hiding in plain sight.

As the Hale-Bopp Comet grace’s the sky above these four travellers have to learn to trust each other and embark on a journey none expected, but will they be able to keep from letting their emotions cloud their judgement, or will prejudice and past experiences tear them apart? This is a fantasy adventure where strangers have to work together to survive when they are thrown together in the most unusual of circumstances, in this engaging and addictive story.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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Necrosis by C.L. Schneider – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

NecrosisNecrosis by C.L. Schneider
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

All was well in the Amy’s world, albeit life wasn’t easy, she had her daughter and that was what mattered, the fleeting relationships with men, drugs, sadness and a slow spiral into the darkness were just that, fleeting, she still had her mothers love and support, until one day it all changed and the virus took hold. At first it was contained and there were only a few infected to start with, but as soon as it took hold, people started changing, they called it Necrosis and suddenly it was everywhere and it terrified Amy.

She knew it was a bad idea to try and get to her mother as soon as she entered the city, but she had pushed and now she was looking at her necrotic mother and freezing, just like every other time she was faced with violence, but this time, she had something to defend, this time, she had to protect her daughter and that was all that mattered. So muttering an apology, she put her mother out of her misery and escaped her childhood home before more of the infected could get to them, now they just needed to get back to the truck and get the hell out of there, but nothing is as easy as first thought.

They managed to get back to the truck, but there was also a need for supplies, so while it was quiet and infected free, Amy decides to see if there is anything to scavenge, but unfortunately, she is betrayed and this leads to confrontation and risk, especially when the infected breach the shop next to the truck and her daughter is in danger again. This time Amy is prepared to do anything to get to her and devises a plan to distract the infected so that she can get to the truck, but can she get there before the other parade of the infected get to her? Can Amy keep them both alive and escape the city before it is too late? This is a dystopian apocalyptic tale which plumbs the depths of a mothers love in ensuring the survival of her child in a world filled with danger around every corner, it pulls you in and keeps you on edge throughout, as you follow along this story which is perfect for the horror lovers out there.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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The Crown of Stones: Magic-Scars by C.L. Schneider – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

Magic-Scars (The Crown of Stones, #2)Magic-Scars by C.L. Schneider
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Ian Troy is back and he is recovering from his time in captivity, since his rescue, he is numb, his jailers took everything from him, his memories, his magic, his will and his freedom, as well as the freedom of his friends. As everything slowly and painfully returns he is recruited into a desperate rebellion against the High King Draken, a long time enemy of Ian’s and the one who kept him in the conditions he has just escaped.

He is tasked with the job of retrieving and repairing the Crown Of Stones, an object he has used in the past which creates the magic scars which cover his body, it is an artefact of his people which is now lost again, but which is needed to overthrow the High King. Ian is reluctant to use it again and put himself in the path of addiction his use of magic causes, but he knows he doesn’t really have a choice in the matter if he is to save his scattered friends.

What he cannot understand is why his scars are multiplying even though he is not using his magic, this is where he learns about his ancestry and the secrets which have been buried in the past, but can Ian reconcile the man he was, the man he is now and the man everyone needs his to be? This is a fantasy tale of good versus evil and all the grey areas in between, as a reluctant hero faces the past and future in order to save a world which he struggles to merge with, as you follow along on his adventures and feel everything along with his in this roller-coaster of emotion you will not want to put down.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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From Brick And Darkness by J.L. Sullivan – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur..

From Brick & DarknessFrom Brick & Darkness by J.L. Sullivan
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Bax is a young lad in middle school who has a pretty ordinary life, he is the invincible kid at school and just flows along with existence, but he has always wanted something special to happen to him, something out of the ordinary, but nothing ever does!

One day, he is heading home after playing video games with his best friend and he is trying to beat his mum back home so he doesn’t get in trouble for staying out too late, but when he gets to his apartment building, there is someone waiting on the front steps. It appears to be a homeless man who is not in the best of health, apart from his glowing purple eyes, however, when he gives Bax a ring which is meant to be from his estranged dad, he takes it thinking if he figures it out, then maybe he will know something more about him.

Unbeknownst to Bax, he has just been given a ring with a Djinn in it and it calls to him through a dream, it tells Bax he can have everything his heart desires if he summons it, but the Ifrit, as it is named twists Bax’s subconscious fantasies and threatens, murders and manipulated the people around him instead.

All Bax now wants to do is to banish the Ifrit forever, but can he work out the how, when and where before the streak of crimes the Djinn is committing are linked back to Bax? This is a fantasy adventure where wishes are granted, but not in the expected way and it becomes a race against time to save the people he loves in this story which talks about choices, consequences and morality in a way everyone can understand while keeping it interesting and engrossing throughout.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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Master Romano: Dark Vampire Romance (Masters Of The Consulate Book 4) by Sylvia Black – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

Master RomanoMaster Romano by Sylvia Black
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Master Romano is a member of the Vampire Consulate and has been for centuries, he is cool headed and calm and a well respected member, however with recent events he has been sent in a mission to try and stop the ongoing feud between the vampires and the witches. Raven is a young witch in training, but she has always felt trapped between two worlds and not having many powers, she feels like she is wasting her time learning all this witchcraft and is just waiting for her time there to be finished so she can go back to her life.

As Master Romano is heading back to his home in Romania, he checks the security footage and sees someone creeping round his garden, the don’t move, just watch, so before the sun comes up, he goes to investigate. Raven has an itch to see what a vampire is like, are they as bad as the other witches say they are? She is insatiably curious and so decides to go and stake out the proverbial vampire next door, however, when he catches her in the act, she runs away.

As time passes, neither Raven or Master Romano can keep their minds off of the other and seem to find reasons to run into each other, but as the tensions between the witches and vampires escalate, Raven lands right in the middle of it and ends up having to trust Master Romano to help her, but when she is suspected as a spy, will Master Romano be able to take her life, or will the undeniably strong feelings between this witch and this vampire hold true?

This is a paranormal romance with a streak of forbidden love and steamy scenes of an adult nature with a good dollop of action in between, it is a fantastic continuation and one which you will not want to put down.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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Kara, Shieldmaiden Of Eire (Forerunner Series) by Jay Veloso Batista – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

Kara Shieldmaiden of Eire (Forerunner book 4)Kara Shieldmaiden of Eire by Jay Veloso Batista
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The saga of the Agneson family continues in this next chapter as each of the separated members continue their own adventures and mishaps.

Cub escapes from the slavers who held him captive at the tin mines in Cornwall and heads overseas to Britany where he joins the horde of Rollo in an attempt to bolster his name and become an integral part of the community, it helps that he speaks a little of their language.

Sorven is with his cousin Dundle in the Welsh mountains after leaving the battlefield behind and going rogue with some less than wholesome characters, but he ends up in more trouble than when he began.

Thorfinn is with his Uncle Karl on his snekke the Verdandi Smiles where they share an easy camaraderie until the winter months end and he is left in a small fishing village with a caretaker, while the rest go to support Harald Tanglehair in his crusade against the rebelling kingdoms of the Northern Way. What they don’t know is that an eight armed giant is stalking Midgard and it has a target in his mind and albeit his Uncle Karl believes that Thorfinn is left behind with his safety assured, is it truly safer for him to be there in that village than on a battlefield?

Meanwhile Kara has run away from Eddisbury where the rest of the family has taken refuge after a marriage is arranged for her with a suitor who is not in the slightest someone Kara would ever marry. When she leaves in the dead of night with her companion, she streaks away across the sea to Eire where her training in noticed and she is employed as a guard for the King of Dublinn. The life and duties however, are not what she expected in the slightest and her growing feelings for her companion are strange and confusing her as well.

Will Cub be able to make a name for himself in Britany? Will Sorven be able to stay out of trouble in Wales? When the giant captures Thorfinn and kidnaps him, can his worried friends and very angry dragon find and rescue him? Will Kara be able to survive the work as a Kings guard, or will her feelings get in the way? This is an epic fantasy adventure where danger lies around every corner and life is lived like everyday is their last, in this emotional rollercoaster of a saga which will hook you in from the very beginning and keep you there until the end.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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Dinosaur Friends: 2 books in 1: A Present for the Volcano and Saving Conifer’s Eggs by Lois Wickstrom – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

Dinosaur Friends: 2 books in 1: A Present for the Volcano and Saving Conifer's EggsDinosaur Friends: 2 books in 1: A Present for the Volcano and Saving Conifer’s Eggs by Lois Wickstrom
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Conifer and Spike are dinosaurs and they are best friends, in this book we hear two tales of their friendship and how even though sometimes they disagree, they work together in the end.

In the first book, the nearby volcano is erupting, all Conifer wants to do is run away, but Spike insists on giving the volcano a present and decides on a necklace, so together they move a ring of stones around the base, but will this keep the volcano happy?

In book 2, Spike and Conifer return, but this time there is a forest fire, they both agree that they have to leave, but Conifer only has two hands and three eggs! Will they all be able to escape the fire?

This is a book for young and old alike in this tale charming tale talking about science, dinosaurs and of course friendship.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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Fractured World: Courage In The Apocalypse Collection by DJ Cooper – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

Fractured World: Courage in the Apocalypse CollectionFractured World: Courage in the Apocalypse Collection by Maira Dawn
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is a collection of short stories dealing with different kinds of apocalyptic events and the unlikely heroes who come to the fore and aid those who cannot aid themselves.

Altered Resonance deals with an electromagnetic pulse which causes behaviour change and the way people think, where unlikely individuals band together to try and find a way to stave off the effects of this new life, but can they do it and survive the madness around them?

Adam 2.0 is all about advanced technology and the havoc it can wreak if programmed incorrectly and paired with dangerous expertise, but can it be stopped?

Against All Odds tells of what happens when one young woman finds herself in a dangerous situation and a family friend has to overcome dangerous adversities to help her, but will he make it in time to save her?

American Ruins deals with a plague which rages across the world, causing grief and devastation in it’s wake, but what happens in a world where you are the only one to survive it?

Early Retirement is the story of one man and his unlikely companion battling the apocalypse to find loved one and the trials which lie between them, but can they make it there alive?

Absolute Terror deals with a small town where nothing really happens until the power goes out and one person decides to take the law into their own hands, but can the one officer of the law still there keep the town on the straight and narrow?

The Bad Guy is a story of a guy who wants to be good, but keeps finding themselves in situations where the decisions he needs to make make him more of a bad guy, but when he finds a group of similar individuals, can they band together to escape their confinement?

Looming Mayhem is a story of collaboration even when there are people at odds with each other in a small community as it works together to survive in a world lacking in technology, but can they all use their skills to survive, or will nature keep them on their toes?

This We’ll Defend is the story of one young man trying to use his skills to get his family to safety when the electronics are taken out across the country, but can he get them all somewhere safe before the more disreputable members of society try and stop them?

Title Needed is about one man and his need for a mission, he had been discarded before and left alone, but since the event happened, he had a new mission, but when he is waylaid along the way, he has to rescue the one person who never left his side, but will he be able to get there in time?

Zero Hour is a tale of survival when technology stops working and your smarts and skills are the only things you can rely on in order to seek out loved ones, but is it possible where danger surrounds you in the middle of an unforgiving sea?

Beyond The Walls looks at life generations after an apocalypse and how lies and corruption can change lives for the worse, but can one girl make challenge that and change it back?

Cataclysm: New Hope is set in a world where silence is survival and any movement or sound can get you killed, but can one girl use her silence to save the rest of humanity when she struggles to keep the small amount of people she comes into contact with alive?

When Tomorrow Comes is all about the risk space debris holds and what would happen if it all fell to Earth, will anyone be able to survive the onslaught, never mind the aftermath?

In No Plans To Be A Hero, a man has to make a decision whether to risk his life to save a group of others, but what will he decide and what will happen afterwards?

In Babysitter Of The Apocalypse one man has to take charge of two young kids, get them to safety I’m Canada, all while avoiding the zombies created by a virus, but with no previous experience with kids, will he manage to keep them all alive?

Solar Fire is a story of a solar flare, the destruction it causes and the aftermath as a group of survivors try and figure out what to do to survive and try and find others, but will they be able to survive in this ravaged landscape, or will their skills come to nothing in the end?

The Old Friend is a zombie apocalypse with a bit of a twist, where the protagonist is not what you expect as the game of survival is played out, but will the zombies or the non-infected win?

Finally, in It’s The End Of The World, scientists create something in the hope of helping humanity, but will it, or will it be the end of the world as they know it?

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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Felines and Fatalities: (A Kitty Beret Cafe Mystery, Book 2) by Ruth J Hartman Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

Felines and Fatalities (A Kitty Beret Cafe Mystery, Book 2)Felines and Fatalities by Ruth J. Hartman
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Ellie and Templeton are back and this time, as well as running the Kitty Beret Café and her costume business, Ellie has a new cat come in looking for a home, but it is a sad case as the owner has died and it is one of her regular customers. It turns out that her dying wish was for Ellie to run a cat show for rescued cats, Ellie thinks it’s a great idea, but is not sure how she will find the time or the money to do it. Fortunately for Ellie, the older lady has donated funds so that she can do it and so Ellie goes ahead and finds a venue and people to judge the entries.

On the morning of the cat show, Ellie is ready to get all the café’s residents ready for their show, this part goes smoothly, but that is the only thing which does. As soon as Ellie enters the building, the let parents descend with demand and complains, with some compliments and thanks sprinkled in, so as she is heading to start her list, she goes into a storeroom, unfortunately she isn’t the only one in there, she finds one of the judges murdered and gets locked in with him.

The janitor comes round and finds her thanks to a raging Templeton and let’s her out, calling the police at the same time, so Detective Dare and his partner show up, but declare that the show can go on as long as the storeroom remains out of bounds. This makes everyone a little bit happier, but the demanding pet parents continue to wreak havoc. As the judging continues, Templeton starts doing his usual thing and brings clues to Ellie, but will they find who the culprit is before anyone else gets hurt? This is another cozy mystery full of felines capers and crazy cat people which will keep everyone reading throughout.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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Hairballs and Homicide (A Kitty Beret Cafe Mystery, Book 1) by Ruth J Hartman – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

Hairballs and HomicideHairballs and Homicide by Ruth J. Hartman
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Ellie Warren is a lady on her twenties and she just adores cats, so much so that she has a cafe dedicated to them, it is called the Kitty Beret Café. The café is also a boarding house for the cats, they live there until they are adopted into loving homes and the people who go there go mainly for the cats and a cat themed food or beverage item as a bonus, sometimes it is the other way round though, Ellie also has sells cat related merchandise, as well as making cat costumes, some of which the resident cats wear.

One day, Ellie has a customer who starts shrieking at the top of her lungs, in front of the many other customers say enjoying their lattes, complaining about the cats and how vile they are, proceeding to stomp out of the door with a threat to write something about how disgusting a place the Café is. Ellie thinks no more of it until two detectives come into the café to talk to her about a person who is found dead outside the back of her café, she is shocked to find out about it, especially when she finds out it is the woman from earlier in the day.

As the investigation goes on and Detective Simon Dare tries to figure out who the culprit is, Ellie’s cat Templeton starts bringing her unusual things, she keeps them to one side so that she can show Simon them later, but are they clues or just random objects? This is a cozy mystery full of feline mishaps and mayhem, but with Simon, Ellie and Templeton on the case, it is a mystery which will hook you in completely.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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Sceptre Of Fire (The Vigilant Book 2) by LM Preston – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

Scepter Of Fire (Vigilant, #2)Scepter Of Fire by L.M. Preston
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Dexter is one of four kids, he lived with them and their parents up until they moved to the Void and ever since it seems that trouble has been finding him jo matter how hard he tries to keep on the straight and narrow. This leads to a bit of friction between him and his dad and they couldn’t see eye to eye, but all that changed when they tried to leave and before he knew it, Dexter was on his own.

However, albeit he is away from his family, he is not alone, thanks to something his father did, Dexter is now feeling like a pawn in a whole new game, but this one involves torture and imprisonment, but the things he hears between sessions are what keeps him up at night. This is as well as the nightmares fuelled by the loss of someone precious to him, as well as past events which changed him beyond recognition.

This carries on for a while, until he is no longer alone, two prisoners join him and they hatch a plan to escape, but things never go as planned for Dexter and now he has to his hide himself from them, as well as those who wish to use him for their own gain. The joke is on them though as Dexter has learned more about the Void than he lets on, he knows there are magical there and he knows who is in charge as well as what they want, he also knows that they should have let his family go.

What they don’t know is that Dexter is determined to become a Vigilant and find his family, but will he be able to keep his feelings in check long enough to carry out his mission? This is a paranormal urban fantasy where nothing is as it seems and danger lies around every corner and in every shadow. It is an addictive story which you will not want to put down until you know how it ends.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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Notebook Mysteries – Emma (Notebook Mysteries Book 1) by Kimberly Mullins Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

Emma (Notebook Mysteries, #1)Emma by Kimberly Mullins
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Emma is a young woman is 1881 who lives in Chicago, she has always had an analytical and logical mind, but it goes into overdrive when tragedy strikes the family during a large fire in the centre of the city ten years before. As Emma struggled to cope with the loss and even though it was over a decade ago, she still remembers what happened that night.

Nowadays she is older and working in her families bakery, she enjoys the works, even though it is hard and has some early starts, but she also is also wants more adventure in her life and so she asks to go out on the delivery wagons with the boys. Her father reluctantly agrees and she goes out with two of the ones her family trusts the most, but as she goes on the rounds and notes down her observations in her faithful notebook, she starts to notice patterns emerging, the patterns show everything from robberies to murders and eventually, she acts on these inconsistencies and makes the business owners aware of what she has discovered and then leaves it up to them to do their own investigations.

However, she can’t leave certain ones alone, especially when she gets closer than her family would like and finds that all the individual observations lead to something which endangers not only herself, but her family as well. Will Emma be able to solve the case using her skills and smarts, or will danger come in and sweep the investigation and maybe even her life away? This is a mystery with a female detective who is reminiscent of Sherlock Holmes and not afraid to get her hands dirty to solve the cases she becomes involved with, it is a story which will captivate all audiences and keep you on the edge of your seat throughout.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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Notebook Mysteries – Haunted Christmas by Kimberly Mullins – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

Notebook Mysteries Haunted ChristmasNotebook Mysteries Haunted Christmas by Kimberly Mullins
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Emma is back with another mystery to solve and it is coming up to Christmas time and Emma is busy with last minute deliveries for one job and putting more hours in at the family bakery to help out with the festive orders. The weather is turning and it is bitingly cold, especially when the snow starts to fall and this makes it a lot harder for Emma to go out on her bicycle.

One one of her office days, someone asks her for a favour, when they have reports that their relatives house is haunted and it is becoming increasingly difficult to convince people to stay there. Meanwhile, while making one delivery, Emma has a deadly encounter and Emma becomes embroiled in another more hazardous than ever before.

While all the action is happening, Emma and her family are trying to plan their own festivities, meals, treats as well as time for decorating the house, so this takes Emma’s mind of the things that she can’t control, but will they be able to solve these two mysteries before anyone else gets hurt? This is another thrilling chase through the streets of 1890’s Chicago by a female detective, as she unveils the clues and solves a mystery which Charles Dickens himself would be proud of.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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Azreya, Aztec Priestess: An Illustrated Mythology Legend by Tricia Copeland – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

Azreya, Aztec PriestessAzreya, Aztec Priestess by Tricia Copeland
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Azreya is a young woman with a strong spirit inside her, she was given by her family to a shaman, Nukpana at the age of three, they were told that unless they did, she could become a danger to those around her, but that she would not be able to see them again until that was accomplished. She was taught to read, write and strengthen her body, mind and soul, as well as learn how to use her gifts, but all was not as it seems when a client comes to see Nukpana, but her advice is not what is given, it was advice which would only serve Nukpana, so when she finds out, she cannot be pacified and neither can the soul inside her, so she packs her things and leaves.

In her vision, Azreya has seen the future of the Aztec people, but if the wrong path of two chosen, it could mean the end of her people, so with the knowledge that her people can survive if they band together she sets off to speak to someone who will listen. She decides to stop by the home of her family on the way, however, the truth she finds there is devastating and she is thrown out by the ones she is supposed to be loved by the most. As she journeys to somewhere she is not known, she is determined to face her cursed birth head on and embrace the demon inside her which everyone seems to hate and fear, but this is only the start of her trials.

Will Azreya be able to control her inner demon and come to find a balance and peace within herself, or will the foretold danger to those around her come to the surface and destroy everything she is working towards? This is an epic tale of one girl, one vision and a whole lot of challenges, as she fights to save her people in a race against time which will keep you intrigued throughout and on the edge of your seat until the end.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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Unearthly Magik by Matilda Reyes – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

Unearthly Magik (Black Cauldron Detective Agency Book 1)Unearthly Magik by Matilda Reyes
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Ava Ramos is a woman with a larger than life reputation, she is a mage and the owner of the Black Cauldron Detective Agency and being based in New York at the heart of the supernatural community, she isn’t lacking in work. She has been out on her own for a while now and finding missing objects, or uncovering secrets are what Ava and her team do best and between them, they pretty much knows the city like the back of heir hands, or at least Ava thought she did, until Tasis, her old boss comes calling with a case.

The Lauret Grimoire has been stolen and he needs Ava and her team to find it, it is one of the oldest and most dangerous books out there, so time is against them from the beginning, it has been stolen from one of the most secure libraries for mystical documents and Tasis himself is one of the guards and no clues to the identity of the thief have been found. Ava is reluctant at first, but when Tasis calls it as the last favour she owes him, then she reluctantly agrees, but the case is more complicated than they expected and they keep running into dead ends

Will Ava and her team be able to find the Lauret Grimoire in time, or will it disappear and cause more problems than any of them can imagine? This is an urban fantasy with risks at every turn as the race against time and dangerous opponents in the supernatural community beneath a city filled with non magical people who could easily become caught in the crossfire.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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Blood Sector: A Standalone Shifter Omegaverse Romance (V-Clan Book 1) by Lexi C. Foss – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

Blood Sector (V-Clan #1)Blood Sector by Lexi C. Foss
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Quinn McNamara is an Omega wolf shifter, she is also a Princess and she is the centre of a war for her hand as her mate and the Alpha Princes will fight for her until the end, but she has another idea and she has made her choice, but it is one that nobody expects. Kieran O’Callaghan is a wolf shifter as well and he is also an Alpha Prince, but when a young woman intrudes upon his territory with a deal combined with a challenge, he cannot resist, especially when he finds out the identity of the woman involved, however, when she runs away, a game of hide and seek begins.

Quinn hides in the places she knows are the least likely to be checked and so far she has gotten away with it and has managed to keep running despite the Alpha Prince who is chasing after her, her methods of evasion aren’t the safest, but they have been working, that is until she decides to risk it all to save the life of another, so when Kieran finally finds her, she knows that the game us up. He calls her his trickster, but now he has found her, he is never letting her go, he wants her and he will do everything to make that happen, he has also been the acting King of Blood Sector in her place and he will now have his Queen beside him, whether she wants to be or not.

This is where their true courtship starts, they know nothing about the other and trust is something that they each have to earn, but will Quinn’s assumptions about Kieran’s personality be correct, or will he be as brutal, terrifying and cruel as the other Princes? Will Kieran be able to tame his tricky little Omega, or will she be more trouble than she is worth? This is a paranormal romance with plenty of action, not to mention plenty of steamy scenes throughout, but it is also an emotional rollercoaster as the two almost strangers try and create a future with each other, in this story which hooks you in and keeps you hanging throughout.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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The Letter Carrier by L.C. Lewis – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

The Letter CarrierThe Letter Carrier by Laurie L.C. Lewis
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Michelle Naget is a young girl whose life has been one of happiness, family and fun, she lives with her parents and four brothers of which, she is the middle child, in the small village of Braquis, they are close and life is good, but when news starts arriving about the Nazi invasion, Michelle has no idea just how much her life is going to change.

It was a slow change at first, there were rumblings of fighting breaking out, but it wasn’t near to their village, but slowly, more and more people were seen walking through the town with only what they could carry and it was a shock to Michelle and her younger brothers when they joined them. They packed only the essentials and fled their home, this journey was full of danger and reality soon descends on the Naget family as events cause their worst fears to come to pass, a troop of Nazi soldiers find them, but one of the family has split off and they do not know what has happened to them as they are escorted back to their home, but it is not as it was left, their belongings are strewn in the road, as are those of their neighbours. That is not the worst of it, they now find that because they have space in their home, it has been requisitioned by the Nazi’s for their officers and now the Naget family have to serve their oppressors and become almost slaves in their own home.

This becomes their life four the next four years as the Nazi’s invasion continues, they are treated like slaves, food is scarce and school and work are the only things they are allowed to do, apart from attending the local church, this becomes a lifeline for Michelle as she desperately hangs onto her faith. Amid tensions with the other villagers, who question their loyalty and the threat of harm constantly hovering over their heads the Naget family take their family motto to heart “We do what must be done” and keep it there as they pray for the Allies to come and set them free, the only thing which keeps them sane are the letters they receive, for Michelle that is from a young man they met while fleeing from their home, Légère.

As tensions increase and the line between life and death becomes akin to a knife’s edge, can Michelle keep herself and her family safe, or will one of them make the wrong move and end it all? This is an emotionally stirring tale of the effects occupation can have from the perspective of a young person who is coming of age and how war and stress can become a part of life. It will leave you feeling like you have been through the ringer with the characters, as you struggle to put down this engaging rollercoaster of a book.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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Rivals: An Enemies to Lovers Mafia Romance (Mafia Elite Book 7) by Amy McKinley – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

Rivals (Mafia Elite, #7)Rivals by Amy McKinley
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is most definitely for those over the age of 18.

In this instalment of the Mafia Elite series, it is the turn of the quiet brother, he may not be one of the loudest in the family, but he is just as deadly as his other brothers, he is able to blend into the background, which is useful when he needs to glean information and he is extremely observant, because of this, he is underestimated, but not by Mia Tucci. Mia is a New York Mafia Princess who turns up in a place she shouldn’t after escaping from her own Mafia family, they only want her as a bargaining chip, but she wants more, she wants one of the Chicago Mafia brothers and she will do everything to get him and the safety she do desperately craves. So Mia offers a deal he cannot refuse, but first he needs some more information and calls his family to help, but as he waits, he considers her offer and what ramifications it could have on the Five Families.

When he and his brothers have explored all the angles to the offer, it is accepted, but only on the condition that she helps to take her family down, this is something Mia readily agrees to and so a bargain is struck, so Mia is whisked away to Chicago to meet the rest of the family and cement the deal, but she isn’t just wanting a business deal and so she tries to get to know this elusive brother. Mia’s attraction is mirrored, with violet eyes and midnight coloured hair, she is beautiful as well as dangerous, but as the two get to know each other their walls start to come down and it becomes harder to keep things on a slow path for the two.

Meanwhile, plans are being made to take down the Tucci family, but will the information she has to give them be worth it in the end and will the Five Families come out of this intact, or will the danger be too high and consequences to dire? This is another dark romance with a thrilling side as two dangerous individuals come together to create a pairing which could burn the world down, but only if they let it, as they play a dangerous game over two cities and a high body count.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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Notebook Mysteries ~ Unexpected Outcomes by Kimberly Mullins – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

Notebook Mysteries ~ Unexpected Outcomes (Notebook Mysteries book #4)Notebook Mysteries ~ Unexpected Outcomes by Kimberly Mullins
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Emma is back and with her trusty team of investigators and they are as busy as always, we start with her and Jeremy chasing bank robbers across the country on the railroad, however, when the train crashes, the pair are caught up in the casualties. As they try to extricate themselves from the wreckage, they are working out where they are and how help can be arranged, so Emma goes off to find someone and when help arrives, the local town help to catch the robbers.

When they eventually arrive home, the whole family are there to greet them, but they cannot rest for long as Emma is on the hunt for another case, she consults the local newspapers and finds something that doesn’t ring true, it is about the possible murder of a woman and the disappearance of the husband at around the same time, but it is more all encompassing than she thought and has to bring Jeremy in again to help her on her other case. The other case centres around the industrial district of Chicago and the possible sabotage of one of the factories there and the more that Jeremy sees, the more he is appalled by the reactions of those around him.

As the research is ongoing and the investigations continue, Emma and Jeremy lean on each other as they are affected by their cases, they both realise just how perceptions can change the viewpoints of those around them, but will they be able to stay safe and solve the cases? This is another exciting mystery where nothing is as it seems and every corner turned brings something unexpected, as you follow along with these intrepid investigators.

Reviewedby @roxsannel

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