Dating the It Guy by Krysten Lindsay Hager – Review by Lorrene Huisman

Dating the It GuyDating the It Guy by Krysten Lindsay Hager
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I must say, this book was captivating, and a good story for us all to read in my humble opinion but the added aspects certainty were a nice addition. As I am a person who lives and swears by my tarot cards, horoscopes, as well as my crystals I found the main character Emme more relatable than just her fragile heart, but also by the choices and things she chooses to rely on for life related decisions!

Emme was a girl who I think all of us can find some form of a relation to in some form or one way. For starters if you are not in the right click of high school, it can literally be a battle field every day from the moment you step through there. Believe me I was the science theater nerd I have been there in more ways than one. Emme gets dumped hurt and cheated on. Again, relation to past experiences are strong in the cards I am drawing here haha.

Throw in the most amazing hearted as well as popular guy in school, well Emme needs to think wit her heart more than just what her tarot cards can tell her perhaps? She is felt as an outcast and has some things going on. Her new boyfriend seems so out of her league to her, that she feels she is just not meant to be his. All signs are pointing its not to work out as she is not worth it to him. Perhaps though she is in all honesty? If she follows her heart rather than the signs she sees, where will her path lead her?

Personally I had a lot of fun reading this novel. It was far from traditional in reading a teen romance, which I truly loved. Emme was wonderful and so was Mr. Popular, Brendan. I loved how there was more to the story than just their relationship, but also a lot of outside factors as well! It made the book a fun and engaging read in more ways than one! And my personal crystals did not need to tell me that!

The book was a wonderful read, and I feel any adult or teen would benefit from reading this. Sometimes when you feel you are not enough, you truly are though! Sometimes true beauty and awesomeness is in the eye of the beholder and truly can be more than you see yourself as! I loved this book from start to finish and I m so glad I got to read it! I highly recommend you pick up a copy, read it, and of course enjoy!

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