
Slow Burn by A.K. Macbride – Review by Tracy Jenks

Slow Burn (Breathing Hearts, #2)Slow Burn by A.K. MacBride
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This was a great one – – I personally enjoy the ‘enemies to lovers’ story line. In Slow Burn there was nice character development and they had relatable, real-world issues to work through. I think I read this in two short sittings, and it has enough steam and intrigue to keep the reader engaged but it’s not overly explicit. In the end you’re rooting for Adam and Maddie to end up together but the author makes you wait right up until the end to reveal if they will or not. I’d read more from A.K. MacBride!

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Fight for It by Amy L Gale – Review by Jennifer Gordon

Fight for It (Sunset Cove)Fight for It by Amy L. Gale
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I thoroughly enjoyed this romance and read the book in one sitting as I was hooked from start to finish. Professional boxer Ray “The Wrecker” Wilson has had to retire from the ring due to injury. Ray returns to his hometown of Sunset Cove to buy The Kraken Bar & Grill a former infamous hotspot. Real-estate agent Alyssa Higgins is trying to restart her life having divorced her abusive husband who unfortunately still lives in the town, the same town his family run. Ray and Alyssa meet when he needs her expertise to buy The Kraken, Ray can’t believe he’s face to face with the one girl who was always ‘off limits’ due to her being his best friends little sister. Alyssa is surprised to find the legendary heartthrob is back in town especially as he’s followed by reporters everywhere he goes.
Whilst Alyssa believes Ray just sees her as his best friends sister still, Ray is trying to resist their obvious chemistry especially as they are both grieving for Alyssa’s brother. Just as the couple grow closer Ray has an opportunity to go back in the ring but this decision may change everything. This is a heartwarming romance with a sporting theme, the storyline flows well and has plenty of drama and suspense in the plot to keep readers happily turning the pages. The characters are all well defined and I especially liked the main characters, Ray and Alyssa. The chemistry between the pair really came across in the writing and as they were both likeable and relatable I felt engaged with them and their story. A great short read which I recommend.

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Slow Burn by A.K. Macbride – Review by Lisa Helmick

Slow Burn (Breathing Hearts, #2)Slow Burn by A.K. MacBride
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is a delicious slow-burn. There is something to be said for going slow instead of quick and fast all the time. This one delivers it all in spades. We really get to know the characters and their wants and needs. Adam is quite the guy. At first I loved to dislike him but slowly..oh so slowly he turned a corner as I changed my opinion about him. He is a grump and kinda mean. By the end he is a hot dreamboat. There is one scene in here that I highlighted because I loved it so much. Sadly its near the end so I can’t say anything because I don’t want to give anything away. But let’s just heartbeat picked up as I held my breath. Madison is wonderful. She has challenges that are different from Adam’s but I still enjoyed all her turmoil, tears and smiles.

Secondary characters are super. First off can a dog be a character? Sheldon has a smallish part but its a instrumental in the story. Frankie is a great character. Supportive and there for her bestie. I see her story is next and I am excited. There are parents, friends and family that all help these two try to get together.

Overall this is a wonderful read. The suspense of will they or won’t they drove me crazy! Heck even that first kiss! Yowza! I loved seeing the growth of these two and I look forward to more.
The title of this series (Breathing Hearts) fits perfectly.

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Return to Alpha by Wesley Britton – Review by Heather Lovelace

Return To Alpha: A new saga beginsReturn To Alpha: A new saga begins by Wesley Britton
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Fascinating! Britton is a new author to me and I found the concept behind this book to be very intriguing. The multiverse concept is one I am seeing more and more. I really enjoyed the author’s take on this theme. I found the characters fascinating and the storyline was original. True scifi lovers will enjoy this new world that Britton has created.

Reviewed by @heatherlovelace
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Fight for It by Amy L Gale – Review by Lisa Helmick

Fight for It (Sunset Cove)Fight for It by Amy L. Gale
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This is a quick read. I really enjoyed the story for the first half. The characters and their plight drew me in. I cared about them and wondered what would happen. A Fighter (after forced retirement) coming back to his hometown..reinvesting in the town. Great idea! Then meeting back up with his BF sister. Perfect! Then there is her story of divorce from an abusive ex and learning to stand on her own again. Nicely Done.

The second half was not so good. The story went all over the place. The characters really fell flat and things didnt fit in place. The Story/Characters should be like a puzzle where everything fits together. In here I feel like pieces got put in the wrong place. I think a longer, more in depth look at the characters and story would have been more beneficial. Maybe even a look inside Ray’s head. It just felt rushed at times and the story didn’t match up with the great first half.

Overall I liked the idea and premise of this story.

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THE BOW (HER THREE IMMORTALS Book 3) by HAZEL STORM – Review by Lorrene Huisman

The Bow (Her Three Immortals, #3)The Bow by Hazel Storm
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I truly am unable to get enough of this author’s amazing series. I have been hooked since I was introduced to the amazing characters and story line in book one. Hazel Storm knows how to weave a tale with such interest and certain specialties as I call it that really draws the reader in! Loved this installment!

I loved Vanessa in this gripping novel. She has grown so much as a character since the first book, she really is a bad ass and she ha gone through, well a lot! She’s a fighter and even won over the darkest soul to love her. That took more that just a bit of work. When she is sent to the mission to meet his mother, I found great relation to that ordeal. I have been there too many times. I loved the fact the author put a strong relation many readers can think on that they have been where Vanessa is.

In this book practically, I loved the scenery and how the author described everything. The adventure to well what Vanessa had to complete, perhaps I say to gain the mothers acceptance, was less than ideal, but certainly made the story more powerful in many different attributes it brought! I could not put this one down, I thought the last installment was gripping, but this one really held on to me even more tightly! There’s so much happening, and all things are different perhaps in how they seem , just maybe? I could go on and on how much I loved this specific installment. To me, it was the best one yet! I anxiously am awaiting the next book installment for this series, it needs to come out, I am more than eager haha!

The author’s word play in the past books were good, but this one really took the cake. The author really took what her recognition has been with the past books and really made this one topping off the first two books. I am left with no words, to describe how remarkable this read was. l long for more, and I know this is one I will gladly cherish for a long time to come. I highly recommend this book, as well as this series, this one is the best yet in the series, in my opinion, and each book gets better and better for me in the series, the author is truly remarkable and talented! I LOVE their books, and this one was beyond amazing!

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Caine (Men of Syn Book 2) by Anise Storm – Review by Heather Lovelace

Caine (Men of Syn, #2)Caine by Anise Storm
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Whoa. Just whoa. Storm delivers another compelling story filled with just the right amount of intrigue, romance, and suspense. I was immediately pulled into quite the ride. The momentum never stopped and I couldn’t keep from reading as fast as I could. I just had to know what would happen. Really enjoyed this book and series. What a ride.

Reviewed by @heatherlovelace
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Unsettled Scores (DAG Team Series Book 2) by Kel O’Connor – Review by Shelly Kittell

Unsettled Scores (DAG Team #2)Unsettled Scores by Kel O’Connor
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Intense from page 1, the book grabbed me by hand and never let go. I found the action to be intriguing and breath defying. Amy is out for revenge. She’s trying to deal with an unspeakable action. You can watch her grow into a better person as the story goes along. Her work with DAG is impressive. The characters are all well-developed. The plot comes together and meshes well. It is a very good read and well worth the purchase. Highly recommend

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My Soul to Give (A Demon’s Love Book 1) by M. A. Fréchette – Review by Beverly Finnie

My Soul to Give (A Demon's Love #1)My Soul to Give by Magali A. Fréchette
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

It started out slow but in time I couldn’t put it down. A complete page-turner that takes you from confused to intrigue to love to surprise is the best way I can describe My Soul to Give by M.A. Frechette. In the end I couldn’t put it down and I’m definitely going to read the next book.
Despite being king of the demons, I loved Mekaisto. He’s intriguing and elusive which kept me involved wanting to know more, and the author didn’t disappoint.
I can’t say the same for Celina. After witnessing the death of her husband and being shot herself, she has mere minutes to decide her fate, die or sell her soul to a demon for revenge.
It’s a wonderful adventure with an ending twist that was surprising but made me love the story even more. M.A. Frechette’s ability to create a world that only seemed realistic but was far from it was gothically beautiful.
If your looking for something different with a fantastic twist, check it out! I guarantee you’ll want to read more from this author when you’re done.


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Gone Country (Gone in Love) by Katrina Marie – Review by Jenni Bishop

Gone Country (Cousins Gone #1)Gone Country by Katrina Marie
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

3.5 stars

Gone Country (Gone in Love) by Katrina Marie is a romantic comedy story. City girl meets country boy. It is told from one POV but would have given the story more depth if it had been written in dual POV thus I found it hard to fully connect with the characters. The story was fun, but I didn’t fall in love with it. There were some moments that made me smile as we watch Stella navigate her time in the country and all that it has to offer, creepy crawlies and all and her attraction to the country boy who helped her when she first arrived.

Reviewed by @jennadb

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Deadly Words (Born Bad Book 1) by Meghan O’Flynn – Review by Jenni Bishop,

Deadly Words: A Born Bad Novel (#1)Deadly Words: A Born Bad Novel by Meghan O’Flynn
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Deadly Words: A Born Bad Novel (#1) by Meghan O’Flynn is a dark thriller and a fantastic start to this series. Meghan has woven threads with many layers in this raw, gritty, and twisted tale that entices the senses. The creep factor is high. Your senses are on high alert. You find yourself hugging that pillow tighter. You find yourself sitting on the edge ready to bolt. Your start hearing things and your heart pounds as you find yourself trying to see what is in the shadows. The story alternates from past to present giving us an insight to where things may have begun.
One thing I love about Meghan’s writing is that you never know what you will get, and you come to love the unexpected. She never disappoints.

Reviewed by @jennadb

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Caine (Men of Syn Book 2) by Anise Storm – Review by Alexandria Richard

Caine (Men of Syn, #2)Caine by Anise Storm
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I really enjoyed getting to know Caine and how he fit into Hawke’s life. We got snippets of Hawke’s and Caine’s relationship in book 1, but here Caine stands front and center. Caine is on the run from his past, looking to lay low while he gets his life back on track. Of course nothing goes to plan when Emery comes into the picture.

In Hawke I liked Emery and the friendship and support she gave to Charlotte, but in the beginning of Caine I could not stand her as a character. She just a stuck up girl, and then became all woe is me after her life turned upside down when her father was arrested and their assets frozen. Her character certainly grew in what seemed like a fairly short period of time, partially forced by Caine. By the end of the book I was rooting for her to continue using her new found inner strength.

This book is filled with sex, sex, sex. And who doesn’t love a darker romance where one of the characters has certain fun piercings? I did enjoy the sexiness between Caine and Emery. We get to the Dom/sub dynamic fairly early on but we also get to see the relationship grown and mature between them. I actually found the terms Dominant and submissive being used frequently by the characters but I didn’t find a whole lot of D/s instances in this book compared to book 1.

I understand that you want continuity between your books, but one problem I had with book 1, and continue to have with book 2, is that the books are written in second person. I think the author was much more aware of who the narrator was for each chapter and there was less jumping around as to whose thought pattern we were supposed to be following, but IMO it would have been so much clearer, and been more enjoyable as a reader, to have the series told from first person POV and switch between the two main characters.

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~ ♦ ~ ♦ ~ ♦ ~ ♦ ~ BOOK SPOTLIGHT SHOWCASE ~ ♦ ~ ♦ ~ ♦ ~ ♦ ~
Page Count – 330 pages
Cover Designer – ALEX HAYES
I won the heart of the God of the Underworld. Now, I have to deal with his mother…
Who happens to be Queen. And she isn’t very happy. With me.
So, she sends me on a mission — read suicide mission — to collect a sample from the Waterfall of Youth, which is at the top of a high-rise owned by my gentleman, Raef.
I arrive butt naked, of course.
The good news is, I’m invisible, thanks to my new set of “wings.”
The bad news is, Aroz — God of Lust — and his immortal mother can see me.
My mission seems to be going according to plan until Aroz whisks me off to his invisible palace — read high-rise — in the clouds.
Why? I have no idea.
But when I find a poor soul who needs rescuing from a dismal prison cell, how can I resist?
Meanwhile, I wait for my knights-in-shining-armor to come rescue me from Aroz — read Beast — but I get this really bad feeling I might be waiting a long time.
Playing Beauty might look good on paper.
Not so much when my Beast is a total PITA.


You can find this video on our YouTube Channel

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Hazel Storm writes stories about love between characters with conscience. Over the past two decades, she has been vegan, raw vegan and vegetarian. She loves hot yoga and cool martial arts.

Author Interview With Hazel Storm




My Soul to Give (A Demon’s Love Book 1) by M. A. Fréchette – Review by Rosanna Ingram

My Soul to Give (A Demon's Love #1)My Soul to Give by Magali A. Fréchette

Celina has mere seconds to make a decision that will alter the course of what is left of her life. She can allow herself to be murdered like her husband…or she can make a deal with the devil to seek revenge on those who pulled the trigger. However…making a deal with the devil is not always so cut and dry…

There is so much going on in this story…love, loss, grief, anger, passion, secrets, lies, acceptance, intrigue….it has EVERYTHING! As Celina goes forth in her journey for revenge, she learns that her life is not at all what she believed it was. Her husband had his own secrets that she is only now finding out about. All the while, she is encountering the demons and monster that we only hear tales about when we are growing up. I found myself pulled in by all of it and did not set the book down until I was done.

Kai is scary and sexy and oh so evil…and I loved it. Her fight against the attraction they share is quite the ride. But, at the end of the day, you always need to read the fine print of a contract because there just might be something hidden deep within all those words that will change everything!

I loved Celina and Kai…and all the supporting characters. I never knew where the story was going to go…and it kept me glued to the book (and ignoring the real-world going on around me!). If you like rollercoaster rides….hop on this one!

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Drew: Book One of the Perfectly Independent Series by Amanda Shelley – Review by Liz Vrchota

Drew (Perfectly Independent, #1)Drew by Amanda Shelley
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I have never had the pleasure of reading one of Amanda Shelley’s novels prior to DREW and I could not have chosen a better one to start! This sweet and sassy college romance really was quite the perfect rainy afternoon read for myself. I am a sucker for college romances and this one had all the components that really kept my interests engaged until that very last page. I loved Drew and Abbey and these two kept me begging for more as I hoped that they would get that happily ever after. I won’t divulge if they do because that would ruin the fun but I can assure you this is a read you do not want to miss to find out for yourself! From the moment these two have the first fiery, awkward, and perfect interaction in chemistry class the chemistry in the rest of the book is just perfect as well. I can’t wait to see what else is available and to check out the rest of the Perfectly Independant series from Amanda Shelley soon!

Review by @lizaileen
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Romancing the Tropics (A Tropical Cocktail Romance Boxset) by L.M. Mountford – Review by Alexandria Richard

Romancing the Tropics : A Holiday Romance Boxset (A Tropical Cocktail Romance)Romancing the Tropics : A Holiday Romance Boxset by L.M. Mountford
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

L.M. Mountford lives up to his moniker of “Lord of Lust” in this one!

Two quick read sexy short stories featuring tropical locations and how dirty the pairings can get in each location. These two stories will each leave you fanning yourself or going in search of a way to alleviate that tension.

I enjoyed that the tropes used were not duplicative between the stories. These stories are not for the faint of heart or those looking for a wholesome romance. These are stories about the passion and lust which exists between two parties and how hard and fast they can come together to explosive results. HEA’s are dubious at best here. This bundle certainly leaves me wanting to search out more of Mountford’s lustful works.

Further breakdown of each story as follows:

Tequila Sunset
A true Age Gap, Forbidden Romance based short story. A broken hearted young woman faces her attraction to her best friend’s father, and a recently divorced, writer’s blocked author, confronts his new longing for the forbidden fruit. This one plays up the taboo aspect by stating that David (a.k.a. Mr Street) remembered Cassandra playing with dolls along with his daughter while growing up, and having the nickname ‘Cass’ that he uses when acting in that more familiar role. As I don’t have a problem with age gap romances and tend to enjoy a little forbidden romance I really enjoyed this story. Tequila Sunset is well paced and has a good build up leading to the smut within.

Content Warning: an*l, sneaking around, talk of cheating

Beneath the sheets
I really enjoyed this story, getting to know about the past and rekindling of a high school friendship. The sexual tension is well built upon, and doesn’t feel like it’s the sole focus of the story, but rather an aspect of this relationship growing. This story reads more like the beginning of something that could grow into a story of it’ own, but its a sexy and sensual beginning to Alex and Sarah’s adult relationship nonetheless.

Content warning: cheating

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Caine (Men of Syn Book 2) by Anise Storm – Review by Michelle Austin

Caine (Men of Syn, #2)Caine by Anise Storm
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book pulled me in right from the beginning. I love this series and was looking forward to book #2. Caine is on the run, that is until he can prove his innocence after the death of his father. He heads to his friend Hawke’s for safety and to get some extra money saved up.

Caine and Emery first meet at the BDSM club SYN. Emery has a shocker when she loses everything after her father is arrested, she finds herself broke down on a rainy night. Fate steps in and Caine comes along to help her. From here we get some very hot and steamy scenes.
As these two get to know each other there is another twist that really adds another great element to the story.

Overall this was a thrilling and hot and steamy read. I really loved the characters and the bantering was great. The author does a great job with her writing and I can’t wait to read the next book in the series. 1-click and get started on this series today.

Reviewed by @mab54615
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Caine (Men of Syn Book 2) by Anise Storm – Review by M Policicchio

Caine (Men of Syn, #2)Caine by Anise Storm
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Caine (Men of Syn Book 2) by Anise Storm

4 out of 5 Stars

Emery Wilder is a society princess. She has never had to work a day in her life. Her father pays for her penthouse apartment, her car, and provides a monthly allowance for her to live. Emery has never wanted for anything. Until the day her father is arrested for money laundering and drug trafficking and his assets frozen, Emery never understood the value of money.

Caine Stephens never knew his father and his mother’s death when he was five thrust him into the foster care system. Caine had to learn to survive by his own wits. A recent revelation of his parentage has upset his world. Now he is on the run from murder charges, needing a safe place to crash while he clears his name, Caine turns to his best friend Hawks. Hawks owns the club Syn where Caine starts working as security and runs into Emery.

As Emery’s world comes crashing down around her, something as simple as car trouble sets Caine’s protective instincts off. Can his controlling and protective instincts help put Emery back on her feet? Will Caine’s past catch up to both?

Where can I get me a Caine? From the growling voice to the tattoos and other decorations,everything about this man makes a girl sit up and listen. This was a thrilling addition to the Men of Syn series. Not as much drama and suspense as the first one, but still kept you interested. I think that Emery and Caine finding each other allowed Emery to transform from spoiled, rich girl into more. I hope that this series can continue with Chad or Bruce or Ayden.

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Raven Woman’s Tavern by Laura Koerber – Review by Candida Hopper

Raven Woman's TavernRaven Woman’s Tavern by Laura Koerber
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Raven Woman’s Tavern
By Laura Koerber

I was pulled in this story as soon as I started reading it. This was an interesting and intriguing read. There were times in this story that I felt a little confused but overall it was well written. We get introduced to a few different characters in this book and each of them are living with their own struggles, some just struggling to feed themselves. The author was very descriptive in her words so that I was able to picture life in this dystopian world. I am hoping for another book in which some questions might be answered and we get to go into more depth with some of the characters. I gave this book 4 stars.

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Forbidden Mate (The Shadow Chronicles Book 2) by CR Robertson – Review by Angela Renee Diaz

Forbidden MateForbidden Mate by C.R. Robertson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I absolutely love this series. Once again it’s completely original. A total mixed species. A vampire falls in love with a lycan. Ends up getting pregnant by said lycan. While pregnant find out she has magical powers like a witch.

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Return to Alpha by Wesley Britton – Review by Alexis Laidlaw

Return To Alpha: A new saga beginsReturn To Alpha: A new saga begins by Wesley Britton
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

“Return to Alpha” is a dystopian novel set in the future, based off the events that are occurring today – with the pandemic being at the forefront of the “festivities”. I have read many books with a similar mindset, and while I do want to applaud the author for painting a scarily realistic picture of what could become – possibly minus the space travel, but who really knows! – it was a difficult book to immerse myself in.
The writing was factual and concise, and extremely descriptive – sometimes to the point that it look away from the book itself and I found myself wanting to skip forward to the next part.
There also are a lot of characters – each with extensive backgrounds and information. Again, this is a the show of a very talented author, it was just a bit much for myself.
Good work, Wesley Britton!

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Caine (Men of Syn Book 2) by Anise Storm – Review by Tina Vega

Caine (Men of Syn, #2)Caine by Anise Storm
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Whew, I was looking forward to Caine’s story, and it didn’t disappoint. Emery is the best friend we got to know in book one. She has lived a privileged life with her father maintaining everything for her. Suddenly, her father gets in trouble, and she has to figure things out quickly – in fact it’s pretty bad. I was kind of caught off guard with just how bad. You def sit up and get worried about this girl who really doesn’t know how to take care of herself. The book takes off from page one and it doesn’t let you go. I love the action. I love the romance. I wasn’t sure if I was going to like being in Emery’s head, but she is a caring person even though she grew up privileged. Hawke and Caine’s childhoods will break your heart. Really delves into the ugly.

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Reviewed by @vegatina20

No Way Out (Mafia Elite, book 1) by Amy McKinley – Review by Charlisa Wahtomy-Alba

No Way Out is the first book in The Mafia Elite Series by Amy McKinley. I have read other books by this same author and have loved them all. Not only is her style of writing great, but she has a way of capturing your attention and making you want to read the book from cover to cover no matter how many chores or errands you have.

Liliana is a Mafia Princess who is being used as a pawn in her father’s quest to remain powerful among the five families in Chicago. He has never had much warmth or affection for her and it got worse after her mother passed away. She has grown up believing that her Mother’s father wanted nothing to do with her, but he has been keeping tabs on her the entire time. Liliana knows something big is about to happen, but she can’t quite figure out who all is involved and what their roles are in the game.

Max, aka Matt, is sent by Liliana’s grandfather to protect her from her father’s evil ways. His main objective aside from protecting his mentors family is to get revenge for the wrongs done to his family and to take back what should rightfully be his. He infiltrates the Brambilla family by posing as a highly sought after assassin and is brought on to protect Liliana by her father. Max sees this as a job and nothing more until he meets the object of said job face to face. From that moment he knew that there was no walking away even once the job was over. With so many players in the game and not being sure who to trust, will he be able to make Liliana realize he is on her side?

Fight for It by Amy L Gale – Review by Alexis Laidlaw

Fight for It (Sunset Cove)Fight for It by Amy L. Gale
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I loved this book because it was a simple, easy, wholesome read. It was the standard story – small town feel, boy moves back to town a hero/big shot, meets girl who boy has known all his life, boy and girl kindle a romance, girl or boy pushes the other away for seemingly unknown reasons, trouble arises, boy or girl overcomes reasons in order to be with the other, they all live happily ever after… BUT I loved how Amy puts in a second villain character!
The twist that is not really a twist, which becomes a twist again made the story that much more intriguing!

I do feel that the end hit a bit too abruptly and the bow was tied a little too neatly, but overall it was a fun read and I am planning on keeping it in my back pocket for when I need an easy book to make me smile.

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No Way Out (Mafia Elite, book 1) by Amy McKinley – Review by Angela Packard

No Way Out (Mafia Elite, #1)No Way Out by Amy McKinley
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

A book about Mafia secrets, arranged marriages, and complications. Liliana and her two best friends are mafia princesses. Liliana means more to her father as a pawn then she does as his daughter. Max infiltrates Liliana’s fathers’ empire as a hired hitman to help protect Liliana, but will she trust him? Max and Liliana feel sparks as soon as their eyes meet.
The danger is real, Liliana gets kidnapped, and Max calls a commission, the Sicilian’s are on their way. The outcome is not guaranteed. The secrets that come out, took my breath away, took me by surprise, and had me furiously turning pages to find out what was going to happen.
I have enjoyed books by Amy McKinley before and she did not disappoint. Am looking forward to Book 2 next month!!

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Return to Alpha: A New Saga Begins by Wesley Britton Review by Mandy Ott

Return To Alpha: A new saga beginsReturn To Alpha: A new saga begins by Wesley Britton
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Wesley Britton’s Return to Alpha: A New Saga Begins is a wonderfully imaginative and well-written story about a topic written many times before…aliens. However, Return to Alpha explores the topic in a relatively new way by connecting the aliens to Alpha-Earth by their home planets of Beta-Earth and Cerapin-Earth, Earths that exist in parallel universes to ours. Britton’s writing is easily read, flows well from thought to thought, and gives the characters a realistic quality that makes you want to know their stories. Published earlier this year, 2021, this book is eerily similar to the pandemic still sweeping across the globe presently. I look forward to reading more of Wesley Britton’s works.

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Notebook Mysteries ~ Decisions and Possibilities by Kimberly Mullins – Review by Tina Vega

Notebook Mysteries ~ Decisions and PossibilitiesNotebook Mysteries ~ Decisions and Possibilities by Kimberly Mullins
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Really loved Emma! She is strong, tenacious, and a defender of the weak. She is also a lady ahead of her time, and love the example she sets for younger women in this novel. I didn’t know there was another book before this one. I felt like I missed a lot. I would def encourage anyone to start with book one. I found the cases and the action really great – loved the plot. My only complaint was the narrator breaking into the story.

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Reviewed by @vegatina20

Raven Woman’s Tavern by Laura Koerber – Review by Alexis Laidlaw

Raven Woman's TavernRaven Woman’s Tavern by Laura Koerber
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This book had a rollercoasters amount of twist and turns! I am not fully sure if I understood what was real and what was illusion, and I am also not sure if that was the author’s intention but it made for an interesting story!
I would have liked a bit more of a conclusion on a few things though, as the story’s end does seem to come abruptly and not necessarily leaving a cliffhanger for a sequel. Despite this, the book was entrancing and it was difficult to tear away from! I almost managed to finish it in one sitting – which is difficult with multiple small children around!

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Slow Burn (Breathing Hearts #2) by A.K. MacBride – Review by Amanda Kimble

Slow Burn (Breathing Hearts, #2)Slow Burn by A.K. MacBride
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

Slow Burn: An Enemies to Lovers Romance (Breathing Hearts #2) by A.K. MacBride

This is the first book I’ve read by MacBride. This is the second book in the Breathing Hearts Series. It can be read as a standalone.

Adam has his own past that he is dealing with. He doesn’t want to be friendly towards anyone, especially his neighbor. That changes when he finds her dancing on the beach one morning. The quote I chose for Adam is: “Take your damn rat and go away.”

Madison or Maddie has always loved dancing. Her parents were never on board and compared her to her sister. Little did she know the reasoning behind why her dad was so against it. Her neighbor is not friendly but she makes her way under his skin. The quote I chose for Maddie is: “Remember how I told you about Lucetta and the dance studio? Well, I have the opportunity to make it mine. So, this morning when I said I was going to see my parents, it was to ask them to help me.”

Highly recommended for Romantic Comedy lovers.

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Caine (Men of Syn Book 2) by Anise Storm – Review by Stephanie Nicole

Caine (Men of Syn Book 2)Caine by Anise Storm
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Caine (Men of Syn Book 2) by Anise Storm is the second book of this series and it’s a great dark/romance read. I was first drawn to this book by its cover, it really intrigued me. While this book is dark, there is plenty of romance that at first catches her reader off guard but it made this reader love her story even more. I personally loved everything about this book her plot was fantastic, her word-building was flawless, and her characters were fabulous. While reading her story I found myself enthralled in the story and my opinions of certain characters changed along the way. So if your looking for a great new dark/romance I highly recommend.

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