That Incredible Kiss (Kissed By Fate 3) By Tamara Ferguson – Review by Jana Teppih

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

That Incredible Kiss is the third book in Tamara Ferguson’s Kissed By Fate series and I have been waiting for it for such a long time! I absolutely love her Crystal Rock and Dragonfly Pointe universe and this book is a great addition to it!
This Kiss, I mean book, is Ashley and Brian’s story and it folds over so many years, 10 years to be exact! They are graduating from high school and decided their next steps and finally acknowledging what they feel for each other when they world gets blown apart … it stays apart for 10 years until both of them have returned to Crystal Rock. It is finally time to figure out what the heck happened 10 years ago and go forward … hopefully together … with Spook in that amazing house by Stone Lake …
Dig in and it would be smart to read the stories in order though I would say that it is not only this series you should read but also the other ones (Tales of Dragonfly especially) as they all seem to come together now … or is it so …

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