
Heart of a Hunk: A Limited-Edition Collection of Bad Boy, Billionaire and Hunky Romance Heroes Featuring stories by Tamara Ferguson and Allyson R Abbott – Review by Katie Matthews

Heart of a Hunk: A Limited-Edition Collection of Bad Boy, Billionaire and Hunky Romance HeroesHeart of a Hunk: A Limited-Edition Collection of Bad Boy, Billionaire and Hunky Romance Heroes by Nicole Morgan
My rating: 5 of 5 stars


This was a great anthology with some fantastic stories – there is definitely something for everyone here in this collection. The two stories from this anthology that I am reviewing are Foxxy’s Christmas by Allyson R Abbott and A Kiss Under a Blue Christmas Moon by Tamara Ferguson.

Foxxy’s Christmas – Allyson R Abbott
This wonderful author never fails to entertain me with her wonderful writing and Christmas stories! I have read quite a few by her and I love them all. After I have finished reading them I always feel all warm and fuzzy inside and this one was no exception. The characters in the story were great and I could feel the wonderful connection that they had.

A Kiss Under a Blue Christmas Moon – Tamara Ferguson
I love a second chance romance story and one set at Christmas is always going to be a winner for me and this story was just that! I loved every second of it. I have read a few stories by this author and she never fails to drag me on into her stories straight away and she always creates characters that I instantly fall in love with.

A really great set of stories that I highly recommend!

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Heart of a Hunk: A Limited Edition Collection of Bad Boy, Billionaire and Hunky Romance Heroes by Various Authors – Review by Tausha Treadway

Heart of a Hunk: A Limited-Edition Collection of Bad Boy, Billionaire and Hunky Romance HeroesHeart of a Hunk: A Limited-Edition Collection of Bad Boy, Billionaire and Hunky Romance Heroes by Nicole Morgan
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Hearts of a Hunk: A Limited Edition Collection of Bad boy, Billionaire & Hunky Romance Heroes by Various Authors. This is an amazing Collection of Romance, Fantasy, Contemporary Romance, Second Chance, Paranormal & Suspense stories. There is literally something for everyone. I read them all and loved them. My favorites were No Place Like Home by Stephanie Morris which is the story of Tabitha looking for a new start on life and love who decides to work on a cattle ranch. She meets Aiden who has been hurt severely and is looking to heal, will they both let down their guard to learn to love and trust again? Such a great story. I also really enjoyed Christmas for Two by Kris Jayne. Its the story of Delilah who used to work for Griffin and he contacts her to come back to work for him or does he want more? Such a fun workplace romance! Take the time to read this collection and you won’t be disappointed.

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Heart of A Hunk Anthology – By Various Authors – Review by Laura Furuta

Heart of a Hunk: A Limited-Edition Collection of Bad Boy, Billionaire and Hunky Romance HeroesHeart of a Hunk: A Limited-Edition Collection of Bad Boy, Billionaire and Hunky Romance Heroes by Nicole Morgan
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The two stories that I am reviewing from this collection Heart of a Hunk are: Foxxy Christmas By: Allyson R. Abbott and A Kiss Under a Blue Christmas Moon By: Tamera Fergusson

Foxxy Christmas
By: Allyson R. Abbott
5 out of 5 stars

I loved reading this story. It takes place around the Christmas season. I truly enjoy reading romance stories set around the holidays. I loved reading about the two main characters. They have a connection and there is chemistry between them. You could tell that they are drawn to each other. I was rooting for them to find happiness together. The story includes plans of revenge which can be dangerous. I also enjoyed reading about the additional characters in the story, the part they play and also their interactions with the main characters. This story is both steamy and romantic. I have read other books by the author and have always found her stories to be enjoyable and entertaining.

A Kiss Under A Blue Christmas Moon
By: Tamara Ferguson
5 out of 5 stars

This is a sweet romance story that stole my heart. I absolutely loved reading about the two main characters and how they feel about each other. The story warmed my heart and had me glued to the pages. I have read other stories by the author and have never been disappointed in reading any of her books. I could feel the emotions of the main characters and I was rooting for them to find happiness. The Christmas season is one of magic and is my favorite time of the year. What does it hold for the two main characters in this story? I also enjoyed reading about the additional characters. Both the parts that they play in the story as well as their interactions with the main characters. A perfect holiday romance story.

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Love, Christmas – Movies You Love (The Holiday Series Book 2) Anthology – Review by Robin Rankin

Love, Christmas - Movies You Love (The Holiday Series Book 2)Love, Christmas – Movies You Love by Mimi Barbour
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Love, Christmas – Movies You Love (The Holiday Series Book 2 is an amazing collection of short stories by various authors including Tamara Ferguson, Suzanne Jenkins and Natalie Ann. I enjoyed each of the the stories I read but decided to spotlight a few by authors that are new to me.

A Royal White Christmas by Leanne Banks

Holly’s life is already in chaos, she is helping run her brothers farm. She meets the handsome stranger thanks to Brandi the Beagle.

I’m a sucker for any story that features a dog, but I’m partial to dogs that remind me of dogs I know and Brandi reminded me of my sister in laws dog Westley. Always getting into some and escaping. Very sweet ending.

Miracle on Christmas Tree Street by Alicia Street

Hannah and her daughter Abbie are starting a new life by running her Aunt’s Bed and Breakfast. After she gets there she finds all sorts of unusual little things happening all of which lead to a Christmas miracle and a happy ending.

The Holiday (Christmas) by Nancy Radke

Jodie is spending the holidays in one of the most beautiful places I have had the pleasure of going to, Hawaii. She is trying to escape a lot but has no clue what she’s going to find when she gets there.

This was another great story with a happy ending.

If you’re looking for great short stories to start getting you into the Christmas spirit then I would suggest you start reading now.

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Love, Christmas – Movies You Love (The Holiday Series Book 2) Anthology – Review by Michelle Austin

Love, Christmas - Movies You Love (The Holiday Series Book 2)Love, Christmas – Movies You Love by Mimi Barbour
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Love, Christmas – Movies you love was a great 5 star read.
I loved this book and the 26 stories within the pages.

These are all new romance stories from so many great authors. Some were new authors for me and there were favorites as well. I love the twist on holiday movies with these stories, my emotions were all over the place with each of them. You can take your time and read a story here and there or sit and read them all at once. They range from second chance romance to historical romance and so much more.

A Wonderful life was an emotional read for me. Noel is about to make a drastic decision, he has too many people that will be impacted by his choice and his guardian angel couldn’t let him follow through with it. Than he meets Mary and things change for him. He was saved to help Mary and protect her. Will they get a HEA?

I was a mess reading Finding Love. When Lucy goes to her father’s cabin for Christmas. Lucy lost her father to a plane crash and being at the cabin makes her feel close to him. Then she meets Maverick the next door neighbor. Maverick feels like he’s known Lucy from all the stories her father shared with him. These two end up having sparks between them and develop some feelings. Will they have a HEA?

A Christmas Getaway pulled me right in and brought me to tears once again. Ryder goes on a ski trip to sulk in booze and get away. When he gets to the cabin he discovers it was double booked to Olivia and her son. He wasn’t happy about the situation. We learn as we move forward some of Ryder’s history, have the kleenex ready.

There are so many more great stories and I highly recommend you 1-click and get reading. I look forward to reading more from all of these authors. What a great way to get in the holiday mood.

Reviewed by @mab54615

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Love, Christmas – Movies You Love (The Holiday Series Book 2) Anthology – Review by Shannon Fowler

Love, Christmas - Movies You Love (The Holiday Series Book 2)Love, Christmas – Movies You Love by Mimi Barbour
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Love, Christmas is a mix of 26 magical stories, that happen to revolve around Christmas time. Each story is well written with characters just wanting a little Christmas love.

Tamara Ferguson has captured my heart with Two Hearts Home for Christmas. This story is part of her Two Hearts Wounded Warrior series. It is book 9. This story is about Nancy and John, who find each other when they are just seniors in high school. Each planned to enlist in the military. Of course, they couldn’t enlist in the same branch, that would be too easy and not what the Two Hearts Wounded Warrior series is all about. After several years apart Nancy and John are hoping to find each other again. They must meet back at DragonFly Pointe in hopes that a little Christmas magic has kept their love alive.

Can She Get Home for Christmas? is written by Rebecca York. This is my first story by York and I can not wait to read more. She too captured my heart with her story of Samantha and Jax. Jax is keeping secrets and I hope Sam can handle them when she finds out. They certainly have a little mystery unfolding in their lives. I look forward to reading about what happens to them because this story is not finished!

Each story brings you something different but just like the movies they are written like, you get an enjoyable story with new characters and adventures. I suggest you get this anthology as it is full of stories that will touch your heart.

Review by @shannonlovesbooks

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Love Christmas – Movies You Love (The Holiday Series Book 2) Anthology – Review by Sheri Schrader

Love, Christmas - Movies You Love (The Holiday Series Book 2)Love, Christmas – Movies You Love by Mimi Barbour
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Love, Christmas-Movies You Love is the second book in The Holiday Series. This is an anthology that the stories are inspired by Christmas movies. Each of the stories are on average 8-10 chapters and read quickly. The first story in the book caught my eye immediately being inspired by “It’s a Wonderful Life”. “A Wonderful Life” by Mimi Barbour is a sweet, heartwarming story where Clarence comes back to help Bedford Falls. I enjoyed this story because it kept the wholesome sweetness the movie had going. I also enjoyed the story “The Holiday” by Nancy Radke. I am still working my way through the anthology and will give myself a little Christmas treat here and there to get myself in the holiday mood. This is a fun collection and if you like Christmas movies you will enjoy this fun treat of many stories to choose from.

Review by @sherimichelle1

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Love, Christmas-Movies You Love (The Holiday Series Book 2) Anthology – Review by Erica Fish

Love, Christmas - Movies You Love (The Holiday Series Book 2)Love, Christmas – Movies You Love by Mimi Barbour
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This anthology Love, Christmas-Movies You Love is a collections of Christmas stories. These stories are based on Christmas movies with twists. The stories are not in a series and can be stand-alone books. This is a fun collection you can enjoy reading the stories that stand out to you and then go back and read the other stories. One thing that I really enjoyed was the variety of stories. There weren’t only romance theme stories, but family theme stories as well. I recommend this anthology especially if you like Christmas Movies told with a different twist.

Love Letter from a Snowman by Katy Walters
This story caught my eye right away because I love snowmen and what better than a love letter from one. This story does pull on your heart strings. Tabitha has been hired to be a nanny to a very sick child. Lord Owen Balfour Viscount of Thurleigh is trying to keep his little boy with him as his mother had left the two of them. Tabitha is trying to get that reality for Lord Owen. She was searching for some kind of special holiday goodness as the young boy is not doing well. In comes magic and Tabitha finds children’s book about a snowman. While Lord Owen’s son feels a connection with the snowman, Tabitha and Lord Owen are finding a connection with each other. Will Lord Owen and Tabitha relationship grow? Will the young boy’s health turn around? These are questions that will answered and more in this beautiful story.

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Love, Christmas – Movies You Love (The Holiday Series Book 2) Anthology – Review by Elizabeth Sanchez

Love, Christmas - Movies You Love (The Holiday Series Book 2)Love, Christmas – Movies You Love by Mimi Barbour
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Love, Christmas – Movies You Love (The Holiday Series Book 2) is a great collection of love stories focused around Christmas. I haven’t gotten to them all yet, but it seems to be a good mix, something for everyone. Each story is inspired by the author’s favorite Christmas movie, which is a fun twist. Most of the stories seem to be short stories, but there are a few longer ones, that are possibly full length. I will do a review on a couple of the stories I’ve read, and plan to cuddle up on the couch with a blanket over the next month finishing the others.
A Royal White Christmas by Leanne Banks is one of the shorter stories, but it was cute. It tells the story of two unlikely people falling in love in a small town. Holly has traveled back home to watch over her brother’s farm while he is deployed. She has been living in New York City, and is way out of her element. Finding herself in snow storms, while looking for her brother’s dog, as well as milking goats. A nearby visiting neighbor, Brice, comes to her rescue more than once. During these short, but frequent encounters, they develop feelings for each other, and things quickly take off. The biggest bump in the road is Brice being the heir to the crown.
Suzanne Jenkin’s Christmas with the Clouds is not what I expected. The story starts out very heavy, with the main character,Tracy’s husband dying. She finds herself leaning on her patient for support, and making a best friend out of the ordeal. During her healing process, she relies on her in-laws, and new best friend. An unexpected visitor at Christmas, leads Tracy to find love in the most unexpected place of all. Great turn around from the start of the story, and enjoyable to read. I love happy endings!
In the spirit of Christmas by Alyssa Bailey is about Tara returning home after a bad breakup. Before even making it into town, she gets a flat tire, and in rides Chase, a knight in shining armor…or rather sexy sheriff in uniform, to save the day. She is in for a big surprise, when she gets home and sees that same sexy sheriff in her dad’s living room! Cute story, and I loved the writing. I will be seeking out more of Alyssa Bailey in the future.

Reviewed by @way2gosmartguy

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Love, Christmas – Movies You Love 2 Anthology – Review by Lyndsey Fairley

Love, Christmas - Movies You Love (The Holiday Series Book 2)Love, Christmas – Movies You Love by Mimi Barbour
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Love, Christmas 2 – Movies you Love Anthology
5 stars

I LOVE Christmas, and what a great collection of stories to go along with the holidays! I love Christmas movies and this was right up my alley, it has something for everyone.
Filled with new to me authors, and some favorites, I enjoyed and was transported to Christmas with each one! These are stories I can reread anytime to feel holiday spirit. Great collection!

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Love, Christmas – Movies You Love (The Holiday Series Book 2) Anthology – Review by Candida Hopper

Love, Christmas - Movies You Love (The Holiday Series Book 2)Love, Christmas – Movies You Love by Mimi Barbour
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Love, Christmas – Movies You Love (The Holiday Series Book 2)
So many wonderful authors and so many great Christmas stories!! I absolutely love Christmas and cant get enough so when I got my hands on this anthology I was over the moon!! Some of these stories are heartwarming, while others teach us a lesson. Whatever it is you might be looking for in these holiday stories you will find. I highly recommend this anthology it will make you laugh, cry, and fall in love. Some of my favorites are, Brianna’s Season for Miracles, Miracle on Christmas Tree Street, and A Christmas to Remember. What will your favorites be?

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Love, Christmas – Movies You Love (The Holiday Series Book 2) by Various Authors – Review by Heather Bahm

Love, Christmas - Movies You Love (The Holiday Series Book 2)Love, Christmas – Movies You Love by Mimi Barbour
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Love, Christmas – Movies You Love is the second installment in the Holiday Series. This set features an amazing abundance of stories from a glowing cast of authors that deliver and do it well. Among my favorites within Love, Christmas are:

A Royal White Christmas by Leanna Banks
A Royal White Christmas is set in the country where one small-town girl meets a friendly neighbor. They continue to connect and the chemistry these two have within reach of one another cannot be denied. This was utterly sweet and a perfect example of meeting your fairy tale prince in the most unexpected of ways.

A Christmas to Remember by Cynthia Cooke
Seconds chances are possible, if circumstances allow. In A Christmas to Remember, the author has provided the landscape for what may be impossible to become possible. Fate has plans other than the characters anticipate and keeps pulling them together. Will they succumb to this or will they forge on the path they believe they need to be on? This was truly a holiday to not forget!!

Christmas with the Clouds by Suzanne Jenkins
Christmas with the Clouds is not a story I anticipated when I began reading, truly emotional and raw. I felt for Tracy in this story and tears were hard to keep at bay. The author did an excellent job in creating a touching and story full of growth and potential.

Boyfriend Wanted for Christmas by Melinda De Ross
It’ll happen when you least expect it. Nothing like a time crunch to push you to find something that has been elusive in your life. In this holiday story, the author provides the reader with plenty of laughs while looking for that “boyfriend” for the holidays.

I am always a huge fan of anthologies and this holiday themed set is no exception. Many of these authors I have not read previously and now look forward to reading full length novels from them in the future. These stories all pair well together in the theme and make a perfect holiday read.

Review by @hbahm

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Love, Christmas – Movies You Love (The Holiday Series Book 2) Anthology – Review by Stacey Baxter

Love, Christmas - Movies You Love (The Holiday Series Book 2)Love, Christmas – Movies You Love by Mimi Barbour
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I really enjoyed this read really get you into the festive spirit that’s for sure! Every story takes you on incredible journeys and are filled with emotions. You will find yourself getting lost in them they just reel you in and keep your interwst throughout. Some of them are shorter then others but they still pack a hell of punch and the authors do an amazing job of writing captivating brilliant stories! I honestly couldnt pull myself away i just kept reading until i reached the very end!

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Love, Christmas – Movies You Love (The Holiday Series Book 2) Anthology – Review by Lisa Helmick

Love, Christmas - Movies You Love (The Holiday Series Book 2)Love, Christmas – Movies You Love by Mimi Barbour
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Love, Christmas – Movies You Love ( The Holiday Series Book 2)
By Mimi Barbour and Leanne Banks
Rated 4 stars

Filled with stories by these authors as well.: Joan Reeves, Mona Risk, Rebecca York, Jacquie Biggar, Alicia Street, Nancy Radke, Katy Walters, Stephanie Queen, Aileen Fish, Rachelle Ayala, Dani Haviland, Traci Hall, Taylor Lee, Donna Fasano, Cynthia Cooke, Susan Jean Ricci, Tamara Ferguson, Suzanne Jenkins, Natalie Ann, Ev Bishop, Alyssa Bailey, Stacy Eaton, Jen Talty, Melinda De Ross
Rated 4 stars

This is a nice collection of stories that have a couple themes running through them all. Christmas and Christmas Movies. If you enjoy either of those or both….this could be the collection for you. Here is just a small random selection of the stories.

Jingle With my Princess
By Mona Risk

Talk about instant attraction! Wow! I loved how open Charlene is…not afraid to shower him with affection. Very nice! Problem is she live most of her life across the pond. He in the US. How can they come together?
Scott has been burned before by a princess but there is just something about Princess Charlene that he can’t resist. Too bad he brought his current lover along on the business trip. Not only that but he is there to help his ex-fiancé and her husband (a Prince) who stole her from him. Now what to do? Can he put his feelings aside for his Ex? Can he move forward?

Can She Get Home for Christmas
by Rebecca York

On a snowy night all it took was a small accident and Samantha’s night was changed forever. This is a quick read with a ton of action. With a backdrop themes of danger and christmas. This kept my interest.

Miracle on Christmas Tree Street
By Alicia Street

Well this is just an enjoyable story! I loved all of it. It’s sweet and has the mystery of Christmas. Even though it’s a short story I didn’t feel rushed or cheated while reading. I didn’t feel thrown into the middle of a story. This has a nice beginning middle and end. I chuckled at the name of Hannah’s business partner….very creative!

The Holiday (Christmas) by Nancy Radke

House swapping! What a neat idea for a story! That leaves all kinds of possibilities available. This one involved smugglers, and stalker and a sunken sailboat. That made the story lively and interesting.

Love Letters from a Snowman
By Katy Walters

This is a sweet sweet story. It’s set back in the time of Lords, Barons and Governess’. Surprisingly there was a bit of magic back then as well. This started off with a bang. I loved all the characters and the story flowed very nicely. Definitely a good read.

The Polar Express by Dani Haviland

This is a typical story of a couple stuck in a cabin. But this has the added twist of being in Alaska! The characters were sweet and the story was good. My only issue was I felt the relationship was rushed. It seemed to go from hate to friendship to relationship (which is the right order) but most of the story was the first two then the last was after 1 kiss. Then the end. I know I know short story so things happen faster. Anyway I enjoyed the meeting and the information of living where she does with just the dogs.

The Ref-er-ee by Taylor Lee

Troubled marriage, troubles teen and an possibly absent Christmas. Aly and Logan have moves up in the world with the security business. While business boomed with relationship went downhill. Dylan/Nick uses the Christmas season to get himself some presents….by stealing them. This Christmas will change for the Starr family and Dylan.

This is a nice story that seemed complete. Good characters and teenagers that seems so realistic. Not to mention the troubled marriage…losing feelings over the year I’m sure happens more than not.

Boyfriends Wanted for Christmas
By Melinda De Ross

Ha haha! This story is a great one! Poor Andrea is looking for a boyfriend for Christmas. Oh and she only has 7 days to find one! Let’s just say hilarity ensues.
This story flows very nicely and easily kept my interest. There is funny times along with sweet times. The characters were great! Her parents included.
This one is a favorite.

Review by @lisahelmickMi
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Love, Christmas - Movies You Love (The Holiday Series Book 2)Love, Christmas – Movies You Love by Mimi Barbour
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Love Christmas:2- Movies You Love

It is that time of year! We get to pull out the cozy blankets and warm up by the fires with a good book. These novels are the perfect ones to do so with! I haven’t had the pleasure of reading every single one just yet but look forward to doing so as the season continues to unfold. I have however read several already and just had to come leave a little review to start because, well there is 26 stories guys! I won’t get this finished till almost in time for the season to finish and I want everyone to go get this before the Holidays are too close to being over so we all can enjoy!

With all that said… This was such an imaginative spin on your favorite Holiday movies. There is 26 stories by 26 different authors. Each author has chosen one and fine tuned it into a modern way that will be sure to keep you entertained well throughout the season. There is something for everyone, from “It’s A Wonderful Life” to “A Charlie Brown Christmas”.

Right now I am reading “Love, Actually” (By the Sea) which is written by Traci Hall. She was a new author to me and I am loving it. “Love Actually” is one of my favorite Holiday movies so I was excited to see that was one of the movies that was used as an inspiration. I have also enjoyed several other stories from authors that I have previously read before, like Tamara Ferguson, Mimi Barbour, and Stephanie Queen. I can’t wait to find out what else is in store for the rest of the novels to come, and I just might have to re-read a few of those I have finished! Thanks for the wonderful reads ladies! Happy Holiday’s!

Books and authors featured:

A Wonderful Life By: Mimi Barbour

A Royal White Christmas By: Leanne Banks

Brianna’s Season For Miracles By: Joan Reeves

Jingle With My Princess By: Mona Risk

Can She Get Home For Christmas By: Rebecca York

Mistletoe Inn By: Jacquie Biggar

A Miracle On Christmas Tree Street By: Alicia Street

The Holiday (Christmas) By: Nancy Radke

Love Letters From A Snowman Katy Walters

Holiday Affair By: Stephanie Queen

Almost Christmas in Connecticut By: Aileen Fish

A Christmas Creek Carol By: Rachelle Ayala

The Polar XPress By: Dani Haviland

Love Actually (By The Sea) By: Traci E. Hall

The Ref-er-ee By: Taylor Lee

Her Mr. Miracle By: Donna Fasano

A Christmas to Remember By: Cynthia Cooke

A Joyous Holiday Inn By: Susan Jean Ricci

Two Hearts Home for Christmas By: Tamara Ferguson

Christmas With the Clouds By: Suzanne Jenkins

How Gavin Stole Christmas By: Natalie Ann

A Sharla Brown Christmas By: Ev Bishop

In the Spirit of Christmas By: Alyssa Bailey

Finding Love on Christmas Vacation By: Stacy Eaton

A Christmas Getaway By: Jen Talty

Boyfriend Wanted for Christmas By: Melinda De Ross

Review by @lizaileen
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Love, Christmas – Movies You Love (The Holiday Series Book 2) Anthology – Review by Lisa Boltiador

Love, Christmas - Movies You Love (The Holiday Series Book 2)Love, Christmas – Movies You Love by Mimi Barbour
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I love a good Christmas collection- especially when you get a mix of authors you have read over and over, and some that are new to you. So far, I’ve read a couple stories in this collection-
A wonderful life gave a similar feel to the classic. A man who feels hopeless, being given a purpose, a way to help, a chance at love, and even a miracle? There’s a mystery that needs solving and some bad guys to deal with, too.
A royal white Christmas is cute and short, two people from opposite sides of the world just happening to be staying in the same area for Christmas. It was a feel good holiday story.
Holiday Affair really captured me. Lucas is kind of mysterious and has so many more layers than what we see in this novella. I feel like I would read multiple books about this couple!
Two Hearts Home For Christmas is a second chance romance that I loved. It goes right along with all this author’s series, which I am a big fan of. Nancy and John have a bit of that magic that makes love last a lifetime. These stories touch my heart.

Reviewed by @lisaboltiador
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Love, Christmas- Movies You Love (The Holiday Series Book 2) by Various Authors – Review by Caralee Loonat

Love, Christmas - Movies You Love (The Holiday Series Book 2)Love, Christmas – Movies You Love by Mimi Barbour
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Love, Christmas – Movies You Love (The Holiday Series Book 2) by Various Authors

5 Stars!!!!!

When you just want to get lost in romance this is the anthology for you. I love the fact that there
are so many authors and a wide variation of stories. I like the fact that there are so many new authors as well. I know that this is a group of books that I will be able to read again and again.

I would like to highlight my three favorite stories starting with my most favorite A Royal White Christmas by by Leanne Banks. This was such a sweet romance. It is the typical love at first sight that just grabs your heartstrings and has you routing for the girl to get her guy. I like how the author kept the air of mystery surrounding Brice till just near the end.

The instant chemistry between Brice and Holly is endearing. Sometimes the typical mushy romance is just what one needs and this book totally filled that need for me. I really like how the author was able to make Brice make Brice accessible and not your typical royal. I found that the author had a nice writing style and a very creative way of bringing the characters to life. I definitely will be reading this one again and again.

My second favorite was Jingle with my Princess by Mona Risk. This book had quite a complex plot to it. There were parts of the past of the characters that really played a big part to the whole story line. The past between Amy, Paul and Scott really created the people that they had become. I like that Scott really gets to get through his hurts of the past.

The chemistry that develops between Scott and Charlene is quite refreshing. The fact that she is the balm that heals his wounds and helps him to come to terms with his past is the best part. The fact that in the end Scott and Paul sort their differences and Paul realizes that there is no reason to be jealous really added a realism to this story. I was really drawn to Charlene’s character as I felt I could relate to her in some ways. I like how she was able to see through Scott’s faults and checked the facts before she threw away her chance with Scott. She was able to see that Amy although her sister in law had a flawed view and by taking a look from the outside she saw that in fact Scott was misunderstood and I was ever so glad when she gave him a chance. I will definitely be reading this book again and again as well.

My third favorite was Her Mr. Miracle by Donna Fasano. This is another one of those you can’t always be prepared for the love bug stories. I like how the author is able to bring the characters to life. I really got into this story as if it was happening to me.

The complexity between Ronnie and Adam is quite refreshing. She has her complex life she is trying to escape from and he has his own problems to deal with. It’s a two peas in a pod sentiment. They are totally made for one another. I like how the author brings in just enough drama to the story line . There is a point just at the end where I was just banging my head cause you knew that Adam would make things more complex than they should have been and I could feel my heart drop as I am sure Ronnie’s would have. Then getting to near the end when in typical guy fashion he almost makes a complete mess of it all but alas the day is saved. I know that again this is another
book I will read again and again.

There were so many books in this collection and I know that I will enjoy them all again and again. This is the perfect set for the cold long nights ahead not just for Christmas. I am so glad that this has many new authors for me and that it is a varied collection of story themes. This is a definite must read!

Reviewed by @caraleeloonat
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Love, Christmas -Movies You Love (The Holiday Series Book 2) by Various Authors – Review by Tausha Treadway

Love, Christmas - Movies You Love (The Holiday Series Book 2)Love, Christmas – Movies You Love by Mimi Barbour
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Love Christmas (Movies You Love 2) by Various Authors. This is a wonderful collection of books all situated around Christmas. They range from short to medium length books. A few of my favorites were A Wonderful Life by Mimi Barbour. Its the story of Noel Bradford who has hit a rough patch in life and almost takes his own life. While he is in the town where his family’s company is he meets a girl named Mary who runs a non profit called “In Need of Help”. Another favorite was A Royal White Christmas by Leanne Banks, the story of Holly Lawrence and Brice who is a Prince in training. They meet over Holly’s brothers lost dog and sparks fly. I also really liked Brianna’s Season for Miracles by Joan Reeves. Its the story of a girl named Brianna and her father she feels like she’s disappointed her whole life. She goes home for Christmas and falls in love with one of her dads workers all while trying to reconcile with her father. These books are so good and full of Christmas spirit. Just the right books to get you in the Holiday mood.

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Love, Christmas- Movies You Love by Various Authors – Review by Lucy Berson

Love, Christmas - Movies You Love (The Holiday Series Book 2)Love, Christmas – Movies You Love by Various Authors
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Love, Christmas- Movies You Love. This book is an anthology that has 26 amazing stories and authors in it. Quite a few of the authors involved I have read and fell in love with, while I was super excited to read more of their work, I was also excited to become acquainted with some new ones.

A Royal White Christmas by Leanne Banks.
Two total strangers from two totally different worlds, come together and just click. Holly and Brice care about and help each other out from their first meeting. Will Holly be able to accept that Brice is in his way to rule a country.

Brianna’s Season for Miracles by Joan Reeves.
Brianna hasn’t been home in about a year. Sure she misses it but it only holds not so good memories. When her father summons her home, she knows that she doesn’t have a choice but to go. When she first sees Daniel, she knows that the entire situation is a bad idea. When she finds out exactly why he is at the ranch, she leaves. She is extremely hurt but will she be able to forgive Daniel and listen to his explanation?

This Anthology will have you falling in love with the holidays and love all over again. All of these books give you enough to fall in love also. I highly recommend these books and these fabulous authors.

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Love, Christmas – Movies You Love (The Holiday Series Book 2) by Mimi Barbour, Leanne Banks, Joan Reeves, Mona Risk, Rebecca York, Jacquie Biggar, Alicia Street, Nancy Radke, Katy Walters, Stephanie Queen, Aileen Fish, Rachelle Ayala, Dani Haviland, Traci. E. Hall, Taylor Lee, Donna Fasano, Cynthia Cooke, Susan Jean Ricci, Tamara Ferguson, Suzanne Jenkins, Natalie Ann, Ev Bishop, Alyssa Bailey, Stacy Eaton, Jen Talty and Melinda De Ross – Review by Katie Matthews

Love, Christmas - Movies You Love (The Holiday Series Book 2)Love, Christmas – Movies You Love by Mimi Barbour
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Featuring books by Mimi Barbour, Leanne Banks, Joan Reeves, Mona Risk, Rebecca York, Jacquie Biggar, Alicia Street, Nancy Radke, Katy Walters, Stephanie Queen, Aileen Fish, Rachelle Ayala, Dani Haviland, Traci. E. Hall, Taylor Lee, Donna Fasano, Cynthia Cooke, Susan Jean Ricci, Tamara Ferguson, Suzanne Jenkins, Natalie Ann, Ev Bishop, Alyssa Bailey, Stacy Eaton, Jen Talty and Melinda De Ross

This anthology is a wonderful collection of stories that will have in the holiday spirit straight away. There are stories about classic romance, stories full of suspense, stories of loss and finding new love and much, much more in this box set. I love anthologies as it allows me to read stories by authors that are new to me and also some of my favourite authors. I loved all of the stories but particularly enjoyed the following three (all new to me authors too!)

A Royal White Christmas – Leanne Banks
This is definitely one of those stories you want to be longer! I was so swept up in Brice and Holly’s story. I loved how they met and the connection that they had. There was such a sweet and genuine romance between them – they were both really lovely characters.

Can She Get Home For Christmas? – Rebecca York
This was a great suspense story! I loved all the little twists and turns that kept me on the edge of my seat. I think that they author did a great job with creating such tension in a story so short! I loved Sam and Jax, I kind of got a little paranormal feel about this story too.

Christmas With the Clouds – Suzanne Jenkins
This was a really emotional story and the author did a great job of getting all of those emotions across. I thought that Tracy was such a strong character and I loved the friendship she built up with Elizabeth. Jasmine was a little cutie too. A touching story about loss and finding love again.

Overall I thought that this was a wonderful anthology, all beautifully written and entertaining. This is definitely worthy of the 5 stars I give it.


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Love, Christmas – Movies You Love (The Holiday Series Book 2) by Mimi Barbour, Leanne Banks, Joan Reeves, Mona Risk, Rebecca York, Jacquie Biggar, Alicia Street, Nancy Radke, Katy Walters, Stephanie Queen, Aileen Fish, Rachelle Ayala, Dani Haviland, Traci Hall, Taylor Lee, Donna Fasano, Cynthia Cooke, Susan Jean Ricci, Tamara Ferguson, Suzanne Jenkins, Natalie Ann, Ev Bishop, Alyssa Bailey, Stacy Eaton, Jen Talty, Melinda De Ross – Review by Lisette Gonzalez

Love, Christmas - Movies You Love (The Holiday Series Book 2)Love, Christmas – Movies You Love by Mimi Barbour
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Love, Christmas – Movies You Love (The Holiday Series #2)
by Mimi Barbour, Leanne Banks, Joan Reeves, Mona Risk, Rebecca York, Jacquie Biggar, Alicia Street, Nancy Radke, Katy Walters, Stephanie Queen, Aileen Fish, Rachelle Ayala, Dani Haviland, Traci Hall, Taylor Lee, Donna Fasano, Cynthia Cooke, Susan Jean Ricci, Tamara Ferguson, Suzanne Jenkins, Natalie Ann, Ev Bishop, Alyssa Bailey, Stacy Eaton, Jen Talty, Melinda De Ross
5 Stars

Love, Christmas – Movies You love is a boxed set anthology of 26 Christmas stories based on movies. Each story is unique in its own way and will have you either laughing, crying, or sitting at the edge of of your seat in suspense. All the stories are great but three stories stood out to me: Finding Love On Christmas Vacation by Stacy Eaton, A Christmas Creek Carol by
Rachelle Ayala and A Christmas Getaway by Jen Talty.

Finding Love on Christmas Vacation by Stacy Eaton is the story of Lucy, which spends every Christmas with her father, Charlie, at his cabin. This year she will spend it without her father, since is has passed away and she will be spreading his ashes on the lake as per his final request. Her father always spoke of a friend that always stayed in the neighboring cabin, his name is Maverick. Have you ever fallen in love with someone before you meet them? Maverick did,he was in love with Lucy by the stories and pictures her father always shared with Maverick through the years. He finally has his chance to meet her and the connection is instant between the two. This is a quick, holiday romance that you will truly enjoy the same way I did.

A Christmas Creek Carol by Rachelle Ayala is the story of Ebony and Blaze. Ebony is a writer that is back in Christmas Creek for the holidays to write her next story. Blaze is in the military and visiting his father for the holiday but also to see Ebony. Blaze will go to any lengths to make Ebony realize that they are meant to be together. Will Ebony finish writing her story and will Blaze finally be with Ebony? You will have to read to find out.

A Christmas Getaway by Jen Talty is the story about Olivia and Ryder. Olivia always takes her son Noah away for the holidays, since his dad was a Navy Pilot that was killed before he was born. Ryder is a Navy Seal that has book a cabin at a resort for the holidays. What are the odds that two people can book the same cabin at the same time? Well it happens to Olivia and Ryder and this is how the two meet. Ryder, like Olivia & Noah, has suffered an immense loss when his wife and sons were murdered the day after Christmas. Both have shared loss and they both can help each other through the pain of loss of your significant other. This story completely gutted me but also made me smile on how these two strangers can fall in love in the midst of pain.

I truly enjoyed reading all the stories in this anthology. It had me jonesing for the holidays to get here. I highly recommend this anthology and read each one so you can find your favorites.

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Love, Christmas – Movies You Love (The Holiday Series #2) by Various Authors – Review by Emily Walsh

Love, Christmas - Movies You Love (The Holiday Series Book 2)Love, Christmas – Movies You Love
ByVarious Authors
My Rating: 5 of 5 stars

Love, Christmas – Movies You Love (The Holiday Series #2) by Various Authors, was a light heart, sweet, cheesy, slighly thillerish, good feels read that just put me in the mood to be ready for, the upcoming holidays.

This anthology is a little different then your normal hallmark like Christmas collection. This as the title says, is based off favorite movies classic, some updated, some a little bent, but all have that cheesy, good feel spirit that I love.

Being as there are 26 stories, I have yet to read them all, I will, I just want to space them out until that glitty month is upon us. But I have read enough to where I need to tell you that, this book is worth your time and energy. And I’m going to tell you my first impressions, from the first story, and one more that I quite loved.

A Wonderful Life by Mimi Barbour; pulled me in right away. The guardian angel, Noel, and Mary. It was strongly impactful, especially that opening scene. With a little divine help, sometimes things just fall into place, and for Noel, if he had done what he had intended, things for Mary would have been hell, and she, would have, even be possibly died. The power of choice is strong in that first story and it hit home a little too close.

The other story I’m going to touch on is the fourth story, Can She Get Home for Christmas? by Rebecca York. Again another story that starts with a bang. That opening in the snow, the dark and the storm. Growing up in Northern Newfoundland, I know snow storms, so I knew the panic Sam was in, and I felt the cold. I like the paranormal elements, the mystery, and the little bit of a thriller. It topped off this story and made it stand out.

Overall this anthology isn’t just stories about Christmas, it has many different elements, a good mixing of genres, and of course an amazing assortment of very talented authors. You’re getting a little bit of everything, and I truly believe there is a story in here for everyone, even if you don’t like holiday themed books. So please take my super high recommendation and my stamp of approval, that you will find an engrossing read, and fall head over heels for this magical collection.

Happy Reading

-E.A. Walsh

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Love, Christmas – Movies You Love (The Holiday Series Book 2) By Various Authors – Review by Katie Kearney

Love, Christmas - Movies You Love (The Holiday Series Book 2)Love, Christmas – Movies You Love by Mimi Barbour
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Love, Christmas – Movies You Love (The Holiday Series Book 2) By Mimi Barbour, Leanne Banks, Joan Reeves, Mona Risk, Rebecca York, Jacquie Biggar, Alicia Street, Nancy Radke, Katy Walters, Stephanie Queen, Aileen Fish, Rachelle Ayala, Dani Haviland, Traci Hall, Taylor Lee, Donna Fasano, Cynthia Cooke, Susan Jean Ricci, Tamara Ferguson, Suzanne Jenkins, Natalie Ann, Ev Bishop, Alyssa Bailey, Stacy Eaton, Jen Talty, Melinda De Ross.

Give me all the Christmas type stories you can all year round! I’m a sucker for them and this collection is fantastic and exactly what I was hoping for. Each story is different and well written. A few of my favorites are: Her Mr. Miracle, Mistletoe Inn and A Christmas Creek Carol.
In Her Mr. Miracle we meet Ronnie who needs a bit of an escape but runs into some issues and meets Adam. This entire story makes my heart melt and had me hooked. It’s well written and paced nicely.

In Mistletoe Inn we get an emotional romance story about Noah and Molly. It’s everything I love in a holiday season romance story. The characters are relatable and easy to connect with. The author captures the spirit in written form with attention to details and characters you can relate to.

In A Christmas Creek Carol we have Ebony and Blaze who have known each other forever but will this holiday season bring them closer like Blaze would like? Ebony is all work with a deadline, can she remember there’s more to life than work over the holiday?

Each story pulls at heartstrings and captured the holiday spirit. I absolutely love when authors come together for collections because it’s a great way to find new authors and try their stories. I love everything about this collection and will definitely be reading more by each author and reading this collection over again! Giving this collection a five star review and highly recommend it to anyone.

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Love, Christmas – Movies You Love (The Holiday Series Book 2) by Various Authors – Review by Debi Kircher

Love, Christmas - Movies You Love (The Holiday Series Book 2)Love, Christmas – Movies You Love
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Love, Christmas – Movies You Love (The Holiday Series Book 2)

By Mimi Barbour, Leanne Banks, Joan Reeves, Mona Risk, Rebecca York, Jacquie Biggar, Alicia Street, Nancy Radke, Katy Walters, Stephanie Queen, Aileen Fish, Rachelle Ayala, Dani Haviland, Traci Hall, Taylor Lee, Donna Fasano, Cynthia Cooke, Susan Jean Ricci, Tamara Ferguson, Suzanne Jenkins, Natalie Ann, Ev Bishop, Alyssa Bailey, Stacy Eaton, Jen Talty, Melinda De Ross

5 Stars

Oh my goodness..I loved this so much. We are coming in to my favorite time of the year and this group of authors just made my last couple days and I am now completely in the spirit of my favorite season of all time!

I don’t know who came up with this idea of taking my favorite movies of the season and turning them into books inspired by these movies but it was a brilliant idea. What I loved also was that there are a few authors in this anthology that are already absolute favorites of mine, and now I have so many more new authors that I want to read more from.

I thought that maybe I would write a little bit about each story but oh my that would take a while, and then I thought well Ill write about a few of my favorites and i couldn’t figure out which ones I liked best.

I can only say that you must read these stories. Carve out some time, and if your having trouble getting into the spirit of the season this is all you will need to remedy that.

I will absolutely read every one of these again on a cold icky weekend cuddled up in my favorite chair sipping my favorite coffee, and will be visiting each of these authors pages to find more from each of them.

Amazingly Awesome!! Totally Brilliant!!

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Love, Christmas – Movies You Love (The Holiday Series Book 2) by Various Authors – Review by Maura Harper

Love, Christmas - Movies You Love (The Holiday Series Book 2)Love, Christmas – Movies You Love by Mimi Barbour
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I’m so glad I “stumbled” upon this anthology. Some of these authors are new to me while others are authors I’ve become familiar with over the last few years. While some of the stories are novellas or shorts from series, I don’t think you will be lost at all with any of them and may actually desire to read the entire series because they are that good.

Each story is a take on a “holiday” movie. Either a complete retelling or “fan fiction”… Some I have seen some I have not. Some movies I LOVED and watched over and over and others I didn’t care for. Based on my movie viewing experience, I tried to be unbiased when reading these stories.

Here are a few samples of the stories.

LOVE, ACTUALLY BY THE SEA by Traci Hall – A quick and emotional story about memories and realities and new beginnings. A story about having regrets before even trying. “Life just happens. Nothing extra special or pre-ordained about it.”

TWO HEARTS HOME FOR CHRISTMAS (TWO HEARTS WOUNDED WARRIOR ROMANCE BOOK 9) by Tamara Ferguson While this is book 9 of a series, it can absolutely be read as a stand-alone. I love love love this entire series and this was a fantastic addition to it. This is one that I hope you fall in love with and go back to the beginning where it all started.

THE HOLIDAY (CHRISTMAS) by Nancy Radke This is a story about house switching and I LOVED THE MOVIE so I was a little worried about how the author would “re-imagine” the story. It was everything I wanted it to be and so much more.

I could go on and on and recap every book, but I feel like that would be doing you a disservice. Grab this anthology and read them all. It is one of those books that you can pick up and put down and not worry about “missing anything”. If you are like me, you will rip right through it.

I would recommend this to anyone and everyone who enjoys reading and especially if they like reading holiday tales.

Review by @mauraharper

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Love, Christmas: Movies You Love (The Holiday Series Book #2) Anthology by Mimi Barbour, Leanne Banks, Joan Reeves, Mona Risk, Rebecca York, Jacquie Biggar, Alicia Street, Nancy Radke, Katy Walters, Stephanie Queen, Aileen Fish, Rachelle Ayala, Dani Haviland, Traci E. Hall, Taylor Lee, Donna Fasano, Cynthia Cooke, Susan Jean Ricci, Tamara Ferguson, Suzanne Jenkins, Natalie Ann, Ev Bishop, Alyssa Bailey, Stacy Eaton, Jen Talty, Melinda De Ross – Review by Angela Hayes

Love, Christmas - Movies You Love (The Holiday Series Book 2)Love, Christmas – Movies You Love by Mimi Barbour
My rating: 5 of 5 stars


Love, Christmas: Movies You Love is a superb anthology made up of 26 wonderful stories from 26 very accomplished authors. This is a fabulous collection of Holiday Romances, all with a common theme which is “favourite Christmas movies”- and each author has chosen one of their favourite Christmas movies as inspiration for their story. The movies range from “The Holiday”, “It’s A Wonderful Life”, “A Christmas Carol”, The Polar Express”, “Miracle on 34th Street”, How The Grinch Stole Christmas”, and “A Charlie Brown Christmas”- just to name a few. Every story is unique to the author and different from its companions- all having their own tone, feel and flavour- but yet managing to complement one another by the use of the same inspiration.
The stories range from contemporary romance, to regency romance, second chances… and more. We meet a variety of wonderful characters who bring their story to life, characters such as; Doctor, Princess, Single Mother, Navy Seal, author, children, furry friends, magical beings, Angel, broken characters, and many more . This book collection took me on a journey that had a little bit of everything, from mystery, suspense, romance, humour, drama, emotions, deception, twists, surprises, heart, soul, snow, mistletoe, family, friends, memories, miracles, a touch of danger in places, new beginnings, painful pasts, sparks, sizzle, and many endearing characters.
I was excited to see several of my favourite authors had contributed to the collection- Mimi Barbour, Stephanie Queen, Tamara Ferguson, Melinda De Ross, and Natalie Ann and as expected they didn’t let me down, captivating me from beginning to end with their stories. Other authors who I am familiar with from reading some of their works in other Anthologies, but as yet haven’t had a chance to fully explore their books- but this has pushed me to make sure that I do so very soon. Then there are quite a few new-to-me authors who I will now be adding to my TBR to enjoy over he coming months.
So, be prepared to be swept away into all the various storylines and situations as each story unfolds. There are many hours of stimulating, heart-warming, and enticing reading to be had. So, strap yourself in and get ready for take-off.

The collection contains:


A Wonderful Life By: Mimi Barbour

A Royal White Christmas By: Leanne Banks

Brianna’s Season For Miracles By: Joan Reeves

Jingle With My Princess By: Mona Risk

Can She Get Home For Christmas By: Rebecca York

Mistletoe Inn By: Jacquie Biggar

A Miracle On Christmas Tree Street By: Alicia Street

The Holiday (Christmas) By: Nancy Radke

Love Letters From A Snowman Katy Walters

Holiday Affair By: Stephanie Queen

Almost Christmas in Connecticut By: Aileen Fish

A Christmas Creek Carol By: Rachelle Ayala

The Polar XPress By: Dani Haviland

Love Actually (By The Sea) By: Traci E. Hall

The Ref-er-ee By: Taylor Lee

Her Mr. Miracle By: Donna Fasano

A Christmas to Remember By: Cynthia Cooke

A Joyous Holiday Inn By: Susan Jean Ricci

Two Hearts Home for Christmas By: Tamara Ferguson

Christmas With the Clouds By: Suzanne Jenkins

How Gavin Stole Christmas By: Natalie Ann

A Sharla Brown Christmas By: Ev Bishop

In the Spirit of Christmas By: Alyssa Bailey

Finding Love on Christmas Vacation By: Stacy Eaton

A Christmas Getaway By: Jen Talty

Boyfriend Wanted for Christmas By: Melinda De Ross


This book is a perfect way to spend some of the holidays, curled up beside a fire place, or relaxing by the pool- there is something here to please everyone.

Thank you to all the contributing authors!



Reviewed by @angelahayes

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Love, Christmas – Movies You Love (The Holiday Series Book 2) Anthology – Review by Heather Lovelace

Love, Christmas - Movies You Love (The Holiday Series Book 2)Love, Christmas – Movies You Love by Mimi Barbour
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This Christmas anthology is just as I hoped it would be – a sweet and romantic collection of stories filled with charm and cheer that beckons the reader to a cozy couch with cocoa in hand. The authors incorporated well known holiday movie themes into their respective stories, doing justice to the original theme and yet providing a new take an a classic. A simply delightful collection that I thoroughly enjoyed reading. I look forward to reading them again by the light of my Christmas tree.

Reviewed by @heatherlovelace

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Love, Christmas – Movies You Love (The Holiday Series Book 2) by Various Authors – Review by Bobbi Wagner

Love, Christmas - Movies You Love (The Holiday Series Book 2)Love, Christmas – Movies You Love by Mimi Barbour
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This anthology is a collection of stories by great authors, some new and old to me. Each story will bring the holiday spirit into your heart. These are short stories that warmed my heart and pulled at my heartstrings. They bring the magic of Christmas the way it’s supposed to be, full of love, giving and togetherness. I have my favorites and I am sure you will find your favorites as well. I highly recommend this book.

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Love, Christmas – Movies You Love (The Holiday Series Book 2) – Review by Laura Furuta

Love, Christmas - Movies You Love (The Holiday Series Book 2)Love, Christmas – Movies You Love by Mimi Barbour
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Love, Christmas – Movies You Love (The Holiday Series Book 2)
By: by Mimi Barbour (Author), Leanne Banks (Author), Joan Reeves (Author), Mona Risk (Author), Rebecca York (Author), Jacquie Biggar (Author), Alicia Street (Author), Nancy Radke (Author), Katy Walters (Author), Stephanie Queen (Author), Aileen Fish (Author), Rachelle Ayala (Author), Dani Haviland (Author), Traci Hall (Author), Taylor Lee (Author), Donna Fasano (Author), Cynthia Cooke (Author), Susan Jean Ricci (Author), Tamara Ferguson (Author), Suzanne Jenkins (Author), Natalie Ann (Author), Ev Bishop (Author), Alyssa Bailey (Author), Stacy Eaton (Author), Jen Talty (Author), Melinda De Ross (Author)
5 out of 5 stars

The anthology Love, Christmas – Movies You Love (The Holiday Series Book 2) are wonderful stories that I loved reading. The stories are all different lengths however the romance and spirit of Christmas shines through with each one I read. There are so many different authors that I have never read stories by and I found that I enjoyed the different writing styles. Those are the main reasons that I love anthologies so much. There are heartwarming and romantic moments that I loved reading about. I enjoyed reading about the characters, how they interact with each other and the role each one of them has in the stories. Starting each story that I read was like unwrapping a different present under the tree. There are moments that make you go “Aww” and also times when I got misty-eyed. Each story that I read was wonderfully written and ones that I would recommend. A cup of hot chocolate and a plate of cookies are recommended when you settle down on the couch to read this anthology.

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