
The Vardoger Boy (Forerunner Series Book 2) by Jay Velosa Batista – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

The Vardoger Boy (Forerunner Series)The Vardoger Boy by Jay Veloso Batista
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

It is the year 878 and the story of Thorfinn continues as he comes to terms with his forerunner status and everything that goes with it, but it isn’t smooth running, his brothers won’t come near him and rumours are spreading about him, so he goes to sea with his Uncle Karl on his Viking ship. Not everything goes to plan for him and he ;earns that he has to earn his passage on the ship, so he completes a quest for the mast troll when they pull into the last port before heading out to sea, this quest takes him under the estuary waters where he has to face a Kelp man and his nuggles.

Meanwhile, war has broken out with Wessex and the Agneson Clan have been called to march with the Great Viking Horde to face them, so all the able bodied men march towards the midlands and heed the battle cry, this includes Cub as he has now come of age and can join in the menfolk as they uphold their fealty to their Lords.

Back at home, the rest of the women and children of the families are keeping the homesteads running smoothly and awaiting news of their friends and family, while preparing for the seasons and the tasks at hand. For the youths left behind this includes training and chores, that is until one night when the Agneson homestead is attacked in the night, as a blood feud is acted upon through retaliatory action.

As all this happens, other nefarious plans are in the works further North where a werebear plans their revenge against Karl’s crew and the villagers they helped, but they are not alone, a dark elf has joined with them and strengthened their magic and fuelled their desperate thirst for vengeance.

Will the Agneson Clan succeed in their fight against the Danes of Wessex and return home? Can the womenfolk of the clan defend their homestead against the blood feud they are in the middle of? Will Thorfinn succeed in his quest and defeat the Kelp man and his nuggles? Will the clan of were-beasts and their dark elf complete their quest for revenge? This is another epic fantasy adventure in Danish England for the Agneson Clan as they face their trials and tribulations in this tale of magic, blood and family values which will keep you hooked from the start.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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The Cave of Ruin Arsa (The Cross of Ciaran Book 3) by Andrea Matthews – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

The Cave of Ruin Arsa (The Cross of Ciaran Book 3)The Cave of Ruin Arsa by Andrea Matthews
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Ciarán Donnelly is back and he is settling into his new life with his wife and unborn twins a bit more each day and is feeling like the hold his past had on him is not as strong as it was, but now his life is in upheaval yet again when he starts having vivid dreams again. This time though, they are visions of his children being kidnapped by the long dead priest who entombed him for his past misdeeds, Ruadhán, but Ciarán knows that this can’t be true, but he is still very unnerved by them. However, the anxiety which these dreams cause Ciarán are affecting his relationship with Caitlin and she is feeling the stress as well, which is no good for her while pregnant with the twins, but Ciarán as usual bottles everything up inside until it becomes too much and he explodes with the pent up emotion and this helps their situation even less.

As Ciarán is learning to deal with his anxieties, the dreams are repeating and are now affecting his ability to both sleep and keep his emotions in check, but when he does finally speak to those around him, they put forward the valid points that it may just be he fears around being a parent coming to he fore and that because Ruadhán was devoted to his goddess, there is little chance that he could have had the same punishment as Ciarán and Aodhán, his brother and Aodhán is keen to support this theory as well. Meanwhile, tensions still rise as the twins near their due date and with everything else going on, Ciarán knows he needs to be there for Caitlin more than ever.

Meanwhile Aodhán is working with the archaeology team again and decides to go and see the tombs in the Hills of ár Sinsear for himself so that he can put Ciarán’s mind at rest about Ruadhán, however, what he finds there just makes their anxieties worse, an unoccupied tomb which has all the calling cards of use, despite being empty. While Aodhán spends more time with his almost adopted family, a surprising piece of history is unearthed and leads to another interpretation of what Ciarán’s dreams could mean and opens a whole host of new complications to an already stressful scenario. Could Ruadhán have survived the fifteen hundred years and come back to haunt the two brothers, if so, what is his plan and can Ciarán and Aodhán stop it before their loved ones are hurt? This is another whirlwind ride in this historical fiction meets modern day romance, in this time travel fantasy which keeps you enthralled as the other books while spinning a yarn you will want to speed through, yet savour at the same time.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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Pilot Who Knows The Waters (The Lord Hani Mysteries book 6) by N. L. Holmes – Reviewed by Roxsanne Lesieur.

Pilot Who Knows the Waters (Lord Hani, #6)Pilot Who Knows the Waters by N.L. Holmes
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Lord Hani returns in this his final mission for the royal household and this may just be his most difficult yet, he has been summoned before Queen Meryet-amen to discuss her plans to find a Hittite groom to rule on the throne beside her once the she-king has passed on, she has hopes that she can rule instead of the current she-king’s son, Prince Tut-ankh-aten. There is however, strong opposition from Lord Ay who is wanting his grandson on the throne, no matter what the cost to the rest of the Two Lands, this leads Lord Hani to conduct his mission in secret and hope that Lord Ay doesn’t find out, or that if he doesn’t, that it is too late for him to do anything about the situation.

As he is about to set off, Lord Hani receives word that a local artisan has been killed and it looks like it could be murder, but because he has had the go ahead to travel to the land of the Hittite people, he cannot investigate it himself until he returns. It is a long way to travel and weeks pass on boats and on land with the gifts and the delegation sent along with them from the Queen, but thankfully, the trip goes well and Lord Hani requests the correct permissions with grace and diplomacy which aids his cause and the furtherment of the Queens plans.

When they arrive at the capital of the Hittite kingdom, they are astonished and the size and the manner in which it has been built, so when Lord Hani is brought to have the requested audience with the King and Queen, he is not shocked by the grandeur of the receiving room, only the reaction of the royals. As negotiations progress, Lord Hani is doing his best to convince them that this request is serious and legal and it takes all his finesse to be able to carry it off, however, there are conditions and when he receives correspondence from home, he is hoping that he is doing the right thing after all.

Will Lord Hani be able to convince the Hittite King and Queen that the Queen of the Two Lands is finally wanting an alliance, or will the threat of civil war in him homeland threaten all he has worked for and place himself and his family in more danger than ever before? This is a historical mystery which is full of tension, emotion and negotiations and the future of two countries lies in a delicate balance where one person could tip the scales between disaster and success in this story which will sweep you on a tide of intrigue and keep you hooked throughout, until the final conclusion of this series.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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Lake Of Flowers (The Lord Hani Mysteries Book 5) by N. L. Holmes – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

Lake of Flowers (Lord Hani #5)Lake of Flowers by N.L. Holmes
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Lord Hani is yet again called upon to conduct an investigation for the royal household and since he has had his promotion and been honoured by the royal family, he knows that he cannot say no, but he desperately wants to. This time, he has been tasked to investigate some thefts from the household of the King and although the items are returned after they disappear, answers are still demanded and sought, so although this keeps him closer to home, his heart is worried about his families future.

As he begins this latest investigation, he finds out that people who work at the palace have been killed and that it looks like it was murder, however, when Lord Hani digs deeper, he finds that he victims were all involved in a cover up relating to the Crown Prince’s birth and the unusual circumstances surrounding it, this is where Lord Hani’s anxiety ratchets up a notch when he begins to fear for the life of his daughter and her friend who were also involved.

As the plot thickens and more information and evidence is uncovered, Lord Hani finds that the more he investigates the thefts from the King’s household, the more it is connected to an attempt which is made on the king’s life and the revolutionaries behind it and again Lord Hani is caught in the middle. As the revolutionaries and believers of the old religious regime of Amen-Ra become more daring, the government attempts to clamp down harder on them, but civil war is on the brink of breaking out when it is revealed that the revolution goes as high up the hierarchy as the Queen.

Can Lord Hani escape from between the radical revolutionaries and the government as the investigation progresses, or will he have a crisis of heart and conscience before a conclusion is reached? This is a thrilling rollercoaster ride of emotions as you can see all the players constructing around each other, leaving those in the middle to try and escape while still holding onto the things most dear to them as investigations lead to evidence of secrets and truths which could affect the whole kingdom.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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The North Wind Descends (The Lord Hani Mysteries Book 4) by N. L. Holmes – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

The North Wind Descends (The Lord Hani Mysteries #4)The North Wind Descends by N.L. Holmes
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Lord Hani returns and has been enjoying his role as a scribe working from his home, rather than going on long trips away like when he was a foreign diplomat, however, he has had a tumultuous few years doing it and although he has tried, he hasn’t had the easiest time keeping his feelings towards the King’s regime private, however, when he is summoned to his superiors office, he has a feeling that things are about to get dangerous again. The meeting goes in a different direction than he expected though when he is told he has a new assignment in Kumidi, but he also receives the news that the King Akhenaten wants to honour him with a title and a promotion, Lord Hani is speechless and so just about manages to accept his assignment and give his thanks for the notification of his new honours and status. When he returns home to spread the news, it is received in good spirits, although, it is also accepted with apprehension because of the past few years and how the change of regime has affected his family and friends, however, when the day comes, they all rally round to congratulate him and celebrate.

It is not long after this that he heads north to make a start on his assignment, he is hoping that it will be straight forward, however, when he receives news that there has been a murder of a foreign diplomat where he is being sent, that becomes the priority in his investigations as he doesn’t want to offend the other dignitaries and cause any more of a problem. When he arrives, he begins investigating immediately and interviews the commissioner who is based there, as well as the rest of the murdered diplomat’s party, he finds that the information given is not much and he gets even less from the servants, that is until a key piece of evidence is stumbled upon by accident.

This leads to Lord Hani finding that an event from his past is connected to this event in the present in the most bizarre and shocking way, so he has to somehow find justice for both, but will he be able to do this and keep his conscience in tact at the same time? This is another historical mystery which keeps you hooked throughout as past and present collide to reveal another tangled web of intrigue which has to be unravelled for the truth to be found and you will be carried along on the tide of the investigation until its conclusion as well.


Reviewed by @roxsannel

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Scepter Of Flint (The Lord Hani Mysteries Book 3) by N. L. Holmes – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

Scepter of Flint (Lord Hani #3)Scepter of Flint by N.L. Holmes
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Lord Hani is back again as has maintained his role as a royal scribe despite everything which has happened over the last seven years and this year, the King is holding a Great Jubilee of the Aten, a celebration of his rule and that of the Aten over the two lands, this is an unusual occurrence this early in a King’s reign, however, this King enjoys the processions and fanfares of celebrations and this one is no different, the sun is beating down on the crowd and nobody is comfortable, so Lord Hani leaves as soon as he can. As the celebrations continue with feasting, gift giving and religious festivals, Lord Hani is called upon again to conduct an investigation, however, this time it is a series of tombs which have been robbed and this crime is one of the most unforgivable, so Lord Hani knows a lot is at stake.

As he starts to look into the robberies, he discovers a deeper plot within the machinations of the group suspected, however, Lord Hani can understand why the local workers may have been led astray when he sees the conditions in which they are living and working, however, information and evidence is not forthcoming. Lord Hani being the compassionate man that he is, goes back to see one of the people he has interviewed and this is when he finds out that someone else is investigating the robberies as well, however, this other person is doing their best to undermine Lord Hani while doing whatever it takes to get a quick closure, but all is not as it seems when Lord Hani finds out just how deep the rabbit hole goes.

As he digs deeper into the mystery, Lord Hani again becomes the centre of attention and is being surveyed, however, the danger is coming from all around him and again he worries about just whom he can trust in the Royal Hall of Correspondence. Will Lord Hani be able to find the evidence he needs to solve the mystery of the robberies before anyone else is hurt, or will he succumb to those trying to stop him? This is another tangled web of a mystery which will lead you along a twisted, but intriguing path with a series of clues which will hook you in to solving the mystery at the same time.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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The Crocodile Makes No Sound (The Lord Hani Mysteries Book 2) by N. L. Holmes – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

The Crocodile Makes No Sound (Lord Hani Mysteries #2)The Crocodile Makes No Sound by N.L. Holmes
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Lord Hani is back and it is four years later, the rule of King Akhenaten is well and truly established and he continues in his role as a scribe for the Royal Hall of Correspondence and a diplomat for foreign affairs, since his last investigation concluded, Lord Hani has been trying to keep a low profile since the King changed the religious regime in favour of Aten over Amen-Ra, where he closed all the temples and made those employed by them redundant, this did not go over well in the community around those temples.

This has deeply affected Lord Hani’s family as they were some of those made jobless, including his brother in law, who disappeared and went into hiding because of this being a firebrand in the side of the royal family and because of this, Lord Hani is under close surveillance, this does not stop a request from the Beloved Royal Wife for him to meet with her. Although, Lord Hani is worried about what will happen if he goes, he responds to the summons and meets with the Beloved Royal Wife, this is where she tells him that she is being blackmailed by someone and she asks him to investigate.

Meanwhile, the King of the vassal state of A’amu is waiting for an audience with King Akhenaten and Lord Hani is asked to permit him and his party to stay at his residence rather than the palace as the wait fir the appointment could be a long one and the party are getting restless and they already know Lord Hani from a previous investigation where they met. This is not ideal, but Lord Hani knows that he cannot refuse the request, so he agrees and makes his family aware of the change in the situation and requests that they don’t talk about anything politically outrageous in the company of their guests.

As Lord Hani leaves his home to investigate the blackmailer, he finds that the information is not easily forthcoming and again is showing that the most part of his superiors cannot be trusted and that danger is again creeping in on him and his family. Will he be able to investigate before the danger becomes too close to home, or will he be able to find the evidence needed, unearth the culprit and keep his conscience in tact? This is another thrilling instalment in this series of historically based mysteries where twists and turns abound as you draw your conclusions along with the characters until the end is reached.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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Bird In A Snare (The Lord Hani Mysteries Book 1) by N. L. Holmes – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

Bird in a Snare (The Lord Hani Mysteries #1)Bird in a Snare by N.L. Holmes
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Lord Hani is an Egyptian scribe for the Royal Hall of Correspondance where his duties include correlating, translating and transcribing correspondence from around the Two Lands, he is also a diplomat in the foreign service where he undertakes tasks assigned to him by the King Akhenaten. His latest assignment is to spend time with a lord from Syria who is visiting the capital so that they bonds between their two lands can be strengthened and although it isn’t something he enjoys, he has taken the diplomat hunting so that he can guage his opinion of the man. After the diplomat has left, Hani reports to his superior on his oservations and is then given a new assignment based on them to visit another Lord in another part of the kingdom, hwoever, as he is travelling, he receives the news that the diolomat has been killed and that he now has to change direction and investigate the murder.

As Hani prepares for this investigation, he enlists the help of his secretary so that he can enure that he misses nothing in the interviews he has to carry out, hwoever, as he gleans more information from those in and around the murder, the waters muddy and he begins to feel that this murder may be more than meets the eye. The more that Hani investigates and the more information he finds out, the less at ease he feels, who can he trust with the evidence and how far up the hierarchy does the corruption go?

Will Lord Hani’s investigation lead to the prosecution of those guilty of the crime, or will danger surround him like a bird in a snare before he can complete his assignment? This is a mystery based in a historical land where nothing is as it seems and danger lays around every corner, but which will keep you intrigued throughout until you can figure out the culprit is in the end.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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Oliver, A Story About Adoption by Lois Wickstrom – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

Oliver: A Story about AdoptionOliver: A Story about Adoption by Lois Wickstrom
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Oliver is a young boy who lives with his mummy, daddy and goldfish and he likes to play pirates in his street, but one day when he decides to climb the maple tree which looks like a mast, the branches aren’t strong enough to hold him, so he falls down onto his hip. When his daddy comes out to see if he is ok, he talks to Oliver about playing safely and send him up to his room to think about what has happened. While he is up there Oliver dreams about what it would be like if he was living with his birth parents, what would his life look like? Would it be exciting like a trapeze artist, or a scientist? Do other people wish for another life and what should Oliver do with all these thoughts?

This is a story which talks about a challenging subject in a fantastic way, which children of all ages can understand whether they adopted, or not.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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The Mermaid and the Ice Cube Necklace (Mermaid Science) by Lois Wickstrom – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

Mermaid and the Ice Cube NecklaceMermaid and the Ice Cube Necklace by Lois Wickstrom
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Maia and Fig are beside the lake, having a picnic of lemonade and sandwiches, as they are eating, Trezzie the mermaid comes over to see them and asks about the ice cubes in their lemonade, when she sees how pretty they are, she asks Maia to make them into a necklace for her. As Maia does this, Fig cannot see Trezzie and becomes jealous when Maia gives her the necklace and because she thinks it is just floating away, she goes into the lake to rescue it, but when she does, Fig gets a leg cramp and nearly drowns, but Trezzie comes to the rescue.

Will Fig start to believe in Trezzie now she has rescued her? This is a charming book with lots of facts, as well as a lovely message which is a joy for all ages.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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Coyote’s Road Trip by Laura Koerber – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

Coyote's Road TripCoyote’s Road Trip by Laura Koerber
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Coyote is a nature spirit, a shapeshifter who lives in a valley in the Nevada Desert, he watches life in his territory with a distant interest, he has seen many people pass through his home, but he has never seen as much change in the desert as he has these last few years, so when the last two people he was friends with pass away, coupled with the heat and the drought, he decides to leave the one place he has ever called home.

He sets off North on the only road out of the desert and even though he doesn’t have a destination in mind, something points him in the right direction, just as he is about to leave the desert, he stops for one last look and then turns towards the future.

As he travels, Coyote meets people and experiences different places along the way as he tries to find somewhere new in the Pacific Northwest, but will he find what he is looking for and a new purpose for his existence? In this dystopian sci-fi meets fantasy tale, where the future has been affected by the climate change scientists are just now predicting, this is a journey of self discovery and talks about hard subjects in a manner that all who enjoy this genre of book, it is charming and pulls you through the story to find out how it ends.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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Thorfinn and the Witch’s Curse (Forerunner Series Book 1) by Jay Velosa Batista – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

Thorfinn and the Witch's Curse (The Forerunner Series #1)Thorfinn and the Witch’s Curse by Jay Veloso Batista
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Thorfinn Agneson is a young boy of ten and he lives in the time of the Vikings, in the ninth century and he lives under the Danelaw and life is good, he spends his time training and doing chores with his brothers, spending time playing with his younger sister, teasing the older residents at his home and at night hearing tales of his ancestors and his heritage, as well as some other tales family members bring home on their travels, his father is also organising and apprenticeship for him, as well as planning for a large wedding. Meanwhile, his Uncle is travelling back home after voyaging for a long time, but his journey isn’t all smooth sailing as he meets some characters along the way and these are both friend and foe.

One day, Thorfinn and his brothers overhear a story about a curse and someone tells them where it takes place, so as a group, the young boys in the homestead decide to go on an adventure, however, they encounter something mysterious, but none of the boys understand it’s consequences until it is almost too late. They decide that they have to remedy their mistake and so go to confront the mysterious shadow and the witch whom they find controls this, however, as one of the brothers attack the fiends, the witch retaliates and attacks Thorfinn, but what he doesn’t realise until the next day is that it is not his body which has returned home.

As Thorfinn is battling the witch, his uncle is facing his fair share of foes including a shape shifting warrior and his pack of wolves, he also encounters a seer on a deserted island and others as he travels towards home. Thorfinn now has to learn what the witch’s curse has done to him and what this means for his life, so when it is explained that he is now a Vardoger and that his ghost will travel ahead of as a forerunner, he now has to learn about this new realm and the perils within it, there are advantages to this, such as overhearing conversations and learning about a world once hidden.

Will Thorfinn be able to master his new split life, both as a young boy in Midgard, as well as a ghost at night, will he be able to use his new skills to remove the witch’s curse as the threat they command lingers over the homestead? Will his Uncle return safely home and be able to spend time with his much missed family? This is a historical fiction filled with stories of the Viking life at the time, as well as a fantasy adventure weaved throughout which will keep you on the edge of your seat and wanting to know what will happen next as the twists and turns play out over the pages.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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The Mind-Reading Hat: Invisible Magic Wand Book Six by Lois Wickstrom – Reviewed by Roxsanne Lesieur.

The Mind-Reading Hat: Invisible Magic Wand Book SixThe Mind-Reading Hat: Invisible Magic Wand Book Six by Lois Wickstrom
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

It is the time of the year where Caspian receives another UnBirthday from his Grandpa and this year it is a brown fedora hat with a wide brim, as he puts on the hat, Caspian can hear the voices of his Grandpa and his mum talking about his surprises, but it is only when he can hear a turtle that he realises it is a Mind-Reading Hat.

What kind of adventures will the Mind-Reading Hat lead Caspian on? This is another fun filled story for all ages, it is a quick read which everyone will enjoy.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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The Day the Librarian Saved the Galaxy by Stephenie Wilson Peterson – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

The Day the Librarian Saved the GalaxyThe Day the Librarian Saved the Galaxy by Stephenie Wilson Peterson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

If you think that every elementary school is the same, then you are wrong, one school in particular is very unusual, this is Orchard Ridge Elementary School, however, only a few people are privy to the secret. One day a group of students are in the library for a typical lesson with the elderly Librarian, where she talks about the difference between the types of books and their content, for one student, this was her favourite lesson and the Librarian her favourite teacher, but the class went on as normal until something scary happened.

A group of aliens from the Planet of Wart burst into the Library demanding that the Librarian hands over a mystery goo from the Cafeteria which they want to use to spaghettify the Milky Way and rule the Galaxy, but when they are refused, they decide to trap the students and use them as leverage. This is when the Librarian enlists the help of two of her students to help her stop the Aliens, but will they be able to do it?

This is a fun filled children’s sci-fi book which is a delight for all ages, as three unlikely people stand between Aliens and the destruction of the Galaxy.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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Ruthless Heir: An Enemies to Lovers Mafia Romance (Mafia Elite Book 5) by Amy McKinley – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

Ruthless Heir: An Enemies to Lovers Mafia Romance (Mafia Elite, #5)Ruthless Heir: An Enemies to Lovers Mafia Romance by Amy McKinley
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Luc Savino is the heir to a Mafia throne, but he is unaware of that, he has success in in his life, a business he has built from the ground up and a determination which keeps him wanting more. Summer Johansson is a woman determined to be better than her childhood, she wants to have a life without worrying where the money for the next bill is coming from, or whether she can afford to eat, but her current temp job is allowing her that, although not by much.

When Summer was attacked in her home by a Mafia boss, she grabbed what she could and left, with little left and less opportunities in her future, she asked for help and managed to keep under the radar, that is until she found out her best friend had been murdered, she forgot her own rules and ended up in a bar and then the arms of a handsome stranger for the night, but when she wakes up and realised she is late for work, she panics knowing that this is not the day to be late. Meanwhile, Luc is preparing himself to meet the employees of his new company, as well as delegating out work he needs completing so he can get a better idea of the structure, personnel needs and future plans, however when he comes face to face with the mystery woman from the night before, he is determined to find out more about her.

As Summer races into the office, she sees her old boss being dragged out and shouting about something, but she is in too much of a hurry, however when she sees the new boss coming out of his office, she doesn’t know how to react and when she is about to bolt, he stops her and demands to how why she was about to leave and why her former boss was accusing her of being a spy, this is when she finds that her plan to stay under the radar is about to be blown sky high. Shortly after this, another Mafia boss enters Summer’s life, although this time it is because of Luc, the boss wants them to go on a plane to Chicago with him where he has somethings to talk to Luc about.

With all the lies which are flying around when they arrive in Chicago, Luc will not let sleeping dogs lie with Summer, but as they become closer, the attraction they are desperately trying to deny comes to the fore, but can they forgive the secrets and lies which lie between them? This is a dark romantic suspense which is full of action, emotion and betrayal as worlds collide and truths will out in this story which will keep you on the edge of your seat and hooked until you know what happens.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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Collateral Damage: A Second Chance Mafia Romance (Mafia Elite Book 6) by Amy McKinley – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

Collateral Damage: A Second Chance Mafia Romance (Mafia Elite Book 6)Collateral Damage: A Second Chance Mafia Romance by Amy McKinley
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Trey La Rosa leads a double life, on one hand he is a surgeon at the local hospital and on the other he is the one who stitches up and treats all those within the Five Families Mafia in Chicago, but leading this double life is exhausting for him and one day, he hopes that he can manage his time better. Hailey Carmichael is the daughter to rich parents who have her life planned out for her as a socialite running in the same circles they do, but she wants more, however, she isn’t sure how to get it, not in the least the man she has had a crush on since the first time she saw him.

It is a day full of tension for Hailey as she has to confront someone important to her about something she is dreading talking about, but she takes a couple of deep breaths and decides to go for it before she buckles and backs off before she gets what she wants, that is until she is kidnapped and thrown into the back of a van right in front of the person she was about to talk to. For Trey, it is just another day on call at the hospital where he does his usual rounds and interacts with his patients so that he can make the best decisions he can for them, however, when he is called in to the office of one of his superiors and finds out that a woman he has tried to forget has been kidnapped, memories surface of the first and last time he saw or spoke to her and how grief for his first love got in the way, he decides then and there that he is going to rescue her, whatever it takes.

As Trey uses his resources to rescue her, the scene he finds is not the one he expected, but for Hailey, he is the last person she expected to come to her rescue, however, as he keeps her out of harms way and finds out more information behind the motive for the kidnapping, they reach an agreement to work together to follow the funds together and uncover the full reasons. As they spend more time together in his home, the attraction they felt the first time they met resurfaces and they both struggle to maintain the distance between them and the one thing they crave the most, each other, however, will they be able to uncover the secrets and reveal the truth before their new found relationship is severed, again? This is a compelling romantic suspense which will hook you in and take you for a ride which is full of secrets, lies, threats and revelations with plenty of action thrown in for good measure, as this second chance romance plays out amid danger approaching from every direction.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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Ancient Reflections: A Mythic Trilogy by Tamara Agha-Jaffar – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

Ancient Reflections: A Mythic TrilogyAncient Reflections: A Mythic Trilogy by Tamara Agha-Jaffar
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

In the first story in this trilogy, which is based on the Hymn of Demeter, A Pomegranate and the Maiden, the lives and actions of Demeter and her daughter are explored through their eyes, through their experiences and their love.

In the second story, which is based on the Odyssey, Unsung Odysseys, told through the eyes of the women who loved him, this new perspective of his travels shows what happened between the trials he faced throughout his life.

In the third and final story based on the Epic of Gilgamesh, Gilgamesh of Uruk explores pride, greed, grief and loss, as stories are recounted and lessons are shared to teach lessons everyone should know.

In this retelling of three stories from Ancient Times, stories of love, grief, challenges and the overcoming of barriers, this book shows new, feminist perspectives and how relevant the stories remain today, while showing what we can learn from the past. Will you dive into these Ancient Reflections and see what you will learn from them?

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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Flame and Crystal Thorns (Fae and Crystal Thorns Book 1) by Kay L. Moody – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

Flame and Crystal Thorns (Fae and Crystal Thorns, #1)Flame and Crystal Thorns by Kay L. Moody
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Chloe is a young woman and she is mortal, however, she has not always lived in the mortal realm, she has also lived in the world of Faerie, her sister now lives there too, but after what happened when she was last there, Chloe refuses to return to Faerie and the life she had there. Chloe has found her place in a small village instead where she lives with her brother and his children and is the town apothecary after the last one died suddenly and without an apprentice, so she took her knowledge of herbs and medicine and created a place for herself healing those around her. One day, she is talking to a local woman whose husband has become ill, but when it is apparent that the illness isn’t something she has treated before, she falls to research and finds what she needs, however, one ingredient is something she does not want to use thanks to the memories it invokes whenever she thinks about it, however, when someone from her past abruptly turns up on her doorstep, a village illness is the last thing she needs to worry about, she is being summoned back to Faerie.

As the situation in her former home is explained to her, she cannot even start to think that this is true, or at the least that the claims are being exaggerated, especially because her sister is one of the strongest people she knows and wouldn’t let anything stop her and her beloved from keeping their people safe, so she refuses to go back and instead tries to focus on healing those in the village around her, even if she has to search high and low for a replacement of the key ingredient she needs. As the day passes and her visitor keeps badgering her about returning to Faerie, she tells them point blank that until her responsibilities in the village are completed, she cannot even think about returning there, however, she may think about it if they can get her more of the vital ingredient, so they give in to her demand and go, however, when they don’t return, Chloe begins to think the worst, but lack of sleep and running out of the herbs she needs still takes precedence.

It is only when her visitor returns and claims that her sister has been captured and that both her and her beloved are in danger and that they need her now more than ever, as does the rest of Faerie, so Chloe eventually agrees to go once she has treated everyone in the village and created enough spare poultices so that others can be treated while she is gone. However, when they arrive, things are worse than they thought and the mortals doing the attacking are fuelled by revenge and the weapons they have are stronger than Chloe imagined and it begins to look like her trip to Faerie will not be the short one she was expecting, or lacking in magic as new abilities appear while on the road. Will Chloe and the handsome, yet unwelcome companion she is travelling be able to save the Crystal Throne, or will she be too late? This is a fantasy adventure which is full of magic as mortals face off with the Fae in this race against time to save those they love with a smattering of romance for good measure which all add up to a book which will keep you hooked in and on the edge of your seat throughout.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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Nite Fire: Exit Strategy by C.L. Schneider – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

Exit Strategy (Nite Fire #5)Exit Strategy by C.L. Schneider
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Dahlia Nite, the shapeshifting, scaled vigilante is back and it is the end of the world, or at least the beginning of the end, everything she thought she knew and trusted has been ripped apart at the seams and she doesn’t know where to go or what to do first and her list has just been added to again. As she recovers from the shock of the city being brought to its knees and the disappearance of half of her team without so much as a note or message to say where they have gone, she has to go on fighting for the place she has come to love and where has almost become home, but for Dahlia, as usual, nothing is straight forward.

First on the list is both to try and stay alive and keep those on her team which are left alive, this is easier said than done as rubble is strewn all over Sentinel City, fires are burning out of control and the skyline has been completely changed by the attack

.Second, she has to figure out a way to stop the blight and halt the spread of this over the linked worlds, while also trying to figure out where it came from and how it adapts to each environment so quickly.

Thirdly she has to find a way to close the exits which are forming as the veil slowly disintegrates and which are popping up all over the place and causing more trouble than they are worth, not to mention the influx of supernatural creatures which are using them.

In place number four, she has the mad scientist who is bent on world domination and who is thriving in the chaos around them and using it to their advantage.

Finally, she has the lovely dragon inside her who she hopes is about to divulge the information she needs to tackle all of the above, but who is also done with being blocked and starts to take matters into their own hands.

With all that commotion, there is no time for grief, emotion or sometimes even to breathe, but as Dahlia makes the hard choices, will she be able to complete all her tasks before the Renewal takes any chance away from her? This is a fast paced urban fantasy adventure full of action, adventure, hurdles and stress come together in this race against the end of the world where secrets and lies obstruct plans and those fighting to stop it are overwhelmed and under pressure to find a solution in the gripping final instalment to the series.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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Bake Off (Bake Believe Trilogy Book 2) by Cori Cooper – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

Bake OffBake Off by Cori Cooper
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Cat returns in the next instalment of this series and now she has found out about what her family can do, she now sets off on a family road trip to find out the why and the how, so after the longest car ride in the world and a much needed power nap, they all arrive in the town in Arizona just in time for Thanksgiving, but there is still a week until then for Cat to get some answers to her all important questions.

However, these answers are not going to be as easy to get as Cat had hoped, but there is one good thing about having to work for her answers, she gets to bake! What she doesn’t enjoy is getting up before dawn to do it, though spending time with family, learning about new edible treats and honing her baking skills keep her going, especially when she hears about a bake off as the local bakeries in town have a showdown the day before thanksgiving, however things don’t go smoothly as suspicion abounds and emotions are flying all over the place, which adding in a reckless baking spree, Cat and Robyn discover that when baking and magic combine, it can have consequences nobody would expect.

Will Cat be able to get the answers to the bazillion questions rolling around in her head, or will this bake off become more of a recipe for disaster? This is a fun filled fantasy where magic and confectionary combine to provide some high jinx and low blows keep you hooked throughout, as do the characters and ideas inside.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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Blood & Ravens: A dark, paranormal romance (The Casket Girls Book 1) by A.D. Brazeau – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

Blood & Ravens: A dark, paranormal romance (The Casket Girls Book 1)Blood & Ravens: A dark, paranormal romance by A.D. Brazeau
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

It is the year 1782 and Greer is a young woman who sells flowers on the streets of Paris, she is independent and earning just enough to scrape by, but she is happy, that is until she is kidnapped and wakes up in New Orleans, she has no memory of how she came to be there, but as she drags her casket shaped trunk to a local convent, where she finds out that she is to marry a man whom the nuns have chosen for her, she is to become a Casket Girl. Theron is a demon who has been cast out of the Underworld and cursed by Hades to live as a vampire for eternity has travelled to New Orleans and found that his chosen food source for the journey is fast becoming something more, but he denies it as vehemently as he can.

As Greer settles in to life within the convent and gets to know the girls she shares the dormitory with, she becomes friends with a couple of them and they band together to find out what has happened to them and why, not to mention the strange dreams of her Dark Knight and how he treats her with a tenderness she has never experienced before. Meanwhile, Theron is trying his hardest to keep from feeling things he has no right to feel about his prey, however, when she wakes and discovers what is happening, he has no choice but to confront her about it, but he struggles to maintain the distance he needs and as more time passes, he realises that he doesn’t want to.

As their predicament becomes clear, Greer tries to convince her friends of what is happening, that the dreams she has been having are real and someone is really feeding off of her and her friends and that they are residing in their casket shaped cases, but as their wedding days draw nearer, they need a plan to escape. However, this path is not without dangers for both Greer and Theron and when they are confronted by Hades himself, will Greer be able to save all those she loves and now holds dear, or will it all end in disaster? This is a paranormal romance with a dark twist as danger lurks around every corner and darkness feeds off light as this dramatic story plays out in the streets of New Orleans, where nothing is as it seems and you are pulled into the twisted world behind the holiest of walls.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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Taming of the Few: A Thrilling Irish Urban Fantasy Adventure (Guardians of the PHAE Book 1) by Rowan Dillon – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

Taming of the FewTaming of the Few by Christy Nicholas
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Humanity is seeing its next evolution, the Unhidden, it all started when the magnetic poles of the Earth shifted and people discovered new abilities and power flowing through their veins, for some it physically showed but for others it didn’t, but wherever there are differences, there are those who are afraid of it and those who can accept it. As those who experience these changes try and manage them, they struggle to maintain a normal life, an extremist group are growing in popularity with their demands pertaining to the Unhidden and the supposed danger which they present to the rest of humanity, unfortunately, their views are growing in popularity.

Anna Taylor is a swim coach at a local college in the USA, but she is filled with anxiety that someone will see the scales which are starting to develop on her body, one day all her fears come to pass when a student sees her in the pool and reports her to the principal, who terminates her employment, shortly after this, she is ousted from her home by an angry mob, this sends her anxiety to a whole new level until someone steps in to help her. Maximillian Hurley is a Vietnam veteran who lives alone in the Australian Outback with his plane and a smattering of tourists who he flies around giving tours to during the day and his constant companion of a bottle of hard liquor to drink his demons away on a night, that is until a mysterious fire takes it all away from him and someone else steps in with a new direction for his life and his talents.

They have both been recruited by PHAE, the agents who approached them offer them a chance to relocate to Ireland and have the opportunity to help others like them by offering training in the use and development of their talents, so they go to a centre where they meet the rest of their group, however, they are called into action much earlier than planned and as they are separated, Anna and Max team up in Cork and although they tried to disrupt the machinations of the anti-Unhidden group, a bomb shatters the city and they end up trying to save as many as they can while battling their own PTSD and anxiety in the process.

Can Anna and Max overcome their fears and use their powers with the rest of the group to stop their xenophobic opposition, or will it all become too much and they buckle under the pressure? This is an urban fantasy which is full of action and adventure, as individuals come to terms with the changes in their lives while fighting for them at the same time and they will have you fighting right alongside them throughout as you are sucked into this world which is not far afield of life right now.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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A Veil of Gods and Kings: Apollo Ascending Book 1 by Nicole Bailey – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

A Veil of Gods and Kings (Apollo Ascending, #1)A Veil of Gods and Kings by Nicole Bailey
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Apollo is half mortal and half deity, but the one thing he doesn’t wan to do is ascend and become a full deity and not just that, he would be the god of the sun, but he would rather spend time with mortals and avoid becoming anything like his father or siblings, but that isn’t what fate has in store for him. As he battles fate and his family, he spends time with his sister, or hiding his godlike nature in the local establishments drinking until he forgets his past and use the hangover as an excuse to avoid the responsibilities of his daily life.

All that changes when he is summoned before his father, so he dutifully travels to Olympus to find out what the almighty god wants this time, however, the last thing he expects is an ultimatum and the choice he has to make is whether to immediately ascend, or whether to spend a year with Prince Hyacinth of Niria being mentored and taught how to be the opposite of what he is now, a disappointment. Neither of the choices is brilliant for Apollo, but in the end, he plumbs for another year with the mortals, even if it means he has to spend time with Hyacinth, whom from past engagements, Apollo really doesn’t get on with. Meanwhile, Prince Hyacinth receives word that he is to have Apollo as a guest in his kingdom for the next year, that it is another chore on his current list is as annoying to him as it is to Apollo, but for different reasons.

From the first day, Apollo and Hyacinth cannot get on, the both think the other is obnoxious, annoying and arrogant and that they have no idea how this year is not going to drive them crazy, but as the weeks pass, things change and what was once frustration and annoyance, turns into something else, something more heated and personal. They find that as much as they try to deny it, there is a spark there, a spark which they both try and fight in order to save those they love, but will they succeed, or will the spark ignite into a fire neither of them can control? This is a fantasy retelling filled with intrigue, romance and gods, where complications are around every corner and pressure combines with duty to create situations with outcomes which are anything but sure as this story brings you into a mythological world and keeps you there as the story plays out on the pages in front of you.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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The Wolf’s Shadow: An Urban Fantasy Thriller (Lycanthropy Files Book 1) by Cecilia Dominic – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

The Wolf's Shadow (The Lycanthropy Files #1)The Wolf’s Shadow by Cecilia Dominic
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Joanie Fisher is an epidemiologist who works for a research lab, that is until it burns down, destroying all her research and her job in the process, this also means the end of a an affair with her boss, who finished what they had on the same day as he terminates her employment, but on the same day a few weeks after nearly being killed by the fire, she receives a letter from a lawyer asking her to meet him at his office to go through her grandfathers will. When she gets there, she overhears a heated discussion in the office and finds that it concerns her grandfathers estate and therefore her, but when the client storms out, she cannot help but notice that he is a handsome, but dark storm blowing past her, this does not help with the distracting news that the estate she will be inheriting is worth multi-millions of dollars, but that there is also a condition attached to it, she has to move in immediately and that the lawyer will arrange the movement of all her belongings and that she doesn’t have to worry about a thing.

As she is trying to settle in to her new surroundings, she finds that she is the centre of attention and this is not somewhere she wants to be, however, she does use it to her advantage and tries to find out what is going on in and around the mansion and why people are acting suspiciously. Meanwhile, another mystery appears and Joanie tries to see how this fits into everything, however, when it turns out that one of the secrets her grandfather has is that the community is full of werewolves and not just that, but these shifters are somehow now depending on her and her research to help cure them. The mysteries deepen and danger surrounds Joanie and the shifters as things just seem to go wrong all around them, especially when a shadowy figure seems to keep following them around, as well as the sounds in the woods surrounding the manor escalating and keeping the locals scared, but as a deeper conspiracy is unearthed, Joanie becomes convinced that there is an ever bigger picture than they first suspected.

Will Joanie and the shifters she is trying to help be able to find the source of the information they need to crack the code behind the werewolves transformations, or will those trying to kill them get there first? This is a thrilling fantasy adventure with shifters, science and a heroine who is determined to win involving multiple twists and turns, until you become so lost in the plot that you will have to read to the end to figure out the who, what, where and why as you become more and more invested in the characters within.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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The Know-It-All Pencil (Invisible Magic Wand) by Lois Wickstrom – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

The Know-It-All Pencil (Invisible Magic Wand)The Know-It-All Pencil by Lois Wickstrom
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

It is the morning of Caspian’s UnBirthday and when he wakes up to a box tied in a ribbon from his Grandpa, he is excited, but when he opens it and all it contains are a yellow pencil and a green pad of paper he is confused, especially when it starts writing by itself!

What kind of an adventure can a Know-It-All Pencil bring? You can only find out by reading this charming book.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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The Curse of a Faeblood (The Faeblood Series Book 1) by MK Lorber – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

The Curse of a FaebloodThe Curse of a Faeblood by M.K. Lorber
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Ember is a young woman who is on the run, she is in danger because of who and what she is, she is a Faeblood and that is to some a gift and to some a curse, so she has lived all her life moving from place to place with her mother until the unthinkable happens and she has to continue her perilous journey on her own. As she drifts from place to place, all Ember has ever wanted is to have a place in a community, friends and family around her and somewhere she can call home, but she knows that it will never happen because of her heritage and the risks she has to take on the roads are not something a young woman should be doing alone, never mind one who has yet to grieve the only family she has ever known.

Gavyn is a young man in the peak of his life, he is the head trainer of the local elite fighting school where he trains young men and women in the art of fighting and discipline, as part of the annual tithe paid to the nobility who own the land they live on, he is a well honed machine and uses the skills he has learned over his life so far to instil these values in those around him. He is a part of a brotherhood, a family who he will defend above all others and this protective instinct has enabled him to rise through the ranks and become the leaders right hand man, it also means that he knows everything which happens in the village he lives in.

One day Ember attempts to steal something to eat from the cart of a vendor in a small village, however, she has caught Gavyn’s watchful eye and is caught, but the offer to pay off her debt is hard to resist, but she knows that she has to hide her true nature from those around her, no matter how much she wishes to become part of the community she has dropped into. Meanwhile, the nobles who live in the Castle at the heart of the Kingdom of Morvak are as far from the peasants they exact the tithe from as can be, they debate over who has the most pure Faeblood, but even they have their own hierarchy and it is on this foundation that they have built their lives, but all that changes when someone with Faeblood is found outside of the Castle walls.

As the days pass and Ember and Gavyn cannot deny that the more time they spend in each others presence, the more that an attraction is building, but neither of them can let down their walls because of the fears they have for those around them, but when it comes to saving those they love, will they be able to stay apart and keep their passion under wraps, or will it bring danger closer than ever? This is a story full of family, both lost and found, secrets, truths and magic, as tangled webs of emotions and reality are weaved around a village where respect and honesty are valued, lies and deceit are frowned upon and a tenuous balance is maintained, where you become sucked into a world which pulls you along until you know what happens in the end.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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Manipulator’s war (Ruarnon Trilogy Book 1) by Elise Carlson – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

Manipulator's War (Ruarnon Trilogy, #1)Manipulator’s War by Elise Carlson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Ruarnon is the heir of Tarlah, they have lessons in combat, the history of their country and their people, as well as learning how to run the kingdom they will one day inherit, all the while trying to impress the current King, who also happens to be their father who believes that because they are non-binary, they have to work harder than most. When they are not training or studying, they are spending time with their family and close friends, that is until one day the reality of their position comes crashing around them when assassination attempts are foiled and their parents are abducted in the middle of the night.

As they are reeling from the recent events, Ruarnon has to take control of their kingdom and make some tough decisions, they are not sure who to trust within their Royal Council and news comes in that their neighbouring Kingdom is rekindling their brutal nature and renewing their efforts to expand into Tarlah. Meanwhile Linh is on a school trip in Australia when suddenly the environment around her changes from somewhere she knows very well to somewhere completely strange and alien, however, when she tries to return the way she came, she realises that she is stuck in a foreign land fortunately is rescued by a boat who takes her to someone who they believe can help her. This is a lot to take in for Linh and her anxiety tries to get the best of her, however, when she learns that there is an option of a race who live in lands far to the north who may have the knowledge she needs to return home, she will take a risk and journey there.

As Linh starts the journey into an uncertain future and to a destination where she is desperately hoping to get the information she needs, a stop is made at a small island for provisions, however, when she is rushed back to their transport, she sees something which terrifies her, there are monsters attacking the islanders and those who are travelling with her and they do not differentiate between age, gender or race, anything that moves is a target for them and they are ruthless. Unknown to Ruarnon, his Kingdom is in more danger than just the expansionist neighbours, so when Linh arrives with the reinforcements he has requested and she tells him of what she has seen on her travels, the reality sets in, but will they be able to make the decisions they need to in order to keep Tarlah safe, no matter what deals they have to make with their enemies in order to do it?

This is a fantasy adventure which is action packed throughout as you see the devastating affects of rivalry, war and monsters as the main characters race against the clock to save as many of those around them by making decisions based on questionable truths brought by unreliable spies which will keep you on your toes throughout and not wanting to put the book down until you find out how it ends.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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Sashimi (Evil Sushi Book 2) by C.A. King – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

Sashimi (Evil Sushi #2)Sashimi by C.A. King
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The town of Treacle is the centre of attention again, but this time for a completely different reason, it has become a ghost town, there is nobody living there anymore thanks to the mutants prowling the shoreline. The mutants which are attacking anyone they see, whose victims screams you can hear, but who are never seen again and the worst part is that the virus mutating them is now heading inland.

The only ones brave enough to stay in Treacle now are the researchers based there, they are desperately trying to find a cure for those affected, but the only thing they are sure of is that some mutations are worse than others.

As cases increase and people keep disappearing, something has to give and so a radical decision is made and a plan is put into place to try and find the answers humanity so desperately needs. So a General and his team set out to do just that, however their reigning theory of terrorism is not one that the rest of the crew share, they believe that it is Mother Nature who is behind it all.

As the team encounter issue after issue, will they be able to find their answers, or will the decision they made be the wrong one? This is a horrifying tale with plenty of adventure throughout, as time runs out for the human population and the mutants which feed upon them, keeping you enthralled hook, line and sinker.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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Saving Marvel (Satan’s Devils MC Second Generation Book 4) by Manda Mellett – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

Saving Marvel (Satan's Devils MC Second Generation Book 4)Saving Marvel by Manda Mellett
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Marvel is a member of the Satan’s Devils MC and has been for many years now, he is a part of the furniture and loves his brothers more than anything, they have been there for him, but he has always kept to the side lines, but in all that time, as he has watched them pairing up, he has never wanted the same thing. Virginia Case is a woman with a history, she was happily married, had a career she loved and friends and family whom she was close to, that was until her life was ripped apart at the seems when she was betrayed by the person she was closest to, her husband and the way in which he did it was too horrible for words.

Now both of them are in the same locale when something kicks off and turns into a major incident which throws them, two complete strangers, into each others company for the time it takes for the incident to be managed. It is stressful for both of them, but they connect in a way that surprises them both. As they listen to the events happening outside of their little bubble, the two talk and relive pasts which they both want to forget, Virginia with her experiences with her ex-husband and Marvel who learned the hard way that women can’t be trusted thanks to a betrayal of his own. As they both open up to the other, neither of them expects the conversation to be suddenly halted with no kind of closure for them, or even the chance to say goodbye when the authorities take charge, however, this isn’t the end of their troubles, it is only the beginning.

The next day, the news outlets are all reporting about the incident and it is then that Marvel sees that Virginia is being hounded outside her own home and makes the decision to go and help her out, even though he can’t for the life of him figure out why and when he turns up on her doorstep and offers her a safe space to escape to, she accepts, much to her own amazements as well. As they try and come up with solutions to their differing issues, they become closer, but will these two broken souls be able to mend the other, or will it all come crashing down around them like it did in the past? This is an MC romance with a tenderness throughout which will surprise and suck in even the most hardened of hearts, as the suspense keeps you hooked throughout while emotions run high and both the present and future are in doubt until you reach the end of the story and the rollercoaster ride comes to an end.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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Spring’s Showers: Romantically Seasonal: Spring by C. A. King – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

Spring's Showers: Romantically Seasonal: SpringSpring’s Showers: Romantically Seasonal: Spring by C.A. King
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Eros Cupid is the god in charge of love, he is one of many deities who live their everlasting lives and sometimes, that can mean boredom and resulting ramifications on humanity, but not everyone appreciates how difficult his job is, so when he goes to a club just for immortals, to play some cards, he finds that the others there cannot resist a good bet. The history of the outcomes of these bets isn’t always positive, they have led to wars, suffering and these tricks were all a matter of pride and achieving the gods place in the hierarchy.

As he plays his hands, the conversation turns to him and his lifestyle, as it usually does, however when his role is disparaged yet again, Cupid decides that he wants that to change and so he challenges the other gods and a wager is placed, four of the players decide that they will bet that they can do Cupid’s job with their eyes closed, so the bet is taken and each challenger is told that they have to unite a couple of mortals and see that at true love match is made.

As there are four challengers, it is decided that each will have a session within which they have to complete the challenge, so the seasons are dealt out and as Spring is the first season up, it is natural that Mother Nature takes it on. Will this challenge go for or against Cupid and will Mother Nature find love as easy to cultivate as plants? This is a paranormal romance where gods play and humans are the pieces, but with magic and feelings involved, this is one story which will plant roots and grow your enjoyment as the story progresses.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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