
Around Midnight by Zarina Macha – Review by Madison Degraffenreid

Around MidnightAround Midnight by Zarina Macha
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Around Midnight by Zarina Macha


Around Midnight by Zarina Macha was a unique and fun read. Megan was a fascinating character. She was well thought out. I loved her personality and creativity. I also enjoyed how she broke out of her norm to see Vince. He was also an interesting and fascinating character. I love reading about the different interactions between the two. This was a great novel and I loved how easily the story flowed from beginning to end. I enjoyed this book.

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Around Midnight by Zarina Macha – Review by Bobbi Wagner

Around MidnightAround Midnight by Zarina Macha
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is my first book by this author, I enjoyed it from cover to cover. This is a well written, engaging young adult story about following your heart and the struggles that go along with it. Megan and Vincent are great strong characters that bring the story to life. They have great chemistry which kept me turning pages. Megan has a future playing her saxophone which is something she has always dreamed of. When she meets Vincent things change for her and not necessarily for the good. Will she follow her heart and which way will it take her? I highly recommend their story.

Review by @bjwagner
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Around Midnight by Zarina Macha – Review by Laura Furuta

Around MidnightAround Midnight by Zarina Macha
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Around Midnight
By Zarina Macha
5 out of 5 stars

The story Around Midnight by Zarina Macha is a YA book. It is a story that I enjoyed reading. I loved reading about the character of Megan Hollis. She is a young girl who loves jazz. She has moved with her parents to London and has her heart set on attending the prestigious School of Jazz. Then she meets Vincent Turner. With their meeting comes new feelings and also a relationship that takes a turn for the worse. What does the future hold for Megan? Will she give up her dreams in order to be with Vincent? What does she really want? Read this book to find out. Reading about Megan had me thinking back to when I was her age and how emotions/feelings can change very quickly. I grew to care what happened to Megan and I couldn’t help but want her to find happiness whatever she wants to do. This story is about how to be true to yourself and not allowing others to manipulate your feelings and decisions. Peer pressure is very strong and can sometimes lead you to make hurried choices. I enjoyed the references to jazz music and musicians that are made throughout the story. Don’t miss out on a book that you won’t want to put down until you have read the final page.

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Around Midnight by Zarina Macha

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ BOOK SPOTLIGHT SHOWCASE ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Around Midnight by Zarina Macha

Hosted by Itsy Bitsy Book Bits

Genre – YA Romantic Drama

Page Count – 237 pages

Cover Designer –

Goodreads –

Around Midnight is the third young-adult drama by Zarina Macha.


The harder you love, the higher the stakes.


Jazz is everything to Megan Hollis. When her hands clasp the saxophone, melodies flow with each breath.


Music carries her from Copperwood to London, with university on the horizon. Set on attending London’s prestigious School of Jazz, all elements of her life harmonize.


Then she meets Vincent Turner, the mysterious guy with a dangerous reputation. Intoxicated by his possessive charms, Megan’s love shifts from melodic bliss to a dissonant nightmare.


While the future promises stardust dreams, her new relationship takes a turn for the worse. Megan becomes caught between what she wants and what everyone believes is best for her.


Will Megan learn to dance to the beat of her own rhythm?


You can find this video on our YouTube Channel

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Zarina Macha is an author, blogger and musician born and raised in London, UK. She studied Songwriting and Creative Artistry at The Academy of Contemporary Music in Guildford. She regularly writes a social commentary blog titled ‘The Zarina Macha Blog.’ In her spare time, she loves reading and fan-girling over Game of Thrones.

In 2018 she began independently publishing her books through Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing platform. Every Last Psycho and Anne are her young-adult fiction novels that deal with mental illness, drug abuse, domestic violence and coming-of-age. Art is a Waste of Time and Single Broke Female are her two poetry books.

Around Midnight is her fifth self-published work. It is a young-adult drama about jazz, ambition, and a toxic relationship.

Author Interview With Zarina Macha




The Confectioner Chronicles: The Complete Fantasy Mystery Series ​by​ Claire Luana​ – Review by Jenni Bishop

The Confectioner Chronicles: The Complete Fantasy Mystery SeriesThe Confectioner Chronicles: The Complete Fantasy Mystery Series by Claire Luana
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The Confectioner Chronicles: The Complete Fantasy Mystery Series ​by​ Claire Luana​ ​is a unique YA fantasy, thriller, romance series that is full of magic and the unusual and should not be missed. It is also a murder mystery that is action packed and well paced. Claire weaves her magic with just the right amount of mystery and suspense, action and danger, romance and intrigue, heartache and love, humour and fun. I enjoyed the story so much that it finished before I was ready and I didn’t even notice because I was so enthralled to find out what was going to happen next.
In book 1 Wren was falsely accused of murder by cupcake and has a month to find out who framed and who the actual murderer is and clear her name.

In book 2 Wren having barely survived, she is having to face enemies, both old and new as she tries to solve the mystery behind disappearing Guild members.

In book 3 Wren is heartbroken and still reeling from the loss and betrayal of others. On the run, tired, scared, hurt and faced with her past all the while the political unrest continues and Wren wonders if she will ever have her family back and lead a normal life again.

This series should be on everyone’s reading list. I mean books in one stop what could be better.

Reviewed by @jennadb

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Queen of the Warrior Bees (Natural Forces Book 1) by Jean Gill – Review by Kandis Posey

Queen of the Warrior Bees (Natural Forces #1)Queen of the Warrior Bees by Jean Gill
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Queen of the Warrior Bees (Natural Forces Book 1) by Jean Gill is such an amazing story. This book is scary and eye opening. It really makes you think about the world around you. I felt so many emotions while reading this book and it made me want to stand up for people’s rights. I definitely want to see what other books Jean Gill has written.

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Queen of the Warrior Bees (Natural Forces Book 1) by Jean Gill – Review by Amanda Pierce

Queen of the Warrior Bees (Natural Forces #1)Queen of the Warrior Bees by Jean Gill
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Queen of the Warrior Bees by Jean Gill is book 1 in the natural forces series. This is the first book I have read by this author and It was one of my favorite new reads this year. The writing was so descriptive and the book sucked me in from page 1. The character development and the uniqueness of this story was so great! I really enjoyed the entire book and read it in one sitting. This is definitely a book that I cannot wait to read the next and will definitely read anything this author writes in the future. Great read! I give this book a solid 5 starts. Can’t wait to see what this author does next.

review by @amandarae6884

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Queen of the Warrior Bees (Natural Forces Book 1) by Jean Gill – Review by Emma Morreale

Queen of the Warrior Bees (Natural Forces #1)Queen of the Warrior Bees by Jean Gill
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Right off the bat there were so many things that intrigued me about this book. I absolutely adore bees so just reading the words warrior bees made me think “I need this book right now”. And I was not disappointed. Mielitta was found as baby and she believes that for this reason, she is kept as a servant and a child while all her peers are now considered adults. Most of her school friends also seem to have forgotten her somewhat. Is this some sort of magic or are they just all just huge jerks?
The Forest is forbidden and most people don’t question why. Mielitta can’t help but be curious when everyone else is content and I love her for that. How she experiences the world around her is extremely intriguing. Food and drink only taste of salt but her sense of smell has like 4 layers to it. She can assign colors to different scents as well as descriptive words she has only read but knows instinctively are accurate. Everything about this girl fascinating and had me tearing through this book for answers, especially after reading about the Councillors. They immediately seemed sketchy and their abilities made me distrust basically every word they said. They all seemed out for themselves no matter how much they said they were loyal to the Citadel.
I cannot wait to get my hands on the next book!

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Queen of the Warrior Bees (Natural Forces Book 1) by Jean Gill – Review by Tausha Treadway

Queen of the Warrior Bees (Natural Forces #1)Queen of the Warrior Bees by Jean Gill
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Queen of the Warrior Bees (Natural Forces Book 1) by Jean Gill. I don’t normally like these types of books but this book is Amazing! I read through it as fast as I could. Its the story of 18 year old Mielitta who knows she’s different but doesn’t understand why. The Citadel where she lives is getting ready to to go to War with the Forest. She has been bullied her whole life by 2 boys in the Citadel named Bastien & Jannlou and as they get older it gets worse and more dangerous. She flees to the forbidden Forest and is attacked by thousands of bees. She survives the attack but has a glowing bee emblem on her leg. She finds out this empowers her to shape shift and summon the bees to help her and they can call her as well. Will Mielitta work with the bees as the battle between the Citadel and Forest to try and reunite them or will they fail? Read Queen of Bees to find out!

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Queen of the Warrior Bees (Natural Forces Book 1) by Jean Gill – Review by Erica Fish

Queen of the Warrior Bees (Natural Forces #1)Queen of the Warrior Bees by Jean Gill
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Queen of the Warrior Bees by Jean Gill is a one of a kind original. The cover of the book caught my attention and I started reading and I was not disappointed. Jean Gill is a master storyteller. Once I started reading I could not put it down. Mielitta is a strong female character who finds herself in a bee swarm. The bees make her their own. Mielitta and the bees become one and that is when the story took off. The journey that Mielitta takes is one that she needs to make. What will Mielitta’s journey do for her? Will she stand up to those who would like to bully her around? I cannot wait to read the next book in this series.

Queen of the Warrior Bees (Natural Forces Book 1) by Jean Gill – Review by Katie Matthews

Queen of the Warrior Bees (Natural Forces #1)Queen of the Warrior Bees by Jean Gill
My rating: 4 of 5 stars


I took a step out of my comfort zone when I decided to give this book a read and overall I enjoyed it. It did take me a little time to get into and there were times when I wasn’t completely sure it was the book for me but I persevered and I’m glad I did. I think there is definitely more to the book than the blurb leads you to believe, the author’s detailed writing was good (however a little too much at times) and the story did have a good pace and flow to it. One of the things I did like about the book was how original and unpredictable it was and I certainly had to think about what I was reading to find the deeper meaning. The main character wasn’t quite what I was expecting and it took me a while to understand her however as the story went on I began to see the direction the author was trying to take her in.
Overall an interesting read and would definitely recommend it to readers who are looking for something a little different to try out.

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Queen of the Warrior Bees (Natural Forces Book 1) by Jean Gill – Review by Jenni Bishop

Queen of the Warrior Bees (Natural Forces #1)Queen of the Warrior Bees by Jean Gill
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Queen of the Warrior Bees (Natural Forces #1) by Jean Gill is a YA fantasy story that is also much more. Jean’s writing is very descriptive and detailed that you can imagine the scenes she has set. The story is unique and will certainly keep you entertained.

Mielitta has been rejected and tormented, victimised and despised but through all this she has become a warrior and is fighting for survival. One bite and she becomes something more, something that takes her from being and outcast and despised and showing those who thought her week, that she was no more.

Reviewed by @jennadb

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Queen of the Warrior Bees (Natural Forces Book 1) by Jean Gill – Review by Kerry Carr

Queen of the Warrior Bees (Natural Forces #1)Queen of the Warrior Bees by Jean Gill
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book is an adventure from start to end with twists and turns all the way through.

Mielitta is an orphan and an outcast in the perfect world. This world is man made and doesnt have any access to nature, or the Forest. Everyone lives in this bubble. Until one day Mielitta decides to venture into the Forest and gets attacked by bees.

So starts the journey and the relationship between Mielitta and her bees. They join forces to save the bees hive and when the time comes the bees repay the favour by helping Mielitta defeat the evil presence who rules Citadel.

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Queen of the Warrior Bees (Natural Forces Book 1) by Jean Gill – Review by Erica Fish

Queen of the Warrior Bees (Natural Forces #1)Queen of the Warrior Bees by Jean Gill
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Queen of the Warrior Bees by Jean Gill is a one of a kind original. The cover of the book caught my attention and I started reading and I was not disappointed. Jean Gill is a master storyteller. Once I started reading I could not put it down. Mielitta is a strong female character who finds herself in a bee swarm. The bees make her their own. Mielitta and the bees become one and that is when the story took off. The journey that Mielitta takes is one that she needs to make. What will Mielitta’s journey do for her? Will she stand up to those who would like to bully her around? I cannot wait to read the next book in this series.

Queen of the Warrior Bees (Natural Forces Book 1) by Jean Gill – Review by Lisa Helmick

Queen of the Warrior Bees (Natural Forces #1)Queen of the Warrior Bees by Jean Gill
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is quite the story. A whole new world full of rules, Magic and political intrigue. The story drew me in and only got more interesting as we learned more about the Citadel and the Forest. The author did a wonderful job with her descriptive paragraphs Letting the reader follow along on the journey. The characters really have quite the life going. Some of the stuff that goes on behind these walls is crazy. The bees….well I kind of feel they are the stars. I loved reading about their life and though process and such. Not doubting everything that Mielitta went through and I did love her connection to the other three characters we got to read about.

This is a first time author for me. This is a good teen magical story. Imaginative and full of adventure!
Oh Hey….Did you see that wonderful cover! Perfectly fits the story!

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Queen of the Warrior Bees (Natural Forces Book 1) by Jean Gill – Review by Maura Harper

Queen of the Warrior Bees (Natural Forces #1)Queen of the Warrior Bees by Jean Gill
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

There is so much to enjoy in this story. It is the first book I’ve read by this author and certainly not the last. The wiring is so detailed and descriptive that it is like watching a movie.

While this is considered Y/A Fantasy, it is also a political “thriller”. There is so much more in this story than appears on the surface.

I would recommend this to my younger cousins and adult book clubs alike.


Review by @mauraharper

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Queen of the Warrior Bees (Natural Forces Book 1) by Jean Gill – Review by Madison Degraffenreid

Queen of the Warrior Bees (Natural Forces #1)Queen of the Warrior Bees by Jean Gill
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Queen of the Warrior Bees (Natural Forces Book 1) by Jean Gill
Queen Of The Warrior Bees is book one in this creative and magical series. Mielitta is an excellent main character. I was fascinated with the way she comes into her power and also with her ability to block at the start of the book. The author did an amazing job on her and the supporting characters. The setting of this novel was fascinating and it amazed me how they seemed to create their own little world separate from nature. I look forward to more in this series and I highly recommend this book.

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Queen of the Warrior Bees (Natural Forces Book 1) by Jean Gill – Review by Francis O’Sullivan

Queen of the Warrior Bees (Natural Forces #1)Queen of the Warrior Bees by Jean Gill
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Queen of the Warrior Bees is the first book in Jean Gill’s Natural Forces series. It tells the story of Mielitta, a young woman struggling to find her place in a tightly controlled world where perfection is prized above all else. Developing magical bee powers doesn’t exactly help her fit in but does at least give her a sense of purpose as she now has to consider the bees’ agenda as well as her own.
Something I particularly enjoyed about this book is the focus on scent in descriptions of characters and places. I don’t think I’ve ever seen this much detail about how everything smells, and I love it! It added an extra dimension to everything and helped me to immerse myself in the scenes.
The world-building is great. There’s so much originality, presented to us in a way that feels familiar. The contrast between the dull Citadel and the vibrant Forest particularly stood out to me – kind of like a Dorothy landing in full-colour Oz.
The story is very intriguing. There are many mysteries to unravel and deceptions to overcome. Mielitta is observant and resourceful, enabling her and us to glimpse the secrets of the Citadel and reveal its corruptions.
This is an enjoyable book – it gets five stars from me! I’d recommend it to Young Adult fantasy fans with an interest in the environment – plenty of trees and bees! I’m looking forward to reading the rest of the series.

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Queen of the Warrior Bees (Natural Forces Book 1) by Jean Gill – Review by Heather Lovelace

Queen of the Warrior Bees (Natural Forces #1)Queen of the Warrior Bees by Jean Gill
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

What an original, captivating adventure!! This fantasy was nothing I expected and everything I hoped for. I simply loved the rich detail. Every character was vital, relevant, and richly voiced. Every page spoke volumes. What a masterpiece…I most definitely recommend this!

Reviewed by @heatherlovelace
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Queen of the Warrior Bees (Natural Forces Book 1) by Jean Gill – Review by Emily Walsh

Queen of the Warrior Bees (Natural Forces #1)Queen of the Warrior Bees
By: Jean Gill
My Rating: 4 of 5 stars

Queen of the Warrior Bees (Natural Forces Book 1) by Jean Gill was a different, original read, that kept my attention and kept me flipping the pages.

My first read by this author, I was caught by the beautiful cover and the original elements I found in the synopsis. I dove into this book, and I had it read in one sitting. Now though I say that, I did have some issues.

This book opens on a strong note, and the narrative was smooth and compelling, sucking you in. But at times it felt dull, there were some over-explaining, and too much detail on unimportant things (so much info on bees that really didn’t need to be in there), and the world building suffered for it. It’s sad to say, but as much as I loved this book, it fell into the, first book, set up, for the series, trap. I get why there was so much info, but, frankly, there should have been less on the bees, and more on the mess that was happening in the Citadel, and the actual plot that was happening there.

I loved the original concept of this book, and I did like the MC. She was cold, strong, and fierce, which is rare in most YA MC’s. I can see how that could be a turn off, but I very much enjoyed that part of her personality. I love the realism, and how when the main plot got underway, that it was more complex than simply nature is evil. It was complex, and hit home, as it does reflex some of our real life issues. (I don’t want to say cause I don’t want to spoil that aspect.)

Overall this book is an original fresh read that has lots of potential, with it’s deep inner working of human vs nature aspect. I will be following this series, so please take my high recommendation and my stamp of approval that you will find that this book is much more then it seems.

Happy Reading

-Review by @eawalsh

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Queen of the Warrior Bees (Natural Forces Book 1) by Jean Gill – Review by Kerry Baker

Queen of the Warrior Bees (Natural Forces #1)Queen of the Warrior Bees by Jean Gill
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Queen of the Warrior Bees by Jean Gill is the first book in the Natural Forces series. This book was an unexpected read that will captivate you more than you would have thought possible.
I will be the first to admit that I wasn’t overly blown away by the title or the description of this book. However the reviews were so overwhelmingly positive for it that I had to give it a go. And I am so glad that I did! I never expected to become so invested in Mielitta’s journey. The struggle she was going through, and the connection she forges with the bees is so well done by the author that you are pulled in with such ease.
I was a little dubious going in to the book about the whole bee element. I had yet to read a book where this kind of story line works. But Jean Gill again does it with such ease that I not only believed it, I enjoyed it! The descriptions and the writing style were so potent I could almost believe I was in the book right alongside Mielitta.
This is a book that I would highly recommend. I will now be going straight out to try anything else by this author!!

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Queen of the Warrior Bees (Natural Forces Book 1) by Jean Gill – Review by Caralee Loonat

Queen of the Warrior Bees (Natural Forces #1)Queen of the Warrior Bees by Jean Gill
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Queen of the Warrior Bees (Natural Forces Book 1) by Jean Gill
4 Stars !!!!
One of the greatest joys in a readers life is finding new authors and new series.
In this book I have found both. This book was a nice breath of fresh air . I found the characters were very well presented and I felt as though I was there amongst them. The author draws you right into the book. I didn’t want to put the book down
I found myself relating to Mielitta the way she felt like a freak. I found the authors style to really draw me into the book more I like how it wasn’t predictable. I found it quite well written and the author draws out the intrigue around Mielitta just enough to keep you at the edge of your seat. I like how she was actually special and that she doesn’t have to fight the citadel alone . I will definitely be reading more from this author and series in the future.

Reviewed by @caraleeloonat

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Queen of the Warrior Bees (Natural Forces Book 1) By Jean Gill – Review by Laura Furuta

Queen of the Warrior Bees (Natural Forces #1)Queen of the Warrior Bees by Jean Gill
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Queen of the Warrior Bees (Natural Forces Book 1)
By: Jean Gill
5 out of 5 stars

The story Queen of the Warrior Bees (Natural Forces Book 1) by Jean Gill is what I would consider a YA/fantasy book. It is a story that I found myself captivated by both the storyline and the characters. It drew me in from the very beginning and didn’t let me go until I had finished the final page. I loved reading about the character of Mielitta. She is a young girl who finds herself in the forbidden Forest where her scent angers thousands of bees. She survives the attack, however, has changed. Mielitta is someone that I found others look down on. She doesn’t seem to have a place in the Citadel where she lives. I grew to care about Mielitta with each chapter that I read. She is also a character that doesn’t dismiss when new experiences happen to her. She tries to understand them. There is a rift that is widening between The Forest and The Citadel. What does the future hold? What does the future hold for Mielitta? Read this book to find out. I have always been in awe of authors that write fantasy stories. They create new worlds with their own rules and guidelines. This book is a perfect example of why I love fantasy books. My hat off to the author for creating a tale that is not only fun to read but was thoughtful as well. I enjoyed reading about the additional characters. Some of them are complex and I wasn’t quite sure what their motives were. Others were very upfront as to their agenda. Don’t miss out reading an amazing story. Highly recommended.

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Queen of the Warrior Bees (Natural Forces Book 1) by Jean Gill – Review by Bobbi Wagner

Queen of the Warrior Bees (Natural Forces #1)Queen of the Warrior Bees by Jean Gill
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is an interesting book about a girl and bees. I was pulled in from the beginning and it held my attention until the last page. I enjoyed the character development as they are creative and supportive. Mielitta is a young girl who has been bullied and tries to find refuge in the forbidden forest. As she explores the forest, she comes across some bees. As they make her one of their own, this is where her journey begins. I didn’t regret picking this book up, I highly recommend reading it.

Review by @bjwagner
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Queen of the Warrior Bees (Natural Forces Book 1) by Jean Gill

Queen of the Warrior Bees (Natural Forces Book 1) by Jean Gill
Genre – Epic Eco Fantasy YA / adult crossover
Page Count – 316 pages
Cover Designer – Jessica Bell
As the Mages of the Citadel fight amongst themselves and prepare for war against the Forest, Mielitta, a despised servant, has her own battle to face. Bastien and Jannlou, the boys who terrorised her as a child, have grown into their status as Mages and she cannot escape them forever.
In desperation, she flees to the forbidden Forest and its dangerous attractions. Her scent angers thousands of bees and, although she survives their attack, she has changed. A strange bee symbol glows on her thigh and her senses are altered. She learns that her connection with bees enables her to summon their aid and gives her the power to shift shape.
This new-found bond works both ways and the bees need Mielitta’s help as the rift widens between Forest and Citadel. Can one girl and a colony of bees reunite Man and Nature, or is the split irreversible?
Block Nature out and she’ll force a way in.


Jean Gill is an award-winning Welsh writer and photographer living in the south of France with two big scruffy dogs, a beehive named Endeavour, a Nikon D750 and a man. For many years, she taught English in Wales and was the first woman to be a secondary headteacher in Carmarthenshire. She is mother or stepmother to five children so life was hectic.

Publications are varied, including poetry and novels, military history, translated books on dog training, and a cookery book on goat cheese. With Scottish parents, an English birthplace and French residence, she can usually support the winning team on most sporting occasions.

Sign up for Jean’s Special Readers’ Group at for private news and offers. If you review one of Jean’s books you can add a dog to Jean’s Readers Dogs Hall of Fame on her website. Contact Jean at jean.gill at with comments or questions. She loves to hear from readers.


Live June 28th & 29th Click HERE for Giveaway




Operation Boyfriend by Molly Zenk

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ BOOK SPOTLIGHT ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Operation Boyfriend by Molly Zenk
#OperationBoyfriend #MollyZenk #YA #NewRelease #College
Hosted by Itsy Bitsy Book Bits
Genre – YA / College Romance / Rom-Com
Page Count – 266 pages
Goodreads -

It’s safe to say my love life stinks. As if getting dumped for another guy by my long-term boyfriend isn’t enough, my hopes at finding a boyfriend get crushed with a string of disastrous dates.

But then I meet the strange bus boy who has been staring at me for the last three months. He’s awkward, goofy, and has no fashion sense. Corin is the exact opposite of what I should want in a boyfriend, but I feel drawn to him in a way I can’t explain.

There’s also Daniel. Smart, charming, successful, and well-dressed. He’s the perfect man, the kind of guy I should want. Even my family is convinced we’re meant to be together.

Somehow, I went from the girl with a catastrophic love life to a woman with one too many options.

Now I need to decide whether to follow my head…or my heart.


MOLLY ZENK was born in Minnesota, grew up in Florida, lived briefly in Tennessee before finally settling in Colorado. She graduated from Flagler College in St. Augustine, FL with degrees in Secondary Education, English, and Creative Writing. She is married to a Mathmatician/Software Engineer who complains about there not being enough “math” or info about him in her author bio. They live in Arvada, CO with their young daughters, 1 dog, and 1 cat.

Live April 16th & 17th Click HERE for Giveaway




FORTITUDE by Carrie Dalby

 ~  ~  ~  ~ BOOK SPOTLIGHT ~  ~  ~  ~  ~
FORTITUDE by Carrie Dalby – Author Page
#yalit #historicalfiction #SouthernGothic #Fortitude #MustRead
Hosted by Itsy Bitsy Book Bits
Genre – Historical Teen / YA, Southern Gothic coming-of-age
Page Count – 204 pages
Cover Designer – Ashley Byland
Publishing Company – Bienvenue Press
Goodreads –

It was in April 1898 when I, Claire O’Farrell, made a decision that ultimately changed my life forever.
I had never been one to follow society’s “rules”. My oldest friend was a Creole at a time when that simply wasn’t done. Then, I made an even bolder decision by serving as a nurse for the Buffalo Soldiers during the Spanish-American War. By doing so, it was evident to all that I held little regard for the Jim Crow laws.
My choice of working in that camp hospital put me in immediate danger, but after I gave my heart to one of the soldiers there, I found myself caught in the racial violence besieging the area.
When the consequences of my past decisions followed me home, I had no choice but to cling to my faith and pray that I find the path I was meant to travel.


While experiencing the typical adventures of growing up, Carrie Dalby called several places in California home, but she’s lived on the Alabama Gulf Coast since 1996. Serving two terms as president of Mobile Writers’ Guild and five years as the Mobile area Local Liaison for SCBWI are two of the writing-related volunteer positions she’s held. When Carrie isn’t reading, writing, browsing bookstores/libraries, or homeschooling, she can often be found knitting or attending concerts.

Carrie’s two young adult novels are FORTITUDE (listed as a “Best Books for Kids” by Grateful American Foundation) and CORRODED. Her current project is a historical Southern Gothic family saga series for adults, The Possession Chronicles. The first book, PERILOUS CONFESSIONS, released in January 2019 by Bienvenue Press.






Yearning Young (Burning Britely Book 2) by Deidre Huesmann

 ~  ~  ~  ~ BOOK SPOTLIGHT ~  ~  ~  ~  ~
Yearning Young (Burning Britely Book 2) by Deidre Huesmann
#LGBTQ #QueerandBi #ContemporaryRomance
Hosted by Itsy Bitsy Book Bits
Genre – YA LGBTQ Contemporary Romance
Cover Designer – Jay Aheer (
Publishing Company – Evernight Teen (
Goodreads –

~Editor’s Pick~

Braeden’s never had to question anything before. He’s always been popular, always had everything handed to him, and always been straight.

Then he met Jeffrey Young. Quiet, studious, analytical … a guy.

Falling for Jeff ultimately resulted in Braeden’s expulsion. Now he’s questioning everything. Like if he can handle his pill-abusing mother and ruthlessly enabling father much longer. If he’s protecting his siblings out of selfless motivations. If he belongs with Jeff, now his boyfriend. Jeff’s less-than-straight friends are skeptical of his sexuality as well, which isn’t assuaging any of Braeden’s fears.

As his connection to Jeff deepens quicker than expected, Braeden has to face the question he’s been avoiding for weeks: what is he supposed to do with a guy?


When she isn’t writing, Deidre works full-time in the local shipyard, decked out in safety gear and getting her hands dirty. She lives with her family in the Pacific Northwest, enjoying the changes in seasons year-round. When she isn’t working either job, she’s catching up on the stack of books on her dresser, kicking it with her children, or playing RPG video games.


Live March 7th & 8th Click HERE for Giveaway




There Be Demons (Andor Demon Wars Book 1) by M. K. Theodoratus

 ~  ~  ~  ~ BOOK SPOTLIGHT ~  ~  ~  ~  ~
There Be Demons (Andor Demon Wars Book 1) by M. K. Theodoratus, Fantasy Writer
#paranormal #fantasy #AndorDemonWars #ThereBeDemons
Hosted by Itsy Bitsy Book Bits
Genre – YA paranormal fantasy
Page count – 295 pages
Goodreads –

Britt Kelly’s life has blown up in her face. After her parents’ divorce, her family moves from the suburbs of Trebridge into her half-sister’s apartment in the projects. Britt must adjust to poverty, a new high school, and a step-mother who hates her and her younger brothers. But these aren’t Britt’s worst problems. She discovers she’s been drafted to help the Gargoyle Guardians of her city to fight the demons invading her city.

In the mage-fought Demon Wars, the minions of Prince Vetis have built a secret base in Trebridge behind the Kingscourt’s battle lines. Like most humans, Britt didn’t know demons existed before she was drafted to fight them with three new friends. Now she must fight against the evil that threatens her city.

As the demon forces grow, the Gargoyle Guardians of the city must teach the four teens to use enough “Grace” as a weapon to survive. Britt’s new problem: learning to control her magical powers…in spite of Gillen, the gargoyle leader, pissing her off with his fussy rules and demands.


A Northern California gal, M. K. Theodoratus has been intrigued by fantasy since she discovered comic books and the land of Oz. Some of my early favorites were A. Merritt, Andre Norton, and Fritz Lieber. She has traveled through many fantasy worlds since then.

When she’s not disappearing into other writer’s worlds, she’s creating her own alternative worlds — that of Andor where demons prey and that of the Far Isle Half-Elven where she explores the social and political implications of genetic drift on a hybrid elf/human people. Magic and mayhem are her favorite topics.


Live February 15th & 16th Click HERE for Giveaway




The Confectioner’s Coup (Confectioner Chronicles Book 2) by Claire Luana

 ~  ~  ~  ~ BOOK SPOTLIGHT ~  ~  ~  ~  ~
The Confectioner’s Coup (Confectioner Chronicles Book 2) by Claire Luana
Series – The Confectioner Chronicles 
#confectionerchronicles #theconfectionersguild
Hosted by Itsy Bitsy Book Bits
Genre – YA Fantasy Mystery
Page Count – 282 pages
Cover Designer – Bookfly Design
Goodreads –…/41818246-the-confectioner-s-coup

Wren thought things were bad when her boyfriend’s father tried to frame her for murder. But that was before a hostile army showed up at the city gates, ready to swallow Maradis whole. And before guild members began disappearing one by one–including the Confectioner’s Guild’s newest Gifted recruit.

Wren, suspecting the king is to blame for the disappearances, undertakes a dangerous investigation that sets her on a collision course with old and new enemies alike. Will she be able to find the missing guild members before tensions boil over into outright rebellion? Or are the guilds willing to go further than she ever realized to rid themselves of the king’s tyranny…

Don’t miss this thrilling Book 2 in the Confectioner Chronicles!


Claire Luana grew up reading everything she could get her hands on and writing every chance she could. Eventually, adulthood won out, and she turned her writing talents to more scholarly pursuits, going to work as a commercial litigation attorney. While continuing to practice law, Claire decided to return to her roots and try her hand once again at creative writing. She has written and published the Moonburner Cycle, the Confectioner Chronicles, the Knights of Caerleon trilogy with Jesikah Sundin, and is currently working on several new fantasy series. She lives in Seattle, Washington with her husband and two dogs. In her (little) remaining spare time, she loves to hike, travel, binge-watch CW shows, and of course, fall into a good book.

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