Nite Fire: Flash Point (Volume 1) AUDIO BOOK by C.L. Schneider – Review by Danielle Dando

Well, this little number officially popped my audiobook cherry, having not ever been a fan of audiobooks, I have always tended towards avoiding them. I’m a bit of a picky sod and if I don’t really like the voice of the person reading it, then I will just zone out and the story is ruined. I was pleasantly surprised though; Cassandra King did a phenomenal job reading some great work by Schneider.

Flaming heck this was a mystery and a half, loved the old-timey cop feel that seemed to permeate throughout as well as the fantasy element of Dahlia being part dragon, part human, twas very interesting, and the other creatures that cropped up were cool. Some of the descriptions were fabulously gross, and they properly made my skin crawl, dumping me right in the moment. I happen to think that action sequences are some of the hardest to write, but Schneider nailed it and I mean, nailed it. All the fights left me feeling breathless, they were snappy and quick, and even though there were lots of descriptions packed into such a small moment, it in no way detracted from the urgency.

Dahlia is a fiery character, both physically and emotionally, she knows her own mind and having been around for quite a bit has seen and experienced a heck of a lot, but home always calls, her past whispering to her in weak moments, fooling her into believing that maybe one day she could return to where she came from and be welcomed by the Dragon Elders. This is foolish and in her more ‘together’ moments, she realizes this, distracting herself with mysteries in the human world. One such mystery happens to crop up, a family having fallen victim to, what looks like, spontaneous human combustion, but she knows that this is not the case, and the hunt begins to find out who of her kind perpetrated such a crime and stop them before they can hurt anyone else.

All in all, I found this an enjoyable listen, I banged it on while I was crocheting and found that it really kept me engaged, holding my breath during the fights, mouth dropping open when Schneider left an infuriating cliff hanger at the end of a chapter. A really good book, full of juicy mystery and some sizzling bits of romance. Honestly give it a go, you can’t go wrong with it.


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