
Slash & Burn (Nite Fire Book 4) by C. L. Schneider – Review by Tausha Treadway

Slash & Burn (Nite Fire, #4)Slash & Burn by C.L. Schneider
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Slash & Burn (Nite Fire Book 4) by C. L. Schneider. I have loved this series and this is not my favorite genre so that says a lot. You could read this as a standalone but I recommend reading them in order to get the best enjoyment. We pick back up with Dahlia who is trying to get her life back in order as she is back to trying to save people. As the lies that have been spun for years begin to unravel Dahlia keeps coming back to the first case involving Ella Chandler. This leaves her not knowing who to really trust anymore. Dahlia figures out that if she doesn’t stop this stuff the world could be in jeopardy. Doing back to Dimerea with her team she is met with all kinds of danger. Will Dahlia save not only her City but the world as well. Read Slash & Burn to find out!

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Slash & Burn (Nite Fire Book 4) by C. L. Schneider – Review by Erica FIsh

Slash & Burn (Nite Fire, #4)Slash & Burn by C.L. Schneider
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

C.L. Schneider has not disappointed me with this installment of the Nite Fire series. Her descriptive writing style keeps me turning the pages. There were a few twists and turns and keeping me on the edge of my seat. The character development is complex and fully developed. Dahlia is back, who just happens to be my favorite character. She is an action character that keeps me on my toes. There is a charge afoot. Will it be a good change or a bad change? I highly recommend this story because it will be eye opening to say the least.

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Slash & Burn (Nite Fire Book 4) by C. L. Schneider – Review by Jennifer Wolbeck

Slash & Burn (Nite Fire, #4)Slash & Burn by C.L. Schneider
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

C. L. Schneider treats us to another installment in her fantastic urban fantasy series. I am a big fan of her writing style, and the complexity of her world building and characters. There is also a great balance between emotion and action. I highly recommend Nite Fire: Slash & Burn, Book 4. My only warning is that this series should be read in order because the developments are chronological.

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Smoke & Mirrors (Nite Fire Book 3) by C.L. Schneider – Review by Jennifer Wolbeck

Smoke & Mirrors (Nite Fire #3)Smoke & Mirrors by C.L. Schneider
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

C. L. Schneider treats us to another installment in her fantastic urban fantasy series. I am a big fan of her writing style, and the complexity of her world building and characters. There is also a great balance between emotion and action. I highly recommend Nite Fire: Smoke & Mirrors, Book 3. My only warning is that this series should be read in order because the developments are chronological.

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Chain Reaction (Nite Fire Book 2) by C.L. Schneider – Review by Jennifer Wolbeck

Chain Reaction (Nite Fire #2)Chain Reaction by C.L. Schneider
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

C. L. Schneider treats us to another installment in her fantastic urban fantasy series. I am a big fan of her writing style, and the complexity of her world building and characters. There is also a great balance between emotion and action. I highly recommend Nite Fire: Chain Reaction, Book 2. My only warning is that this series should be read in order because the developments are chronological

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Slash & Burn (Nite Fire Book 4) by C. L. Schneider – Review by Heather Lovelace

Slash & Burn (Nite Fire, #4)Slash & Burn by C.L. Schneider
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Schneider is without a doubt a masterful weaver of fantasy laden tales. These books just get better and better. Action packed, this fast paced adventure kept me glued to my seat and made me lose some sleep. So much detail and continued world building make for one heckuva ride. Cannot wait for the last installment.

Reviewed by @heatherlovelace
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Slash & Burn (Nite Fire Book 4) by C. L. Schneider – Review by Kerry Carr

Slash & Burn (Nite Fire, #4)Slash & Burn by C.L. Schneider
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is the 4th book in the Nite Fire series. I have loved all these books so far. This book could be read as a standalone but I recommend reading the series from the beginning. It is full of action packed adventure that keeps you gripped from beginning to end.

After the trauma and revelations of the last book Dahlia  is trying to get her life back on track. She is back to her vigilant ways. Saving the humans from monsters but something is coming.

The blight is causing infections through every species that cross the exits. Most creatures are entering the human world meaning that Dahlia has a hard job keeping control.

What is the cause of the blight? Who or what is behind all this and why? And the question Dahlia is asking herself is she capable of controlling all the species entering this world or will it be doomed to fall?

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Smoke And Mirrors (Nite Fire Book 3) by C. L. Schneider – Review by Kerry Carr

Smoke & Mirrors (Nite Fire #3)Smoke & Mirrors by C.L. Schneider
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is the 3rd book in the Nite Fire Series and wow they just keep getting better and better. Like the second book this could be read as a standalone but I do really recommend reading them in order as the story is amazing. The books are full of mystery, danger, secrets and paranormal creatures. They keep you gripped.

In this story Alex Creed and Dahlia Nite are on the hunt for the creature supernatural or human that is leaving a load of dismembered body parts behind them. Trying to hide as much as she can about other creatures from her partner Dahlia has the challenge of that as well as solving and finding the true murderer.

Added to this in her spare time she teams up with her other partner Evans to solve and find his sister. Why did she disappeared and can they rescue her before its too late?

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Slash and Burn (Nite Fire Book 4) by C.L. Schneider – Review by Anna Hirsch

Slash & Burn (Nite Fire, #4)Slash & Burn by C.L. Schneider
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Slash and Burn (Nite Fire Book 4) byC.L. Schneider
4 Stars

The web of lies that was spun years ago is starting to unravel. Dahlia is slowly uncovering the truth. Yet with every discovery, a dozen more questions remain. Everything seems to lead back to her first case involving Ella Chandler. When all evidence seems to point in one direction, Dahlia doesn’t know who to trust anymore. She has barely survived her last trip to Drimera and she’s still trying to pick up the pieces of her life and adjust to her new reality. She’s back to her vigilante ways protecting Sentinel City but now it seems that she needs to protect the world from total destruction.

This is an action packed fantasy novel. It will definitely keep you glued to your seat from beginning to end. It is book four in the Nite Fire series. I do suggest that you read the series from the start. It is an exciting series that keeps getting better with each book. There are so many plot twists in this story and the author did an excellent job of tying them together. I can’t wait for the final installment.

Review by @Anna Hirsch
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Chain Reaction (Nite Fire Book 2) by C. L. Schneider – Review by Kerry Carr

Chain Reaction (Nite Fire #2)Chain Reaction by C.L. Schneider
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is the second book in the Nite Fire series. I’ve loved the first one and this one continues the story and is just as enjoyable. It can be read as a standalone but I really recommend reading the first book as this helps build the characters and your connection to them.

In this book we are back with Dahlia Nite as she tries to solve mystery and protect the human world from knowing to much. In this one people seem to be getting infection with something that changes them into someone violent and aggressive that is until they burst into flames.

Teamed up with her straight laced partner Creed she sets out to solve the case without revealing the true source of this infection. Meanwhile she teams with her other partner Evans. Evans knows who she is and about other things most humans don’t know about. Together they set out to discover the real cause of this infection thats killing people.

Who is behind this new infection that’s killing people? What is their motives? And can Nite stop it before the body count increases?

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Flash Point (Nite Fire Book 1) by C. L. Schneider – Review by Kerry Carr

Flash Point (Nite Fire, #1)Flash Point by C.L. Schneider
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is the first book in the Nite Fire series. I love this authors writing. The stories are gripping and full of adventure. I love the strong female character and her connection with the other characters in the book.

When Dahlia Nite flees her own land to escape execution she finds safe haven on earth. As payment for living their she takes it upon herself to take out all the creatures that live in the dark to protect the humans.

Dahlia is half human/half dragon and when murders start happening with the hallmark of them being committed by her kind she struggles  to keep the secret away from humans. Why is her kind trying to show themselves to humans now? Why are they setting out to murder humans? And what will happen if she returns to her home to get answers?

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Slash & Burn (Nite Fire Book 4) by C. L. Schneider – Review by Erin Wolf

Slash & Burn (Nite Fire, #4)Slash & Burn by C.L. Schneider
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I give Nite Fire: Slash & Burn by C.L. Schneider, 5 stars.

This is Urban Fantasy at its finest. The 4th book in the series and the story just keeps getting better and better. The story is gripping from the beginning, I was pulled in immediately and couldn’t put the book down. There are so many twists and turns, you may get dizzy. But in a good way — you will gladly continue on the crazy ride. Not only do we learn so much more of Dahlia’s past, but all of the characters are constantly evolving to keep up with the changes happening around them. I am fascinated by the growth they have taken, both good and bad.

An overall exceptional Urban Fantasy, I highly recommend this book. Part of a continuation of story, I do recommend reading the other books in the series first. You will have a new binge-worthy series to catch up on.

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Nite Fire: Slash & Burn by C.L. Schneider – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

Slash & Burn (Nite Fire, #4)Slash & Burn by C.L. Schneider
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

In the fourth installment of the series Dahlia Nite is again being hunted down by the retrievers for the Queen and this team, the fourth one isn’t giving up easily, as she leads them to a strip mall, she takes them out one by one and disposes of the bodies in her own personal manner and gets away on her motorcycle before the authorities arrive and try to work out what is going on, the only difference is that this time, she has a team behind her who she can trust, even if one half is way more high maintenance than the other.

A few days later and Dahlia and her team are back in Drimera and she is practicing and trying to understand the blight and what can affect it, but she isn’t making any headway and it is frustrating her to no end, but her team still have faith in her, but when they are about to leave and get attacked by the normal creatures they come across in the area, they are shocked and unnerved by the creatures which are attacking them because as far as they know, those creatures have no way to get to this area and that is worrying to all of them, especially when they realise that they are being affected by the blight as well. The main thing which is worrying Dahlia at the moment is the speed that the blight is growing and that she is running out of time to stop it, not to mention the secrets which are being kept from her by friends and allies alike, but when she returns to the human realm for her patrols once the creatures had been dealt with, there are already police reports being reported which could be supernatural in nature, so Dahlia goes to check them out. Two were a bust, however the third one seems like a likely candidate, but she cannot get close enough to see what is happening and the crowd aren’t forthcoming with information, just insults aimed at one of the cops working the case, so she leaves while trying not to be seen, after giving the grumbler a piece of her mind along the way.

While Dahlia is trying to rest, she keeps having more nightmare, but they are not the usual kind and they are more detailed than before, but they still aren’t making any sense, but when they wake her up, she doesn’t want to disturb her bed fellow, but she can’t relax either and so she goes to get up and go to the gym instead and try and work out the emotions instead. The last thing she expects to happen is her ex partner banging the door after weeks of not speaking to her, but when she eventually decides to let him in, it is really awkward between them so instead of much talk about the elephant in the room, they talk about a case instead and it turns out it is the one she saw last night and that there are similarities and connections between that one and Dahlia’s first case she worked with him, too many connections but in the end she agrees to help him.

When Dahlia and her team go out on another patrol, they are responding to reports of animal attacks and missing pets, but what they find is worse than they could have possible imagined, there is a sinkhole and a whole herd of creatures, not to mention a lot more blight, but will Dahlia and her team be able to ferret out the clues to who is behind all the lies and secrecy which surround them, or will the blight become uncontrollable and destroy everything in its path before they can come up with a solution? This is another whirlwind adventure with thrills and spills along the way as you are pulled along on the current as it speeds towards the conclusion.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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Nite Fire: Smoke And Mirrors Book 3 – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

Smoke & Mirrors (Nite Fire #3)Smoke & Mirrors by C.L. Schneider
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Dahlia Nite is back to up her old tricks again and this time, she is chasing a banshee through the streets of Sentinel City, something very unusual must have brought it there, but after she and her Sidekick Casey Evans take it out and they succeed despite its best efforts to kill them in return, but no sooner than they are done that they are called in to another gruesome scene at the riverbank, a lot of body parts have been uncovered by the recent storms and not all of them are human, neither are the bits of tanned skin they find at the scene either, but it isn’t just an animal attack, there are also precision cuts where the parts have been removed and it is in a place where nobody really goes and hasn’t done for many years, but when they are called over to a nearby sewer where there are more body parts floating around, the two decide to go into the tunnels and take a look around.

What they find there looks like a converted jail cell, complete with bars, but it also looks abandoned and smells like it too, as Casey checks out all of the cells, Dahlia hears something moving further down the tunnels and goes to investigate it. They know that she is tailing them and that they are leading her somewhere specific, but she has no idea where, until she enters the basement of an old steel works where rumours of toxic waste and man eating mutated piranhas abound, but what she finds there is more sinister, multiple gurney’s covered in blood where it looks like the victims were strapped on while they were tortured and dismembered, she can sense the horror which lies in wait for her as well. She spies the person running along a skywalk being followed by another three people, but more are on their way as Dahlia is showered in bullets and only just avoids them before being engaged in hand to hand combat, again! She is surprised by the speed and agility, they look human, but she has a feeling that they aren’t, but there is no telltale smell or other indication telling her what they are, but she does her usual, but gets no further information from any of them before she is forced to set the place alight, hoping that there are no more victims being caged there as well.

As she tries to explain away the destruction and get Casey out of the way of it, Detective Creed doesn’t believe her, again and tja Captain of the force wants answers yesterday. The only lead they have is the van tyre tracks which they found and as it is the only solid thing, it means that they will be doing their best to track it down. Just as they finish the meeting Casey informs them of a crime at a past crime scene of an altercation which may have a non-human origin, so all three head three due to its proximity to the steel works. When they get there, Creed interviews the witness and Dahlia goes to look for clues to what happened and what creatures were involved, she finds some blood and some fabric, one she shares and one she examined and keep for further tests, but what she initially finds explains the mystery of how she wasn’t able to smell or use her senses to identify her assailants earlier. She also sees the evidence of a struggle and works out that it probably isn’t prudent to stay in the dark as it is in the backyard of the criminals they are looking for.

Later that night, Dahlia is running tests and comparisons to try and find out what type of creature the suspect is when the alarm in her gym goes off and when she gets there, she knows exactly who and why, she talks to Casey again about the dangers he was just walking into and although she understands that he just wants to feel close to and find his sister, she still tells him off until they are interrupted by someone being attacked, they try to help, but the victim doesn’t speak their language and as they are trying to decide what to do, they escape, now they have to worry a out then becoming a victim of a different type, these worries are put onto the back burner when a new lead appears and when it shows other connections, the hunt is in for her and Creed.

Will they be able to figure out who is behind the abductions and dismemberments, or will they fall foul of more than they can handle as the tangled web of secrets is revealed? This is another whirlwind of a tide across realms where revelations are not always what they seem and which hook you into their mysteries as well.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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Slash & Burn (Nite Fire Book 4) by C. L. Schneider – Review by Katie Matthews

Slash & Burn (Nite Fire, #4)Slash & Burn by C.L. Schneider
My rating: 4 of 5 stars


Another great book in this series and one that I really enjoyed. I think that the author has a great imagination and that really comes across in her stories, they are so creative and really well written. This book picks up with Dahlia and after everything that happened in the previous story I was looking forward to reading more. I would definitely recommend reading the books in order. Dahlia has definitely been on a journey over these books and it’s been exciting following her story along with the other characters.
This is a highly recommended series and book – I am definitely looking forward to more.

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Nite Fire: Chain Reaction Book 2 by C.L. Schneider – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

Chain Reaction (Nite Fire #2)Chain Reaction by C.L. Schneider
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Dahlia Nite is back in the next installment of this series and yet again, she has another crime to solve, but this time she has to overcome her own personal barriers as well as professional ones, although having Casey Evans around to talk to us helpful and her partner Detective Creed is as much of a thorn in her side as ever, but they all make a good team. This time, Dahlia is on one of her nighttime forays into the darkness and the seedier part of town, she is interrupted by a familiar scent, when she follows it she finds a young women who doesn’t belong there covered in blisters and peeling skin, but there is nothing she can do to help her when she combusts right before her eyes, but when the same thing happens at the gym the next day after her a d Casey have been sparring, there aren’t just blisters this time, the woman in question is mutating and as Dahlia is trying to help her, she combusts again, but this time it is in the middle of the street where everyone can see.

When Detective Creed arrives on the scene, he is frustrated and also slightly annoyed that is on Dahlia’s doorstep again, but not surprised either, however when he learns it is another spontaneous combustion case, he is not happy either, but at when it is revealed that Casey knows this woman, they start on tracking her movements for the last few days to see where she may have contracted whatever caused her death and to see if it uncovers any other victims. A few days later, some calls have come in about someone attacking their girlfriend in a club and then going on a violent rampage around the city, but when Dahlia and Creed finally chase the person down, it is clear that it is another victim, but this one is not easily put down and when Dahlia has chased him to the top of a building under construction, Creed is right on her heels, but she cannot get any information from him apart from one word before he falls to his death in a fiery ball.

Dahlia has no further ideas on what is causing the outbreak, but when a friend screams for help when he starts to report a crime, she is shocked to hear that he stole and came into contact with some of whatever was causing the problem, so as she sets off for another late night hunt, she runs into an old enemy, but she does find a name and a possible connection, however nothing goes as smoothly as planned, but as the bodies keep appearing and the mystery deepens, will Dahlia be able to keep a lid on what is happening and find out who is behind it, or will the city be swarmed by these rage fueled and mutated humans and in some cases, can they even still be called humans? This is another action packed thriller with a whirlwind of twists and turns throughout which will leave you guessing until the very end.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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Nite Fire: Flash Point (Volume 1) By C.L. Schneider – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

Flash Point (Nite Fire, #1)Flash Point by C.L. Schneider
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Dahlia Nite is a woman who moves around a lot ever since she escaped from her home and her execution, all because she paused while carrying out her duty when she was startled by something she couldn’t easily explain, so she ran in the middle of the night leaving everything and everyone she knew behind and escaped to the human realm, but her past has caught up with her now she has moved back to Sentinel City and not just when she is reliving her pain and fear in her dreams whenever she goes to sleep. When she uncovers a nest of otherworldly creatures who have been killing the humans in the city she currently calls home, she has no choice but to exterminate them, although it isn’t easy and she has to hide her true form while doing it, she completes her mission, but while working out how the creatures made it there, it is what they say which troubles her more, this and the fact that these particular creatures normally live alone, but here there were five of them, just another thing to add onto her list of strange things happening in Sentinel City.

The next day she is contacted by her contractor saying that there has been a murder, but that it is so unusual in the way it was commited that she is being called in to help and so keep the humans from finding out what truly happened there, but when she arrives at the scene, she is shown in by a police officer who looks like he doubts what he is seeing as she doesn’t look old enough to have experience of dealing with these types of investigations. The brutality of the murders is the first thing she notices and the manner in which they were killed is devastatingly familiar and that is before she has even properly looked at the bodies, but she knows exactly what did this, the thing she needs to find out now is why this family is dead. When she meets the captain of the police force there, she learns that she is being assigned a partner to investigate with, but after she requests to be alone with the scene, she confirms her original suspicions, even though she doesn’t want to. Later on in the day, she goes to a favourite haunt to have a drink and think about what she had found out that day, however, she senses someone nearby who could be involved and gives chase, however, when she gets close to them, they attack and this leads to more bodies like the ones at the house, but she loses sight of the person when they escape out of the back of the building.

Things start to get more complicated after she meets her new partner and that is when she realises that this one is going to become a thorn in her side, especially when the bodies start to pile up and any leads she has are either dead ends or things she can’t explain to the other officers on the team, she knows she is running out of time to figure it all out, but that doesn’t make it any easier on her. Will Dahlia be able to figure out who is killing these people and why while also covering it all up at the same time, or will the cat get out of the bag and reveal everything she has been trying to hide? This action packed urban fantasy will leave you wanting more as you are pulled in all the same directions as Dahlia as you try to figure things out with her.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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Slash & Burn (Nite Fire Book 4) by C. L. Schneider – Review by – Review by Lisa Helmick

Slash & Burn (Nite Fire, #4)Slash & Burn by C.L. Schneider
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is quite the story. I love reading more about Dahlia and her escapades. There is a lot that happens and it really kept me on my toes. Even re-reading passages to make sure I am understanding the flow of the story. Do you like action? Well this one has it in spades! Deceit, trickery and strong friendships all Fall into line within the story.

We meet new characters and say hello to some old ones. Each on add some spice and fire to the story. Dahlia has been fighting for her life, her friends and even sometimes her enemies. She is strong if mind and body as she struggles to understand what is happening to her and her town. Evans is still a great side kick and they have a few comedic moments. Creed is up in the air and not really sure which side he is landing on.

Overall this is a nice add to her series. The characters all come to life in their roles. The story has many ups and downs so be prepared. It looks like this might not be the end for her but we will see.

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Slash & Burn (Nite Fire Book 4) by C. L. Schneider – Review by Jenni Bishop

Slash & Burn (Nite Fire, #4)Slash & Burn by C.L. Schneider
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Slash & Burn (Nite Fire, #4) by C.L. Schneider is a supernatural shifter story and another wonderful addition to the series. The books should be read in order or you are behind the eight ball on the background of the characters and the world around them. C.L.’s word building is spot on when you can vividly imagine the world in which they fight to live. Her writing is enticing and engrossing, and the characters are interesting. The urban fantasy has intrigue and action will keep you engaged throughout and take you on a journey where there are supernatural beings, demons and humans live and fight.

Dahlia Nite is brash and kickarse, loud and sassy. She is also half human half dragon. She fights to protect others. This is a vigilante you want on your side.

I recommend this book and can’t wait to see what happens next.

Reviewed by @jennadb

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Slash & Burn (Nite Fire Book 4) by C. L. Schneider – Review by Angela Hayes

Slash & Burn (Nite Fire, #4)Slash & Burn by C.L. Schneider
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5 Stars

Slash & Burn is the fourth book in the Nite Fire series by C. L. Schneider. It is a fantastic action-packed urban fantasy that kept me glued to the pages right from the get-go!
We meet up with Dahlia Nite, the dragon shifter and all-round kick-a**, while she is still coming to terms with the events and fallout from the previous book. A lot has happened since we met her back in book one, and she has been through so much. She has survived her ordeal and has been picking up the pieces of her life, while training hard and trying to get a handle on everything. She has returned to her vigilante ways in an effort to keep the streets safe. But the spreading blight, and sheer numbers of ‘monsters’ will test her like never before. Does she have any chance of stemming the flow? This is definitely worth the read to find out.
Highly recommended for fans of epic, or urban fantasy- who like plenty of action and adventure!
Can’t wait to get my hands on the fifth, and final, instalment in the series- ‘Exit Strategy’.

Thank you, C.L. Schneider!


Reviewed by @angelahayes

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Smoke & Mirrors (Nite Fire Book 3) by C. L. Schneider – Review by Angela Hayes

Smoke & Mirrors (Nite Fire #3)Smoke & Mirrors by C.L. Schneider
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

4 ½ Stars

Smoke & Mirrors is the third book in the Nite Fire Series by C. L Schneider. There is so much to love about this series- an urban fantasy with plenty of supernatural and paranormal elements, danger, shifters, action, adventure, mystery, suspense, drama, intrigue, fantastic characters, brilliant world building, and much more.
A lot has happened since we started the first book, so I really recommend reading the other two books first before starting on this one- as there is important backstory and character details to be discovered there, which will enhance your reading experience of this book.
This is a complex and multi-layered story, with so much going on, and as I have come to expect from Ms. Schneider, there is more to the story than first meets the eye. I was completely immersed in the story, devouring every word- and loving every exciting minute.
This is a fantastic third instalment, and a wonderful addition to the intriguing, unique, and very imaginative series. Ms. Schneider has proved, yet again, to be a quite the masterful storyteller and talented author.
I really recommend this book/series to anyone who loves a great paranormal story with supernatural elements, crime + investigation, action, and adventure.

Thank you, C.L. Schneider!


Reviewed by @angelahayes

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Slash & Burn (Nite Fire Book 4) by C. L. Schneider – Review by Laura Furuta

Slash & Burn (Nite Fire, #4)Slash & Burn by C.L. Schneider
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Slash & Burn (Nite Fire Book 4)
By C. L. Schneider
5 out of 5 stars

I loved reading the book Slash & Burn (Nite Fire Book 4) by C. L. Schneider. It is a story that pulled me in from the beginning and didn’t let me go until the final page. It is a book that had me on the edge of my seat wondering what would happen next. I love the character of Dahlia. She is strong, intelligent, and independent. What does the future hold for her? Read this book to find out. This is a story that includes danger and suspense. The author does an amazing job of making the story and the characters come alive. A tale is woven that grabs your attention. This is the fourth book in a series, and I would suggest reading them in order. There are other additional characters that I enjoyed reading about. Don’t miss out on a story that is exciting, entertaining, suspenseful, and thrilling. I highly

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Slash & Burn (Nite Fire Book 4) by C. L. Schneider – Review by Francis O’Sullivan

Slash & Burn (Nite Fire, #4)Slash & Burn by C.L. Schneider
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Nite Fire: Slash & Burn is the fourth book in the Nite Fire series by C. L. Schneider, whose other books include the Crown of Stones series. It is an exciting paranormal story with elements of urban fantasy (and also dragons – can’t beat a good dragon story!)
By now, Dahlia Nite is an established heroine, and has been through more than her fair share of scrapes. She continues to be tenacious and resourceful, if often impatient. Her previous adventure has given her new powers which could be incredibly powerful, if she learns how to use them.
This is a fast-paced, action-filled book. There’s a lot going on, and plenty of clues to put together as the story progresses. It’s definitely a page-turner!
This book doesn’t really work as a standalone. It’s definitely worth reading the previous three books that introduce the characters and set the stage for what happens!
For me, this is a five-star read. Another great book in the series! I’d recommend the series to fans of urban fantasy who like plenty of action!

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Slash & Burn (Nite Fire Book 4) by C. L. Schneider – Review by Bobbi Wagner

Slash & Burn (Nite Fire, #4)Slash & Burn by C.L. Schneider
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is the fourth book in this series and it is just as great as the previous three. This author has continued to impress me with her writing skills and attention to details. This book is no different. I was pulled into the story from the beginning. Dahlia is back in another story and journey of non stop action. Things will never be the same again, things are changing and things are starting to happen that can’t be stopped. In search of truth, the things she finds only make her question more. Everything is pointing to the beginning of things. What happens next you will have to read to find out. This is a great story that you don’t want to miss. If you haven’t picked up this series yet, I highly recommend it.

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Review by @bjwagner

Slash & Burn (Nite Fire Book 4) by C. L. Schneider – Review by Kerry Baker

Slash & Burn (Nite Fire, #4)Slash & Burn by C.L. Schneider
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Nite Fire: Slash & Burn by C.L. Schneider is the fourth book in the Nite Fire series. I would strongly recommend reading this series in order so that you get a full understanding of what is going on.
It has been a little while since I read the other books but I found it was so easy to tell back into the story. As soon as I started reading I was straight there with the characters. This book was just as well written and engaging as the rest in the series. This is an exciting story and probably my favourite of the series so far. This author really knows how to capture your attention with a strong story line and such interesting characters. This is a brilliant series and one I would recommend.

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Slash & Burn (Nite Fire Book 4) by C. L. Schneider

~ ♦ ~ ♦ ~ ♦ ~ ♦ ~ BOOK SPOTLIGHT SHOWCASE ~ ♦ ~ ♦ ~ ♦ ~ ♦ ~
Slash & Burn (Nite Fire Book 4) by C.L. Schneider, Fantasy Author
Genre – Urban Fantasy, Supernatural Thriller, Paranormal Mystery
Page Count – 385 pages
Surviving her ordeal on Drimera was only the beginning. Forced to pick up the remains of her life and move on, Dahlia returns to her vigilante ways: hunting monsters by the cover of darkness. Backed by a new team, she vows to keep the streets safe while training to harness the eye’s abilities. But the city has become a time bomb, and every day the clock ticks faster—as the creatures pour in and the blight spreads. Dahlia worries she will never be enough to stop the impending destruction. How can she be the answer to saving them all?
Already stretched thin, Dahlia shies away from investigating the Sentinel’s latest murder spree. But the victims’ identities confound her. And the fragile thread tying the postmortem mutilations to Ella Chandler is impossible to ignore. Compelled to unravel the truth, what she uncovers only deepens the mystery. Who engineered the sinister plot? Why does everything lead back to that first case—the one that brought Dahlia out of the shadows and into the light?
Time is running out. Change is coming, and the linked worlds will never be the same.
Slash & Burn is the 4th book in the Nite Fire Series.


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C.L. Schneider is an award-winning author of immersive fantasy fiction, including The Crown of Stones Trilogy and the Nite Fire Series. Born in a small Kansas town, she resides in New York’s scenic Hudson Valley with her husband and two sons.

To learn more about C. L. Schneider, and the worlds she creates, visit  where you can read reviews and excerpts, subscribe to her newsletter, and join her Street Team. An active part of the indie author online community, you can often find her on social media, chatting about the daily ups and downs of a writer’s life.

Author Interview With C. L. Schneider




Nite Fire: Flash Point (Volume 1) AUDIO BOOK by C.L. Schneider – Review by Heidi Schoolman

This is the first book in the series.  This story follows Dahlia Nite, a shapeshifting assassin, who runs from her world to escape execution and hides out in the human world.  When a series of strange murders start to occur, she must work to tamp down the secrets that are trying to get out.  I loved the different characters – dragons, humans, and even half dragons.  Even the two worlds were spectacular in description.  Cannot wait for the rest of the series.

Nite Fire: Flash Point (Volume 1) AUDIO BOOK by C.L. Schneider – Review by Jonell Collins

I love a good mystery and I especially love a good thriller. Nite Fire: Flash Point (Volume 1) AUDIO BOOK by C.L. Schneider was all that and more. Plenty of action and adventure, plenty of opportunity to try and figure out “who done it” and I really enjoyed Cassandra King’s reading. She gives life to each of the characters and makes the story pleasant to listen to. I’m looking forward to the next one in this series.

Nite Fire: Flash Point (Volume 1) AUDIO BOOK by C.L. Schneider – Review by Danielle Dando

Well, this little number officially popped my audiobook cherry, having not ever been a fan of audiobooks, I have always tended towards avoiding them. I’m a bit of a picky sod and if I don’t really like the voice of the person reading it, then I will just zone out and the story is ruined. I was pleasantly surprised though; Cassandra King did a phenomenal job reading some great work by Schneider.

Flaming heck this was a mystery and a half, loved the old-timey cop feel that seemed to permeate throughout as well as the fantasy element of Dahlia being part dragon, part human, twas very interesting, and the other creatures that cropped up were cool. Some of the descriptions were fabulously gross, and they properly made my skin crawl, dumping me right in the moment. I happen to think that action sequences are some of the hardest to write, but Schneider nailed it and I mean, nailed it. All the fights left me feeling breathless, they were snappy and quick, and even though there were lots of descriptions packed into such a small moment, it in no way detracted from the urgency.

Dahlia is a fiery character, both physically and emotionally, she knows her own mind and having been around for quite a bit has seen and experienced a heck of a lot, but home always calls, her past whispering to her in weak moments, fooling her into believing that maybe one day she could return to where she came from and be welcomed by the Dragon Elders. This is foolish and in her more ‘together’ moments, she realizes this, distracting herself with mysteries in the human world. One such mystery happens to crop up, a family having fallen victim to, what looks like, spontaneous human combustion, but she knows that this is not the case, and the hunt begins to find out who of her kind perpetrated such a crime and stop them before they can hurt anyone else.

All in all, I found this an enjoyable listen, I banged it on while I was crocheting and found that it really kept me engaged, holding my breath during the fights, mouth dropping open when Schneider left an infuriating cliff hanger at the end of a chapter. A really good book, full of juicy mystery and some sizzling bits of romance. Honestly give it a go, you can’t go wrong with it.


Nite Fire: Flash Point (Volume 1) AUDIO BOOK by C.L. Schneider – Review by Meg Tyrrell

This is my first book by C.L. Schneider. It is not typically the type of book I read but I was intrigued by the synopsis. This was a really interesting book and well thought out, with amazing word building. The main character is a shape-shifting assassin Dahlia Nite. She is part human part dragon. She leaves her home to live on Earth, as she feels exiled for going against her queen. She decides to help the humans survive unexplained creatures as thanks for her not having to be killed in her home realm. All the lies she’s had to tell to keep everyone safe are stacking up, and are getting harder for the humans to believe. The narrator for this book, made this entire story for me. Such a great performance!