
Surviving Grace: Book Five (Surviving Series) By Virginia Wine – Review by Laura Furuta

Surviving Grace: Book Five ( Surviving Series)Surviving Grace: Book Five by Virginia Wine
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Surviving Grace: Book Five (Surviving Series)
By: Virginia Wine
5 out of 5 stars

The story Surviving Grace: Book Five (Surviving Series) by Virginia Wine is a romantic suspense book. It is a story that drew me in from the very beginning. I have truly enjoyed reading the first four books in the series and this the fifth one was just as wonderful. This is a story that is emotional. There are heartbreaking and heartwarming moments. My emotions went up and down the entire time I was reading it. I enjoyed reading about Grace. She is a beautiful and strong woman. While the darkness of her past has her feeling broken at times, she has an inner strength that just won’t die. It is sad at times to read how she feels and how she sees herself. Grace is a character that I have grown to love since I first read about her. My heart went out to her and she is someone that I only wished happiness for. She is a character that you just want to embrace. Read this book to find out what the future has in store for her. There are times when I wondered what was going to happen next. The suspense had me turning pages. I also enjoyed reading about the characters that have been brought forward from the previous books. You get a feeling of family when they are together as they banter/interact with each other and Grace. There are romantic and steamy moments in this story. The story has a smooth flow to it and doesn’t let you go until you have read the last page. Don’t miss out on the latest amazing story sure to win over your heart. It is a book I highly recommend reading.

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Surviving Grace: Book Five (Surviving Series) by Virginia Wine – Review by Heather Lovelace

Surviving Grace: Book Five ( Surviving Series)Surviving Grace: Book Five by Virginia Wine
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This series. No words. The author has done a beautiful job weaving intrigue, suspense, drama, and romance together to create the universe in these pages. This last installment stays true to the tone set by the stories before it. I found myself once again immersed and neck deep in the story before I even realized I’d turned the first page. This page turner is highly recommended!

Reviewed by @heatherlovelace

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Surviving Grace: Book Five ( Surviving Series) by Virginia Wine – Review by Michelle Austin

Surviving Grace: Book Five ( Surviving Series)Surviving Grace: Book Five by Virginia Wine
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Surviving Grace was an emotional 5 star read and book five in the Surviving Series.
This is such a great must read series, I was sad to see it coming to an end.

I needed closure, somehow to erase the darkness from my past.

Grace is working on getting over her trauma, she is taking one day at a time. It’s not easy for her but she’s working on it. When things go in a different direction with Elijah, Will takes his chances with Grace. He has had feelings for her but was holding back how he felt, until now. I really liked Will he was so loving and understanding, he is perfect for Grace.

My emotions were all over the place with this book but I was so happy to see Grace get her HEA. There are some twist and turns, and some betrayal that adds a great element to the story. All of the secondary characters were great. Virginia Wine does a great job of pulling you right in with her writing. Each book in the series can be read as a stand alone, but I suggest reading them in order.

Reviewed by @mab54615
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Hard as Steel: Book Four (“Surviving Series “) by Virginia Wine – Review by Robin Rankin

Hard as Steel: Book four by Virginia Wine
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Hard as Steel is the fourth book in the Surviving Series by Virginia Wine. The love and suspense start off at the beginning and don’t stop.

This was one of those books I had a very hard time putting down. I even laid in bed reading it with a migraine just to avoid putting it down.

I’ve had a crush on Steel since we first met him in the second book and the crush has grown to point that I might be in love. He is a take control guy who knows what he wants. Totally swoon worthy.

This was just a great story overall and I’m ready to read the fifth and I’m guessing final book. I really hope we get more of Will’s story and hope he ended up where he is now.

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Surviving Grace: Book Five (Surviving Series) by Virginia Wine – Review by Jenni Bishop

Surviving Grace: Book Five ( Surviving Series)Surviving Grace: Book Five by Virginia Wine
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Surviving Grace: Book Five (Surviving Series) by Virginia Wine is another exciting book in
this great series that I love and sadly the last. But we get to catch up with all the wonderful
characters from the other four books in the series and you must read the others before
reading this one. Especially book four as this is where we first get introduced to Grace. This
story is well written and the characters are well developed and multi layered. It is an
emotional read full of danger and intrigue, mystery and action, pain and suffering and most
of all hot, sexy, alpha men who offer protection, love and friendship.
Grace has been tortured and traumatised, and mentally abused. The pain of her past as
destroyed who she is, her soul, her being but she now has people around her who are not
only her friends but also will stop at nothing to protect her. She is learning that she is
someone worth loving. She is someone worth knowing. She is someone who is just worth it.
Now she has to learn to trust, to live again, to find herself, she must learn how to survive but
betrayal runs deep.
I am sorry to see the end of this series but also looking forward to what Virginia gives us

Review by @jennadb

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Surviving Grace: Book Five (Surviving Series) by Virginia Wine – Review by Maura Harper

Surviving Grace: Book Five ( Surviving Series)Surviving Grace: Book Five by Virginia Wine
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is the fifth and final installment of the “Surviving Series”.  It cannot be read as a stand-alone.

First of all, the poetry in this book is exquisite. I went back and read all the poems on their own because I enjoyed them so much the first time.

This is a story of coming to terms with one’s self. Self realization and the power we have within us.

There is a bit of drama, some romance, friendship, family of choice vs family of origin and a satisfying ending to the series.

I recommend this “novella and poetry book”.

Review by @mauraharper

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Surviving Grace: Book Five ( Surviving Series) by Virginia Wine – Review by Bobbi Wagner

Surviving Grace: Book Five ( Surviving Series)Surviving Grace: Book Five by Virginia Wine
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This book is just as good if not better than the previous books. One of my favorite things that an author does with a series is when we get to see what happens to characters from previous books which is what this author has done in this one. In this book we get to see Grace’s story. Grace is trying to move forward from her tragic past but what will happen when her past comes to her present? She is a strong, determined character, she is my favorite. I highly recommend this book.

Review by @bjwagner
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Surviving Grace: Book Five (Surviving Series) by Virginia Wine

 ~  ~  ~  ~ BOOK SPOTLIGHT ~  ~  ~  ~  ~
Surviving Grace: Book Five (Surviving Series) by Author Virginia Wine
#booksarelife #romancebooks #poetrylovers #writersofig
Hosted by Itsy Bitsy Book Bits
Genre – Romantic Suspense / Poetry Novella
Page count – 117 pages
Goodreads –

After Grace’s traumatic attack and escape left her with no memory. Pieces began to reveal themselves, but to her horror the nightmares were real. Breaking free of her brutal past, and learning to cope with the vivid memories that haunt her every waking hour.

Adrift, Grace follows a beautiful but troubled future. Her secrets on paper, her pain exposed. Her life displayed and subjected for all to see. Baring her soul, writing her words, yet protecting her fragile heart that beats in rhythm with her broken spirit.

But it all threatens to fall apart when her dark past catches up with her present. Grace knew that digging into her past was the only path to find her future.

Bringing all the original characters together for the final installation in book five. Discover what has happened between the pages, between the couples who have captured your heart in the series.

~This Novella is written in a poetic format, a lyrical style of story-telling in moving rhythm.~

A strong content warning: Containing adult content, language, and scenes that may not be suitable for all audiences. Intended for 18+ audience.


Virginia Wine’s love for books all began as a book-blogger, dedicating her time and passion to talented authors, assisting and reviewing the world’s top writers.

A voracious reader herself, and insatiable appreciation for the book world. She soon discovered her own passion for writing, and knack for storytelling. Writing what she loves to read, the romantic suspense genre was a perfect fit. Dreaming of new ways to tug her readers heart strings, and creating scorching hot love scenes fed the thrill for inventing new stories.

Only just begun, she came out of the gate with a blast, delivering the Amazon best-selling Author status with her first book, then again with her second series.

Midwestern born Virginia Wine can be found living in paradise, on a beautiful lake where she and her family enjoy the water, and peace living among a small-town feel.


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Hard as Steel (Surviving Series Book 4) by Virginia Wine – Review by Kaitlynn Taylor

Hard as Steel: Book four (Hard as Steel: Book four by Virginia Wine
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Hard as Steel (Surviving Series Book 4) by Virginia Wine


Hard as Steel is a truly phenomenal read! It’s the fourth book in the Surviving Series by Virginia Wine and my favorite of the series so far. I would suggest reading this series in order and not as a standalone. Form the very beginning Steel was my favorite, he was mysterious, powerful, successful and always brooding and I couldn’t wait to dive into his story!

Steel’s story is intense, action-packed, twisted, emotional and heart wrenching. I read it in one sitting as I couldn’t bring myself to put it down. I was so intrigued by Grace’s case and I couldn’t wait to find out what happened, and not once did I see that ending coming, which made it so entertaining!
I would absolutely recommend this series to others!

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Hard as Steel: Book Four (“Surviving Series”) by Virginia Wine – Review by Angelina Frazzini

Hard as Steel: Book four (Hard as Steel: Book four by Virginia Wine
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Hard as Steel by Virginia Wine is book four of the Surviving series. This series should be read in order to get the full story. Many of the characters are ongoing and overlap from previous books. This book is intended for readers 18+ due to some content. This book has quite a bit of suspense, I found myself reading quicker just to see what would happen.

Steel Archer is like the ultimate alpha. He protects what matters to him and those he cares for. He’s the strong, silent, independent type. Steel has walls around his heart but he may have met his match in Nicole Lancaster. That is until he works a job that has him helping Grace. Grace is a lost soul and romance may not be in the picture for her in the near future. Who will be Steel’s match?

There is so much emotion in this book. It is written so well you can’t help but feel what the characters feel. I can’t wait to see what the rest of this series holds.

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Hard as Steel (Surviving Series, #4) by Virginia Wine – Review by Sunday Barnaby

Hard as Steel: Book four (Hard as Steel: Book four by Virginia Wine
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Hard as Steel by Virginia Wine
Four Stars

Hard as Steel is the fourth book in the Surviving series by Virginia Wine. I would highly recommend this series be read in order because of recurring characters and backstory will help you see the bigger picture. This romantic suspense will keep you on the edge of your sheet from beginning to end. Steel Archer is such a strong, dominating character who show a caring side for those close to him. Virginia Wine has done a wonderful job with this book, and I’m looking forward to reading the next book in this series.

Reviewed by @sunbarn

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Hard As Steel (Surviving Series book 4) by Virginia Wine – Review by Karyn Taylor

Hard as Steel: Book four (Hard as Steel: Book four by Virginia Wine
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Hard As Steel is the 4th instalment in the awesome Surviving series by Virginia Wine. Each book can be read as a stand-alone. As characters from previous books make an appearance in subsequent books and the fact that this series is so damn good, I would recommend that you read all the books in the series, and in order, to get the most enjoyment from the series.
In Hard As Steel we get the story of ex-army, now member of PI Securities Steel Archer and FBI agent Nichole Lancaster. We are introduced to these 2 characters in a previous book and you always knew that if they got their own book it would be hot and fiery, and by God it certainly lived up to my expectations.
As well as the fiery budding romance between the 2, this book has so much going on. There is a very detailed and intricate plot that will keep you gripped. This book pretty much has it all, it’s a hard hitting story with a great deal of intrigue and suspense and you won’t want to put it down.
In this book we are introduced to Grace, a beautiful young woman with a harrowing story to tell. The next, and final, book in this series will concentrate more on Grace’s story and I can’t wait to read it.

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Hard as Steel: Book four (“Surviving Series”) by Virginia Wine – Review by Michelle Austin

Hard as Steel: Book four (Hard as Steel: Book four by Virginia Wine
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Hard as Steel was a great 5 star read and book four in the Surviving Series.

I was pulled in right from the beginning, my heart when out to the poor girl that Steel finds. He calls in Nick to help. They call the mystery girl Grace for now until they can find out who she is.
The things this poor girl endured just breaks your heart.

What story could be told from my injuries, in some twisted way the cuts and bruises may indeed be my salvation.

Steel works for PI Securities and is ex military. Nichole (Nick) is an FBI agent. Nick and Steel work together to try and find out where Grace came from and who was behind all of the abuse.
Steel and Nick also have quite the attraction between them. They are both really strong characters but when they finally give into their attraction we get some very hot and steamy moments.

Will Steel and Nick find out who hurt Grace?

There is romance, suspense and so much more. Be prepared for some twists and turns, I was on the edge of my seat trying to figure out what was going on. Virginia Wine does a great job with her writing, you feel everything that the characters are going through and I loved it. All of the secondary characters added a great element to the story. I can’t wait to read more from this series. 1-click and get started today on this great series.

Reviewed by @mab54615
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Hard as Steel (Surviving Series Book 4) by Virginia Wine – Review by Krista Beck

Hard as Steel: Book four (Hard as Steel: Book four by Virginia Wine
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This series literally gets better with each book! Hard as Steel follows Steel and Nick as they navigate a case and their budding attraction for each other. Grace is a young girl that has managed to escape from horrors but has no memory of what happened to her. Running into Steel was a stroke of luck on her part as him and his partner Flynn stop at nothing to help her. This book has the drama and the action that seem to define Viriginia Wine’s books. She has quickly become a favorite author of mine.

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Hard as Steel (Surviving Series, #4) by Virginia Wine – Review by Susan Mowdy

Hard as Steel: Book four (Hard as Steel: Book four by Virginia Wine
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is one of those series that seriously consume me! From the very first book, this series is one that everyone needs to one click right away!

I loved Steel Archer! He’s one of those male characters that will do anything and everything for those he loves! Then we have Nicole Lancaster who is an FBI agent and used to men in the world of her work. The chemistry is intense between these two and the story is UN FREAKING BELIEVABLE!!!

This story is definitely dark and has its twists and turns. I love a book that keeps you guessing. These two had their work cut out for them but they’re story was phenomenal! Everyone needs this series!

Review by @listersda
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Hard as Steel (Surviving Series #4) by Virginia Wine – Review by Roxana Yoss

Hard as Steel: Book four (Hard as Steel: Book four by Virginia Wine
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I had the pleasure of reading Hard as Steel by Virginia Wine. I have to say that I’ve enjoyed working my way through the Surviving Series, and couldn’t help but be excited when I started Hard as Steel. The author never ceases to amaze with her writing style and character development. I couldn’t help myself but fall for these characters, and loved watching grow as individuals. I loved everything about this book, and can honestly say that it was a 4 Star Book for me.

Reviewed by @ryoss

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Hard as Steel (Surviving Series, #4) by Virginia Wine – Review by Erica Fish

Hard as Steel: Book four (Hard as Steel: Book four by Virginia Wine
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Content warning: Contains adult content, language, and scenes that may not be suitable for all audiences.

Hard as Steel is the book four in the Surviving Series by Virginia Wine and this book is not a read alone story as the characters do carry from the previous books. I love the way Ms. Wine writes her characters as if they are my friends in real life. I was pulled into this story from the first paragraph until the last word. Hard as Steel has some adult content that may not be for everyone and I found myself having some trouble getting through a couple of scenes but I am glad I did not give up. On the other hand there is some good times as well, there is mystery, love, comedy, suspense and romance. I recommend reading this story especially if you have read the other books.

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Hard as Steel: Book four (“Surviving Series”) by Virginia Wine

 ~  ~  ~  ~ BOOK SPOTLIGHT ~  ~  ~  ~  ~
Hard as Steel: Book four (“Surviving Series”) by Author Virginia Wine
#hardassteel #SurvivingSeries #VirginiaWine #MustRead
Hosted by Itsy Bitsy Book Bits
Genre – Romantic Suspense/Contemporary Romance
Page Count – 363 pages
Goodreads –

In the dark where monsters live, a dark story flourishes to life, born of wicked intent and evil power.

A warning of sorts, sinister actions threaten the innocent and rob them of their virtue.

Steel Archer, with his commanding charisma and keen focus captivated his platoon. He had been to battle and tasted the sand of the desert war. No one understood, how could they? The adrenaline buzz, the anticipation, the planning and preparation that came with each mission fed his mind, body, and soul. It was addicting until it all went wrong, men died.
His men.

But now that was all behind him. PI- Securities firm was where he landed and his reputation for questionable methods of persuasion, worked to his advantage.

“I’d been told I had a calm about me. But don’t be fooled, undermining my power would be foolish. I saw myself as a wild predator who lived life on the razors edge.”

His good looks and intensity rolling off in waves. Years of training banishing any trace of emotion. Every muscle in his body instinctively warning him, like a sixth sense of what’s to come. Foreseeing the enemy’s next move is far more primal, instinctive, and raw than most believe.

“There’s never been room for a life outside my profession. Certainly not a woman, that’s a liability I can’t afford to indulge in. “

Until he met his match.


Virginia Wine’s love for books all began as a book-blogger, dedicating her time and passion to talented authors, assisting and reviewing the world’s top writers.

A voracious reader herself, and insatiable appreciation for the book world. She soon discovered her own passion for writing, and knack for storytelling. Writing what she loves to read, the romantic suspense genre was a perfect fit. Dreaming of new ways to tug her readers heart strings, and creating scorching hot love scenes fed the thrill for inventing new stories. Only just begun, she came out of the gate with a blast, delivering the Amazon best-selling Author with her first book, then again with her second series. Midwestern born Virginia Wine can be found living in paradise, on a beautiful lake where she and her family enjoy the water, and peace living amongst a small-town feel.


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Surviving Jordan (Surviving Series Book 3) by Virginia Wine – Review by Robin Rankin

Surviving Jordan (Surviving Series Book 3)Surviving Jordan by Virginia Wine
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Surviving Jordan by Virginia Wine is the third book in the Surviving Series. This book started with a twist and the suspense and mystery kept me guessing.

I loved Jordan! She is a strong woman who was fortunate enough to not have to deal with men who don’t think she’s worthy of her position.

Ben is a great and honorable guy. He deserves to be happy after all of the emotional torture he has put himself through.This has been an amazing series to read and I highly recommend it.

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Surviving Jordan (Surviving Series Book 3) by Virginia Wine – Review By Chantelle Smith

Surviving Jordan (Surviving Series Book 3)Surviving Jordan by Virginia Wine
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Once again Virginia Wine has changed my mind again about which book is my favourite. Surviving Jordan has got to be the best one. I was totally pulled into this read and captivated until the end! This author has an incredible writing style that will pull you in from just reading the blurb, then really holds you captive as you follow the journey of the two main characters Ben & Jordan. This book takes you on a rollercoaster of a journey with romance and suspense.

These two characters have an intense passion and an immediate connection. You couldn’t help but hope they got a HEA.
This truly has been another incredible addition to this series, and I cannot wait to see how much further this author can take this series! She has outdone herself again and I cannot wait to experience more from here, Until then do not miss this book!

Reviewed By @tillytillzz

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Surviving Jordan (Surviving Series Book 3) by Virginia Wine – Review by Karyn Taylor

Surviving Jordan (Surviving Series Book 3)Surviving Jordan by Virginia Wine
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Surviving Jordan is the 3rd book in the Surviving Series by Virginia Wine. Each book focusses on a different couple but the main group of characters appear in all books and there is a progression of the storyline, so this series should be read in order to avoid any confusion and possible spoilers. I can assure you, you won’t be disappointed. The characters and the storylines are so well written, you will devour these books and be totally sucked in.
Surviving Jordan focusses on Ben (brother of Alex from Surviving The Storm) and Jordan, his boss. Ben and Jordan have both been head over heels in love with each other for over 10 years. Jordan is sick of waiting for Ben to do something about it and has decided to give up on him and move on. Unknown to Jordan, Ben’s father left him a letter when he died saying that Jordan was Ben and Alex’s sister. On seeing that Jordan was moving on Ben decides to get his father’s body exhumed to do a DNA test in the hope that his father may have been wrong.
So are Ben and Jordan actually siblings? Can either of them actually move on and put aside the strong feelings they have for each other? If they are not actually siblings, has Ben left it too late? Read this awesome book (and the 2 books that come before it) to find out. I promise that this series will not disappoint.

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Surviving Jordan (Surviving Series Book 3) by Virginia Wine – Review by Tracy Wilkin

Surviving Jordan (Surviving Series Book 3)Surviving Jordan by Virginia Wine
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Surviving Jordan is book three in the Surviving series by Virginia Wine. And just like the drink, these stories get keep getting better. I absolutely adore each couple, and each story is unique in itself, although sharing characters from previous books. The author weaves such a tantalising tale, it is hard to predict what readers may be blessed with next.

Ben and Jordan are quite the complex couple. Apart despite the exhausting attraction that ignites years before, and the flame has not once dwindled. The heat has only intensified over time. A dastardly secret keeps them apart, but for how long??

Their love was a thing of beauty. Their story beguiling and dangerous. Their journey long and arduous. Their strength immeasurable. Their bond unbreakable. Their ending, Everything. I loved this instalment and did not want it to end. A new amazing story to be added to the unforgettable list. 5 stars.

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Surviving Jordan (Surviving Series) by Virginia Wine – Review by Sunday Barnaby

Surviving Jordan (Surviving Series Book 3)Surviving Jordan by Virginia Wine
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Surviving Jordan by Virginia Wine
Five Stars

Surviving Jordan is the third book in the Surviving series by Virginia Wine. This series should be read in order because the characters overlap and also because the first two books are also excellent reads. This just may be my very favorite from Ms. Wine. This book hooked me from the very first page and I couldn’t put it down until the last. It is filled with action, suspense and romance. This is Jordan and Ben’s story and it had me rooting for a happily ever after, but I wasn’t quite sure I was going to get it. You will need to read it to find out. This book, series and author are definitely worth reading. I was thoroughly entertained and look forward to reading more that Ms. Wine has in store for us.

Reviewed by @sunbarn

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Surviving the Storm (Surviving Series Book 2) by Virginia Wine – Review by Robin Rankin

Surviving the Storm (Surviving Series Book 2)Surviving the Storm by Virginia Wine
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Surviving the Storm by Virginia Wine is the second book in the Surviving Series and I think it may be my favorite so far. Alex was very appealing in the first book. In this book it his appeal is multiplied a hundred times.

Alex has a giant chip on his shoulder and we learn why it’s there. Horrible childhood memories have a horrible way of sneaking up on you when you least expect it. I love Alex’s relationship with his brother Ben. Ms. Wine captured the brother relationship so well.

Madison is an amazing woman and I’m so glad Theo found her and brought her into his life. She really impressed me and wish more young woman were like her. She seems to love with her whole heart and will do anything for those she loves.

This is a great series so far and looking forward to the next book.

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Surviving Jordan (Surviving Series book 3) by Virginia Wine – Review by Michelle Austin

Surviving Jordan (Surviving Series Book 3)Surviving Jordan by Virginia Wine
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Surviving Jordan was a good 4 star read.

This is Jordan and Ben’s story. These two had chemistry when she first started working at the company but after Ben’s dad passed away a letter from his dad quickly changed the direction that Jordan and Ben were heading.

Jordan is confused as to why Ben has pulled back and gotten distant. She thought that they were both on the same page. Trying to move forward she pursues something with Steel, who due to work issues and concerns for her safety he had to pull back and cease a relationship with her.

When Ben gets some answers to his questions he realizes there is now nothing standing between him and Jordan any longer. Will he be able to get Jordan or is it too late? Can he finally get the HEA he is looking for with Jordan?

This is a good read and I really liked Jordan and Ben. All of the other secondary characters were great as well. We also get POV from Steel as well as he deals with some dangerous issues involving his men. He quickly grew on me and I hope we get to see his story soon. My heart went out to him and the choices he had to make to keep people safe. Virginia Wine has done another great job of pulling me right in with her writing.

Reviewed by @mab54615
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Surviving Jordan (Surviving Series Book 3) by Virginia Wine – Review by Heather Bahm

Surviving Jordan (Surviving Series Book 3)Surviving Jordan by Virginia Wine
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Surviving Jordan, by Virginia Wine, is the third book of the Surviving Series. This is another well written romantic suspense featuring Ben and Jordan’s story. I really enjoyed seeing characters from the previous book(s) carried through into each subsequent book. It added additional depth and intrigue to the story/series. The author has expertly woven suspense in this story to make it more full. The emotions that are invoked in this story were beautifully done. Add in the chemistry and the story was truly divine.

Reviewed by @hbahm

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Surviving the Storm (Surviving Series Book 2) by Virginia Wine – Review by Heather Bahm

Surviving the Storm (Surviving Series Book 2)Surviving the Storm by Virginia Wine
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Surviving the Storm, by Virginia Wine, is the second book in the Surviving series. This contemporary romance features Alexander Kincaid Storm III who was introduced as a supporting character in the first book of the series. In this story, Alexander has his work cut out for him and what he wants may not be as available as he wishes. The chemistry between Alexander and Madison is off the charts, though their paths are not easy ones. Virginia Wine continues this wonderful series, continuing to give the romantic feels, but at the same time giving the reader the needed drama and suspense to make this a worthwhile and thorough read.

Reviewed by @hbahm

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Surviving Jordan (Surviving Series Book 3) Virginia Wine – Review by Erica Fish

Surviving Jordan (Surviving Series Book 3)Surviving Jordan by Virginia Wine
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Virginia Wine gripped my interest once again with Surviving Jordan. This is book three in her Surviving Series. Her story telling is like a painting; with each stroke the brush the picture becomes clearer. Virginia will get to tell you everything but not until she is ready to do so. In Surviving Jordan, there is a secret Ben’s father kept to himself until his passing. Jordan was hired by Ben’s father and was off limits. Will Jordan become Ben’s lover or will Ben stay away from Jordan? These questions and more will be revealed in Surviving Jordan.

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Surviving the Storm (Surviving Series book 2) by Virginia Wine – Review by Michelle Austin

Surviving the Storm (Surviving Series Book 2)Surviving the Storm by Virginia Wine
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Surviving the Storm was a great 5 star read and book two in the Surviving Series.

Don’t talk to me about wrong; I know wrong, I own it. I am a man of no scruples, no morales-and certainly no limits – Alex

We start out in the past with Alexander and learning some background on him and his family. We go to present day and of Alex thinking about his one night with his best friend Theo’s sister Madison and wanting more with her. And it was definitely a hot and steamy evening, but there was a huge unexpected twist the next morning. And then she was gone.

Madison is moving to California, she is a fashion designer and is working on her career. She will be closer to her brother Theo, Eden and him. She will be leaving her fiance in New York, yes fiance.

At a party that her friends were throwing for her she sees Alex and he’s in prime form and confronts Madison about her secret and was a complete jerk. Seeing him brought back some memories of their night together. Alex is determined to have Madison for himself and won’t stop until he does. Will Madison break off her engagement? Can they have a HEA?

I loved reading Madison and Alex’s story, I didn’t want to stop until I was done. You feel like your right there with them. Of course their journey had several twist and turns, and we discover that the fiance is someone that is abusive to Madison and makes things very difficult for her. The secondary characters added a great element to the story. If you’re looking for a great read with some hot and steamy moments I highly suggest this series. I can’t wait to read more.

Reviewed by @mab54615
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Surviving The Storm (Surviving Series Book 2) by Virginia Wine – Review by Karyn Taylor

Surviving the Storm (Surviving Series Book 2)Surviving the Storm by Virginia Wine
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Surviving The Storm is the second book in Virginia Wine’s Surviving series. I had devoured and loved the first book, Surviving Eden, and was excited about reading the second instalment in the series. I’m very pleased to add that I was not disappointed at all by Surviving The Storm. I would definitely suggest that you read the books in order as there are recurring characters and the storyline continues.
We were introduced to Alex and Madison in the first book and from the snippet that we had of the two of them together, I couldn’t wait to see what the author had in store for these two and boy was it a great read. This book has it all. Off the charts chemistry, great sex, suspense, great characters, action packed and a crazy ex determined to ruin everything. This book will take you on a fantastic journey with so many ups and downs, and twists and turns that you just don’t know what’s coming next.
I also loved that we got to see what Theo and Eden, from book 1, got up to. Yet again the author brings in new characters and gives you a little taste of what might be coming in the next book. I’m just so glad that I already have book 3 on my kindle just waiting for me to dive in and see what Virginia Wine has in store for these characters I’ve grown to love.

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