
Fate, Frankincense & FuneralsFate, Frankincense & Funerals by Naomi Valkyrie
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Fate, Frankincense and Funerals by Naomi Valkyrie
Archeron is the main character of the story. He is a vulture shifter who according to the rules of their society must never choose a mate or life partner.
He is sent to help someone transition to death. This is what he is born to do. He takes the job despite the fact that it’s breaking All the rules, and leaving the area that he’s meant to stay in.
When he gets there he meets her nurse (Errapel). Together they navigate this transition. This is a love story and also a story of fighting your own dreams.
This story does have minor mention of m/m physical relations. It’s not prominent as the main story is about their love for one another. It flows nicely and the characters are developed well for the most part. It does leave enough open to where there could be a sequel. Which could give some questions if there is no sequel. The story went much quicker than I thought it would go and before I knew it I had finished it.
Overall, I enjoyed the story and the way that I was written. It was very easy to read. Would enjoy reading the sequels if they are written.

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