
Deadly Alliance: A Fortis/Purgatory Crossover Novel by Maddie Wade ~ India Kells – Review by Debi Kircher

Deadly Alliance: A Fortis/Purgatory Crossover NovelDeadly Alliance: A Fortis/Purgatory Crossover Novel by Maddie Wade
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Deadly Alliance: A Fortis/Purgatory Crossover Novel by Maddie Wade ~ India Kells

5 Stars

Take 2 awesome authors and put their names on one book and you end up with Awesome overload. I love both of these authors and when I saw this book I was so excited and they once again did not let me down.

This was an awesome merge, Fortis and Purgatory and the amazing people that work for each. This was a smooth read and falls right into everything else as far as the style of both of these authors.

This story had just enough twists and turns to keep you on the edge of your seat and one of the twists totally floored me, I was like NOOOOOOOO that did not just happen.

I absolutely loved it and all of the characters are still among my favorites and I was even able to meet a few new ones.

I highly recommend this and every other book both of these authors have out.


Review by @debikircher

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Self Love by T L Clark – Review by Ashleigh Whitwell

Self LoveSelf Love by T.L. Clark
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Self Love is a standalone romance novel that follows Molly as she learns to love herself and who she is. Written in first person, the author chooses to have Molly speak directly to the audience, which really helped build a relationship with the character. This book had me laughing out loud at moments and was really fun to read. If you need to indulge in a little self-love yourself, this is a must read!

Molly is such a relatable character. She is struggling with various different issues, all of which are real concerns for real-life women of her age. What woman hasn’t worried about her weight, career or relationship status? Molly is real, which is what makes her so loveable. Seeing her character develop of the course of Self Love was fun and stirred a lot of different emotions in me. The narrative is so brilliantly written, especially the way Molly interacts with the reader. There are some hilarious moments in this book and I found myself giggling multiple times throughout Molly’s story. But this book is also packed full of some heart-wrenching emotional moments. Molly has been through a lot and is still dealing with some issues that were hard to read about. The author handled these brilliantly and with so much respect; this is what kept me reading! I also loved that this book was set in the UK. A home-grown romance is always something I’m looking for!

This is also one of those reads that makes you think and reflect. While Molly is trying to love herself, I found myself thinking about my own issues and how similar they were to Molly’s. Ultimately, this was an uplifting and inspiring read and one that I know ill stay with me for a while. Self Love is definitely a read I will be recommending to others!


Review by @ashleighw

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Self Love: A British Tale of Woe and Wit by TL Clark – Review by Kerry Baker

Self LoveSelf Love by T.L. Clark
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Self Love: A British Tale of Woe and Wit by TL Clark is an easy read an a great way to pass a few hours.
The book is about Molly, a florist who is hoping to be able to change her ways in order to find happiness. It is a story that most will be able to relate to in one way or another as there isn’t ever a person that hasn’t questioned things at one time or another.
The story to the story is a bit awkward I found. It felt a little difficult to get through and to engage with. However I am pleased I stuck with it as for the most part the story was enjoyable and it even had me laughing at times. I especially liked that the humour was very British. Being British myself I find it appealing when I come across a book that has this type of humour to it. All in all a good book.

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Self Love: A British Tale of Woe and Wit By TL Clark – Review by Emily Brockschmidt

Self LoveSelf Love by T.L. Clark
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

“Self Love” by TL Clark is a lovely story about an overweight, unhappy woman named Molly and her challenges in life. Molly owns her own floral business and is always around very happy brides to be which tends to bring her down as she can’t find love herself. Add in an overbearing mother who can’t say anything nice and general low self-esteem and Molly is a bit of a wreck. Molly is a very relatable character who says so many things I’ve heard many woman, including myself, say before. Her struggles are very real and honest and that makes her quite lovable to me. I found the story to be a less raunchy “Bridget Jones” type story filled with fun British terms and written almost as a diary. TL Clark’s story is one I believe many women could benefit from reading as the moral is the title and that self love is necessary and important to us all. If you like a sweet romance, or if you struggle at all with loving yourself then please read this book! I give “Self Love” by TL Clark four stars!

Reviewed by @emilybee430
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Fisher Of Men (The Eastern Shore Swingers Series Book 1) by Phoebe Alexander – Review by Karyn Taylor

Fisher of MenFisher of Men by Phoebe Alexander
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

WOW!! What can I say about Fisher Of Men by Phoebe Alexander? Fisher Of Men is the first book in The Eastern Shore Swingers Series and what an opener to the series it is. This book is on fire it’s that hot.
Fisher Of Men tells us the story of Chris ‘Cap’ Sheldon and Leah Miller. Chris and Leah couldn’t be any more different it they tried. 27 year old Leah had a very strict religious upbringing in Nebraska, being the daughter of a minister. She has very firm religious beliefs. She is now working as a manager in an upscale hotel ‘The Pearl’ in Ocean City. It is while working at a charity event in the hotel that she first meets Cap. Cap is a 42 year old, divorcee who runs a fishing business. Leah discovers that Cap and all those attending the charity event are swingers. As much as she’s attracted to Cap (who can’t love his amazing blue eyes and dimples?) swinging goes against everything that she believes in.
What follows is a beautifully written story of Leah’s sexual awakening. We can really see her struggles with her religious beliefs and by how turned on and exhilarated she feels by watching and participating in sexual encounters with several people at a time. It also shows us how 2 people with such different backgrounds and beliefs can overcome everything to find true love.
I must add that this book is definitely for a mature audience due to the sexually explicit content. I have to say that the sex scenes in this book were hotter than anything I’ve ever read.
This isn’t the first time I’ve read work by this author and I have to say that I’m becoming a huge fan. If this first book in the series is anything to go by then I can’t wait to read the rest of this series. I already have books 2 & 3 waiting on my kindle for me to dive into.

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Our Next Chapter by Michelle Sullivan – Review by Tracy Manderson

Our Next ChapterOur Next Chapter by Michelle Sullivan
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Our Next Chapter by Michelle Sullivan

5 out of 5 stars
Our next chapter written by Michelle Sullivan is an amazing love story about misunderstanding, love at a young age that lasts a lifetime and new beginnings and secrets. I had so many different emotions reading this book I laughed cried and I was also pissed at what the main characters had to go through, but they were strong and made it. The characters Karalyn and Dex are amazing and well written and I could relate to Karalyn on some level.
They became best friends in elementary school.
They fell in love in high school.
They were soul-mates, with their future planned and nothing to stop them.
Sounds perfect, right?
WRONG…not every love story ends with happily ever after.
She hated Dex the boy who broke her heart but she can’t stop loving him. It’s been 17 years since she’s been home; now she’s back and that boy who she tried to hate for so long is promising her a future again. But Can Karalyn trust Dex again? Is he for real that he didn’t know anything and that he was trying to protect her?
Is it possible to put the past behind them after so many years of pain? Can they begin another love story that never really ended? Or is it better for both of them to finally let go for good and close that chapter in their lives forever?
I know my review is kind of vague but I didn’t want to give any of the secrets away but you really need to read this amazing book….
review by @tracym

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Deadly Alliance (A Fortis/Purgatory Crossover Novel) by Maddie Wade and India Kells – Review by Bobbi Wagner

Deadly Alliance: A Fortis/Purgatory Crossover NovelDeadly Alliance: A Fortis/Purgatory Crossover Novel by Maddie Wade
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is an enjoyable story from two great authors. This story has a little bit of everything in it from sitting on the edge of your seat suspense to nail biting revenge. Shane and Emme took me on a journey of building bonds and facing dangers that they may not be able to see coming. I enjoyed both of these characters and the growth of their friendship. Will they break each other’s barriers and realize that they are better together? I highly recommend this book to find out what happens to them.

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Our Next Chapter by Michelle Sullivan – Review by Sara Oxton

Our Next ChapterOur Next Chapter by Michelle Sullivan
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Our Next Chapter by Michelle Sullivan a five-star read you will love. This is a great second chance romance and yet another great read by this author, she is an author who has the talent to surprise you, as you start the story and its good, but slow burning and then you start to care about the characters and you start to really get to know them and then boom suddenly it’s become one of those books you cant put down and you have to finish, you have to read every page like it’s the last. Karalyn and Des have a great friendship and that runs through the story making it deeper and deeper, it’s the best type of friendship the one where you can go for ages without speaking and then pick up where you left off, it takes work but has a great base. Because of that this is a great story and you will adore it like an old friend.

Review by @saraoxo

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Joker’s Fool (Satan’s Devils MC #8) by Manda Mellett – Review by Sara Oxton

Joker's Fool (Satan's Devils MC #8)Joker’s Fool by Manda Mellett
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Joker’s Fool by Manda Mellett a five-star read that will fool you. This is the eighth book in Satan’s Devils MC series, but you can read it as standalone without missing any details, but if you are like me then you will want to go back and read them all as they will be as well written as this story is. This was a beautiful story, but I do know that not everyone will enjoy this as it is a M/M romance and I know not everyone finds them as hot as I do. This story will have you shedding a few tears and also a lot of smiles, you will be blown away and compelled to read. Joker is a character you will care about before you hear his whole story and once you hear it you wont just care you will adore him.

Review by @saraoxo

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Fisher of Men (Eastern Shore Swingers Book 1) by Phoebe Alexander – Review by Sara Oxton

Fisher of MenFisher of Men by Phoebe Alexander
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Fisher of Men by Phoebe Alexander a five-star read that will swing you round. This is the first book in the Eastern shore swingers series, and what a series, I did this one backwards and read the other books first then came back to the beginning, so I knew what to expect, hot, heavy and full of steam. What would you do if the man you fell in love with was the opposite of everything you have been led to believe, this one will have you wondering what choice would you make, would you have a hot a life if you did? Leah overall is a great character, but she did lack something, but where she meets Cap and them together, that is just pure magic, the chemistry is off the charts hot. This series starts with a bang and just gets better. I think this series may just be my favourite by this author, and this is a very strong story in the series.

Review by @saraoxo

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Savannah’s Saviors (Cowboys of Cavern County, #5) by Bella Settarra – Review by Bobbi Wagner

Savannah's Saviors (Cowboys of Cavern County, #5)Savannah’s Saviors by Bella Settarra
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is the fifth book in this series and can be read as a standalone. This is a Contemporary Western Romance story that I enjoyed. This is a story about trust, faith and second chances. I enjoyed how this story pulled me into a world of hot, steamy cowboys. The emotional roller coaster that they took me on as well as the twists and turns that I didn’t see coming kept me turning pages. It was great watching the characters grow into their own. I highly recommend this book.

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Joker’s Fool (Satan’s Devils MC #8) by Manda Mellett – Review by Katie Matthews

Joker's Fool (Satan's Devils MC #8)Joker’s Fool by Manda Mellett
My rating: 5 of 5 stars


Yet again another amazing story in this series and from this author – she never fails to impress me with her brilliant and captivating writing, characters who are fantastic and exciting, gripping storylines. I’m going to be honest I am not a huge fan of m/m stories; they are just not a genre I particularly enjoy however I did really enjoy this book. Yes I’ll admit I skim over the parts I’m not overly keen on but it didn’t take away for me what a wonderful read this was. The story detail was rich and the characters were well developed. This story could be read as a standalone however I would really recommend that the rest of the books are read as there are recurring characters and situations.
I really liked the characters in the story and having seen them in previous books I was looking forward to finally finding out more about them. I felt such a connection with Joker and my heart literally broke for him. The author took me on one huge roller-coaster of emotions during this read.
I absolutely would recommend this book, series and author – I don’t think you will be disappointed!


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Self Love: A British Tale of Woe and Wit By TL Clark – Review By Dawn Daughenbaugh

Self LoveSelf Love by T.L. Clark
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5 Star
Self Love : A British Tale of Woe and Wit By TL Clark is book that pulled at my strings because I can totally relate to Molly and her self doubts.So get ready to be taken on a journey of growth and I think determination. There is some drama and some parts for me were emotional. This isn’t my first read by this author but my first non-paranormal book from her. I was hooked from the beginning and had a hard time putting it down, I had to know how things turned out. Molly is a woman who is opening her own florist business. She is a stubborn woman but is also very caring, compassionate and giving.Molly doesn’t give her self much credit, she doesn’t see what others may see.she seems to look at her faults instead of focusing on the good. She can get sad,feel lonely and depressed. Can Molly find her true happiness?Will she find Love? Can she find Self-Love? Find out the answers to these questions and many more you will have by reading this book.i cant wait to read more from this author.

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The Sound of Love by Maria Watts – Review by Krista Beck

The Sound of Love (The Sound series #1)The Sound of Love by Maria Watts
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Sound of Love revolves around Nina and Chris. Nina is a smart England girl and Chris is the lead singer of a boy band. Nina is every 16 year old girl obsessed with a band/singer. Tracking down his phone number, Nina class Chris and so their story begins. The banter during the phone calls is cute. Face to face, Chris is a class a jerk. While Nina may be book smart, she is not so smart in the ways of love. the story line was okay, but for me it moved too slow. Chris was just not a likable character for me at all.

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Fisher of Men (Eastern Shore Swingers Book 1) by Phoebe Alexander – Review by Erin Wolf

Fisher of MenFisher of Men by Phoebe Alexander
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I give Fisher of Men (Eastern Shore Swingers Book 1) by Phoebe Alexander, 5 stars.

Leah Miller was born and raised in a very religious family. Her parents raised her to finish school, get married, and have children, all while keeping in her faith. But she doesn’t feel like this is her. So she sets out to be her own woman. Then she ends up in Ocean City, Maryland and meets a man that I changes the way she sees things. He is very open with his sexuality. This is new to her, and exciting at the same time. But what about her faith? This is the opposite from everything she was ever taught? Is it okay be free and open or is it a sin?

This is the beginning of the Eastern Shore Swingers series, so this story has lots of sex and multiple people having sex. Although Leah is very religious, this is not a book about religion. Okay, now that the formalities are over, I will give you my opinion. I loved it!!! Yes, there are a lot of hot and steamy scenes, but that is not what makes this book. It’s the characters that really make it!! Leah and Chris are so much fun. Yes, they struggle, and they each have issues. But they are so real and know how to love and have fun too. The things that happen in this book will keep you reading until the very end. I thought this book was so enjoyable and entertaining, I cannot wait to read more in this series!

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Reviewed by @erinwolf79

Marks of the Mazza: Reverse Harem (Mazza Series Book 1) by Blake Blessing – Review by Candida Hopper

Marks of the MazzaMarks of the Mazza by Blake Blessing
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Marks of the Mazza: Reverse Harem (Mazza Series Book 1)
By Blake Blessing
I will admit this is the first reverse harem book I have read and I am so glad I decided to go with it. I love the diversity in all the characters involved. This book drew me in from the beginning and kept me captivated throughout. Isolde was just getting by, working two part time jobs and going through the routine of life as a loner. That all changes the night she accidentally gets into the wrong vehicle that she thought was her uber. She is suddenly thrust into a world of magic and she’s told she is the “Mazza” which is the answer to the Fennine/fae, they believe she can bring great change. As Issy is trying to wrap her mind around this huge responsibility and learn their ways, there are also people trying to hurt her. I found while I was reading I was being taken on many different directions, I wasn’t sure who is good, Who is bad? Which is awesome!! Just when you think you might have a grasp there’s a twist in the plot and I found myself rethinking what I thought I knew. I loved the different angles and how bits and pieces of information were revealed. I found myself invested in these characters, I so badly want the lusty legion to be the good guys!! I absolutely loved reading this book, i just couldn’t put it down, and now I’m going crazy waiting to read the next one!!! The author did an exceptional job creating a wonderfully well written story that captured my attention!! I highly recommend this book!!

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Fisher of Men (Eastern Shore Swingers Book 1) by Phoebe Alexander – Review by Lisa Boltiador

Fisher of MenFisher of Men by Phoebe Alexander
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I have to be honest- it took me a minute in the beginning to warm up to Leah and Cap. Leah just seemed a little stand offish and prim, and Cap kind of a player who thinks he knows better than her. I’m glad I stuck with them, though. They kind of grew on me by the end. For a very steamy start to a series, and a unique kind of romance, it was a slow build. There was a lot of self-reflection, and some serious drama near the end. This was one of those books that slowly turned into something I couldn’t put down, and now I really look forward to the next!

Reviewed by @lisaboltiador
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The Jack (The Immortal Series Book Two) by MK Harkins – Review by Bobbi Wagner

The Jack (The Immortal Series Book Two)The Jack by M.K. Harkins
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is the second book in this series and is a Young Adult story that is engaging and fast reading. This book is about finding the truth for someone who needs to learn to believe in themselves. The characters took me on some twists and turns that left me sitting on the edge of my seat and just waiting to see what was lurking on the next page. It was great seeing Archer’s story even if he is a little insecure about himself but he is still my favorite. I highly recommend this book.

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The Nearness of You by KG Fletcher – Review by Bobbi Wagner

The Nearness of YouThe Nearness of You by K.G. Fletcher
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is one of my favorite books by this author. A story of love and the struggles that life throws at your relationship. I enjoyed how the author’s attention to details made me feel as if I was right there in the room with the characters. Lauren and David are connectable characters as well as lovable. I enjoyed their chemistry and the instant bond they shared. There are a few twists and turns that I didn’t see coming and I couldn’t wait to see what was next. I highly recommend this book.

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Deadly Alliance (A Fortis/Purgatory Crossover Novel) by Maddie Wade & India Kells – Review by Angela Hayes

Deadly Alliance: A Fortis/Purgatory Crossover NovelDeadly Alliance: A Fortis/Purgatory Crossover Novel by Maddie Wade
My rating: 5 of 5 stars


Deadly Alliance is an exciting Fortis/Purgatory crossover novel by Maddie Wade and India Kells. When I heard that two of my favourite authors had got together and written a crossover novel, there was no questions asked, it was a no-brainer, I just had to read it!! I love the Fortis series by Maddie Wade, as well as the Purgatory series by India Kells- so the thought of combining the two was incredibly exciting for me. I must admit that I had a lot of expectation for this book and I am happy to say that the authors didn’t let me down- although I don’t exactly know what I had been expecting, because I went in blind, but they delivered much more than I had hoped for. From the gorgeous cover, to the incredible writing, to the action-packed and gripping storyline, and the fantastic characters- this book has it all!!!
This is a romantic suspense- with action, adventure, emotion, danger, thrills, intrigue, mystery, undercover ops, drama, intense chemistry, tension, serial killer, teamwork, spice, and romance. The authors managed to hold the tension and suspense at an elevated level throughout the book- which kept me guessing and had me flipping pages to find out what happens. The brilliant twists and surprises also elevated the thrill level up several more notches.
Shane Rhodes and Emme Wallace are highly skilled agents from the two different teams, who find themselves undercover and posing as a married couple in the hopes of flushing out a serial killer, whose body count is mounting. As one of the victims is Shane’s best friends’ little sister, the investigation has a personal aspect that drives Shane- and he’s determined to hunt down the killer. But the mission is a bit more complex than just solving a murder, testing them, and resulting in some electrically charged moments, intense action, and heart-racing suspense- that makes this story soar!!
The authors styles compliment one another, as I couldn’t tell which parts were written by whom. The story was polished and really well blended, and the whole thing felt like it had all come from one mind- which is testament to these authors writing skills and compatibility.
I am hoping that these two will team up for more crossovers/stories in the future, because this book works on so many levels and I love how the two worlds combined! But in the meantime, I will continue to devour everything that they produce, either individually- or together!!

Thank you, Ms. Wade and Ms. Kells!

Reviewed by @angelahayes

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Fisher of Men (Eastern Shore Swingers Book 1) by Phoebe Alexander – Review by Michelle Austin

Fisher of MenFisher of Men by Phoebe Alexander
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Fisher of Men was a great 5 star read and book one in the Eastern Shore Swingers series.

We have Leah who is an innocent in many ways, she is working as a Customer service person at a hotel. When she meets Cap at a party that she is working she is shocked to hear exactly what kind of party it is. Although, the lifestyle is a litte intriguing to her.

Leah ends up in a relationship with Cap. You go girl! We get some steamy scenes from them. I really enjoyed reading their story and there were some interesting twists that caused some issues for them. Will Leah be able to accept the lifestyle?

Leah was a little different, coming from a small town she was experiencing a lot of new things, and she was very hard working. Cap is of course in the lifestyle but when he saw Leah something about her drew him in. If he finds “the one” he would be willing to give up the lifestyle, will that be Leah? Can they have a HEA?

The secondary characters added a great element to the story. Phoebe has once again pulled me right in with her writing. I really like the quotes at the beginning of each chapter, they are great. The ending was great, I was a little nervous at first, I wasn’t sure exactly what was going to happen. I can’t wait to get my hands on the next book in the series, I need to see where things are going with these two.

Review by @mab54615

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The Sound Of Love, The Sound Series Book 1 by Maria Watts – Review by Felicia Bates

The Sound of Love (The Sound series #1)The Sound of Love by Maria Watts
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The Sound Of Love (The Sound Series Book 1)
Maria Watts
5 out of 5 stars

I never should have started this in the middle of the night. While I would never choose to pick up a book I didn’t think would interest me, I never expected to be so enthralled in this storyline that I would need to stay up for “just one more chapter” over and over again from the very first page.
When the book began it was a different feel for me as our main character is young and her narration came off as such. Quickly I became more comfortable with Nina and well, I soon needed to know what was going to happen next.
As the book progressed I found myself struggling to like Chris as a character, he was infuriating and his relationship with Nina was the same. Somehow
though, I was still drawn to the two of them, I feel like the first several chapters gave us a good sense of who Chris and Nina are without the influence of fame, and despite the trials and tribulations they endured through the lense of fame the character development was so strong that you wanted to see them through. I am
surprised by the role that Nina’s parents play
throughout this story with the picture that was painted of them as parents at the beginning of the novel, but really that is just an opinion and has no real influence on the strength of the book.
I would be curious to see what happened after this story ended, and I would love to have more of Nathan’s character. Overall I loved The Sound Of Love, it was intriguing yet frustrating, once I started I needed to see it through with as little stopping as I could. It’s indicated that this is the first book in The Sound Series so I will definitely be looking for
more to come.


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Georgia Pine (Southern Promises Book 3) by K.G. Fletcher – Review by Tracy Wilkin

Georgia Pine (Southern Promises #3)Georgia Pine by K.G. Fletcher
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Georgia Pine is book three in the Southern Promises series by K. G. Fletcher. I think I am in love. I beyond adored this story. Every word I read, I loved. As I got to know Jessica and Tim, the harder I fell. Their story was so sweet, I may need a trip to the dentist!! The quality just shone, and the thought and preparation was evident. K. G. Fletcher gave it all, and it showed magnificently.

Jessica has her hands full, and with her impending divorce imminent, she is on emotional overload. Tim entering her life when she was at her lowest mortified her. But this woman was made of strong stuff, and with love and support, could handle anything life threw at her. Tim could not have been more perfect for her. The heartfelt goodness and dedication to Jessica and her daughters was heartwarming, and his love for them new no limits.

I could not put this book down. Countless times my kindle fell to the floor as I was exhausted, but I just could not stop reading. It was that glorious. The story, 5 stars. The storyline, 5 stars. The way it made me feel, immeasurably satisfied and happy. The author, 5 stars. Readers simply must read this terrific story.

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Savannah’s Saviors (The Cowboys of Cavern County Book 5) By Bella Settarra – Review by Laura Furuta

Savannah's Saviors (Cowboys of Cavern County, #5)Savannah’s Saviors by Bella Settarra
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Savannah’s Saviors (The Cowboys of Cavern County Book 5)
By: Bella Settarra
5 out of 5 stars

The story Savannah’s Saviors (The Cowboys of Cavern County Book 5) by Bella Settarra is a western/contemporary romance book. It is a story that I loved reading. It hooked me in from the very beginning and I didn’t want to put it down until I had read the final page. I loved reading about the characters of Savannah Edgerton, Tom Rankin, and Greg Jackson. Savannah is a woman who has been thrown out of her own home. When she is found by Tom and Greg she is hypothermic and in bad shape. Savannah is a strong-willed woman who doesn’t know how far to trust the two cowboys that she has just met. I felt empathy for Savannah as she hasn’t been treated right and feels the worry that her true situation will be found out. Tom and Greg are kind and worry about Savannah. They also soon find themselves attracted to her. That attraction is also felt by Savannah. As the truth unravels regarding her situation their attraction only gets stronger. Will Tom and Greg be Savannah’s Saviors? What will happen when the past is exposed, and secrets revealed? Read this book to find out. I enjoyed reading about the other characters that are introduced in the story. They are part of a small town/community that feels like home and you can’t help but enjoy reading about each and every one of them. This story also does include some steamy scenes between Savannah, Tom, and Greg that will make the temperature in the room rise. There is a connection/bond forming between them. This is a wonderfully written story that you don’t want to miss out on. It is a book I would recommend reading.

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Deadly Alliance: A Fortis/Purgatory Crossover Novel By Maddie Wade and India Kells – Review by Laura Furuta

Deadly Alliance: A Fortis/Purgatory Crossover NovelDeadly Alliance: A Fortis/Purgatory Crossover Novel by Maddie Wade
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Deadly Alliance: A Fortis/Purgatory Crossover Novel
By: Maddie Wade and India Kells
5 out of 5 stars

The story Deadly Alliance: A Fortis/Purgatory Crossover Novel by Maddie Wade and India Kells is an amazing crossover book that I absolutely loved reading. It is a book that hooked me in from the very beginning and I didn’t want to put down until I had read the final page. It has an atmosphere of suspense and mystery that kept me on the edge of my seat wondering what was going to happen next. It is a page turner that is action-packed. Both the Fortis and Purgatory covert agencies are working together on this case and it is one that includes danger at every turn. I loved reading about the characters of Shane Rhodes and Emme Wallace. This case is personal to Shane and he is determined to find the serial killer who murdered his best friend’s little sister. He is an agent that is calm under pressure and knows how the undercover game works. So when he is teamed up with Emme who he believes to be young and less experienced he at first finds it hard to trust her. Emme is a woman who has been chosen to be in the line of fire on this mission. She may be young however she has the confidence of her mentor and others. When Shane and Emme meet they both affect each other more than they will admit. She is a distraction and she finds him very attractive. They soon find a passion and connection between themselves. Will they admit to their feelings for each other or will they push each other away? Are these two soulmates that have found each other? A serial killer is on the loose. Will they be caught before more lives are taken? Read this story to find out. This is an amazing story that I highly recommend. It is wonderfully written and a pleasure to read. There are some steamy scenes that are included in this story that will make the temperature in the room rise. I enjoyed reading about the other characters that make up the Fortis and Purgatory teams and how they banter/interact with each other, Shane, and Emme. Don’t miss out on this book.

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Deadly Alliance: A Fortis/Purgatory Crossover Novel by Maddie Wade & India Kells – Review by Jenni Bishop

Deadly Alliance: A Fortis/Purgatory Crossover NovelDeadly Alliance: A Fortis/Purgatory Crossover Novel by Maddie Wade
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Deadly Alliance: A Fortis/Purgatory Crossover Novel by Maddie Wade & India Kells. Wow, I just love the Fortis Series but have not read the Purgatory series (don’t worry I intend to after this book), but this book is a fantastic read and the crossover is done extremely well. Good work ladies! The Fortis group are family and with just the few characters from Purgatory I already like what I have seen and I certainly look forward to the new group that Maddie and India have indicated maybe coming (well I hope that it is coming). There is never a dull moment in this book, action, you betcha, drama, yep, murder and mayhem, definitely, hot alpha men, oh yeah, kick arse women, sure is and they all come together in one compelling, enthralling, engaging and fantastic story. Maddie and India have worked their magic and come up with something that is magic.

Reviewed by @jennadb

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Moments That Define Us (A Gray Ghost Prequel Book 0) by Amy McKinley – Review by Jenni Bishop

Moments That Define Us (Gray Ghost #0.5)Moments That Define Us by Amy McKinley
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Moments that Define Us by Amy McKinley takes us back to why and where it all began and what shaped these boys into men. I enjoy reading Amy’s books they are so descriptive and full of danger and action. We have a group of boys trying to find family and stay alive without getting caught up in anything illegal. With enemies on the warpath it’s only a matter of time before things turn against them. It is a short read but one that packs a punch giving us an insight to the life they endured before and defined them.

Reviewed by @jennadb

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Savannah’s Saviors (The Cowboys of Cavern County #5) by Bella Settarra – Review by Heather Lovelace

Savannah's Saviors (Cowboys of Cavern County, #5)Savannah’s Saviors by Bella Settarra
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This page turner tugged on my heart strings in a huge way. It is an emotional juggernaut and held me in its grip from first page to last. It was well paced and richly detailed. I loved how the story moved and developed. I thoroughly enjoyed it and cannot wait to read more from this author.

Reviewed by @heatherlovelace

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Marks of the Mazza: Reverse Harem (Mazza Series Book 1) by Blake Blessing – Review by Heather Lovelace

Marks of the MazzaMarks of the Mazza by Blake Blessing
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

A well paced read, I enjoyed this book and the characters. The characters are well defined and believable. The storyline has a steady pace. The author did a good job telling the story and drawing the reader in. It had action and plenty to keep me on my toes. A good book and one I will recommend to others.

Reviewed by @heatherlovelace

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Joker’s Fool (Satan’s Devils MC) by Manda Mellett – Review by Sunday Barnaby

Joker's Fool (Satan's Devils MC #8)Joker’s Fool by Manda Mellett
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Joker’s Fool by Manda Mellett
Five Stars

Joker’s Fool is the with book in the Satan’s Devils MC series by Manda Mellett. This M/M story blew my sock off. Although this book is part of a series, it can be read as a standalone. This is the first book I have read by Ms. Mellett, but definitely won’t be the last. I plan to go back and read the rest of the series in the near future. This book hooked me on the first page and I couldn’t put it down till the very last. The emotional roller coaster had me up well past my bedtime, but it was well worth the loss of sleep. I love how Lady sticks with Joker throughout his emotional upheaval as he learns how to cope with things from his past and learns how to love himself. This is a true love story. The emotions brought to the surface were truly amazing and heart felt. I highly recommend this book and look forward to reading the rest of the series.

Previewed by @sunbarn

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