
Unbreak This Heart by Betty Shreffler – Review By Anastasia Dodson

Unbreak This HeartUnbreak This Heart by Betty Shreffler
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Unbreak This Heart
By Betty Shreffler
5 Stars!

Seriously, where has this author been hiding? This book was fantastic!! I’ve read books by this author but this is by far my FAVORITE!! I couldn’t put it down and I kept on the edge of my seat to see what was happening next.
This book is about Alex and Carter. They are wonderful main characters and I felt like they were relatable.
Alex is such a strong main character. She goes through something that no one should ever go through but honestly she is stronger because of it. Even if it takes her a while to realize that. She is slowly trying to figure who she is suppose to be and what she is supposed to be doing with her life. And in comes Carter..
Man oh Man, this guy is sexy. And he’s the kind of sexy that make the ladies around him few sexy about themselves too. He wants Alex in his life, but he just had to convince her that she belongs there.
Things are rocky for them for a while. Alex isn’t sure what she wants for her future and when her ex shows up and tries to ruin everything that she’s built for herself, she might not come out standing on the other side.

This book is one that will capture your attention from the beginning and It keeps it there, making sure you are still Turing the pages.
I would absolutely recommend this to a friend!
Review by Anastasia D.

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Hopelessly Devoted (Bayou Devils MC 1) by AM Myers – Review by Kristan Anderson

Hopelessly Devoted (Bayou Devils MC 1)Hopelessly Devoted by A.M. Myers
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Woah baby, this story was something else, that’s for sure. Hopelessly Devoted by AM Myers is book one in Bayou Devils MC. The story definitely grips you from the first page, I was flying through it trying to figure out what happened. Storm is a ‘dark and twisty’ mess of a man with a motorcycle. He doesn’t speak of his past and no one asks of it either. Ali hasn’t exactly had the best time with relationships. She has been cheated on but that hasn’t completely dimmed her personality. She is intrigued by the owner of the dog that nearly trampled her. The pair have an instant connection but something is keeping the two apart. While I liked Storms character, I was dying to know what messed him up so badly but glad that he found someone who may bring him out of the darkness. I think my favorite character is Izzy, Ali’s best friend. She was truly hilarious. With this being the first book I have read by this author, I have to say I like their style. I would recommend and cannot wait to read more!

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Running from Demons by M.K. Theodoratus – review by Maura Harper

Running from DemonsRunning from Demons by M.K. Theodoratus
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is one of those books that as I was reading, I kept comparing to today’s socio-economic-political situations.

RUNNING FROM DEMONS is the first book I’ve read by this author and while it is the second book in a series, I did not realize it until I read the comments at the end of the book.

This book was a tale that involves lots of characters, some well developed and important – others are background players to move the story forward. It is well plotted and has a very clear beginning, middle and end. The world building was fantastic and yet it seemed so familiar. Although this book is set in a “made up” land and time, there are familiar themes to the story. For example:

“Time to go to the restrooms before the bus takes off.” … “I don’t have to go.” … “Well, squeeze your drips. I’ll smack you up the head if you start whining on the bus.”

This book almost reads like an RPG story. It is written with such detail that I felt and the MC’s were able to make decisions based on limited facts.

I am going to be adding this to my TBRA (to be read again) pile because I will revisit it when the next installment comes out.

I would recommend this to readers from YA to my mom’s book club.

Review by @mauraharper

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I Am Kimberly Cole: A Journey into Terror by R.G. Miller – Review by Elizabeth Sanchez

I Am Kimberly Cole: A Journey into TerrorI Am Kimberly Cole: A Journey into Terror by R.G. Miller
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I Am Kimberly Cole: A Journey into Terror, is much like all of RG Miller’s other stories. It is twisted and takes you to places you never imagined. I am left stumped with the ending though. This book did not end how I expected. Reading the description of the book, it seems innocent enough, but from reading so many of Miller’s books, I knew it would have a abnormal psychology twist. However, I didn’t imagine to this level! I don’t want to give away the plot, as there are many twists, but I do recommend reading it. There is so much action and intense scenes, I didn’t want to put it down. I read the whole thing in less than a day.
Madison Edwards is a single mom, living in a homeless shelter in NYC. She is trying to do what is best for her daughter, to give her a good life. When she meets Kimberly Cole, she thinks she hit the jackpot, and could tell her life was about to change. However, it didn’t change in the way she hoped or expected. More for the worse than for the better. Meeting Kimberly is the beginning of a series of bizarre and tragic events, for Madison and her daughter Terri.

Reviewed by @way2gosmartguy

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Conviction (Ash Park Series Book #2) by Meghan O’Flynn – Review by Angela Hayes

Conviction (Ash Park, #2)Conviction by Meghan O’Flynn
My rating: 4 of 5 stars


Conviction is the second instalment in the gripping Ash Park Series by Meghan O’Flynn. I am really enjoying this series, as it has all the elements required to make it a great thriller. This second book could be read as a standalone, but as it has recurring characters, and some backstory from the first book- I really recommend reading book one before embarking on this one, so you get the entire picture and the ‘complete’ experience. The story is quite suspenseful, and the author did a great job of creating tension and building anticipation. I was trying to pick up any clues and piece the puzzle together to figure out what was happening and solve the mystery.
Ms. O’Flynn has woven a compelling story, full of interconnected details, multiple layers, intrigue, danger, mystery, drama, thrills, and chills. She kept me guessing the whole way through. Conviction is set about a year after Famished and we get to catch up with Shannon Taylor, Eddie Petrosky, Curtis Morrison and a few other characters who we met in book #1. Ms. O’Flynn gave this story a flavour all its own- and it’s a fantastic follow up to Famished.
I can’t wait to dive into book #3!

Thank you, Ms. Flynn!!!

Review by @angelahayes
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A Monster Like Me (Heart of Darkness, #2) by ​Pamela Sparkman – Review by Jenni Bishop

A Monster Like Me (Heart of Darkness, #2)A Monster Like Me by Pamela Sparkman
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

A Monster Like Me by ​Pamela Sparkman ​is a heartbreaking story where our main  character believes he is a monster. It is a story of love and loss, revenge and  redemption, forgiveness and pain. A prisoner of his past and horrors Zeph believes he  deserves everyone’s hatred but with love and understanding is it possible to change not  only his mind but his heart as well. The story is heart wrenching as even though you  see the evil it is an evil not of his doing. Watching him suffer bought tears and heartfelt  sorrow. For a story to provoke such strong emotions means it is a very well written  story. This fantasy is unlike your usual fantasy, it is not all hearts and flowers and is  pretty dark but is every bit as good.

Reviewed by @jennadb

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Running from Demons by M.K. Theodoratus – Review by Erin Wolf

Running from DemonsRunning from Demons by M.K. Theodoratus
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I give Running from Demons by M. K. Theodoratus, 5 stars.

Pillar is a Null, she has no magic. She is an outcast everywhere she goes. Her mother, who passed away a long time ago, left her with so many unanswered questions. When she has a chance to travel to some of her mother’s people, she decides to take the chance and travel to see them. But a teenager travelling on their own is dangerous, especially one without power. Will she learn any more about her family? Not to mention she seems to be attracting attention from some very nasty beings. What do they want with her?

This is great book! There is plenty of action, so much is going on that you will not be bored for one second. Not to mention the story of Pillar herself. She never knew her father, and she has spotty memories of her past and her mother. The growth she goes through is very rewarding. Life had never been easy for her, but it has not broken her. She has a wonderful heart too, she helps those who need it.

Since the main character just graduated high school, this would probably be considered young adult, but I am many years removed from this group and I believe this is great for all adults. I highly recommend it.

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Review by @erinwolf79

Unbreak This Heart by Betty Shreffler – Review by Maura Harper

Unbreak This HeartUnbreak This Heart by Betty Shreffler
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I’ve read other books by this author and have always enjoyed the tales that are weaved.

I was half way through “UNBREAK THIS HEART” before I realized what the title was about. (I also sing a song every time I say the title). It’s about retaking your power and moving forward. This book is certainly about healing.

There were times during this story that I laughed and cringed and cried and sighed. There is a particular character who I wanted to throat punch. There is ugliness and beauty in this story.

It was a bit of a longer book than I remember the author writing in other books – but that could just be my impression.

I recommend this book.

Review by @mauraharper

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Phoenix Rising (A Fortis Security Novel Book 7) by Maddie Wade – Review by Heather Bahm

Phoenix Rising: A Fortis Security Novel Book 7 (Fortis Security Series)Phoenix Rising: A Fortis Security Novel Book 7 by Maddie Wade
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Phoenix Rising, the seventh book in the Fortis Security series by Maddie Wade, is a military themed romance that follows characters that have been introduced throughout this series with each feature a specific set of individuals with overlapping secondary characters that support the characters. The overall theme that carries through this series is very well written, but each story could be read separately noting how well the author has laid out the book(s). I do recommend reading each story that is a part of this series, as it creates a very in depth and involved story to follow with great character development, suspense and, of course, romance that falls into the characters’ lives. In Phoenix Rising, the author immediately dives into the suspense and drama – Daniel and Megan are thrown together under less than ideal circumstances, but the sparks are undeniable. I found that Maddie Wade handle the ups/downs of this story/series with finesse and expertly carries the reader through the story. A great novel and series for those who love action tied in with suspense and romance.

Reviewed by @hbahm

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Unbreak This Heart by Betty Shreffler – Review by Angelina Frazzini

Unbreak This HeartUnbreak This Heart by Betty Shreffler
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Unbreak this Heart by Betty Shreffler is the first book that I’ve read by this author and I was blown away! This book discusses such a sensitive subject and the author told the story so powerfully.

Alex is trying to break herself out of the hole she’s been in for the last year. She steps out of her comfort zone and starts kickboxing lessons. She doesn’t expect the instructor or how comfortable she is with him. Alex can’t even think about starting to date again and yet she has two men vying for her attentions now after running into her ex-fiancé. She’s not sure she can handle being with either one of them but she’s slowly realizing only one of them can make her feel like the old Alex.

I absolutely love this book. There was so much emotion, I was feeling the emotions for Alex. I was rooting for her! The characters are portrayed so well. This is such a powerful story. It serves as a reminder for people who have experienced Alex’s pain, that it doesn’t always have to hurt and you can take your life back. I’m in love with this book!

Reviewed by @angelfra6

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Nikolai: A Mafia Prince Romance by Shandi Boyes – Review by Shannon Fowler

Nikolai: A Mafia Prince RomanceNikolai: A Mafia Prince Romance by Shandi Boyes
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Holy hotness!

You never know what you’re going to get when you read Shandi Boyes’ stories, but you can be sure you are going to get one heck of a story. One that will tease you, one that will break your heart and put it back together, one that will take you on an adventure like you have never been on before. Nikolai is no less. In fact, Nikolai is so much more. So much in fact that Shandi Boyes couldn’t fit him into one book!

I love that this story has a few hidden details. We don’t learn everything about Nikolai and Justine. Boyes gives us the details slowly over the course of the story. Which I am sure leads to the next book. I do wish we could have learned more details about Justine’s past. I get the feeling that it’s bad, but maybe that’s why Boyes is sparing the readers from that horror.

This story is not for the faint of heart or the under 18 reader. There are swear words and sexy situations. There’s violence and even more sex. The story is easy to read in that it flows well. No crazy flash backs, no crazy exes screwing everything up. There is one hot alpha telling us what he wants. And boy oh boy does he get it!

The ending with Nikolai’s brilliant plan to make everything right is beyond awesome! That third one! Oh my! What an ending! I am so ready to read the next one!

Review by @shannonlovesbooks

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I Am Kimberly Cole: A Journey into Terror by R.G. Miller – Review by Angela Shirley

I Am Kimberly Cole: A Journey into TerrorI Am Kimberly Cole: A Journey into Terror by R.G. Miller
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

OMG, OMG, OMG that is all I say about this book, I am Kimberly Cole : A Journey into Terror by R G Miller is not to be turned down.

This book has all the characteristics of a R G Miller book, thrilling story lines, characters you either want to look after or are repulsed against but it is like a horror movie although it is scaring the crap out of you, you have to read on.

I feel if I tell you anything about the story I will just ruin the read for you as this is a short novel but still packs the punch. The story involves a homeless single family and what happens to them when they meet Kimberly Cole.

I have been a fan of R G Miller ever since The Twins was loaded onto my e-reader and have soaked up everything he as written going forward. I would recommend all his books to anybody who love a suspense thriller with a twist of the evil thrown in. I can’t wait for the next book to come along.


Reviewed by @ashirley


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Nikolai: A Mafia Prince Romance (The Russian Mob Chronicles Book #1) by Shandi Boyes – Review by Angela Hayes

Nikolai: A Mafia Prince RomanceNikolai: A Mafia Prince Romance by Shandi Boyes
My rating: 5 of 5 stars


Nikolai: A Mafia Prince Romance is the first book in the Russian Mob Chronicles- and part of the incredible Enigma series by Shandi Boyes. This is an exceptionally well written story- and nothing less than what I have come to expect from this consummate storyteller. She manages to enthrall me with every new release, each book leaving me in complete awe of her talents. This book can be read as a standalone but believe me when I say that one of Ms. Boyes books will never be enough and you will WANT to go back to read the other books in the series too.
This is a captivating mafia romance, with plenty of twists, danger, action, some violence, and sooooooo much more. I fell in love with the characters and their story, but then again, I expected nothing less from Ms. Boyes.
We met Nikolai previously in the series, and I was immediately intrigued by him- but I have to be honest and say that I wasn’t sure I was going to ‘like’ him from what we had seen of him. I didn’t think I could become invested in him or his story- but I WAS SO WRONG!!! Ms. Boyes wove her magic, drawing me into her story and showed me that there is so much more to Nikolai than I had ever expected- and I couldn’t have loved him more than I do. Justine is fantastic, I just love how perfect she is and how wonderful these two are together. There are so many layers, facets and interwoven details throughout this series, little things that you read several books back, end up coming into play in ways you never expected. Brilliant!!!!
I have developed a serious addiction to Ms. Boyes books- and it’s one I’m not about to cure anytime soon!
Bring on the next book!

Thank you, Ms. Boyes!

Review by @angelahayes
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Running From Demons (The Chronicles of Andor Series Book #2) by M.K Theodoratus – Review by Angela Hayes

Running from DemonsRunning from Demons by M.K. Theodoratus
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

4 Stars

Running from Demons is the second book in the Chronicles of Andor series by M.K Theodoratus. It is a great urban fantasy- with an action-packed coming of age adventure woven through it. There is magic, danger, demons, discovery, mayhem, drama, mystery, and much more…. This is my first read from Ms. Theodoratus, so I wasn’t entirely sure of what to expect going into the book. The blurb sounded great, and the cover is intriguing- so I took the chance to explore her world…… and now I can say that I am so glad that I did. This story is a great adventure, with interesting characters who swept me into their story and held my attention right till the very end.
We meet Pilar who hasn’t had an easy life. She is an outcast, in her society, a Null- meaning she had no magic in a society where everyone had some sort of ability. Being without her mother for so long now, and the older she gets the more questions she has. So many things she wants to know, secrets that her mother must have kept. So, when an opportunity arises to find some answers, Pilar jumps at the chance and sets off on her quest for answers. But, danger soon catches up with Pilar, and she discovers much more about her world, and herself, than she’d ever bargained for. Will she survive her encounter with demons? Will she find the answers she’s looking for?
There are a lot of characters in this story, and a lot going on- but wasn’t difficult to follow along. I will definitely be reading the third book, “Rendezvous With Demons”- I can’t wait!

Thank you, Ms. Theodoratus!

Review by @angelahayes
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Summer Fling by Tarrah Anders – Review by Lyndsey Fairley

Summer Fling by Tarrah Anders 5 stars This was a quick read for me, but so enjoyable. Emma lives a small town and its the start of summer, which means tourist season. Shes sworn off tourists after being burned years ago, but Royce is different. While he says he’s there to stay and open a vet clinic, she has a hard time telling her heart to believe it. As Royce and his friends get the clinic ready to open and also dating Emma, his past comes back in a way i didn’t see coming. I loved the flow of this book and the details of the town, the characters, everything. I hope we get to see more of this town!

Charlotte: Dr. Richard’s Littles 7 By Pepper North – Review by Melissa Agena

Charlotte: Dr. Richards' Littles 7Charlotte: Dr. Richards’ Littles 7 by Pepper North
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This was a very interesting book. The subject matter is definitely not one for everyone. Charlotte: Dr. Richard’s Littles 7 is written by Pepper North. If you are not sure what “Littles” are then you definitely need to look it up. If you do know what they are then you just might like this book. Charlotte was on her last leg and was basically going to be living on the streets if she didn’t get this job at this very particular department store. Benton Gordon was the proprietor of the department story. Charlotte intrigued Benton and the more and more that Benton got to know Charlotte, the more he became interested in her socially. However, Benton has very particular tastes and wanted Charlotte to learn about the lifestyle so that perhaps they might have the relationship that he wanted. Charlotte just wanted to be taken care of for once. Of course, this story is a HEA and the two definitely become a couple. There is very little of the sexy stuff in this story but, the “Littles” lifestyle isn’t all about sex. Even though this subject matter isn’t what my tastes lean toward, the story itself was really great and the writing pulled me in and I couldn’t put the book down. This story was definitely interesting and intriguing all in the same token. I applaud the author for writing about a sensitive subject matter and because of writing I want to read her other books in the series and perhaps other books she may have written as well. Well done Pepper North!

Reviewed By @vegasdaisie

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Addicted to Love (Bayou Devils MC #2) by A.M. Myers – Review by Jana Teppih

Addicted to Love (Bayou Devils MC #2)Addicted to Love by A.M. Myers
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Addicted to Love is the second book in A.M. Myers’ Bayou Devils MC series and I was fortunate to have discovered the series when three books were out so I did not have to suffer any book hangover! You could read it as a standalone but you are meeting all the characters you were introduced to in the first book so do yourself a favour and start with book one!
Chance and Carly are the two that are in the limelight in this story of MC brotherhood and camaraderie. I heart bled for Carly and I cried and I wished for Chance to be able to get through the walls she had built around herself … and Chance, I wish that every one of us could experience in our lives the man he is … Don’t be fooled though, it is not just some sort of a simple love story taking place in a MC world, it is filled with action and drama and there are quite a few times when the writer pulls the rug from under you and … there is a cherry on the top of it all – at no point you need to wonder what Carly or Chance is thinking as the writer gives us both of their voices!
I cannot wait to dive into the next story in the series!

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I Am Kimberly Cole: A Journey Into Terror by R.G. Miller – Review by Michelle Austin

I Am Kimberly Cole: A Journey into TerrorI Am Kimberly Cole: A Journey into Terror by R.G. Miller
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I Am Kimberly Cole: A Journey into Terror was a creepy 5 star read.
This book definitely has some twisted moments and scenes that really threw me off.

This is a story that is told in multiple POV’s. At first I wasn’t sure how they were all connected until there was a huge twist and Madison meets Kimberly while out clubbing.

Madison and her daughter Terri are homeless and have been living in shelters for years. Madison is trying to make enough money to get them into their own home. Meeting Kimberly definitely changes their lives.

Just as Madison thinks things are going great for them there is a huge twist. A twist that causes Madison to impersonate Kimberly. What Madison doesn’t realize is that she has just put her and her daughter in serious twisted danger. Kimberly had some serious skeletons in her closet and Madison just opened the door.

There were some really way out their scenes that creeped me out and had me wondering what the heck I just read. All of the secondary characters were great and the ending was a WTF kind of moment, what a way to end it. I’m wondering if R.G. Miller will be continuing this story. This was a quick read that really pulls you in.

Reviewed by @mab54615

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Phoenix Rising: A Fortis Security Novel Book 7 by Maddie Wade – Review by Michelle Austin

Phoenix Rising: A Fortis Security Novel Book 7 (Fortis Security Series)Phoenix Rising: A Fortis Security Novel Book 7 by Maddie Wade
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Phoenix Rising was a great 5 star read and book 7 in the Fortis Security Series.

I loved this book and it’s characters. You get pulled in right from the beginning with the prologue, my heart just broke for Daniel and his daughter.

We jump ahead a year when Megan is in a serious accident, but was it an accident? And Daniel is struggling with his feelings for her, which come out tenfold when he sees her at the accident scene. He is no longer willing to worry about what his best friend and her brother will do when he finds out how he feels.

After their one night together Megan couldn’t get Daniel out of her head and heart. But he was treating her like she didn’t exist, not understanding why. She then discovers something that will change both of their lives, how will he react to the news?

This man was probably the most dangerous man in the world to her, part of her knew she should run, but the bigger part of her wanted to curl up at his feel like a contented kitten.

We move forward with this great read, to encounter more secrets along with more dangerous twists and turns, especially when the past comes back to haunt Megan. Will Daniel and the Fortis Security team be able to keep her safe? This was an on the edge of your seat, nail biting read. I read this in one sitting, I just couldn’t put it down. I really loved all of the secondary characters, they are like one big family. I’m super excited to get my hands on the next book in the series. I highly suggest 1-clicking and getting started today on this great series.

Reviewed by @mab54615

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I Am Kimberly Cole: A Journey into Terror by R.G. Miller – Review by Debi Kircher

I Am Kimberly Cole: A Journey into TerrorI Am Kimberly Cole: A Journey into Terror by R.G. Miller
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I Am Kimberly Cole: A Journey into Terror by R.G. Miller

5 Stars

Evil Genius….That is one of the first thoughts I had about this author when I got over my textbook tantrum after reading the ending of this book. Well, after I reread the last page like 17 times…

I just don’t know what to say so I’ll go the easy route… This is not my first book by this author, everything I’ve read so far has had me all kinds of messed up but nothing and I mean NOTHING has messed with my mind like this little gem. I will not say one word about any plot specifics..That wouldn’t be fair to anyone that chooses to read this book. I will say though that I think I’m going to read it again. Not because I need to to see if I liked it, but because now Im scanning through my mind wondering what in the hell I missed…LOL I can’t figure it out, and I can only hope that there is another book coming, Please Please let there be another book, and the title would be pretty obvious I think. I must have more, not that it was an easy read in some parts but that didn’t matter, I could not put it down and the last 25% or so I swear I was reading in twice my normal speed.

I cant believe a book that was only 100 and some pages could be so full of as much content as this one was. Im almost speechless and will be thinking about this I just know for a few days trying to figure it all out!

Evil Genius…..I can almost picture him when he typed the last word of this book sitting there with an evil grin saying yes That will do…..

I was hooked a few books ago, but this one….you have a new Forever Fan RG Miller!!!

Brilliant, shocking, scary, eerie, mind shattering and did I say Brilliant…

Review by @debikircher

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The Kitty Committee: A Novel of Suspense by Kathryn Berla – Review by Francis O’Sullivan

The Kitty Committee: A Novel of SuspenseThe Kitty Committee: A Novel of Suspense by Kathryn Berla
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The Kitty Committee by Kathryn Berla is a dark coming of age story. It tells the story of Grace, a naïve girl who gets caught up in a dangerous friendship group.
The narrative switches between different points in time, so we get Grace’s experiences as a teenager and the impact it has on her as an adult side-by-side. This is very effective – we know something bad will happen and have some clues as to what but have to wait to find out what.
It reminded me a lot of Mean Girls at times. Grace’s parents are missionaries and she has spent most of her life away from America. Initially, she has a hard time adjusting to high school until she is accepted by Carly and Maggie. It also reminded me a bit of Oranges Are Not The Only Fruit, particularly nearer the start. I was worried at times that it was going to be too much like Mean Girls (not that I have anything against Mean Girls!) but the structure allows for the girls’ choices and actions to have much deeper and more serious consequences.
There’s a lot going on in this story – sometimes it feels like a bit too much to follow everything at once but it’s also very enjoyable. Grace spends some time travelling around Europe which was particularly fun to read about!
For me, this is a four star book. I’d recommend it to fans of high school stories like Mean Girls who are after something a bit darker.

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Georgia Clay (Southern Promises #1) by K.G. Fletcher – Review by Susan Mowdy

Georgia Clay (Southern Promises, #1)Georgia Clay by K.G. Fletcher
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Georgia Clay is the first book in the Southern Promises series and I LOVED it!The story was sweet and emotional and had an easy flow to it.

We meet Clay who is a song writer and Katie who works in an insurance business. Both run into each other at their high school reunion where they spent the night talking to one another. Clay has always had a thing for Katie but has always been too leery on telling her. Their relationship progresses and slowly turns into love. I loved how believable this book was. You actually got to see the relationship grow instead of insta-love connection by page 2.

K.G. Fletcher did a beautiful job writing these characters and I cannot wait for more!

Reviewed by @listersda
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The Flip (Romance in Rehoboth #2) By K.L Montgomery- Review by Emily Brockschmidt

The Flip (Romance in Rehoboth #2)The Flip by K.L. Montgomery
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Sonnet is a career driven perfectionist. Andrew is a late twenties bartender who lives with his parents. Sonnet and Andrew grew up together and have hated each other for years after competing for every academic achievement in their school careers. The only thing that kept them close during school was Andrew’s Aunt Penny who was Sonnet’s next door neighbor. Aunt Penny has big plans in store for them and the trouble ensues! This book was such a fun, quick read! I love the whole enemies finding a common ground and becoming friends trope, especially when it involves such interesting characters as Sonnet and Andrew. This is the second book in the Romance in Rehoboth series, but doesn’t necessarily need to be read in order. I recommend reading “Fat Girl” first so you get a better feel for some characters that are in both books. Sonnet is such an amazingly bright and complex character to read about. I loved hers and Andrews’ passions in life and how driven they are by them. This book truly was just enjoyable to read! I give “The Flip” five stars!!
Reviewed by @emilybee430

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Plot Twist (Romance in Rehoboth #3) By K.L. Montgomery – Review by Emily Brockschmidt

Plot Twist (Romance in Rehoboth #3)Plot Twist by K.L. Montgomery
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Wow! What a fun book! As a lover of musical theatre, this book was right up my alley. I used to do plays and musicals in high school and this book really took me back to all the fun, all the drama and all the friends I made during theatre. This book is about Lindy, an overweight teacher who is too scared to try out for a major role but certainly has the chops for it! Meric is a slightly OCD accountant recovering from heartbreak, and is captivated by Lindy when he hears her sing. This book has all the common pitfalls of community theatre and oh so much more! I really loved reading about these characters and what the show means to them. As a warning, this book is the third in the Romance in Rehoboth series and I highly recommend reading the first two books to get a feel for the area and the people who crop up. This is such a fun series and I love every minute of it! So, of course, I give K.L Montgomery’s “Plot Twist” five stars!!
Reviewed by @emilybee430

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Fat Girl (Romance in Rehoboth, #1) By KL Montgomery – Review by Emily Brockschmidt

Fat Girl (Romance in Rehoboth #1)Fat Girl by K.L. Montgomery
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

“Fat Girl” is an inspiring tale of growth and inner strength by K.L. Montgomery. Our “Fat Girl” is Claire, who has battled body image issues from a young age and finds herself at 38 and desperately needing to reinvent her life. She is a wise, witty and wacky character who I ended up really relating to by the end of the book. The story reads like a diary, a nearly weekly account of Claire’s attempts to change her life. While the story tends to get long winded in parts, I found the details to really help explain how Claire thinks and how she acts. This is a story I feel like many women can relate to on some level. Whether their love life is in trouble or the battle with weight and body image issues, I feel many women could benefit from reading this. As a person who struggles with weight, I knew this book would speak to me. I had no idea just how much I would get from this story though. Claire seems like she could be any one of us and that makes her so relatable! So, I give “Fat Girl” five stars!!

Review by @emilybee430
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Summer Fling by Tarrah Anders – Review by Angela Hayes

Summer FlingSummer Fling by Tarrah Anders
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5 Stars

Summer Fling by Tarrah Anders is sexy, sweet and fun- an entertaining, heart-warming and light-hearted story that captivated me right from the first page. This standalone is one that you won’t want to miss. I really enjoy Ms. Ander’s writing, she has an easy, inviting and sexy style- and is a very talented storyteller. I have read most of her books now and she never disappoints.
Emma is wary and doesn’t trust men after a bad experience. Her issues mean that she doesn’t date vacationers either, because they don’t stick around after their summer fun. But, her home town is a summer destination and the season is about to start.
Royce is new to town, he’s got plans and wants to put down some roots. (I would love to tell you what brought him to town and why he’s sticking around- but I think it would spoil the surprise). He and Emma meet at a party and spend a drunken night together. What happens when they run into each other a couple of days later? Can he convince her that he’s sticking around long term and gain her trust? Will she give him a chance to prove it? Does their relationship have a future, or will there be an expiration date? And what happens when the past returns to haunt them? So, what does happen, you ask? You really should read all the details for yourself- because this book has so much going for it….. its playful, funny, spicy, romantic, and is a great, feel-good read!
I can’t wait to find out what comes next!

Thank You, Ms. Anders!

Review by @angelahayes
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Badge Bunny (Romance in Rehoboth Book 4) by K.L. Montgomery – Review by Jenni Bishop

Badge Bunny (Romance in Rehoboth Book 4)Badge Bunny by K.L. Montgomery
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Badge Bunny (Romance in Rehoboth Book 4) K.L. Montgomery is the fourth book in the series and just as fun as the others. I enjoy reading books that K.L. writes as they are fun and quirky and make you laugh out loud. I also love that she writes in several POV’s which makes them even funnier when you are reading from the male perspective. I absolutely adored each one I have read. I suggest you read them in order as the characters cross over and make them feel like old friends. One Cop possibly looking for love, One Doctor sworn off Cops, One Wedding, One Storm and some misunderstandings make for some interesting times and one great read. Trust me when I say you can not, not read this series. I can’t wait to see what K.L. has for us next.

Reviewed by @jennadb

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Burning Britely by Deidre Huesmann – Review by Jenni Bishop

Burning BritelyBurning Britely by Deidre Huesmann
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Burning Britely by Deidre Huesmann is a quick and easy read that you will read in one  sitting. It is a young adult story about experiencing life in high school and trying to  work out who you are. It is an emotional read as someone who was once happy with  who they were is now trying to deal with feelings that are completely foreign. Deidre  wrote characters that are relateable and you can see everything in your minds eye. This is an enjoyable read that you will interest any young adult.

Reviewed by @jennadb

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Burning Britely by Deidre Huesmann – Review by Liz Vrchota

Burning BritelyBurning Britely by Deidre Huesmann
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Burning Britely by Deidre Huesmann was the first time I had read anything from Huesmann and I truly enjoyed the novel. It was a short, yet jam-packed, novel. I would definitely recommend it to those that are looking for a coming of age story to share with their teens or tweens that are questioning their place in the world. It really resounds with that part of all of us as humans that always fight that slight struggle to figure out where we fit amongst the crowd we are floating among at the time. My daughter is currently eleven years old and I would say that she would be able to read and enjoy this in a year or two from now. I would recommend this as one of those conversation starter books, or book club books to read with your tween/teen clubs.

In this story we find out all about Jeff, who turns out to be the social outcast of the high school. He is the awkward one without a clique to fall into. When he is assigned to tutor the star athlete of the school, Braeden, he knows this will lead to nowhere good. Everyone loves Braeden and Braeden loves everyone. What neither expect is for a friendship to blossom between them. Even more shocking Jeff begins to develop romantic feelings for Braeden. In fact, he has fallen in love with Braeden Britely.

The emotions! Holy cow are they ever flowing in this book! I was up and then down, and it was a non-stop ride from beginning to end with this book. I loved how this was relatable at thirty-three just as much as I could see it being relatable to a younger adult. This is the stuff we need to be out there discussing with our children. Talking about and bringing to the forefront, making it normal and ok to be open about. These are feelings that happen to people every day. Thank you Deidre Huesmann for bringing them to life and making them approachable. We need more books like this. I can’t wait to see what else is out there from you and what else you have to come.

Review by @lizaileen
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I Am Kimberly Cole: A Journey into Terror by R.G. Miller – Review by Liz Vrchota

I Am Kimberly Cole: A Journey into TerrorI Am Kimberly Cole: A Journey into Terror by R.G. Miller
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Astonishing! Brilliant! Terrifying! Here is the thing… I am beyond hooked on R.G. Miller’s novels. I have been ever since I picked up his debut novel, The Twins. That particular novel gave me nightmares and played with my subconscious long after I finished the last pages. The makings of a great thriller novel. Each one following it seemed to outdo the one before, an almost impossible task. When I saw that he had a new one out with new characters I was beyond excited and I was chomping at the bit to get it in my hand. My only complaint is that this was so short! Don’t worry, it did not hinder this novel at all. For only being 93 pages, this sucker packed one hell of a punch!

I am so torn. I want badly to give you a glimpse into this novel, to reel you in and make you grab this book and all of Miller’s novels with a one-click fever, you would not be one bit disappointed. I also can’t bare the idea of spoiling anything either. Being short it feels as if everything is integral. I do feel as if I could share a snippet, one of my favorite spots in the book. Perhaps you will be persuaded to go and grab at least this one, if not all his available titles. It is coming up on the season of cozy blankets, hot drinks, spooky reads, and cooler weather. This may be just what is missing from your kindle collection???

It was 3:00 AM when Madison carried her child into their hotel room. She lay Terri on the bed and removed her clothes. Afterward, Madison walked back into the living room. She poured herself a drink, then sat on the couch. I don’t believe in al that mess. Voodoo and spells, she thought. “Nonsense.” She stood up and walked towards the balcony. She stopped at the door. Why did he do it? And why did he did it in front of Terri? Maddison thought about the smell of burnt flesh. Why did she smell like that? Madison shook the thoughts from her mind. “It’s impossible…” The words that Timothy had shouted at her before his body burst into tiny bits of flames all seemed like a dream. I imagined the whole thing. “That Toby character must’ve drugged my food or something, had me seeing things,” she said aloud.

Madison finished off her drink, then she poured herself another. Before she had finished her second drink; Madison was sound asleep. She dreamt of the same elderly man. The man, who seemed to be her father, was yelling at her about getting a job. “Kimberly,” he shouted, “I am not your personal bank. You will get yourself a job and pull your own weight.” Then the dream switched. Madison saw herself standing in a bathroom. She was crying. She looked at her reflection in the mirror, her face was that of Kimberly Cole. Madison popped out of her dream drenched in sweat. The dream had frightened her. Madison looked at her watch. It was 4:30 am. She staggered a little as she made her way towards the balcony. She took a deep breath of the warm, night air. “Freakin’ dream,” she muttered. She sat in on the balcony chairs and stared at the stars, she bit her fingernails ashes thought about the two nightmares she’d had. “What the hell did she do-¬ “Suddenly, Madison stood straight up. “She burned down the house, killing her parents and two little sisters. Timothy was burned trying to save Tiffany and Emma. At the funeral he said that he knew what I-“Madison froze. She stood up and paced the balcony. “How do I know that? What the hell is going on?” Madison’s heart was beating rapidly. She ran her hand up and down her arm. She felt herself getting dizzy. Madison sat back down and took long, deep breaths to calm her nerves. “How the hell did I know that?” she asked herself again. “Kimberly must’ve- no, she didn’t tell me anything about her life.” Madison stood up again. She walked over to the railing. She peeked into her bedroom to make sure Terri was okay.

Madison ambled towards the bathroom and sat down on the toilet seat. She buried her face in her hands. Madison sat there for five minutes pondering over her recent revelation. “How did I know that?” She stood up and walked over toward the mirror. Half of her face was that of a friend, Kimberly Cole, the other half was her own. Madison gasped and threw her hands up to her moth. She stumbled backward and bumped into the toilet. In the mirror, her fingers were long and slender; there was god fingernail polish on them. Madison’s left eye was blue, and the other was brown, and her breast looked larger. Her blood ran cold. She covered her face with her hands and shook her head rapidly. “This can’t be possible.” When she looked at the mirror again, she saw her own reflection.

Review by @lizaileen
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