
The Jack (The Immortal Series Book Two) by M.K. Harkins – Review by Jana Teppih

The Jack (The Immortal Series Book Two)The Jack by M.K. Harkins
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The Jack is the second book in M.K. Harkins’ Immortal series and I recommend you read it straight after finishing the first book as then everything is fresh in your mind and you might be a bit disappointed in Archer but … this is his book, his redemption, his journey …
Archer is a Jack … and he is a Reader … he is a hybrid that is caught between two adversary races … and then there are the Seers … the avenging hunters of Jacks and protectors of Readers … and who is Archer? It will all come down to what he chooses …
The Jack is also Sadie’s story … Sadie who is pure, kind-hearted and … destroyer or Jacks! What a contradiction – gentle heart and a cold hearted killer …. How does one reconcile it? What will happen when Archer and Sadie’s paths cross … who will survive … is there a way for them to be together … do you dare to open yourself up and be gifted with friendship and love …
I hope it will not be the last book as there is so much more that the writer could grace us with … I have a whole movie running around in my head!

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The Boss Man: A Steamy Contemporary Romantic Suspense Novel (The Manly Series Book 4) – Review by Jana Teppih

The Boss Man: A Steamy Contemporary Romantic Suspense Novel (The Manly Series Book 4)The Boss Man: A Steamy Contemporary Romantic Suspense Novel by Teddy Hester
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Well, well, well, The Boss Man is the fourth book in the Manly series by Teddy Hester that one can read as a standalone. I think the writer chose the names for the main characters while thinking of a nursery rhyme … luckily the story is very far from it! It was my first encounter with this writer and it was a very fortunate one indeed …
Our couple of the story is a bossy construction Wunderkind Jack De Paul and the baby of the family Jill(ian) Vickers (who is NOT a spoilt primadonna!) … I am sure you can get the drift already! Add to it all a bit of a havoc wrecking saboteur, reputation to hold up, drama, flaming chemistry and … you will sit at the edge of your seat until you get to the last page!
Let’s be serious though, it is a well written emotional story filled with banter and pursuit of happiness that will leave no one cold!

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Summer Fling by Tarrah Anders – Review by Jana Teppih

Summer FlingSummer Fling by Tarrah Anders
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Summer Fling is a short summer read by Tarrah Anders. It was full of love and laughter and excitement and a bit of mystery! What do you do when you live in a sleepy town that gets lively only when the tourist season hits? Who would go for if majority of ‘of interest’ are there only for a short of period time? Well, you take a decision that you will not date any out of towners/tourists and you will stick with your promise to yourself until the hell freezes over or so you think …
Summer Fling is the story of Emma and Royce – Emma is our hometown girl who has sworn off tourists and Royce is one of those damned and persistent tourists who decides to become a townie AND he is a vet so imagine all those pets! What should a poor girl do? And the chemistry and the heat between those two? Olalaa …. Can Ms Anders write some steamy scenes or not?!!! And let’s not forget about all those ‘supporting’ characters … I wonder if Ms Anders will take us back to Sweeny again …

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The Reader by M.K. Harkins – Review by Jana Teppih

The ReaderThe Reader by M.K. Harkins
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The Readers is the first part of a duet by M.K. Harkins. It is not the first encounter with this writer and when this book popped up on my radar then I knew that I have to pick up a copy as I absolutely loved the other books I had read by her! I was though not ready for it!
I would call it paranormal love triangle … what else would you call when you have highly evolved humans who can read minds (Readers), humans who can hijack other bodies (Hijacks), and Seers who have been wiped out though … so we have that crazy world where the Seers have predicted a very special Reader will be born one day who will unite everyone … this is the stage where we meet Ann and Devon and Archer. When Ann wakes up in shallow water she has no recollection who she is … can you imagine being only eighteen, shot and without your memory? Who can you trust, where will you go? Can she trust those two young men – Archer and Devon – who approach her?
The writer takes us down a rabbit hole filled with lies and murder and betrayal … well, she actually takes us to a mountain top but you get me … it is an intense story that is fast paced and doesn’t leave many cold … cannot wait to see what the sequel brings us!

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The Last Keeper of the Light: a dystopian fantasy by Nikki Broadwell – Review by Jana Teppih

The Last Keeper of the Light: a dystopian fantasyThe Last Keeper of the Light: a dystopian fantasy by Nikki Broadwell
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The Last Keeper of the Light is a dystopian fantasy by Nikki Broadwell. This is my first encounter with this writer and as I love dystopian stories then I was curious to pick up her version of it! The storyline is inspired by a Hopy Indian prophecy and the writer has so skilfully mixed magic, secrets, mystery, drama and survival. The world that she created is so believable in the current world we live in and it makes it even that more real.
This story is of Sandal who holds the future of the world in her hands. And it is also the story of Jacob who is of comfort to her … they live in the world where millions have died, there has been starvation, disease, radiation and then also natural disasters … it is the world that has gone dark and hope is a commodity that the humans are short of … it is a story that breaks your heart, shutters your world and doesn’t let you go, you want to know if Sandal manages to keep the future intact or we come to an end … I wonder if this was an opening move for a new and unforgettable series that will stand proudly next to the Hunger Games and Maze Runner and …

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Degrees of Innocence (Prestian Series, #1) by Via Mari – Review by Jana Teppih

Degrees of Innocence (Prestian Series, #1)Degrees of Innocence by Via Mari
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Degrees of Innocence by Via Mari is the first book in her Prestian series and the beginning of Katarina and Chase’s story! It is the first book I have read by the writer and I promise you, you will find me reading all the other stories in the series as well! I NEED to know how their story develops and ends …
Degrees of Innocence is the story of Katarina Meilers and Chase Prestian. Katarina is a professional design consultant and Chase is one of the wealthiest and most powerful men in the world. And how do they meet, you would ask me, and … they meet when Katarina is doing a CPR on a guy who collapsed at the resort they are both at, and Chase comes and takes over when Katarina is at the end of her ‘rope’. What a way to meet! What a start on a journey into the world of opulent wealth and danger and … of sexual exploration …
I loved the way the writer told the story, the way she mixed erotica with suspense … she gave us a story that is not just some spicy steamy erotica but that also keeps us asking ‘what the heck is going on???!!!’. I loved how respectfully the writer dealt with the BDSM aspect of the story and how real the budding relationship felt! I cannot wait to tackle the next story in the series and to find out where the journey will take us!

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Just Exes by Charity Ferrell – Review by Jana Teppih

Just ExesJust Exes by Charity Ferrell
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Just Exes is a second chances story by Charity Ferrell. It is not really part of any series but still, the heroine is the little sister of Hudson and Dallas who we met in Just Her Bodyguard and Just One Night where we also got the first glimpses of her. So go ahead and read it as a standalone and I am sure if you have read Hudson and Dallas’ books then you know what the writer might have in store for us!
Just Exes is the story of Lauren Barnes (aka Satan as she is called by one of Gage’s friends) and Gage Perry. These two were each other loves in high school and for some reason Lauren broke up with him, for no reason!!! I really did not like that we had to wait sooo long into the story to find out what the reason was and …. Hmm… was it really worth 10 years of separation?! Well, maybe, we humans are very bad at dealing with our issues so who the heck knows…
There is a lot of pain in this story, pain that goes back for years … it also gives us a rollercoaster story that leaves you at the edge of your seat until you come to the last page … and it is not just Lauren and Gage that make the story but also all those crazy and entertaining support characters aka friends! I hope the writer will give us more stories where we can meet up with them or maybe some of them get their own story! What else does one need than more secrets and deception and love, first chances or second …

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Moments That Define Us (Gray Ghost #0.5) by Amy McKinley – Review by Jana Teppih

Moments That Define Us (Gray Ghost #0.5)Moments That Define Us by Amy McKinley
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Moments That Define Us by Amy McKinley is a heart-breaking prelude to her Gray Ghost series. I wish I had read it before I read the first and second books in the series … She was right, it totally set the stage for the rest of the series and explains so much that I did not fully grasp when reading the ‘full’ books.
It is a short story but it is crazily intense – the writer has to pack a punch, she is setting this group of teenage boys on to the road to become paramilitary protecting the abused and the week and they start with it already when they are still young and suffering themselves … it would be so easy to closer their eyes and just think of themselves and their close band of future modern day Robin Hoods but there is something in their DNA or maybe it is simply that thanks to having each other they are tapping into the deep well of humanity that is in each and every one of us but they are different… their stories are not for the feint hearted and I have to admit, I cried and cried and when I closed the book, I wished for each of them to find their happiness when the writer gives them their own story …
The focal point of the beginning is the story of Jack and Jenni and please, be forewarned, it will break your heart as their story is real and unfortunately the real life is painful …
I am impatiently waiting for the stories of the rest of the guys!

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Every Breath You Take (Bayou Devils MC 3) by A.M. Myers – Review by Jana Teppih

Every Breath You Take (Bayou Devils MC 3)Every Breath You Take by A.M. Myers
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Every Breath You Take by A.M. Myers is the third book in her Bayou Devils MC series and what a continuation it is! You could read it as a standalone but why should you? You will get so much more out of this story if you have read the first two books prior attacking this one AND on top of that it means you have 3 great books you can spend your time with at the same time!
Every Breath You Take is the story of Lincoln “Kodiak” Archer and Tatum “Tate” Carter. Their story is not a simple one, there are so many layers that you really need to dig deep and pay attention (though it is not a hardship I tell you). I love myself some strong and sassy and stubborn heroines! Tate is a true fighter and she is not afraid to show her vulnerable side either. Lincoln is our quintessential bad boy who is a member of a MC and who is also caring and protective. Lincoln has a painful past and Tate is trying to discover answers to the questions she is left with when her mother dies in a car accident. And then there is the chemistry … you can feel it when reading the story … you root for them and you know that they are perfect for each other! Full stop! Jump on this heck of a ride!

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Phoenix Rising: A Fortis Security Novel Book 7 (Fortis Security Series) by Maddie Wade – Review by Jana Teppih

Phoenix Rising: A Fortis Security Novel Book 7 (Fortis Security Series)Phoenix Rising: A Fortis Security Novel Book 7 by Maddie Wade
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Phoenix Rising is the seventh book in Maddie Wade’s Fortis Security series. I fell in love with her writing AND the series with the first book I picked up and now I am following her on all possible platforms in order not to miss the next book! Please do not read this story as a standalone; you will miss so so much!
Phoenix Rising is the story of Daniel – second in command at Fortis Security and a widower and a single father – and Megan – a doctor and one of the Bennett siblings (who you will have met in previous books if you are a fan like me). The chemistry between them is combustible and nothing can stop it! This story is filled with emotion, secrets, grief, anger, danger and love … Every book in the series pulls you further into this intricate world that the writer has created and that she keeps adding to … it leaves no one cold and an outsider … you get invested in the people and the relationships and the stories and … you cannot wait for Digital Desire that is the next one in the series!

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Nikolai: A Mafia Prince Romance by Shandi Boyes – Review by Jana Teppih

Nikolai: A Mafia Prince RomanceNikolai: A Mafia Prince Romance by Shandi Boyes
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Oh my … Nikolai: A Mafia Prince Romance is the first book in Shandi Boyes’ Russian Mob Chronicles and even though you can read it/them in their own rights, they are sort of also part of her mind blowing Enigma series (and that is also where we met Nikolai for the very first time)!! I read the first Enigma book over a year ago and I have been hooked ever since! I absolutely love how ‘fast’ she is and never leaves us waiting too long!
Nikolai is a story filled with twists and turns and danger and action and … well, it is a mafia story so I am sure you can imagine, at least to a certain extent! This story is obviously about Nikolai who at first I had really hard time to like and then, the more I learnt the more I started … hmmm…. liking him?!… and then there is Justine … every hero needs a heroine and I generally go more for stronger females but the more I read the more I could feel the heat and the chemistry between them … AND do not forget all these other little stories and sideliners that are peppered through the main story and I think I might need to re-read it as there were so many layers and I was simply inhaling it and I want to be prepared for the next steps of the journey …
If you are looking for a new writer then please, be invited into the world of Shandi Boyes! You will not be bored AND there are loads of stories to gorge on!

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Addicted to Love (Bayou Devils MC #2) by A.M. Myers – Review by Jana Teppih

Addicted to Love (Bayou Devils MC #2)Addicted to Love by A.M. Myers
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Addicted to Love is the second book in A.M. Myers’ Bayou Devils MC series and I was fortunate to have discovered the series when three books were out so I did not have to suffer any book hangover! You could read it as a standalone but you are meeting all the characters you were introduced to in the first book so do yourself a favour and start with book one!
Chance and Carly are the two that are in the limelight in this story of MC brotherhood and camaraderie. I heart bled for Carly and I cried and I wished for Chance to be able to get through the walls she had built around herself … and Chance, I wish that every one of us could experience in our lives the man he is … Don’t be fooled though, it is not just some sort of a simple love story taking place in a MC world, it is filled with action and drama and there are quite a few times when the writer pulls the rug from under you and … there is a cherry on the top of it all – at no point you need to wonder what Carly or Chance is thinking as the writer gives us both of their voices!
I cannot wait to dive into the next story in the series!

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Broken Circle (Gray Ghost #1) by Amy McKinley – Review by Jana Teppih

Broken Circle (Gray Ghost #1)Broken Circle by Amy McKinley
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Broken Circle by Amy McKinley is the first book in her Gray Ghost series! It is also the first book I have read by this writer so I was very curious about her story telling ways when I picked it up! I have to say that I had nothing to be concerned about! I absolutely loved it! I loved it so much that I also picked up the ‘prelude’ to the series that I had somehow missed AND also the second book of the series! (Reviews to come!)
I loved Amy’s writing style – it was flowing and smooth like molasses AND it kept me at the edge of my seat until I came to the last page! There are twists and turns in this story and I tell you, every single character has their purpose and you cannot take anyone away! It is a story of betrayal and ‘illusion’ – you think that something is going on but you do not actually see what truly is going on under the surface …
I loved Olivia, I loved how she grew throughout the story and found her strength (and stubbornness)! And when her blinders come off … be prepared for fireworks!

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Eye of the Storm (Gray Ghost #2) by Amy McKinley – Review by Jana Teppih

Eye of the Storm (Gray Ghost #2)Eye of the Storm by Amy McKinley
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Eye of the Storm is the second book in Amy McKinley’s Gray Ghost series! I dived straight into it after finishing the first book as I had fallen in love with Amy’s storytelling ways! Even though the stories can be read as standalone, do yourself a favour and read the first book as well as you will enjoy Eye of the Storm even more once you have done it.
Amy continues with her smooth storytelling and emotional rollercoaster, there are twists and turns that you do not see coming and just imagine, it is all happening in the wilderness of Colombian jungle! The writer is so meticulous with how she describes the jungle, how her characters come across and boy, the secrets … they are like a cherry on top of the cream! I loved how Amy gave us two strong and independent (and stubborn) characters (Mari and Chris) that make the story unforgettable! How can you give the story a cold shoulder when there is action, emotion and …. Secrets … but I already said that! So, pick up a copy and run away to the jungle with Marie and Chris and maybe, just maybe, you will return in one piece!

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The Kitty Committee: A Novel of Suspense by Kathryn Berla – Review by Jana Teppih

The Kitty Committee: A Novel of SuspenseThe Kitty Committee: A Novel of Suspense by Kathryn Berla
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The Kitty Committee is a suspense novel by Kathryn Berla AND it is her first novel written for adult readers. I have read her YA story “Going Places” and I absolutely fell in love with her writing so when The Kitty Committee popped up on my radar then I went … hmmm, let’s see how she is when writing to adult readers …
She did not disappoint me! Her writing was good as ever … she has given us a story that shows us what far reaching consequences might our decisions have that we take as teenagers, influenced by our friends and loyalties at the time … unfortunately, the decisions and actions of this group of girls, oh my, they have disastrous consequences and the shadow the lives of so many people …
I loved how the timeframe kept changing as it kept me sharp and on my toes … I liked that at no point did the writer fall into the ‘language’ of teenagers … I have to say though that at times I had hard time to relate/feel for Grace as I felt that she never really found her feet as a person in her own rights … on the other hand, one could really feel the lasting impact that the act of her youth had on the rest of her life … The writer forces us to think and feel and to understand why we think and feel the way we do … The story is really worth while reading …

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Hopelessly Devoted (Bayou Devils MC 1) by A.M. Myers – Review by Jana Teppih

Hopelessly Devoted (Bayou Devils MC 1)Hopelessly Devoted by A.M. Myers
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Hopelessly Devoted is the first book in A.M. Myers’ Bayou Devils MC series and it was my first encounter with the writer. I absolutely love MC stories and I am delighted to add A.M. Myers to the list of writers that I follow! The second and third book in the series, here I come (and the fourth book is just around the corner as well – a lot of goodness I can see in my future)!
Hopelessly Devoted is the story of Logan “Storm” Chambers and Alison James. Both of them carry deep wounds and at times it feels that at least Storm might be broken beyond redemption. This story gives us all and I forewarn you, keep a box of tissues at hand when you start on it. The story rips your heart out and then builds it up again … I know, at times you feel like you cannot breathe anymore and you wish for the story to come to a conclusion but I promise you, once you do finish, you will feel like it was just a moment and you are left craving for more. Luckily, there are couple of more stories out in the series so go ahead and satisfy that craving!

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Badge Bunny (Romance in Rehoboth Book 4) by K.L. Montgomery – Review by Jana Teppih

Badge Bunny (Romance in Rehoboth Book 4)Badge Bunny by K.L. Montgomery
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Badge Bunny is the fourth book in K.L. Montgomery’s Romance in Rehoboth series. As it can be read as a standalone then this is what I did – I was intrigued by the title and the synopsis and thought, hi, let’s see what spin the writer will take us on! And of course, she did not disappoint! I absolutely love stories with strong and independent heroines that are not waiting around to be saved! Add to this a bit of humour and comedy and what else does one need – you have a top notch Rom Com/Enemies to Lovers story!
Badge Bunny is the story of the ER doctor Brynne Miller aka the ‘Badge Bunny’ and Chris Everson who is a state trooper and who managed to piss off Brynne within 2 seconds of meeting her! So how do you get over that first impression that is compounded with follow up meetings where Chris manages to annoy the heck out of Brynne? Well, you put them together in major crisis that simply demands that they need to work together to handle it!
I think I need to pick up the first three books of the series as I absolutely fell in love with that tears and laughter combination and real life size and believable characters!

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Branches of Healing: Tales of Unsung Heroes by Autumn Sand, Bella Emy, J.L. Leslie, Verlene Landon, Ava Wood, Lorah Jaiyn, Natalia Schellhaas, Amy Allen – Review by Jana Teppih

Branches of Healing: Tales of Unsung HeroesBranches of Healing: Tales of Unsung Heroes by Autumn Sand
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Branches of Healing is a ‘not-leaving-a-dry-eye’ compilation of stories by eight incredible writers AND on top of that, ALL proceeds go to Healing Paws for Warriors! So not only did I pick up this compilation because I love Autumn Sand and Verlene Landon but also because it has such a great cause! I loved the beautiful stories by Autumn and Verlene (I knew there could not be anything less) AND I love that I was introduced to some other new and amazing writers that I have now noted down in my ‘to be followed and read list)!
This compilation will rip your heart out and then, it will put it back together – these stories are about separation and second chances and overwhelming loss and friendship and chemistry and overcoming unbearable and unthinkable adversity and in one way or other, they are about military and what these brave men and women who serve and the ones who love them, experience … You will experience how it is not just the people that directly involved in an event are impacted by that event but it has a ripple effect … it also shows us many faces of grief and that we all take our own way to healing …
The Anthology includes the following stories:
-Finding Us by Autumn Sand.
-Aftermath by Amy Allen.
-Broken in Battle by Ava Lyn Wood.
-Without You by Bella Emy.
-Saving Grace by J.L Leslie.
-The Last Letter Home by Lorah Jaiyn.
-Soldier On, Moving Forward by Natalia Schellhaas.
-Oscar Mike by Verlene Landon.
Pick up a copy, grab a box of tissues and a bottle of wine and settle in for the night … you will not stop until you have reached the end …

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Whiskey Dick by Ryan Ringbloom – Review by Jana Teppih

Whiskey DickWhiskey Dick by Ryan Ringbloom
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Whiskey Dick is a funny rom-com by Ryan Ringbloom and it was the first book I have read by this writer. I was originally intrigued by the title (as I am sure you are as well) and then she took me on a journey. It was a short funny read that made my crack up and at the same time also made me sigh … (that is where the sweetness came out).
It is a story of Jax and Paisley who meet at the airport in Florida and are to fly back to NJ …. the problem is though that both of them are really really afraid of flying …. You can just picture what kind of an opening it is – two aviophobics meeting at a bar and … off we take!

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Unintentional (Intentional #2) by M.K. Harkins – Review by Jana Teppih

Unintentional (Intentional #2)Unintentional by M.K. Harkins
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Unintentional is the second book in MK Harkins’ Intentional series and I have to say that after reading her debut book of Intentional, I was blown away by how much more Unintentional was. I fell in love with Cade in book 1 and I understood why Mattie did not choose him and I was hoping, hard, that Cade would get his own story and yes, it took two years (the timeline in the stories) to get him to his story but man, what a story it was – angst, heartbreak, up and down, push and pull, a bit of humour to keep it from getting too heavy and then all those amazing ‘sidekicks’ (Sophie and Shirley and Scott and ….) that I hope will keep the series going!
Thank you for giving us a simple story that has no cliffhanger, no ‘i-wonder-what-comes-next’, just a beautiful romance between two amazing characters – Cade and Laurel – we do not need craziness in every single story we read!

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Tightrope: Book 2 by Maddie Wade – Review by Jana Teppih

Tightrope: Book 2Tightrope: Book 2 by Maddie Wade
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Tightrope Book 2 gives us a conclusion after Maddie Wade left us hanging in her Book 1! Do you yourself a favour – read the books in their order AND have the second one ready to go when you finish with the first one, I am saving you some anxiety! It is pure brilliance!
Tightrope makes us feel every single emotion one can think of, you will cry and laugh and despair and hope and hate and love and … it picks up where the writer left us at the end of Book 1 and you might think that yey, now everything is going to be fine and … four words I have for you, four words only – “false sense of security” … be prepared for anything, everything! It will rip out your heart, leave you bleeding and then, builds you up … You are welcome! AND dear Ms Wade, please give us more, a spin-off at least!

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Tightrope Book 1 by Maddie Wade – Review by Jana Teppih

Tightrope Book 1Tightrope Book 1 by Maddie Wade
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Maddie Wade has given us a gift – Tightrope – and she is leaving us hanging, with an epic cliffhanger!!! Please, for your own sake, get BOTH of the stories at the same time as you will need it! (I had the second book waiting when I started on the first one!) I fell in love with Maddie’s writing when I discovered her Fortis series and she has simply taken it up a notch in this Tightrope series/duet (well, you can see how I hope there will be a spin-off, another story, something….)
In this first book we get introduced to Dean and Lexi who are married but the marriage is no longer what it used to be … Dean is no longer what he used to be … and Lexi, she comes to the point when she needs to take a deep look inside and decide whether she will stay faithful to the memory of the man her husband used to be or will she need to rethink it all and take what she needs …
The story is told from two points of views and it makes it especially heart breaking and it takes us on such a crazy rollercoaster ending with a … cliffhanger …
I will leave you with the opening words of the story as they tell you everything you need to know to make yourself to pick up a copy:
“God will only give you what you can handle, or so they say! If that was the case, God in all his infinite wisdom must have thought I was a complete badass. That, or he had a piss poor sense of humour.”

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Awakening Avery (A Second Chance Romance #3) by Laurie L.C. Lewis – Review by Jana Teppih

Awakening Avery (A Second Chance Romance #3)Awakening Avery by Laurie L.C. Lewis
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Awakening Avery is a Second Chance Romance book by Laurie Lewis. I had read a book by this writer before that I enjoyed a lot so I decided to pick up a copy of this one. I was slightly surprised to find that she is a Christian writer as there was nothing remotely indicating that in the first book I read by her. Generally I do not go for Christian stories as very often the writers include too much of their religious views than telling the story but I have to say that the way Ms Lewis is telling Avery’s story, it does not bother me. In its essence it is a story of a woman who has lost her husband, her children have lost their father and the family and the people in their orbit simply question their faith or lack of it. We all have something we believe in and whether it is Christian or something else, Ms Lewis has asked us to listen to how her characters see it.
I loved that the heroine of the story is not a young(ish) person but someone who has lived, loved and lost; it is not so often we see that. The writer takes Avery (and us) on a journey of healing and she (and us) meets different people and it brings us laugher, tears and takes your breath away!

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ABDUCTED: Code Raven 2 by Lynda Filler – Review by Jana Teppih

ABDUCTED: Code Raven 2ABDUCTED: Code Raven 2 by Lynda Filler
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Abducted by Lynda Filler is the next instalment in her Code Raven suspense series that will keep you at the edge of your chair and makes you go and check the writer’s site to see when the next instalment is coming!
We are meeting all the old friends and foes and all the new ones and it is filled with so many twists that at times you simply have to put the story down for a moment and go in your head ‘hmm … what did I just read and how does it fit into what I know and ….’ And then you grab the book again and go at it … This instalment is a step beyond cybercrime and hacking, it is about human trafficking and drugs and high speed chases and catching bigwigs and … crazy all around! Dear Ms Filler, please keep them coming!

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Deal Takers (Dealing With Love #2) by Laura Lee – Review by Jana Teppih

Deal Takers (Dealing With Love #2)Deal Takers by Laura Lee
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Deal Takers by Laura Lee is a RomCom in her Dealing with Love series that leaves you crying with laughter and laughing while crying! I did not read the first book but I still managed to enjoy the heck out of the second one!
Deal Takers is the story of Brody Harris who has no filter so you can imagine what comes from his mouth – it whether cracks you up or leaves you for reaching for a gun, and Rainey who is a nurse at the local hospital and has the (mis)fortune of meeting Brody when he comes to ER with an embarrassing problem … The first chapter will give you a very clear picture of what is waiting for you (and Brody and Rainey) and I am telling you, it is so entertaining that you will not be able to put the book down until you have gotten to the end! The banter, the chemistry, the waiting (yeah, heck yeah, it takes YEARS!!!) and the heartbreak … AND do not forget about the older woman – younger man scenario as well!! You get EVERYTHING when you pick up the story (well, not a dead body or a back stabbing ex-girlfriend or ….)

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CODE RAVEN: Prequel by Lynda Filler – Review by Jana Teppih

CODE RAVEN: PrequelCODE RAVEN: Prequel by Lynda Filler
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Code Raven is the beginning to an amazing series by Lynda Filler. I have not read anything else by this writer but I know that this is one series that I will be reading – from the beginning to the end!
As the title says Code Raven is a prequel to the series, it is sort of an extended prologue that gives you the framework to put the rest of the series into! It introduces you to the main players, their motivation, their loss, and their drive … It gives you a taste of what is to come and I am so happy to know that I have the first story already downloaded on my reader!
It is an action packed and mind bending read that will not allow you to put the story down after you have started! Welcome in to the world of Raven Group folks!

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Drawing Strength From Words (A Four Horsemen Novel Book 2) by C.A. King – Review by Jana Teppih

Drawing Strength From Words (A Four Horsemen Novel Book 2)Drawing Strength From Words by C.A. King
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Drawing Strength From Words by C.A. King is the second book in her Four Horsemen series. Finally, it is here! I read the first story and I could not wait for the second one! It is a remarkable paranormal series where it seems that it somehow becomes better with each book (like wine …). If you love mythology then absolutely this series is for you – I am sure you have heard the legend of the four horsemen before and let me tell you, the writer has put an interesting spin on it!
Drawing Strength from Words is the story of Gabrielle and Ryder. Gabrielle is the second horseman and surprise surprise the second horseman really is … a woman! And what a woman she is – independent, powerful, resourceful, confident … and oh so lovable! Ryder, he is a perfect match for her – he is as closed as her but there is bond there and it keeps growing and … yeah, the writer is taking us on one heck of a ride, no pun intended.
It is a beautiful story that mixes the ancient myth and contemporary life and love … what else do you need? Cannot wait for the third story, I wonder what that horseman will tell us …

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Beach Love (Love Collection Book 4) by Natalie Ann – Review by Jana Teppih

Beach Love (Love Collection Book 4)Beach Love by Natalie Ann
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Beach Love is the fourth book in her Love Collection series. I read it as a standalone and I think it is ok to do so … obviously one could argue that one always gets more out of the series by reading the stories in order and … but what about if you are just getting acquainted with a new writer? Well, I started with the fourth book, enjoyed it tremendously so I might just pick up also the first three books as I got a bit curious about some of the characters that I know were in the previous books …
Beach Love is a short and easy read when you are craving something sweet and relaxing with a little twist of fate thrown into it … Beach Love is the story of Melissa and Connor and they really seem to be made for each other … there is instant attraction and there is slow burn and there is soul searching and there is being honest with oneself and taking a chance …
So if you are a romantic at heart and want to spend an evening with something easy and heart-warming then pick up a bottle of wine and Beach Love!

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Covert Identities by Amabel Daniels – Review by Jana Teppih

Covert IdentitiesCovert Identities by Amabel Daniels
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Covert Identities by Amabel Daniels is another brilliant mystery story involving the Newland siblings and I have been waiting for it for a long time! Ms Daniels is an amazing writer and I have been reading every single one of the Newland sibling stories and every single one seems to be better and better!
Covert Identities is the story of Amy Perry and Sean Newland and oh boy, do they have a history … well, one could probably call them arch enemies … and of course, the history never stays buried … only, now when they are grown, it takes a different shade and the chemistry and the sparkles and the bickering and bantering and … simply, the whole shebang!
If you love mysteries AND you love romance then this is definitely a book you need to pick up! And I promise, you will want to read the other Newland sibling books as well!


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Beneath the Shine (A Prairie Tale #3) by Lisa Sorbe – Review by Jana Teppih

Beneath the Shine (A Prairie Tale #3)Beneath the Shine by Lisa Sorbe
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Beneath the Shine is the third book in Lisa Sorbe’s Prairie Tale series and it was a long time coming! I loved the first two books and the third one did not let me down either! You can read it as a standalone but it is always a pleasure to encounter the characters you recognize from the previous books so I warmly recommend to read the first two books (and they are fantastic in their own rights so you are making yourself a disservice not reading them!)
Beneath the Shine is the story of Betsy and Adair. The story takes you on a journey, a slow journey (but not a boring one, slow does not mean boring) of finding one’s way from devastating event that has overshadowed one’s life since childhood to recognizing that one is worth so much more … There are demons, right, but there is also being the best friends ever, being there for each other, and there is also love and passion … It is also a story of daring finally to go outside the little box that one has put themselves and their life into and seeing that it was not too crazy to dream …
The way the writer tells the story, it sort of sooths you and you do not even realize that hours have gone by while journeying along Betsy and Adair. I am really curious to see who is next in the line for their story!

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