
Paladin’s Hell: Satan’s Devils MC (Colorado Chapter) #1 by Manda Mellett – Review by Jana Teppih

Paladin's Hell: Satan's Devils MC (Colorado Chapter) #1Paladin’s Hell: Satan’s Devils MC (Colorado Chapter) #1 by Manda Mellett
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Paladin’s Hell by Manda Mellet is the first book in her Colorado Chapter series that is the spinoff of her Satan’s Devils MC series (it is after all the mother club!). It is not the first spinoff of the ‘mother series’ but I am sure many of the other fans will agree with me when I say that this one was a long awaited one! You can take and read it as a standalone, as an opening move for the new series but I promise you, you will be awarded immensely if you read the Satan’s Devils MC series first (if you have the time!)
We meet our couple – Paladin and Jayden – in the Satan’s Devils MC … the writer has given us a little taste here and there and it has been a very hard wait. Surprisingly the story is told from four people’s point of view – obviously Paladin and Jayden and then also Hellfire and Moria (the President of the Colorado Chapter and his Old Lady). It was hard to believe that we have to share this story also with Hellfire and Moria and then the whole Colorado Chapter … the dynamics are sooo sooo different from the mother club, the Satan’s Devils MC that I had grown to love through the nine stories … at the same time, I was happy to be introduced to this new band of brothers and I cannot wait to read the stories I can coming our way!
Jayden has survived a nightmare and Paladin is her knight in black leather … they are young and some think that maybe too young to know their minds … the writer takes us on a journey to finding one’s way to their dreams … what a ride!

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Surviving the Storm (Surviving Series Book 2) by Virginia Wine – Review by Jana Teppih

Surviving the Storm (Surviving Series Book 2)Surviving the Storm by Virginia Wine
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Surviving the Storm is the second book in Virginia Wine’s mind blowing Surviving Series. You should not read this story as a standalone as it has all the characters from the first book and you will feel at loss not knowing what had happened and how it all is linked!
Surviving the Storm gives us Alex’ story – Alex Kincaid Storm the third, who we met already in book one. A man who is NOT afraid of his feelings! A man that is the first to say that he is hurting, that he has found something that is so deep under his skin that he cannot imagine letting it go after only one night … And then we have Madison Perry, who is suffering but who still is able to recognize what it means to be truly loved and that just after one night …
The writer gives us insta love, suspense, action, drama, great chemistry, danger and secrets … so many secrets and lies … the story pulls you in and the characters won’t let you go! They bring you along on an emotional rollercoaster and there are moments when you feel that you want off and you simply do not have heart to read more as you experienced along with them what they were going through …
It is a great second book and as I have already read the fourth one (naughty me) then I know that the third one will blow us all out of water as well! Please keep on going and keep us gracing with more stories that remind us of our humanity and the power of love!

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The Something Series – Box Set Books 1-3: (Tell Me Something, Ask Me Something & Bet Me Something) by Aubrey Bondurant – Review by Jana Teppih

The Something Series - Box Set Books 1-3: (Tell Me Something, Ask Me Something & Bet Me Something)The Something Series – Box Set Books 1-3: by Aubrey Bondurant
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The Something Series Box Set contains the first three books in the Something Series by Aubrey Bondurant. I absolutely love this series since I read the first book two years ago and i can’t recommend these books highly enough. This box set is a great way to get into Ms. Bondurant’s work- and it is like a present – you get three books in one go! The Box Set contains: Tell Me Something (1), Ask Me Something (2) and Bet Me Something (3).
Book one gives us Haylee and Josh – the story sucks you in from the first chapter, it keeps you on your toes and it is hard to put the book down as you want to know how do those 2 hard headed aka independent and strong willed people figure out a working relationship.
The author was able to find a great balance between cute and light-hearted and ‘sturm und drang’ making it an enjoyable read.
Book two gives us Sasha and Brian – Ms Bondurant’s writing was even better, the characters were more complex, there were no embellishments, you were getting hit with emotions right and left…I cannot tell you how much I cried while I was reading this book… Don’t worry, it is not a bad thing, I think it gives credit to the writer’s ability to write so well that I could relate to what was going on to the extent it made me cry. I did laugh out loud as well, no doubt there!
Ms Bondurant does not shy away from the topics that many of us struggle with – control over being vulnerable, anxiety, panic attacks, being alone or trusting, keeping appearances or letting people in… I felt like I was living the life Sasha was living, feeling the pain, confusion, triumphs, love, sex…
Book three gives us Kenzie and Colby – Kenzie has been in love with Colby since she was six years old, but will he ever not see her as her brother’s best friend’s sister. Ms Bondurant shows us how Kenzie is growing into herself and finding out what it is that she is supposed to be doing with her life, standing up for herself, her love…and Colby, a man child, vulnerable and playboy, needing to grow up and stop hiding and take a stand… Ms Bondurant does not write about being perfect and having everything come easy, she writes about that we need to work for what we want and what we deserve!
I guarantee that once you finish the third book you will continue to the rest of the series!

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Degrees of Power (Prestian Series, #4) by Via Mari – Review by Jana Teppih

Degrees of Power (Prestian Series, #4)Degrees of Power by Via Mari
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Degrees of Power is the fourth book in Via Mari’s Prestian series. Do not read it as a standalone! You will be lost in desert without any compass or water! Obviously, I have read the whole series and I have to say it has been one of the best series I have read in 2018 – I loved the progression of the story and the relationship between Kate and Chase, I loved how each book seemed to top the previous one and that is simply unbelievable as you think this is the best the writer can do when you are reading whatever book you are at.
Degrees of Power picks up where the third book left off – Kate and Chase are determined to have a life together, despite the danger that is growing more intense by each day. Kate has to look even deeper into herself in order to face the truth – can she fully trust Chase? Can she become part of the partnership where she controls some of the aspects of their life and Chase controls the other aspects … it is so bloody hard…? Will Kate learn in time that in a relationship it is about give and take to keep the relationship growing! Love is not enough; you need to nurture your relationship! So, come along on the journey through danger and find out for yourself if Kate and Chase’s relationship will grow and they stay together through thick or thin … or will they be pulled apart …

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Souls Collide (Collide Series #3) by Kristina Beck – Review by Jana Teppih

Souls Collide (Collide Series #3)Souls Collide by Kristina Beck
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Souls Collide is the third book in Kristina Beck’s Collide series. The whole series is a standalone so you are welcome to start with this one, you will not miss out on anything. Of course if you have read the first two books already then you will enjoy meeting the characters from them here as the writer brings them all together. It is the first book I have read by this writer and I know, it will not be the last one!
Souls Collide is a beautiful story of two souls meeting – Alexa and Kent. They are as opposite as two people can be – Alexa is the friendly and charmed and positive gal that seems to have it all … Kent on the other hand has seen too much of the darker side of the life as he is a police officer. He has also experienced soul deep loss and that has marked him … marked him in a way that you think he might never get over it.
I admire how the writer handles the horrible illness that took Kent’s mother and now has also taken hold of his sister Abby. She gives us Abby who is the embodiment of a resilient human spirit on a journey filled with grace and beauty and courage … She brings us optimism and hope and you will find yourself feeling different towards the ones fighting the disease and the ones who have survived …
Souls Collide pulls you in and doesn’t let you go – the deep connection between Alexa and Kent while fighting the challenges together … it shows us that even when the life tries to take us down, it can also bring us together when we open ourselves up to love and commit to it.

Reviewed by @teppih

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The Only Series, 5 book boxed set by Bree Kraemer – Review by Jana Teppih

The Only Series, 5 book boxed setThe Only Series, 5 book boxed set by Bree Kraemer
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The Only Series by Bree Kraemer is 5 books  in this very convenient boxed set! The boxed set included ALL of the books in the series – Only By His Touch, Only With Trust, If Only, Only You, and Only For Love. You could read all of them as standalones but they do complement each other and the main characters are all connected, one way or the other – whether siblings, or friends, or brothers-in-arms or …
I love boxed sets as at times when you fall in love with a series it is such a pain needing to wait for the next book and when it is a boxed set you know you are guaranteed hours and hours of deep pleasure! I first fell in love with Bree’s writing when I read her Cedarville series and I always wondered if she’d be able to beat it and yes, she did … she gave us Samantha and Ethan, Michelle and Bryce, Sophie and Kevin, Emma and Colin, Gretchen and Steve …
We have five stories of struggles and chemistry and we all feel like part of their stories and we root for them and we laugh with them and we cry with them … It is absolutely a must read!

Reviewed by @teppih

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A Terrible Beauty (Fallen Eagles MC Book 1) by T. Birmingham – Review by Jana Teppih

A Terrible Beauty (Fallen Eagles MC Book 1)A Terrible Beauty by T. Birmingham
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

A Terrible Beauty is the first book in T, Birmingham’s Fallen Eagles MC series that leaves you breathless and teary eyed and waiting for the next story in the series! I have already read the second book and I guess one could say you could read them as standalones but I disagree … you would lose so so much by ignoring the order. It is not my first read by this writer but I was very surprised when I realized that it is a completely different genre that I had expected and I promise you, it was a great surprise!
A Terrible Beauty is a military romance mixed with romance and suspense. We have the Fallen Eagles MC in the suburbs of Philadelphia and it is fully made up of veterans. Their goal is to help other veterans and their families. Despite of the horrors they have lived and survived, they still give their all to help the other veterans … It is the WAR that is a TERRIBLE BEAUTY and the writer has given us a terribly beautiful story of the demons that Kit Markham has been fighting to overcome for years, the PTSD that is holding her hostage, the pain she is causing to others when she thinks she is actually keeping them safe … and then there is Lee Deveraux, her high school sweetheart and another vet and the only one who is able to offer her peace and refuge … is she ready to embrace it when the demons are coming out to play and will not stop until they have been paid in blood!
I absolutely love the Fallen Eagles MC series and I hope that the writer will keep gracing us with the stories that are as unforgettable as this one … A Terrible Beauty …

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The Debt Collector (An Underground Bad Boys Romance) by India Kells – Review by Jana Teppih

The Debt Collector (An Underground Bad Boys Romance)The Debt Collector by India Kells
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The Debt Collector is an Underground Bad Boys Romance by India Kells. I have read many of her stories and I thought I was ready for what she had in store for us but heck no! She took this one onto a completely different level!
The Debt Collector has so many layers, so much emotion, so much has been taken from the world around us … We have Dr Tessa Freeman who is not your average doctor, she is saving the girls who end up in her ER and have been escaping the slave ring … she does not think of her own life, it is her duty to help them and unfortunately no good deed goes unpunished … so she is taken to ‘work off the debt’ of the girls who are no longer there to ‘work’. She is saved by a mysterious Locke who she had treated when he came to the ER with some knife wounds … What does Locke want in return? How will he have her to ‘work off’ her debt to him?
I promise you will not regret picking up the Debt Collector, you will spend couple of very enjoyable hours with Tessa and Locke and …. Cage … the third party in this triangle/menage a trois … not a dull moment! But is this just a story filled with steamy scenes or is there more than what you see on the surface? Is there future for the three of them together or will someone be left behind? Pick up the copy and find out for yourself! I hope it is just the first in the series …. Is it a series … I am sure we will find out soon!

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For the Love of Laura Beth (A Chicago Christmas Series) by Aubrey Wynne – Review by Jana Teppih

For the Love of Laura BethFor the Love of Laura Beth by Aubrey Wynne
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

For the Love of Laura Beth is the fourth book in Aubrey Wynne’s Chicago Christmas series. It is a great story that takes place in the shadows of Korean war. The writer has taken this era and meticulously brought into life – I can close my eyes and picture the people and places she is describing. You don’t have to read the other stories in the series as this is a standalone story taking place in Midwest (like the other Chicago Christmas stories).
For the Love of Laura Beth is the story of Laura Beth Walters and Joe McCall – they grew up together and Laura Beth fell in love with Joe when she was just 6 years old. It takes a while but Joe notices her and it seems as if they would get their happy future but … first Joe’s mother dies of cancer and then … Korean war comes calling and Laura Beth decides to go against her father’s wishes and marries Joes before he leaves for the war.
The writer gives us such a clear picture of what women’s place was in the 1950ies, what was expected of them and what the consequences might be if they chose different … it also gives us a deeply touching story of a love between a woman and a man and what it takes to overcome family tragedies …
If you yearn for an emotional read about love that can endure anything, then pick up For the Love of Laura Beth!

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The Crazy Yates by Kimberly Packard – Review by Jana Teppih

The Crazy YatesThe Crazy Yates by Kimberly Packard
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The Crazy Yates is a delightful Christmas novella by Kimberly Packard. It is only about 60 pages long but it is filled with magic of what a real family and magic of Christmas is. The writer has packed a full story into those few pages and at no point did I feel that it was a rushed job, we had the beginning, middle and end and it also made us more curious about whatever happened to the mother and whatever will happen to Callie, what her dreams will be and where the life takes her.
I loved the unconditional love that Callie had for her family, how she simply did what had to be done and how she also had lost herself and how she needed to be reminded of what a true family is … Thank you dear writer for giving us a reminder and I did go and call my mother and talked to her for a long time after I had finished the book.

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A Frothy Christmas Kiss by Allyson R. Abbott – Review by Jana Teppih

A Frothy Christmas KissA Frothy Christmas Kiss by Allyson R. Abbott
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

A Frothy Kiss is the fourth book in Allyson R. Abbott’s Christmas Kiss series and I think it is currently the last one and what a last one it was! I absolutely loved the sweet story of Kat and Dan and their cupid Brian aka Bagpuss aka Damned Cat (you got to read the book yourself to know what I mean!). You can read this story as a standalone! Make yourself a cup of good coffee or if you are like Dan and Kat and are into fancy coffee types then make something more daring and enjoy the couple of hours you spend with these two and co!
I loved the small town and the quaint coffee shop and how it all came together in one beautiful ‘drink’ that leaves you craving for more! The chemistry, the sweetness, the misunderstandings, the growing up that we all need to do and the benefits we reap if we do so and the beauty of it all!
Thank you Dear Writer for these four beautiful Christmas stories that leave us feeling warm and fuzzy and wishing for some Christmas love for ourselves!

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A Pink Christmas Kiss (Christmas Kiss Series) by Allyson R. Abbott – Review by Jana Teppih

A Pink Christmas KissA Pink Christmas Kiss by Allyson R. Abbott
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

A Pink Christmas Kiss is the third Christmas story in Allyson R. Abbott’s Christmas Kiss series. It is a beautiful Christmas romance of second chances that takes place in a small town in the middle of nowhere! You can for sure read it as a standalone.
A Pink Christmas Kiss is the story of Billie who left for the big city lights five years earlier and is now back in her small hometown as her dad was no longer able to continue running his auto shop, and of Leroy who never followed Billie even though that is what she had hoped/assumed/wished for. Leroy was her first love and the guys in NYC never managed to fill the hole he had left in Billie’s heart.
When these two meet again, the connection is still there … it feels as nothing has changed … they do have a rough start though as Billie always seems to be saying something wrong but it is a Christmas story and their love is so strong and … I am sure you can guess the rest! The writer though takes us on this beautiful journey of two people realizing that they are each other ‘the one’ and no matter what happens … Pick up a copy and make yourself a cup of hot chocolate and read away!

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Surviving Eden (Surviving Series Book 1) by Virginia Wine – Review by Jana Teppih

Surviving Eden (Surviving Series Book 1)Surviving Eden by Virginia Wine
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Surviving Eden is the opening act to Virginia Wine’s Surviving Series. I read the fourth book first and she pulled me in with that story so I knew that I had to go back to the beginning and yes, Archer was also in this very first book and I know if I had started with this one, I would have gone on to read the rest of the series AND I do have the second and third book already downloaded on my app!
Surviving Eden is the story of Dr Theodore Grant and Eden Barrett. Both of them have experienced extreme loss and despite the age gap (Eden is the adult daughter of Theo’s dead friend) and professional therapist-client relationship, these two lost souls will seek comfort and healing in each other! These personal losses change one’s life, fundamentally, and they force us to re-evaluate our lives and change the direction we were heading to!
The story gives are twists and turns, heat, steamy sex scenes and romance …. I loved Theo and Eden for themselves and for each other and I loved Theo’s friends and I cannot wait for their stories (and I already know Archer’s story) and if they are anything like Theo and Archer’s stories then man, we are in for a treat!

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Snatching Dianna (Feisty Lawyers, #1) by Seelie Kay – Review by Jana Teppih

Snatching Dianna (Feisty Lawyers, #1)Snatching Dianna by Seelie Kay
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Snatching Dianna is the first book in Seelie Kay’s Feisty Lawyers’ series! What an opening to the series! When you read about the writer and her background, you tell yourself, oh my, I cannot wait for more! I know the second book is coming out in January and I tell you, it feels way too long away …
Seelie gives us 2 very interesting couples – law professor Janet MacLachlan and secret agent Cade Matthews, and small-town Police Chief David Manders and criminal defence attorney Julianna Constant … these two couples are left to figure out what is going on in the suburban Milwaukee college where blond and blue-eyed girls have disappeared!
The story is short but intense and it hangs so well together that at no point you think that it is too fast and the writer is jumping over things … I wish it would be made into a TV series … maybe once a couple more installments are out … it would make great TV! It gives us everything – danger, suspense, international crime, steamy relationships, banter … I think I will have to go and read the other stories the writer has published as it seems that our main couple headlines quite a few of them!
Great job Ms Kay and please, keep the Feisty Lawyers’ busy so that we can pour another glass of wine and read away!

Reviewed by @teppih

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Fatal Legislation: A Novel: Karina Cardinal Mystery Book 2 by Ellen Butler – Review by Jana Teppih

Fatal Legislation: A Novel: Karina Cardinal Mystery Book 2Fatal Legislation: A Novel: Karina Cardinal Mystery Book 2 by Ellen Butler
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Fatal Legislation is the second book in Ellen Butler’s Karina Cardinal Mystery series! She opened the series with a bang and set a bar so high that one had to ask oneself if she would be able to deliver again AND SHE DID! She gave us a smashing political mystery thriller that doesn’t leave anyone cold!
The writer gives us danger, intrigue, suspense, action, FBI investigation … and also a dash of romance (oh yeah, go Mike Finnegan!!!). Karina becomes a ‘person of interest’ in the death of a senator she was arguing with when he dropped dead at her feet and off she goes … Karina cannot leave the investigation for the FBI (remember what happened the last time!!!) so off she goes in the midst of her budding relationship with the FBI agent Mike Finnegan playing politics and following the money trail …
The writer has a way of pulling us into the story so that you cannot put the book down and she pulls from what is happening around us and what we struggle with/are unhappy with (Big Pharma and politics surrounding it). And as a present to all of us strong women, she has given us a one strong female heroine who doesn’t take any prisoners!

Reviewed by @teppih

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A Tangy Christmas Kiss by Allyson R. Abbott – Review by Jana Teppih

A Tangy Christmas KissA Tangy Christmas Kiss by Allyson R. Abbott
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

A Tangy Christmas Kiss is the second book in Allyson R Abbott’s Christmas Kiss series. All these stories are standalones so you can pick them up in any order – it is the Christmas and Kisses that they have as the common element!
I love the way Allyson spins the story … she is warm and you feel invited into the story and it is so easy to briefly close your eyes and picture it all, smell it all, and hear it all … All the stories are perfect for holidays, they leave you starry eyed and feeling warm and fuzzy!
A Tangy Christmas Kiss is the story of love finding a way whether you can speak to each other or not, language barrier cannot stop what is to happen! Melanie had less than 12 hours to pack her bags and fly to Spain to housesit for her aunt while she is in hospital and you can imagine that everything happening at such a short notice, everything that can go wrong, will do so! Mel happens to sit next to a nice Spanish guy during the last leg of her series of flights and he will become her savior even though does not speak any English … and then enters her aunt’s neighbour who feels it is him who should assist her … and then and then and then …
Pick up a copy and find out if what happens in Spain stays in Spain and when strangers meet!

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Beachcomber Gone by Stephanie Queen – Review by Jana Teppih

Beachcomber GoneBeachcomber Gone by Stephanie Queen
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Beachcomber Gone is the NINTH book in Stephanie Queen’s Beachcomber Investigations series! Nine books of goodness! You can reach each and every one of them as a standalone as they all have a ‘case’ that gets solved! I have read couple of other books in the series and enjoyed them tremendously and have the rest already downloaded and I have to admit that I also ventured out to Stephanie’s other series (Scotland Yard Exchange)…
So, Beachcomber Gone is another one of Dane and Shana stories and this time it hits close to home as it affects them personally! They get forewarned of the danger when they are on the flight to Australia (to visit Shana’s family) but unfortunately you cannot just parachute off the commercial flight and of course you cannot leave your family in danger (it is Shana’s mother who is being threatened…).
I love the chemistry between Shana and Dane, it is actually something beyond chemistry … it is sort of an addiction … Shana is Dane’s Achilles’ heel … He is one complex man and it makes the reading even more enjoyable! No simple bam-wham-mam … no no … it is a real dangerous story with not the usual backup and they don’t know who to trust and who not and … well, let’s just say that it was another brilliant instalment of the series and I wonder if I will last ‘til the day those two get married or will I have a heart attack first!

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The Way You Are (Carolina Connections, Book 5) by Sylvie Stewart – Review by Jana Teppih

The Way You Are (Carolina Connections, Book 5)The Way You Are by Sylvie Stewart
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The Way You Are is the fifth book in Sylvie Stewart’s Carolina Connections series! I have read every single story in the series and I have loved every single one of them! You can read the story as a standalone BUT I would recommend taking it from the beginning as you meet the rest of the gang and understand some of the back story.
Sylvie is a fantastic story teller and pulls you in from page one! The sense of humour and the care she takes of her characters … oh my! I was so happy to see that finally we have another story in the series AND I giggled a bit when I saw that she is planning at least couple of more!
The Way You Are is the story of Brett, the eternal nice guy (we have met him before, he is Gavin’s best friend), and Liv, a diehard baseball fan veterinarian. What do you think you will get when you throw together essentially a nice guy and a smart and loyal girl who is not a good judge of character and who also has a boyfriend? They start off in the ‘friend zone’ and yeah, it is sort of a slow burn but oh my when it finally catches fire, it burns hot! And as I said previously, I was great to see all the other old friends from the previous stories and I cannot wait to see what Sylvie as in store for Ari and Jax and Haley …

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A Prickly Christmas Kiss by Allyson R. Abbott – Review by Jana Teppih

A Prickly Christmas KissA Prickly Christmas Kiss by Allyson R. Abbott
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

A Prickly Christmas Kiss is a beautiful Christmas present by Allyson R. Abbot, all nicely wrapped up under your Christmas tree (or Kindle). It is the first book in her Christmas Kisses series and I am wondering what else has she gotten in store that would beat this Christmasy story? AND I loved her play on all things Christmas!
I mean the names of the couple – RUDI and ELF (Emma Louis Fallon), then there is the shop keeper who looks like a Santa Claus and is called Nick and his wife is called Missis C …. And so on and on … This story is simple but it is filled with romance and magic and snow and … it will keep you at the edge of your seat until you find out who is who and what happens to our resident Rudi and Elf and let’s not forget our Sue, the magical cat …. You will want to pick up a copy, make yourself a cup of hot chocolate and indulge!

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It Ends Tonight (Bayou Devils MC Book 4) by A.M. Myers – Review by Jana Teppih

It Ends Tonight (Bayou Devils MC Book 4)It Ends Tonight by A.M. Myers
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

It Ends Tonight is the fourth book in A.M. Myers’ Bayou Devils MC series! I have read every single book in the series and yes, you can read them standalone but I promise you that if you pick up any book in the series, you will want to read the other SO do yourself a favour and start from the beginning!
It Ends Tonight is the story of Lukas and his brother Clay, and Quinn and her daughter Brooklyn. Both Lukas and Quinn know about loss and family … both of them have survived tragedies … both of them feel that the other one is THE ONE … I wish at times that the journey to love were not so painful, still, we all learn from the pain and it is up to us what direction we take from there … it is also up to us what direction we choose after a chance meeting …
The writer knows how to pull us in and the world she has created down in Louisiana with Bayou Devils MC and its members … every single book is like a gem and in It Ends Tonight she has given us a love story that has to battle demons and overcome obstacles that seem unmountable … Welcome into the Bayou Devils world and enjoy the hours you will be spending with Lucas and Quinn and little Brooklyn!

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Rhapsody and Rebellion (Enduring Legacy #7) by Aubrey Wynne – Review by Jana Teppih

Rhapsody and Rebellion (Enduring Legacy #7)Rhapsody and Rebellion by Aubrey Wynne
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Rhapsody and Rebellion by Aubrey Wynne is her contribution to a historical romance series Enduring Legacy where multiple writers contribute with their historical stories. It is my first encounter with this writer and I am sure that when I crave some historical romance, I will check out her other writings … AND the Enduring Legacy series itself as even though all the stories are supposedly standalones, they apparently have a common undertone/theme …
It has been a while since I picked up a historical romance and the story of Earl Gideon and Alisabeth (Lissie) was a beautiful gem to enjoy after such a long time! It was story wrought of differences and contradictions – Scots vs English, stiff upper lip and running wild, nobility and social activism … add to this unexpected attraction, legends and characters that you cannot help but fall in love with. Loved the historical details, the tapestry the writer weaves … pure joy! I have always loved Scotland and the way she tells the story … I could close my eyes and picture it in my mind …
If you love history and romance and especially the conflict between the Scots and the English … this book is for you! Enjoy it!

Reviewed by @teppih

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Only This Tuesday: A Copper Mills Novella by Melissa Keir – Review by Jana Teppih

Only This Tuesday: A Copper Mills NovellaOnly This Tuesday: A Copper Mills Novella by Melissa Keir
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Only This Tuesday: A Copper Mills Novella by Melissa Keir is a sweet small town romance with instant love and new beginnings. It is my first encounter with the writer and I know now that when I am looking for something sweet, she is someone to look up. I wonder if there will be more stories from Copper Mills…
Only This Tuesday is filled with quirky characters that you so easily can fall in love with. This story also has a food truck and in my book, any book that has some food related story line in it, it is a hit! Add to the taco mix a hot small-town mayor with a bitchy ex and a past with thieving boyfriend and a bankrupt restaurant and what do you get? A great read!
I loved how the writer included also the very sensitive subject matter of disability and suicide and prejudice, I also admire how she addressed those topics, the care, the kindness, the underlying message of deep respect!

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Isabella’s Painting (Karina Cardinal Mystery #1) by Ellen Butler – Review by Jana Teppih

Isabella's Painting (Karina Cardinal Mystery #1)Isabella’s Painting by Ellen Butler
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Isabella’s Painting is the opening act of Ellen Butler’s Karina Cardinal Mystery series. It is my first encounter with the writer and I am sure it will not be last. She will be one of the writers I will go back to when I need my next fix of straight up mystery.
Isabella’s Painting is the story of Karina Cardinal, lawyer turned lobbyist who happens to stumble upon a mystery and being the person she is, she cannot let it go and start investigating putting her own life and also of the other’s in danger. Luckily for her, she has an FBI connection so off she goes into danger, intrigue, action, drama, mafia, humour and some romance sprinkled in! The story is fast paced and as you get pulled in from page one, at times it feels like it goes too fast (but that is only because I would have loved to linger more) but that is ok as there will be another mystery so we will get more of the gorgeousness of Karina and co! And for you, the detailed orientated mystery buffs? Isabella’s Painting should be just down your alley!

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Healing Danger (Fortis Security #1) by Maddie Wade – Review by Jana Teppih

Healing Danger (Fortis Security #1)Healing Danger by Maddie Wade
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Healing Danger is an opening to Maddie Wade’s Fortis Security series that blows your mind! It is weird but the first introduction I got to the series was book five and it blew my mind! I fell in love with Maddie’s writing and I think by now I have read most of what she has written, including the Fortis Security series!
It all starts with the prologue … it makes you sit up and it grabs you and doesn’t let go AND then you get to the epilogue and I promise you, you will blindly start looking for the next book in the series … Congratulations, you have gotten addicted!
Healing Danger is the story of Lauren and Dane, their romance is steaming hot with a hint of sweetness that makes you fall in love with them, together… and add to it all this suspense and intrigue and twists and the paranormal and all those secondary character (who will be getting their own stories, one by one) and … what else does one need!

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Mouse Trapped: Satan’s Devils MC #9 by Manda Mellett – Review by Jana Teppih

Mouse Trapped: Satan's Devils MC #9Mouse Trapped: Satan’s Devils MC #9 by Manda Mellett
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Mouse Trapped is the ninth book in Manda Mellett’s Satan’s Devils MC series! It is my first encounter with the writer and it means also that I have not read the first eight books and even though it is totally fine to read this book as a standalone, I felt that I probably missed out on some things not having read the series in the order as I did not the background and stories of people who were playing important roles in Mouse’s MC life.
Mouse Trapped is the story of Tse ‘Mouse’ who is a man living in two worlds – half Native American and half Anglo … he has found a place in the world by finding it in the Satan’s Devils MC as their computer nerd, a guy who puts together puzzles … a guy who feels that he is still missing something … Mouse Trapped is also the story of Mariana ‘Ma’ who is not really an illegal but who needs to walk straight and narrow as she is DACA holder – she came to the US illegally when she was four years old when her mother escaped her father … she is the sole caretaker of her younger brother who is a citizen as he was born in the US … Things happen, things that are not under Mariana’s control and she is left floundering without help until her brother calls Mouse …
I loved the story, I loved how real it was, the writer touched upon issues that are in the limelight right now – DACA holders, ICE, the detention centers, the attitude of many people … I still remember how Mouse thought to himself, wondering how the world would look like if they (Native Americans) were in charge …
I could not put the book down, I cried and I laughed and … I will need to go back and read the first eight books now! I love discovering new writers and finding new series! What a blessing!

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A Must for Christmas: A Darling Cove Novella by Deborah Garland – Review by Jana Teppih

A Must for Christmas: A Darling Cove NovellaA Must for Christmas: A Darling Cove Novella by Deborah Garland
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

A Must for Christmas is a sweet holiday novella in Deborah Garlands’ Darling Cove series. I loved meeting Greg and Faith again (we met them in Must Have Faith) and it was also great to get an update on the other Mallory siblings as well!
Greg and Faith are at the final stages of expecting their twins to arrive and both of them are struggling with how they see themselves once the kids arrive – Greg would love Faith to be a stay-at-home-mom and Faith cannot really imagine doing it … having kids is a very emotional time for anyone and having the first kids after having been separated for such a long time … it is even more!
It is a perfect holiday addition to the Darling Cove series and just a friendly reminder, the series should be read in the order the writer meant it!

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Once Upon a Romance (A Dream Come True, #1) by Alex Bailey – Review by Jana Teppih

Once Upon a Romance (A Dream Come True, #1)Once Upon a Romance by Alex Bailey
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Once Upon a Romance is the first book in Alex Bailey’s A Dream Come True series. What an opening it was! It hit just the right spot for the holidays as it takes place in “The Most Magical Place on Earth” during Christmas holidays! I am curious to see what direction she will take her series and who will be the leads in the next story!
Once Upon a Romance is the story of Sophie O’Connor and Ray Bueno aka Professor Disney. Sophie’s sister Natalie died ten months ago and this is the first Christmas without her and Natalie’s daughter Ariel’s Christmas wish is to spend Christmas day at Disney World riding her mother’s favourite amusement ride … the only snag is that Sophie is not a Disney fan like the rest of her family!
It is a beautiful heart-warming story of magical meetings in a magical place, it is a story of healing and new loves … It is just what doctor prescribed for these dreary dark nights leading up to holidays!

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Nathaniel (Dragon Hearts #1) by Carole Mortimer – Review by Jana Teppih

Nathaniel (Dragon Hearts #1)Nathaniel by Carole Mortimer
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Nathaniel is the first book in Carole Mortimer’s paranormal romance series Dragon Hearts. Carole Mortimer is a new writer for me but Nathaniel will not be the last book I read! I am looking forward to reading the other books in Dragon Hearts series and I think I need also venture out and dig into other series as I absolutely loved her writing!
Nathaniel is exciting paranormal romance taking place in Wales!!!! At a castle called Pendragon!!!! There is mystery, secrets, passion… I loved how the writer pulled from different legends and setting the stage for some more goodness to come! I loved how the heroine of the story – Chloe – is not a meek submissive blushing maid but a smart mouthed wench who can connect dots and can stand up to the fiercest of alphas! I can only imagine what kind of rides the other seven brothers will take us! AND they have been already published so I can just pick up copies and spend the dreary weekends with some hot and steamy alpha dragon shifters!

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Degrees of Control (Prestian Series, #3) by Via Mari – Review by Jana Teppih

Degrees of Control (Prestian Series, #3)Degrees of Control by Via Mari
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Degrees of Control is the third book in Via Mari’s Prestian series. Do not start with this book, you need to read the books in the order as then you really get the story, the journey … I truly think that the series gets better and better with each book … the writer’s attention to detail becomes clearer and clearer and you feel as if you are co-existing with Kate and Chase, right there … next to them! There are so many twists and turns … one moment you are slowly floating along, enjoying the ride and then suddenly you are at the edge of your seat, almost falling off!
Degrees of Control picks up after Kate has rejected Chase’s proposal for marriage. She struggles with trust and at times with what is right and what is wrong and she is so strong and at times I wish that we could also see another side of hers … on the other hand, I can so totally relate to it as when we are in control then at the end of the day there is no one else we can blame …
There are some twists here that you do not see coming so it is really good that there is at least one more book for us to enjoy the journey and I am wondering, what lesson does Kate have left to learn …

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Gabe (Glass City Hearts Book One) by Desiree Lafawn – Review by Jana Teppih

Gabe (Glass City Hearts Book One)Gabe by Desiree Lafawn
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Gabe is the first book in Desiree Lafawn’s Glass City Hearts series. I read the third book first and then felt compelled to pick up the first and the second books of the series. I absolutely love Desiree Lafawn’s writing, there is something magical about it … it pulls you in and doesn’t let you go … she makes the characters so real that you feel as if you are experiencing their lives along with them! I recommend to start with the first book and then continue with the next ones as you will meet some of the characters in previous books and knowing their stories you will get so much more out of the story you are reading!
Gabe is the story of Gabe Anderson, an ex-Special Forces, bodyguard, investigator … the hero of every warm blooded woman, and Angel Jax, the girl next door who writes smutty romantic comedies and moonlights as a singer for living … what do they have in common? They were the best friends when growing up and then … something happened … and they have not seen or spoken for fifteen years! And now, Angel is at Gabe’s door as he is the only one who could help her out of the sticky situation she has ended up in …
It is a masterfully written story of past secrets and present filled with danger … openings for second chances and … well, everything one would want from a story that takes us away …

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