The Fat Girl’s Guide to Loving Your Body by K.L. Montgomery – Review by Debi Kircher

The Fat Girl's Guide to Loving Your BodyThe Fat Girl’s Guide to Loving Your Body by K.L. Montgomery
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The Fat Girl’s Guide to Loving Your Body by K.L. Montgomery

5 ++++++++ STARS

I just don’t feel right rating this book using stars…It deserves so much more than a few stars. I started this book thinking ok it’s getting close to supper time, I’ll go ahead and start it then pick it back up later. Well that did not happen. Hubby got leftovers which he even had to warm up himself and I read this book in a little over 2 hours. I then sat and stared for another half hour until hubby asked if I was ok.

I can not even put into words how this touched me, like I mean straight in the heart, it’s like she crawled in my head and stayed there for the last 30-odd years taking every thought and feeling I’ve experienced. I’ve since bought one copy for one daughter and was telling another daughter that I was going to buy it for her and she ordered it while we spoke. Next up…Buy the paperback, I want to go back and follow every instruction given and start the journaling I’ve wanted to start for years and didn’t know where to begin, KL Montgomery has given me that direction.

I changed my lifestyle almost 5 years ago and have literally lived it since, just wanted to eat healthy and get rid of preservatives and such, the side effect of that was losing over 100 lbs and have kept it off within 10lbs or so. It still never occurred to me to love my body, you can change your physical lifestyle all day long but the feelings inside are habits that are hard to break and this guide has made me look at things in a whole different light.

I love this Author, she has written 2 of my favorite books ever and now I can say that that number has risen to 3..

Thank you for waking me up, making me smile, making me giggle a few times, making me cry, making me look at myself differently, and allowing me to get to know you.

So I gave this book 5 stars because that’s how we rate on our reviews but as I said, this book deserves so much more than stars!

View all my reviews

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