Hell in a Handbasket (Life is Hell Series Book 3) by Naomi Valkyrie – Review by Ayla Phipps

Hell in a Handbasket (Life is Hell #3)Hell in a Handbasket by Naomi Valkyrie
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Finally, some insights. Not gonna lie Naomi Valkyrie has me by the horns with this series. I have wanted some more information on the mysterious tracker demon Teivel since his introduction in book one. Oren is no different, he is the only demon hunter descendant to make it out of that book alive and we need some insight into that part of this world. Dual perspectives of Teivel and Oren.
Oren discovers he is a demon hunter descendant in book one but hasn’t been able to learn anything about what that means. Numerous online searches only result in Hollywood information and nothing real. He agrees to be trained by Teivel only for him to disappear for weeks and no word. Teivel only agreed to help his ex-Malakhi in book one because they both lost their lover, and he took his anger all out on him but now Oren is the true reason he can’t stay away now. Even if he can’t and won’t admit it to himself. A shot in the dark case knocks on Teivel’s door to find out if a dragon has survived and still lives. This keeps him busy and away until a visit to see Oren changes everything. The truth behind his “shot in the dark” case arrives literally at their doorstep. Along the way to learning how to be together they now must figure out how to care for this incredibly rare baby.
Will they survive the changes? Can Teivel let go of the past to accept the new future? How will Oren deal with the new changes to who he is? Everything about this series is designed to pull you in to make you care for every new main character as much as you care about the first set. I love how the author brings in the characters in other books with bits and pieces here and there until you finally get the full story and see the growth that they go through. I cannot wait for book 4, Sure as Hell, to learn more about the new character Jaru, and of course Larkspur from book two and what will come next for them and Soren. See you there.

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