The Fire God Tour (Moore Family Saga Book 3) by Michelle Sims – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

The Fire God Tour (Moore Family Saga, #3)The Fire God Tour by Michele Sims
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Miles Moore is a young man in his twenties who is living his life to the full as the entertainer Ari, a musician, singer and songwriter with adoring fans all over the world. He has a close executive team who work with him despite how quirks and that includes a new marketing consultant Bella Wahlberg, a twenty something woman who is determined to do her job well, even if her boss gets her name wrong all the time and calls her “Bella the Ice Queen” instead.

As Miles and the team are preparing for his latest world tour “The Fire God Tour” his schedule is packed and his team are busy trying to squeeze in everything that needs doing and are putting in extra hours so everything can be finalised in time. Meanwhile, Miles is preparing and relaxing in his own way and with fast cars, international travel, spending money and of course, women at his beck and call, he is at his happiest, but not everything is going to plan.

Bella is run off her feet between promoting the tour, marketing it and organising the merchandising, she hasn’t had a break, but as she works late with Miles one night, a sudden storm rages outside and this is when they discover what the other each thinks about fire and they are at opposite ends of the scale, Miles is obsessed with it while Bella is terrified of it.

As the tour nears, something is changing within Miles and Bella and although it is unprofessional and they try to ignore it, will they take the plunge as fire meets ice and create something new, or will they maintain their professional exteriors and avoid what they both know is happening? This is a fast paced, romantic suspense with a fantastical element woven in which takes you around the world on a whirlwind of emotional as events unfold before you eyes.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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