The Crown of Stones: Magic-Borne (The Crown of Stones Book 3) by C.L. Schneider – Review by Shannen Kern

Magic-Borne (The Crown of Stones #3)Magic-Borne by C.L. Schneider
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

While I am so sad to see this series coming to an end, Magic-Borne is a dazzling read! This has been my favorite fantasy series in such a long time. C.L. Schneider has an incredible way of wrapping you in their world and making you feel at one with each character. She is one of the authors that I follow very closely so I don’t miss anything! Ian has been through the ringer, and this is the continuation of his fight. The amount of action, magic, romance, and endurance that you can feel which means you’ll be right there alongside the characters the whole way. Be sure to start from the beginning of the series because this is a very detailed story with amazing world building and in-depth characters. I highly recommend this entire series because it is just mind-blowingly epic!

Reviewed by @shannlynn

View all my reviews

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