Saved by Love (Bellevue Bullies Book 7) by Toni Aleo – Review by Angela Shirley

Saved by Love (Bellevue Bullies #7)Saved by Love by Toni Aleo
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Evan Alder is one of the Alder greats within the hockey world, although Evan is not as confident as his twin brother so decides for his mental health to medically retire from Hockey. With this decision done he then looks at what does he really want. So, when he decides to go to school and become a sports therapist, he has anxiety where this is the right path for him.

When he arrives he is then assigned the RA position in the Hockey house which is giving him anxiety but also he is assigned as the sports therapist to the Gymnastics team, the only problem is he has no clue about the sport, but as time goes on he does both jobs to his best ability but when a certain girl catches his eye, can he keep the job and his love life separate?

Callie has struggled to get where she is and being enrolled into one of the top schools for gymnastics, so when the new term starts in walks someone, she thought she would ever see, Evan Alder. Although Evan has been a fantasy to her for years as her “dad” plays with his twin brother, so she must walk carefully regarding pursuing him, until they see him running and then all bets are off and Callie declares to the girls that he is hers for the taking.

As Evan and Callie get closer can they maintain a relationship or will other factors knock them off course.

This is the first book I have read in this series or by the author and I can confirm that this can be read as a stand-alone book, although it has piqued my interest to read the series from the beginning and the other spin off series to see how the other characters got together.

The two main characters were brilliantly developed, and I like the fact that the main male character struggled with his mental health and issues which normally are portrayed by female characters in books. The chemistry between the two of them charged off the page and was crafted beautifully within the story. I loved the way that Callie’s life starts off rough and with her sister’s sheer grit and determination to get her were she is has given Callie and great role model to follow and then with Nico’s fatherly protection it was lovely to finally see her have love in both a relationship and family. The story was well developed and flowed easily and held my interest until the end.

I look forward to reading more books by this author and hopefully add a few more book boyfriends to my ever-growing list.

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