Deadly Intentions by Anise Storm – Review by Jenni Bishop

Deadly IntentionsDeadly Intentions by Anise Storm
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Deadly Intentions is a deliciously erotica romance tale that lives up to its name. Anise Storm has magic fingers when it comes her writing. I love her work that I have read most of her books. It is raw, dark and gritty and it is a captivating read. The darker, the grittier the better I say. A dark mafia thriller romance gets the heart pumping. With enough danger and violence, secrets and lies, intrigue and darkness, angst and fear, intrigue to keep the pages turning. I did at times find there was repeated information as with the flashbacks then reiterating it again wasn’t necessary.
Nazario is a character you will either love to hate or hate to love. He becomes quite a different man not someone likeable. His moods are like being on a rollercoaster. Just when you think you understand his actions he proves you wrong. Viviana was a strong and sassy woman but that all changed when she was around this man. She did surprise me though and didn’t see it coming.
Revenge is sweet or is it?

Reviewed by @jennadb

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