Rock Me To The Top (Gracefall: Vicious Love Tour) by Victoria Zak – Review by Kerry Carr

Rock Me To The Top (Gracefall: Vicious Love Tour Book One)Rock Me To The Top by Victoria Zak
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is the first in a new series and it was really enjoyable. The author does an amazing job of making her characters so realistic that you can actually imagine this happening and the emotions that the characters are put through are so vivd that you feel every single one of them.

In the story we are following Joe and Melody.
Joe is a member of a band who is finally making it into the big time. He had the job he loves the only thing missing is the girl he loves. And that is Melody.

Melody and Joe have been friends since childhood. Both of them love each other however Melody had sworn never to date someone in a band. However, when Joe hires her as the bands tour manager things definately move over the line of friendship into romance between them.
They have helped each other through thick and thin however when a secret from Joe’s life gets revealed can their romance and friendship survive and will they be able to work a way for both or them to live their dream or will they have to lose each other in the process of achieving their dreams?

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