Hell in a Handbasket (Life is Hell Series Book 3) by Naomi Valkyrie – Review by Crystal Brehant

Hell in a Handbasket (Life is Hell #3)Hell in a Handbasket by Naomi Valkyrie
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I love love LOVE this series. Each book is one that I cannot put down. This is book three of five in the series and I cannot wait to read the other two. These will definitely be books that I read over and over. There have been other books by this author that I have enjoyed as well. With each book I’ve read, she has moved closer and closer to the top of my favorite author list. I would say top 10 for sure, maybe top 5. And I read a lot of books.
We were introduced to Teivel in the very first book. But now, we see more of his story. I love that each book is a different character, but still, all of the characters tie together in a way. It’s one world, but with a fresh take from a different characters POV. The world building and character building is top notch. If you like paranormal reads, this is for you.

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