
A Quarter to Twelve (Time #1) by Josephine Traynor – Review by Jana Teppih

A Quarter to Twelve (Time #1)A Quarter to Twelve by Josephine Traynor
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

A Quarter to Twelve by Josephine Traynor is my first encounter with the writer and I really enjoyed it! It is the first book of the series and as we meet also the characters who are the leads in the next book, I cannot wait for the second book.
I assume every one of us has at some point in time thought about joining an online dating service AND most likely actually followed through with it … I luckily did not have the ‘fun’ that Ava experienced with her trial (no unsavory pictures) or maybe it is the Australian thing . I am sure though that all of us have a friend or a friend of a friend with a horror story about online dating so we can for sure relate to what Ava went through.
What I loved about Ava and Patrick, our two leads, that they are completely ‘normal’ – no six packs or size 0 blondes having everything going for them. No, they are like you and me, with their imperfections and baggage and triggers and doubts and at the same time, both of them still hope for someone who puts them first, stands next to them and supports them through thick and thin!
I had such a fun reading this book. I was rooting for both Ava and Patrick! I was screaming at Ava’s mother in my head and I was frustrated with all the twists and challenges they had when trying to meet. I laughed and I cried and above all, I hoped for them to be there for each other and stick it out and prove that there is someone out there for each of us and we simply need to take a chance!
As I said, I will be reading the second book – Chris and Charlotte’s book as well!

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Inevitable (Fated #2) by A.S. Roberts – Review by Jana Teppih

Inevitable (Fated #2)Inevitable by A.S. Roberts
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is the second book in A.S. Roberts Fated series. I guess you could read it as a stand-alone as the prologue gives you some background into Bella and Nate’s story so you don’t feel lost but just to say, for you to really get the full experience and the nuances, you really should read the first book before starting on this one!
Ms Roberts did not disappoint me, I have to admit that originally I had planned to read the book over the weekend but I could not wait once I had finished the first book so I just dived into it and only came up for air when I had to go to bed so I could go to work the next day! It was an amazingly well written story of family loyalty, unconditional love, abuse, control, the folly of youth with harsh consequences, peppered with steamy moments and tattoos and seedy motels and … I am sure you get my drift!
It was an emotional ride and I cried and I laughed and I swore and cheered and cringed in horror! It felt very real! The writer touches upon many sensitive but oh so important issues that many of us encounter in our daily lives, thank you for giving us all hope and the knowing that the answer to the question “how late is too late?” is NEVER!
I am looking forward to the third book in the series as I really liked whatever I have learned about Jasmine and John Edwards! I am sure it will be as a rollercoaster as Bella and Nathan’s story was! Here’s to my book hangover!

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Fated (Fated #1) by A.S. Roberts – Review by Jana Teppih

Fated (Fated #1)Fated by A.S. Roberts
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Fated by A.S. Roberts is her debut novel and the first one in the series called … Fated! It is a contemporary love story filled with unexpected discoveries that blow you out of water and you feel lost like Frankie.
I got hooked on the story from the first page as it rose my curiosity, the writer is great at spinning a story filled with secrets and flawed protagonists that steal your heart. I spent my whole last Sunday with Frankie and Alex and Nathan and Bella (who are getting their own story next). I cried and I cursed, I chuckled and laughed out loud, I mourned and I hoped. The characters seemed so real – they struggle with their past, the control, the secrets … there is something for everyone in this book!
I lived in the UK for some years and I absolutely loved the British English that was peppered throughout the book, in no way felt it clunky, the story flowed beautifully – I felt like being back over there and having a cup of tea and a scone with clotted cream and jam!
I think something that will remain with me is what was on the note Alex included along with the flowers he sent to Frankie – “A person’s strength isn’t shown by how much they can take before they break. A person’s strength is shown by how much they can take after they have already broken.” What an amazing thought that the writer gifted us with and that we can draw strength from when in despair.
I know what I am going to read next! I have the second book lined up on my Kindle – Bella and Nathan’s story! Cannot wait!

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Under Ground (Under Ground #1) by Alice Rachel – Review by Jana Teppih

Under Ground (Under Ground #1)Under Ground by Alice Rachel
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

When the darkness meets the light, in fear it shall flee.
Not all is what is seems, open your eyes and you will see.
When the chains break apart, the enslaved shall be free.
When the world has changed, a new dawn it will be.
Under Ground is the first book in Alice Rachel’s dystopian series called ‘Under Ground’. It is meant for Young Adults but I don’t see anything wrong with also more mature audience reading it (I am no longer a spring chicken myself). I love dystopian genre and especially when they are complex and the storyline can go off in tangents. Alice Rachel’s series will join Suzanne Collins and Veronica Roth and Alan Moore and James Dashner on my Kindle!
I think that her book is very relevant in the world we are living in right now, considering what changes are happening around us – Alice Rachel’s world is a total patriarchal society where women have no rights, they outnumber the men so the men that the right to accept and reject women. The status is all that matters! Obviously, as in the real world, there is a counter power/movement to it all, it is called Under Ground and they are a group of rebels looking for starting a revolution!
The rules and regulations of the world seem too real at times; you question at times if it really is fiction that you are reading … I loved how the writer was able to combine action with steamy romance and heart breaking family moments. I am looking forward to continue my journey towards equality and freedom with Thia and Chi while the juggle their personal relationship. I am also looking forward to finding out more about the other characters I met in this first book!

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Just Live by Shaan Ranae – Review by Jana Teppih

Just LiveJust Live by Shaan Ranae
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Just Live by Shaan Ranae is my first encounter with this writer and I have to admit, it left me in ruins … in emotional ruins. I finished the book couple of days ago and when I woke up this morning, it was still on my mind, it refuses to let me go … I have read already couple of other books since I finished it but my thoughts circle back to it …
It is an extremely emotional story of Kathryn James aka Katey, a journey filled with pain and suffering, a story that takes you to such extremes that you wonder if you will survive … I cried so hard that I started hiccupping … I got enraged and started thinking how could I, personally, get involved and make a difference … I laughed and smiled and dreamed with her and I have been looking for dust particles in the sunlight ever since …
This story reminds us that we all have a responsibility to each other as humans, it also reminds us that we need to look after ourselves as well, we all matter. This story took me back into my history and reminded me of all those great people who have been there for me in the pivotal moments of my life, who are the reason I am still here, today.
Thank you Ms Ranae for this raw and beautiful book, I hope that it is not your personal story, if it is, I rejoice in the bright future you have ahead of you. I will be on a lookout for your next book, I am sure it will be another amazing one.

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The Spark (The Carolina Connections #2) by Sylvie Stewart – Review by Jana Teppih

The Spark (The Carolina Connections #2)The Spark by Sylvie Stewart
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The Spark by Ms Stewart is the second book in her Carolina Connections series but you can totally read it as a standalone. I loved the first book and I was looking forward to Fiona and Mark’s story and Ms Stewart did not disappoint me! It was a fun and fast-paced 384 pages!
I know, I know, Ms Stewart plays on the age old stereotypes of ‘opposites attract’ and ‘the man-whore will settle down when he meets the right girl’ and ‘the blondes are ditzy’ but the story was far far from the stereotypes when you let yourself dig deeper and really go along the ride that Fiona and Mark took you on!
Both of the characters are their own type of crazy and you cannot stop laughing AND crying and swooning to yourself while reading … I simply loved the way Fiona got off into tangents when speaking and how easily she got distracted and I absolutely melted when we experienced her loving and caring ways over and over again. One really fell for Mark when getting better understanding of where he comes from. Both of the characters are forged through fire and the questions that you constantly have drumming back in your mind while reading is – will they find their way to each other, will they believe in each other, will they take a chance…
I recommend to grab a glass of wine, settle down in your reading spot and enjoy the hours you’ll spend with Mark and Fiona! I am personally looking forward to the next installment!

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Kisses Under the Spotlight (Alex Jackson, #1) by Joanne Dannon – Review by Jana Teppih

Kisses Under the Spotlight (Alex Jackson, #1)Kisses Under the Spotlight by Joanne Dannon
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Kisses Under the Spotlight by Joanne Dannon is the first book of the Alex Jackson series. It is my first encounter with this writer. I have to say that she will be joining the other Aussie writers that I love and whose next books I have noted down in my Google calendar.
Ms Dannon has a unique way of telling her story and you hopelessly get hooked up as it is an emotional fast paced story filled with twists left and right that simply doesn’t let you go until you have finished it. It is a story of two people who both carry heavy baggage with them. They need to find a way forward and towards each other through the pitfalls of their past. In addition, they come from different parts of the society – Alex is a superstar and Violet is a physiotherapist who is used to working with people in the spotlight but who does not feel comfortable herself in the spotlight. We are constantly aware of how the world of spotlights influenced Alex and Violet’s decisions and actions.
What I loved about the story was the lightness of it, despite some heavy universal matters that the author is tackling. She teaches us that love overcomes and heals everything, she restores our faith in love.
I recommend the story to all of you cynics that need a push to get out of the funk and start believing in happily ever after, even if it just in a book world! I personally am looking forward to the next book!

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Skypunch (Ascenders #2) by C.L. Gaber – Review by Jana Teppih

Skypunch (Ascenders #2)Skypunch by C.L. Gaber
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Skypunch is the second book in C.L.Gaber’s Ascenders series and absolutely you should not read it before you have read the first book! You get a fairly good introduction into the story line but in no way it is good enough to really embrace the universe the author has created!
I jumped instantly into the second book when I finished the first book, it was late in the evening but I did not care! I was so wrapped up in this magnificent epic cinematic world that I could not wait to see what comes next! I do not want to give anything away so it is a bit challenging to write the review but what I can say is that this book was even better than the first book, the descriptions were outstanding and to the extent that you could easily picture everything in your mind – the colors, the shapes, the characters, the suspense…The suspense was intense, there were so many twists and turns and many of them were totally out of blue!
The book ends with a cliffhanger, there will be at least one more book (but I can imagine there could be many more) and I cannot wait for it. In some ways it reminds me of the other great series where the authors have created other worlds that entrance us and never let us go and that make you think that maybe, just maybe, it is all possible!
C.L. Gaber has included a wealth of life lessons as she did also in the first book – what is a friendship and can it be broken, every action has a consequence and yes, there are some rules that cannot be broken… The lessons are natural part of the story and in no way come across as preachy and some of them are uttered by historic characters that we actually associate with them.
I recommend this series to everyone, young and mature, there is something for everyone, you will not regret the hours you will spend with the characters!

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The Fix (The Carolina Connections #1) by Sylvie Stewart – Review by Jana Teppih

The Fix (The Carolina Connections #1)The Fix by Sylvie Stewart
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The debut novel The Fix by Sylvie Stewart is the first book in her Carolina Connections series. It is an absolute charming 300+ pages of fun with a lot of laughter! It is a perfect combination of humor and romance and you get pulled into the story even if you try to resist!
I absolutely loved the quirkiness of Laney’s life with her young son Rocco and her brother Gavin and her best friend Fiona and the Irish love interest Nate. The pace of the story is fast so you don’t even realize that it is more than 300 pages, yet you do not feel rushed. The plot feels very realistic and you can just picture this snotty mother at the day care looking down at Laney, we all have met those mothers … I love how Nate finds his way into Laney’s life and forms a relationship with Rocco.
Very often wit romantic books you get a lot of drama and sobbing and hurt feelings but here, you get witty dialogue and funny misunderstandings while still feeling that it is all real and you could just bump into the characters down the street! The author has a very vivid imagination and a way with words, just wait until you ‘hear’ Rocco’s songs or Fiona’s ‘unintended’ double entendres.
I am looking forward to the second book of Carolina Connections and I totally recommend this first book to anyone who is looking for a good laugh, some steamy moments and real emotions!

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Running On Empty (Fleur de Lis #2) by A.L. Vincent – Review by Jana Teppih

Running On Empty (Fleur de Lis #2)Running On Empty by A.L. Vincent
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Running On Empty is the second book in the Fleur de Lis series (I am not sure how Catch and Release fits in here as it seems to be between the first and second book) and you could read it as a standalone but I really recommend you to at least read the ‘Tangled Up In You’ as it will give you so much more insight into the people involved and the dynamics and relationships.
I cannot give fewer star than 5, Ms Vincent continues to blow me away, I literally lived in the shadows along with Grace and Gabriel. I cried with Grace and felt the frustration and helplessness that Gabriel felt and I rooted for them and listened to the songs they sang and pictured the hot and humid Louisiana in my mind and heard the music in the French Quarter and went bar hopping on Bourbon street and laughed when Carly fell off the mechanical bull.
Ms Vincent touches upon the issues that so many of us women we fall victims of and I just love the way she helps Grace to find her way back to herself and then helps Grace and Gabriel to finally find the way to each other. Thank you for a fantastic Sunday that I spent with the boonies in Bon Chance smelling the air and the food and hearing the laughter and feeling the love. You make me to believe that love can be found in the most unusual places! I will be on a lookout for the next book and meanwhile I will finish Catch and Release!

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Part of Me (Friendship, Texas #3) by Magan Vernon – Review by Jana Teppih

Part of Me (Friendship, Texas #3)Part of Me by Magan Vernon
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Part of Me by Magan Vernon is the third book in her Friendship, Texas series. It is the first one I read and yes, you can read it as a standalone though I think one might benefit from having read the other 2 as well.
Friendship is a town in Texas and as we know everything is bigger in Texas and Magan does not disappoint us! It is fun and quirky and emotional and thought provoking and makes you laugh so hard you pee your pants and makes you cry so you reach for the box of Kleenax.
The writer has a way with her words, she paints a picture and it starts from the first Chapter. I have to admit that it took me a bit to get into the story as at first it felt as if it is a high school story but as I read along, it pulled me in and I realized that it is NOT a high school story and that Sofia is actually someone who has had to grow up fast and knows the lows of life. The same about Johnny, he is not the jolly go fellow who works hard on swimming but parties the rest of the time, he is very attentive and caring and considerate.
I love how the author writes about very important and sensitive issues in a goofy and sweet way. You will not regret picking up this book and spending couple of hours with Sofia and Johnny. I know that I will go back for some more Friendship, Texas stories!

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Forever Mine: (Inspirational Romantic Suspense) (The Lake Shores Series Book 4) by Aimee Martin – Review by Jana Teppih

Forever Mine: (Inspirational Romantic Suspense) (The Lake Shores Series Book 4)Forever Mine: (Inspirational Romantic Suspense) by Aimee Martin
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Forever Mine by Aimee Martin is the fourth and last book in her The Lake Shores series, I had not read the first three when I started with this one and I feel that it did in no way hinder me to enjoy this one so I say that you could read it as a standalone!
I have never been into inspirational stories that refer to God and scriptures but I decided to read the story anyhow and I liked how Aimee had used it as guidance for the characters in their decision making. You do not need to be a Christian to relate to it!
It was an amazing story, it is a love story of Blake and Kellina who both carry their own baggage that makes it hard from them to dare to open up to each other and to love but it is in vain, what needs to happen will happen! The story keeps you on your toes and you really root for both Kellina and Blake. On top of that there is a bit of mystery and suspense involved that gets revealed only in the end so that is an additional driving force for not to stop before you get to the end!
I have to say that I got intrigued by the story and I will find time to read the first three books of the series, we meet the other 3 couples in this book so I am sure that you will feel the same way as me!
Thank you Aimee for a wonderful book that left me crying and smiling and made it so worth the late hours I got into to finish it!

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Tapped (Brewing Passion, #1) by Liz Crowe – Review by Jana Teppih

Tapped (Brewing Passion, #1)Tapped by Liz Crowe
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Tapped is the first book of Liz Crowe’s Brewing Passion series. It is the first book by this author that I have had an immense pleasure to read. I think you can guess from my previous sentence what I thought of the book – I really liked it and I am looking forward to the next installment, I hope she will not keep us waiting too long!
The book is set in the Midwest and in the never ending battlefield of relationships of people from blue collar world and the privileged world. You could expect something along the stereotypes but Liz is very good at going beyond them. We see some great fireworks between Evelyn and Austin and they are understandable when thinking of how different worlds they come from though both of them carry their own baggage. It is true that money does not buy happiness and it comes with strings.
Another layer of dynamics comes in the form of the relationship among Evelyn, Austin and Ross. I loved the way how the “screwing around and sharing women as young men” grew into something amazing and eventually essential to both Austin and Ross. It was also great to follow Evelyn in her discovery in her relationship with Austin and in her relationship with Austin and Ross.
There are a lot of extremely erotic scenes but they are well written and they feel true to the characters involved in them… it is never without the emotions.
There is a lot of passion and love and doubt in this story and it keeps you on a rollercoaster until the last page. It felt as if the ending was a bit abrupt but on the other hand, there will be another book!

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A Taste of Utopia by L. Duarte – Review by Jana Teppih

A Taste of UtopiaA Taste of Utopia by L. Duarte
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

A Taste of Utopia by Luciana Duarte blows you away! I cried and I laughed and I cried and I could not fall asleep as the images I got in my head while reading the book refused to leave me … You are amazing, I am humbled by your talent of creating characters that resonant so much with one that it is so hard to let them go!
This story is not an easy or light romantic read, it is beautiful, amazing, steamy and romantic with some really heavy baggage that BOTH of the main characters carry with them. They are PERFECT for each other, they balance each other out, they enable each other to express the sides they have suppressed or that they think they have no right for …. It is a journey to discovering what love means to one, how a completely broken person can be put back together when they meet the right person and when they open themselves up to the possibility of love … We will meet again Luna and Caleb and Caleb’s parents from Fall Out Girl here but it is not continuation of their story!
I have always been drawn to words and the emotions and images they evoke and I am telling that after having read two books by Ms Duarte that are linked with each other, she is a master with words! You have no choice but keep reading as you are caught in the net from the first page on and you know that there is no escape until you have reached the last page …
Do yourself a favor and read this book, you will not regret the time you will use for it, it will make you to appreciate your life or it makes you to re-evaluate your life, you will NOT walk away from it untouched!

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Cherishing You (Thirsty Hearts Series #3) by Kris Jayne – Review by Jana Teppih

Cherishing You (Thirsty Hearts Series #3)Cherishing You by Kris Jayne
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Cherishing You by Kris Jayne is the third of the series and it is the second book by Ms Jayne that I read. I read the fourth book couple of months ago so I am sort of going backwards you could say.
I gave the fourth book 4 stars and recommended it but I would give this one five stars and recommend it even more (I am planning to read the first and second books as well as I want to know how we got to where we got to with this book).
As I had not read the previous books leading up to the story, I did not have any preconceived notions about Shannon, we get glimpses into her previous actions and get a feeling that she was not such a ‘nice’ person the second book of the series but in my eyes, it simply means that she is one very complex character and I am looking forward to getting to know her even more.
I read this book in one setting and it has been a while since I cried as much as I did with this book and I am telling you, they were not happy tears … I feel for Shannon, it takes a lot out of her to turn her life around, to keep fighting for her right to be loved, to deserve to be loved, gain loyal friends …
The book shows us how through hard work and determination and forgiving ourselves we can raise like a phoenix from ashes and get onto a right path … it is though the person themselves who needs to want it and who needs to look oneself in the eyes and say “no longer will I be in denial, no longer will I let myself to be stepped on as I have the right to love myself and be loved”!
Thank you Ms Jayne for an amazing book, despite bowling my eyes out and having hard time to fall as sleep as bits and pieces of the book kept interfering with it, you created characters that stay with us, make us think and isn’t that what great books are supposed to do?

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Teach Me Something (Something, #4) by Aubrey Bondurant – Review by Jana Teppih

Teach Me Something (Something, #4)Teach Me Something by Aubrey Bondurant
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Teach Me Something is the fourth book in the Something series by Aubrey Bondurant and I have read all four of them by now and I cannot wait for the next one (as there will be a next one at some point later this year!)
WARNING! You do not need a magic eight ball to tell you that this is a highly addictive series and every time you finish a book you start thinking of characters you encountered that you hope that Ms Bondurant would give their own book to! When I finished the third book I knew that the fourth one would be about Catherine and I have to say that this is the best one of all of them!
I think that Ms Bondurant’s writing gets better and better with each book, the topics she touches upon become more and more complex and challenging and she does justice to them! In this story we have the older woman-younger man situation, how to find yourself after a divorce, how to find your confidence as a woman, how to deal with guilt that is actually not yours as you were too young to have a choice about the situation that brings the guilt about, difficulty with asking for help and feeling that you deserve the help and love … Ms Bondurant really tackled some hard issues in her story about Catherine and her man!
I read this book in one sitting, I could not put it down as I wanted to know how Catherine and her man find their way to their HEA … I am so happy to have been able to take this ride with them! I invite all you to take a chance and take the ride as well!

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Tangled Up In You (Fleur de Lis #1) by A.L. Vincent – Review by Jana Teppih

Tangled Up In You (Fleur de Lis #1)Tangled Up In You by A.L. Vincent
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Tangled Up In You by Ms Vincent is a good feel PG rated story of second chances. It is the first book in her Fleur de Lis series and I am looking forward to reading the next book (which luckily at this time has already been released).
I loved the slower pace of the story and while I was reading it, I felt like I was back in Louisiana – taking your time, heat and humidity, smells, flavors, people taking care of each other … I remembered walking down the Bourbon Street in the evening with masses of people going from a bar to bar, laughing and drinking, the music… Having beignets in Café Du Monde, the sweetness of them melting on my tongue … Tarot readers on the Jackson Square, sitting down and having my past and future read … (well, we are not going to talk about if it was correct or not).
I loved the way the author described the closeness of people in a small community, how people look out for each other and are there for each other, the acceptance of one’s mistakes and quirks, even when you are as crazy as Fuzzy Bear.
The main characters of this story are Emily and Noah, each has their own baggage and challenges … As I said, it is a story of second chances and the way they find the way (back) to each other is beautifully and soulfully told. You feel like you are journeying along with them and at times you mentally reach out your hand to comfort them … at times you mentally clap your hands when they have overcome a challenge. They have a great group of people supporting them and I am looking forward to hearing more about them!
Please keep writing Ms Vincent! You are bringing us all to Louisiana and to the ordinary people living their daily lives, facing similar challenges we are facing and interweaving it with the essence of Louisiana! Thank you for writing it so that everyone can read it (no steamy sex scenes, simply intimacy and closeness)!

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Promises of Virtue (Earthbound Angels Book 2) by Randi Perrin – Review by Jana Teppih

Promises of Virtue (Earthbound Angels Book 2)Promises of Virtue by Randi Perrin
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Promises of Virtue is the second book of the series of Earthbound Angels and Ms Perrin did not let me down! I got fascinated by Cheryl in the first book and I was curious what Ms Perrin had in mind for her …
This story of a fallen angel in Paris, meeting another Earthbound angel who is stalked by Darkness, and then hey, there is this other American with a little orphaned daughter that is somehow connected to the French angel … what do you think will happen? Anything can happen and will … The twist and turns are mind boggling, the art, the food, the chemistry, the steam … olalla … I wonder if I could say ‘What happens in Paris …. needs to happen again!”
Ms Perrin words transport us where she wants us to go and we simply go along on a ride of a life time! Along Cheryl and Luc’s story, we also get a tour of Paris and insight into Monet.
I finished the book the day I got it and now I am in withdrawal … I hope the next Earthbound Angels story will come soon and will be even better. Ms Perrin keeps lifting the bar on herself!
You can read the book as a standalone I guess but I would never recommend you to do so, you would be missing out on so much so please, read Virtue of Death before you tackle Promised of Virtue, you will not regret it!

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Enigma: The Final Chapter (Enigma #4) by Shandi Boyes – Review by Jana Teppih

Enigma: The Final Chapter (Enigma #4)Enigma: The Final Chapter by Shandi Boyes
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Enigma: The Final Chapter Isaac’s Story Book 4 by Shandi Boyes is the fourth book of the Series and definitely not a standalone. As the title says, it is the final chapter of Isaac’s story but it is not the last book, there will be more! Hugo will get his book and Hunter’s book is next so I am sure or more like I hope, we will hear more about Izzie and Isaac and Callie…
I have loved every book of Isaac’s Story and I have to admit, it has gotten better with every installment. At times I thought I had figured it all out and then… a total twist, there was actually nothing that I had figured out and that made the ending even sweeter!
In the final chapter we really find out if the love and trust between Isaac and Izzie will stand in the face of their greatest challenge so far … We will see how far Izzie will go to protect Isaac and how she will face her greatest fear.
I highly recommend the series to everyone! You will have many enjoyable hours ahead of you!

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Two Hearts Surrendered (Two Hearts Wounded Warrior Romance, #1) by Tamara Ferguson – Review by Jana Teppih

Two Hearts Surrendered (Two Hearts Wounded Warrior Romance, #1)Two Hearts Surrendered by Tamara Ferguson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Two Hearts Surrendered by Tamara Ferguson is the first novella in her Two Hearts Wounded Warrior series which seems to be a spin-off her Takes of the Dragonfly series. You can totally read it as a standalone but if you fall in love with this book like I did, you will want to read the other stories in the series and you want to know more about the people you meet at the Dragonfly Pointe in Crystal Rock.
It is a military romance as you can guess from the title of the series. I have read quite a few books that deal with the challenges that the returning soldiers face. I am humbled by the way how Tamara Ferguson is able to convey it to us with her writing.
The story is obviously fictional but filled so much with the real live challenges that the return vets face that it could easily be based on a true story. It is a beautifully written story that you cannot put down, I cried and I laughed and I cried some more … it is so overwhelming, the pain and the love and the understanding and the support …
For me, the underlying lesson to take away is that it does not matter how much you have suffered and how tragic your life is, if there is someone who is willing to stick by you and has unconditional and bottomless care and love for you, do not push them away … there is a blessing in there and an opportunity to be happy.
I invite you to take the time and spend some hours with Luke and Kelly, you will not regret it!

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Ascenders: High School for the Recently Departed (Ascenders Saga Book 1) by C.L. Gaber – Review by Jana Teppih

High School for the Recently Departed (Ascenders #1)High School for the Recently Departed by C.L. Gaber
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Ascenders by CL Gaber is a young adult paranormal book where the author gives us an imaginative and creative look into afterlife. She has created a whole new world for us and this is just the first step/book. It is the world between life and the afterlife where the children and teenagers and young adults end up when they die and you are not ‘eligible’ to go up or down.
I loved the writing, it felt as if you were sitting in the movies and there was this amazing 3D blowing your mind away story unfolding in front of you and you just have to hold on for the ride!
The story pulled me in from the beginning, it was crazy to follow Walker in her ‘new’ reality where she was the only one who did not know yet that she was dead. I have to admit, I cried a lot when I read the book, I also laughed a lot … and I never really experienced the high school in the way it is generally portrayed in the books and movies so it was fun to read how the author conformed to the ‘high school stereotype’ but made it so fun that you could laugh your pants off.
I loved the dynamics and intimacy between Walker and Daniel, the compassion both of them inspire in us, we keep our fingers crossed until the last page and I have to say that I jumped straight into the second book when I was done with the first one, you just cannot let go of the story as you want to know … what will be the punishment, what will be next…
And then there were the side characters, oh my… it was really cool to make connection to the famous people who we know from the history and who turn up as teachers or guest lecturers at the Academy aka the high school, as the title says!
Put aside some time and enjoy it! You will not regret it!

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Enigma: The Mystery Unmasked (Enigma #3) by Shandi Boyes – Review by Jana Teppih

Enigma: The Mystery Unmasked (Enigma #3)Enigma: The Mystery Unmasked by Shandi Boyes
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Enigma: The Mystery Unmasked by Shandi Boyes is book three of a four book Series. I do NOT recommend to read it as a standalone! You will lose out on so much!
I read this book in one setting and luckily I had the last book of the series as well already so I did not need to suffer an Enigma hangover and could continue to the last book of Isaac and Isabelle’s story.
There is something about the way Shandi writes, any time I think that it cannot get any better, it does… she creates these powerful pictures and stories with her words, you get sucked into the mystery and questions and heartache along with the characters. You question your sanity and ask yourself what would I do in this situation. You lament and laugh and keep your fingers crossed. You get angry with Izzie and feel like shaking her and when the book is over, you find yourself reaching for the next book as how can one stay angry with Izzie, really?
What is also great about this third book is that you Shandi starts getting more into the secondary characters as well, we learn more about Hunter and Hugo and Reagan … it all fits into storyline so it is not forced.
I recommend that you take a whole weekend for this book and have the fourth book at hand, otherwise the story will haunt your dreams and you will be distracted at work!

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Fall Out Girl by L. Duarte – Review by Jana Teppih

Fall Out GirlFall Out Girl by L. Duarte
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Fall Out Girl by Luciana Duarte is a YA book that blows you away! I cried and I laughed and I raged and I was amazed. Your words Dear Ms Duarte, you put so much truth in them, they make one think, question what one believes in… You tear us down and then you build us up …. Where do you take it all from?
This story is about Luna and Caleb and all the other characters that are part of their lives. Luna is a badass drug dealer who volunteers at an animal shelter and takes care of her younger cousin Jake. She is full of dreams and hopes … Caleb is this adorable golden boy, the son of a judge and he is the one who will break through Luna’s façade …
I admire Luna very much, she is so much more mature than one would expect from a 17-year-old, I feel for her for the decisions she needs to take, things she does that might jeopardize her future, the way she took care of her cousin … I loved the relationship Luna and Caleb had, the simplicity of it, their love that defines the course of their life …
This book is magical, powerful, meaningful, realistic, heartbreaking, hopeful… It is full of emotions and pain, hope and love. I strongly recommend anyone to read it, it is a YA book but it is so much more!

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The Girl Worth Fighting For (The Girl Series, #2) by Julia Goda – Review by Jana Teppih

The Girl Worth Fighting For (The Girl Series, #2)The Girl Worth Fighting For by Julia Goda
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I just finished reading The Girl Worth Fighting For (The Girl Series, #2) by Julia Goda and I have to say that I absolutely loved it! It was my first book by this writer and it did not disappoint me.
I think you can read it as a standalone (as I did) but I felt that I was missing out on quite a bit, at the same time it made me curious about Lizzie and Cole (Book 1) and I will read it in the near future.
It is a book about how our past defines our future, how we create copying mechanism that might jeopardize our path to fulfillment. I also liked how the writer showed us that through persistence and commitment, one can move forward.
There are a lot of great other characters in this book and I am looking forward to Bobby’s story and Ashley and Jesse’s story and… I loved the tangents that the writer went off to and how she linked it to Logan and Rainey, it is hard to put this book down once you start reading. They pull you in and you cry with them and laugh with them and hope with them and curse with them and …. You get the picture…
For anyone whose past has helped shaped their future, Rainey and Logan’s story will touch you and you will want more!

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Unraveling an Enigma (Enigma #2) by Shandi Boyes – Review by Jana Teppih

Unraveling an Enigma (Enigma #2)Unraveling an Enigma by Shandi Boyes
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Unraveling an Enigma: Isaacs Story by Shandi Boyes is Book 2 of a 4-book Series. You can read it as a standalone as the writer is able to write in a way that you do not feel as if you are missing anything BUT I would not recommend reading this book before reading Book 1 first, you would be missing out a lot.
It is a powerful story about the unconditional love, breaking the rules and endless devotion. As I had read the first book I planned my whole Saturday around reading Book 2 – I knew that I wanted to start and not stop until I was done with it. And I did so! I laughed and I cried and I sat on tender hooks while keeping reading to find out what is happening and the ending… oh my word, I cannot wait to start on Book 3!
The book gives us more insight into why Isaac is the way he is, we get to know other characters more and of course, we fall more and more in love with Isaac along with Isabel so we feel what she is feeling…
Shandi Boyes is an amazing writer and has a true talent. I am really happy for finding this author and I cannot wait to read Book 3 (and I think I will need to make time to read the other books in her Perception series so that I could learn more about Isaac’s brother Nick and…).

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Bet Me Something (Something, #3) by Aubrey Bondurant – Review by Jana Teppih

Bet Me Something (Something, #3)Bet Me Something by Aubrey Bondurant
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Bet Me Something is the third book in the Something series by Aubrey Bondurant and I have read all three of them and am impatiently waiting for the 9th of February when the fourth book is coming out!
WARNING! It is a highly addictive series and every time you finish a book you start thinking of characters you encountered that you hope that Ms Bondurant would give their own book to! I know Catherine is coming next but what about Mark and Will and… you get my drift! You become an addict thinking of your next fix.
As I have read all three books in the series, it feels as if the writing is getting better and better with each book, Ms Bondurant has truly grown into her craft and there is nothing in the book that I would take away or have an issue with or… I think she is great with building the story, showing how Kenzie is growing into herself and finding out what it is that she is supposed to be doing with her life, standing up for herself, her love…and Colby, a man child, vulnerable and playboy, needing to grow up and stop hiding and take a stand… Ms Bondurant does not write about being perfect and having everything come easy, she writes about that we need to work for what we want and what we deserve!
Some might say that the book is too long but I disagree, the journey to find one self is not short, relationships that last are not short so how could a book conveying all it to be short (also, I looove long books). I had to compromise a bit on my sleep but it was so worth it! If you work, I suggest plan a weekend with the book and tell your friends that you are not available! You will not regret it!
You can read Bet Me Something without having read the first two books but I really recommend to read the other two as well (they are available on Kindle Unlimited…. hint, hint…), you will get so much more out of the series when you read all three books.
SO, now I need somehow manage to last until the 9th of February – only 3 more weeks …. And then I will find out what Ms Bondurant has in store for Catherine…. hmm… I wonder what ….

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Ask Me Something (Something, #2) by Aubrey Bondurant – Review by Jana Teppih

Ask Me Something (Something, #2)Ask Me Something by Aubrey Bondurant
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Ask Me Something is the second book in the Something series by Aubrey Bondurant and it is the second book I have read by this writer.
I have to say that I was very much looking forward to this book after finishing the first one as there were quite a few characters in the first book that I thought that it would be interesting to see how their stories could look like. This book is a story of Sasha and Brian.
I was in no way disappointed, Ms Bondurant’s writing was even better, the characters were more complex, there were no embellishments, you were getting hit with emotions right and left…I cannot tell you how much I cried while I was reading this book… Don’t worry, it is not a bad thing, I think it gives credit to the writer’s ability to write so well that I could relate to what was going on to the extent it made me cry. I did laugh out loud as well, no doubt there!
Ms Bondurant does not shy away from the topics that many of us struggle with – control over being vulnerable, anxiety, panic attacks, being alone or trusting, keeping appearances or letting people in… I felt like I was living the life Sasha was living, feeling the pain, confusion, triumphs, love, sex…
The sexy scenes are plentiful and they fit into the story line. They show clearly how the intimacy keeps growing between Sasha and Brian. Nothing is wrong between two people if they there is an agreement and trust.
You can read the book as a standalone but why should you when there is a great first book that introduces you to the world Ms Bondurant is creating for us. Get a glass of wine and settle down for the long evening (or weekend) and enjoy yourself! Have a box of Kleenex at hand, you will need it if you let yourself to go on a journey with Sasha and Brian!
I am hooked on the series and the third book is already lined up in my e-reader! The expectations are high and I am sure Ms Bondurant will be delivering!

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Unbroken Fates (Fates Reborn #1) by G.M. Scherbert – Review by Jana Teppih

Unbroken Fates (Fates Reborn #1)Unbroken Fates by G.M. Scherbert
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Unbroken Fates by GM Scherbert is the first book in the Fates Reborn Series. This is the first book by this writer that I have read so I was curious what it would be about.
Unbroken Fates is a very emotional rollercoaster story that pulls you in from the beginning. It is also a very well written BDSM novel that gives a great introduction into that world to someone who maybe has never read anything like that before. In addition to the BDSM topic which saucy videos of can be enjoyed at websites similar to, one also encounters the ‘older woman – younger man controversy.
The story is told alternating between the two main characters Nicholas and Alexandra and it is amazing how the writer is able to get into the shoes of each of the character providing us with the back story to their actions and reactions. The emotions that Alex and Nick feel are extremely intense and raw just like the sex on and it is clear why the betrayal cuts as deep as it does and why it takes so much and so long to regain the trust.
It is a great read; as it is a BDSM novel and contains scenes of strong sexual nature, it is suitable for mature readers, just like hot material from websites like The story is fast and has you turning page after page so be prepared that you cannot put it down before you are actually done with it. I suggest to take the time and get on the journey of self-discovery with Alex and Nick, you have nothing to lose and a lot to gain when staying true to one self and going against the norm and societal expectations!

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Carnage at the Christmas Party: A Mystery Novella (A Windy Pines Mystery Book 2) by Holly Tierney-Bedord – Review by Jana Teppih

Carnage at the Christmas Party: A Mystery Novella (A Windy Pines Mystery Book 2)Carnage at the Christmas Party: A Mystery Novella by Holly Tierney-Bedord
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Carnage at the Christmas Party by Holly Tierney-Bedford is book two in the Windy Pines mystery series. It can be read as a stand-alone novella.
It is the second book I am reading by Holly Tierney-Bedord and I have to admit that it was not my cup of tea but it does not mean that it was not a good book. It is a crazy, silly and easy read and I imagine that someone who likes mysteries might really get a kick out of it.
One thing that I really like about this writer’s books are those quirky weird characters who you have to sort of scratch your head a bit and think to yourself “hmmm I think I really like/hate him/her”. She does not let us down in this mystery novella either – there are characters here that you would like to introduce to ‘carnage’ way before the party, Charlotte at times felt a bit weak but then thinking that you are 26 years old and are trying to get into a new job with some lecherous males with power, well I think she was doing pretty well, Ensar was just a delight AND I absolutely loved Mr Primate. AND I really dig some of the names like O’Leery!
The story has many twists and as it is with good mysteries, you do need to wait until the end to find out who is the culprit; maybe one downside is that even though the title of the novella is Carnage at the Christmas Party, in the novella itself the whole carnage is over very fast, maybe the blood thirsty in me wanted a bit more.
I recommend it as a quick holiday read when you are overwhelmed with your kids and visitors, you can cause carnage in your head instead of in the real life!

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Enigma of Life (Enigma #1) by Shandi Boyes – Review by Jana Teppih

Enigma of Life (Enigma #1)Enigma of Life by Shandi Boyes
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Enigma of Life – Isaac’s Story is the first book in the Enigma Series or Book 6 of Perception series. It is all about Isaac.
I cannot tell you how much I loved this book! I wish I could give it more than 5 stars! I just finished it and I know what my next books are (Books two, three and four), I am happy that I happened to read the first book when all the other ones had been released already, don’t know how I would have managed to survive the wait!
This book sucks you in and doesn’t let you up for air until you are done with it! I have to confess, I read it in one go! I am completely in love with both Isaac and Isabelle, they both are complex characters and dig their way into your heart. When the book ends, your heart breaks and you feel the need to go and get the next book right away (I will wait until tomorrow as I have to go to bed and work tomorrow!).
It is not your typical love story, there are ethical questions Isabelle struggles with, the past that both of them are impacted by and the undeniable chemistry…
I so recommend the series to anyone who is looking for a story that spans multiple books, keeps you on your toes, finds you rooting for complex characters that have earned your love and admiration and has some hot sex thrown into it. You will NOT be disappointed!

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