
Catching Caroline (Silver Falls Book 1) by Megan Nugen Isbell – Review by Jana Teppih

Catching Caroline (Silver Falls Book 1)Catching Caroline by Megan Nugen Isbell
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Catching Caroline is the first book in Megan Nugen Isbell’s new series Silver Falls. It is the first book I have read by this writer and I was really curious about the book when I read the synopsis.
The story of Caroline Hale and Adam DeLain takes place in a small town in Vermont. I love what the American small towns stand for and the writer successfully conveyed it to all of us! Kudos!
Caroline is Adam’s best friend’s Saywer’s little sister who waitresses at her grandparents diner while going to college. She is a sweet sweet girl who has been in her one and only relationship since she was 16. She does not really understand her own allure. Adam is a small town boy who has made it to the professional baseball league and plays for Red Sox in Boston. He has left the small town behind and is so different from the boy that Caroline used to know and idolize.
The story is about going back to your roots and finding out that a lot has changed but the true essence has not – Caroline is still the sweetest shy girl that makes Adam’s heart beat in overtime and makes him to see her as a grown up woman and not just the little girl that used to follow him around. Caroline needs to dig deep and find out if she can trust Adam as she has seen him parading all those supermodel beauties on his arm since he made it up the ranks to the Red Sox.
It was a well written story that pulls at your heart strings, I got frustrated with Caroline often and I have to admit that I also got frustrated with the writer and actually had hard time to finish the book though I liked the story line! She threw into tailspin with using words that I could not relate to and that jarred me while reading … but that might totally be just my thing… I still think it is a great story and I am looking forward to the next book … I wonder whose it is, there is Erica the sassy cousin and I am sure the older brother Saywer could also have a story and …

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A Way Back Into Love (Love, #1) by Veronica Thatcher – Review by Jana Teppih

A Way Back Into Love (Love, #1)A Way Back Into Love by Veronica Thatcher
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

A Way Back Into Love is Veronica Thatcher’s debut and the first book in her Love series. It was a great story and great writing for the first book! Who would not love a story of best friends turned lovers even if there is a lot of heartbreak involved … isn’t that what makes the story?!
The story is about Emily Stevens and Derek Thorpe who have been best friends since they first met (since Emily saved Derek’s “bacon”) when they were six years old on their first day of kindergarten. They have been inseparable for fifteen years!
This story is of unspoken feelings and misunderstandings and running away and relationships between parents and their children and … you just name it! It is also about growing up and facing your past and returning home … There is a lot of wreckage to get over, a lot of people impacted by the renewed relationship and I am telling you, it was in no way an easy ride! Be prepared for bowling your eyes out and screaming in frustration and walking away from the book and then coming back and hoping for the best and …
I loved how Veronica used the flashback writing style – it made the story a bit crazy to follow at times BUT at the same time it kept you on your toes and keeping your fingers crossed and every time there was a flashback you went ‘aha, that is what it is …’ I invite you to the lives of Emily and Derek and you will not regret being part of their journey!

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Dropkick My Heart (Powerhouse M.A. #1) by Winter Travers – Review by Jana Teppih

Dropkick My Heart (Powerhouse M.A. #1)Dropkick My Heart by Winter Travers
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Dropkick My Heart is the first book in Winter Travers’ Powerhouse M.A. series. It truly kicks the series off with a bang! After reading the synopsis, I knew I had to read it, what else should I have thought?!
This story is about Kellan “the Kung Fu Hottie” Writhgt and Molly “the Cookie” Rey (don’t you just want to read it when seeing their nicknames!). Kellan is one of the four friends who opened a Martial Arts Studio next to Molly’s coffee shop Java Spot. Thin walls, spunky book club members, mischief and delicious cookies and brownies and amazing coffee drinks and we are set for a fun and light hearted read! It was an amazing read and blew my mind away! It was such a great break from the dark ones I have somehow ended reading lately and Winter Travers really made my evening!
Dropkick My Heart was a story of 2 hard headed people who both think that they are in the right and they will go a distance to make sure of it. I mean there was nothing mean and petty about it, it was just two people coming from 2 completely different worlds with different experiences who needed to figure out how to find a way to each other! The attraction between Kellan and Molly was undeniable from the first moment they met!
It was a great start to a series that I will be coming back to. Have to confess, I already got the second book downloaded and I know exactly when I will be reading it!

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Akio: A Short Story (UNDER GROUND #0.5) by Alice Rachel – Review by Jana Teppih

Akio: A Short Story (UNDER GROUND #0.5)Akio: A Short Story by Alice Rachel
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Akio by Alice Rachel is a short story in her Under Ground series that should be read after the second book! Seriously! Read those short stories that she is releasing, man, they give you so much insight into the main characters and the persons important to the main characters!
Alice Rachel, I really really do not like you at times (when I read the short stories)! Why do your characters always have suffered horrible things? These heart breaking things that they have had to survive as children… Maybe I am trying to read too much into it but it simply breaks my heart …
At the same time I also love you Alice Rachel, the way how you have handled Akio’s sexuality, the care you are taking to describe it …. You have my heart!
It is scary how the lines between the reality the writer has created in her world of Under Ground and what we live out here in the real world, have started to blur… Crazy … I cannot wait to see where she will take us!

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Cecilia and Tyreese: A Short Story (UNDER GROUND #0.4) by Alice Rachel – Review by Jana Teppih

Cecilia and Tyreese: A Short Story (UNDER GROUND #0.4)Cecilia and Tyreese: A Short Story by Alice Rachel
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Cecilia and Tyreese by Alice Rachel is a short story in her Under Ground series and is it supposed to be read after the 2nd book. I loved the story! It is amazing how much more you can start getting out of Alice’s books when you read these short stories! I always thought that Tia’s mom was such a cold biatch but now, after reading this short story, my heart aches for her!
“Pretense and silence are a woman’s only protections in this world.” What an existence! Ask yourself – could you do that? Think of a life lived with a someone who you cannot stand, someone who humiliates you, abuses you and you have absolutely no escape … I know it sounds very much like our world today and this story can be a warning of what is in store for us, women, if we do not keep fighting for our rights!
Alice Rachel, you are killing me with every single one of your short stories!

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Omorrow (Ascenders #3) by C.L. Gaber – Review by Jana Teppih

Omorrow (Ascenders #3)Omorrow by C.L. Gaber
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Ascenders: Omorrow is the third book in C. L. Gaber’s Ascenders Saga. I personally do not think that it should/could be read as a standalone! There is so much that we have learnt about all of the main characters and the dynamics between and among them and their motivation in the first two books and you would totally lose out on that!
I have to say that so far Omorrow has been my absolute favorite out of the three. I do NOT know where the writer finds her inspiration, her imagination simply blows me away with every single page! I am telling you, I cannot wait for the next book! She has left me in a limbo, again, waiting for my next fix!
This story runs you through a gamut of emotions – I cried, a lot, I laughed, I raged, I feared, I …. Well, you get the picture … This books keeps you on the edge of your seat, literally, and you will NOT leave before you have finished it AND then end comes way too early …
This is a continuing story of Walker and Daniel and their friends and foes where they continue on their journey to finish the mission given to them by the Higher Authority. You will find out if you know your history and historical figures, it is such a fun to go and say, hi, I know who she means!
I love how the writer has created such a strong character (and female role model) in Walker, I kept falling more in love with her with every chapter. Daniel is nothing to sneeze at either. The writer has given us a super couple with a fantastic set of friends.
I recommend this series to anyone, doesn’t matter if you are young or old, everyone will find something (actually a lot) to enjoy!

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Encroachment (Coach’s Shadow Trilogy, #2) by Monica DeSimone – Review by Jana Teppih

Encroachment (Coach's Shadow Trilogy, #2)Encroachment by Monica DeSimone
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Encroachment is the second book in Monica DeSimone’s Coach’s Shadow Trilogy. I guess you could read it as a standalone but reading the first book would give you some background information on the other characters that appear in the story. The series is a sport romance and by now, I can say I am a fan of sports romance! I loved how Monica showed us what happened to the characters from the first book and that is why I stand with the statement that you absolutely should read the first book before starting on this one!
This story takes you through a gamut of emotions, I cried and I laughed and I raged and I was so proud of the heroine that I could barely contain it! The writer has created another story that pulls you from the first page! She has created characters that bring along a journey and make us feel what they are feeling and I am telling you, they feel deep so you feel deep …
This story is about Claire McEvoy and Jackson ‘Jack’ Alexander. Jack has loved Claire since she was 15 years old and he was 22 when they were the best friends. He knows the secret Claire has been hiding for the past 23 years, he knows the violence she lived through and admires her for how she has picked up the pieces and what kind of a woman she has become. Jack has never forgotten about Claire and has always kept his eyes on her and now, when he is back in her life, he will NOT allow her to push him away.
Throughout the story, we are kept on tenterhooks, will Jack succeed and pull down the walls Claire has had to build to cope with the violence she experienced when she was 15. Will he get her to trust him …? Will he win her …? Will Claire give Jack a chance to make her happy …?
I cannot wait for the third book in the series, I hope she does not keep us waiting too long … We need to find out what happens next!!!

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Dropout (The Good Guys) by Jamie Schlosser – Review by Jana Teppih

Dropout (The Good Guys)Dropout by Jamie Schlosser
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Dropout is the third book in Jamie Schlosser’s The Good Guys series that takes place in the little town of Tolson in the middle of nowhere of Midwest America! Well, you can read it as a standalone but really, why would you not read Trucker and Dancer before tackling Dropout knowing that you would get so much more out of it …
This story is about 19-year-old James ‘Jimmy’ Peabody Johnson and a 21-year-old Mackenna ‘Mack’ Connelly. I know I know, some would be put off by the age difference but heck, I have rarely met someone in their 20ies who would be as mature as Jimmy was. I do not believe in age, I believe in who you are deep down and he is kind, considerate and feels strong. Mack is another one who is way mature beyond her years and there is no surprise there, she has experienced a lot in her 21 years.
There are a lot of holy moly moments in this book, I cried and I laughed and I got angry … so I ran a whole gamut of emotions, it was that well written! Jamie really knows how to spin a story and pull you in (it was another late night with this book as I needed to finish it!).
I loved that the writer showed us that one does not need to go and get a college degree to be successful and happy in their lives, you simply need to find your passion and follow it. You can make a beautiful life in a small town amongst hard working people that have your back!
I very much enjoyed to get know Jimmy’s grandmother Beverly more (we met her first time in the first book and she was a total hoot!). She is such a character and she made me miss my grandmother who has been gone for over 20 years … What an acceptance and joie de vivre! Not a dull moment!
I invite you on a ride that will not leave you cold! I hope that Jamie will have some more Good Guys to write about!

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Dancer (The Good Guys) by Jamie Schlosser – Review by Jana Teppih

Dancer (The Good Guys)Dancer by Jamie Schlosser
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Dancer is the second book in Jamie Schlosser’s The Good Guys series. I have to admit, I jumped straight into it after finishing the first book (Trucker). Jamie did NOT disappoint me! It was actually quite a few degrees hotter than Trucker and it made so sense when I think of Colton. You can probably read it as a standalone but you get much more out of it if you read Trucker first!
Dancer is a hot and sexy ‘best friends falling in love’ story that blows you out of water! The chemistry between Colton Evans and Brielle “Ellie” Mitchell was off the charts, the story was fast paced but not too fast, I could not put it down until I had finished it (it was another late night for me…why could we not just live off reading books…).
I loved Brielle, she was such a sassy, independent and sweet girl who had made it through all those challenges thrown on her way, she comes through with flying colors (just picture a small town’s prejudice and gossip and … you hopefully can imagine what she has had to fight with). Colton is nothing to sneeze at either. Well, he is a 22-year-old with a little problem, things below his belt buckle have not been working the way they should and you can imagine how it makes him feel … Well, it takes only one glance and Ellie and that little problem is a problem of past …
Jamie throws in couple of unexpected twists that make sense and show us what Colton and Ellie are made of! I wish there were more 22 year olds of their caliber, we would have much more hope for a better future then!
I am sure that once you have read and loved Tucker, you will be like me, hungry for the next one!

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Mercy & Mayhem (Men of Mercy #6.5; Operation Mayhem, #0.5) by Lindsay Cross – Review by Jana Teppih

Mercy & Mayhem (Men of Mercy #6.5; Operation Mayhem, #0.5)Mercy & Mayhem by Lindsay Cross
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Mercy & Mayhem by Lindsay Cross is the first book in her Operation Mayhem series that probably can be classified as a spin-off of her Men of Mercy series. I have not read the Men of Mercy series but I got a feeling while reading Mercy & Mayhem that many of the men in the Task Force Scorpion have had their stories already and I might have benefitted of knowing them but well, I managed without that and got a real kick out of this book.
It was hell of a ride that Marley and Mack took us on while going after the elusive Mr. J (a traitor who has been tinkering with a serum and creating super soldiers). I like this kind of genre where you deal with ‘mad scientists’ who want to manipulate the genes and create super soldiers/assassins etc.
I found the insta-love/lust between Marley and Mack a bit over the top but I could see how it fit in the story line. At no point felt I that I can put the book down and walk away. There is a lot of emotion and guilt and healing and action and heat in this book so there is no boring moment!
There are quite a few openings here for several potential books so the writer leaves you pondering and asking yourself ‘who will be next’, ‘what will happen next’, ‘where will we go from here’…. It is a good way to finish and I personally am looking forward to the next story!

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Love, Me (Pleasant Valley, #2) by Anna Brooks – Review by Jana Teppih

Love, Me (Pleasant Valley, #2)Love, Me by Anna Brooks
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Love, Me is the second book in Anna Brooks Pleasant Valley series and I read it as a standalone. It was my first encounter with this writer and I fell in love with her writing! I am looking forward to the third book as we got a glimpse into the characters who will be the leads in the third book already here!
The story captivated me from the start! The way how the writer manages to spellbound you, oh my lord, she sucks you in and doesn’t let go – I literally had to spend my whole Sunday with Vaughn and Rayne, our main characters of this story!
Both of them fight such crazy demons and at times you might ask yourself how on earth do they manage to get up in the morning and face another day and is it really possible for one to have lived all this without anyone stepping in earlier and … yes, it is! We are so good at closing our eyes to other’s suffering and not getting involved (Vaughn’s case) and we are also so great at keeping appearances so that the people closest to us and who should help us, do not even get a hint of what is going on behind the closed doors (Rayne’s case).
The writer was very considerate and caring and the way she puts the words together is like pearls on a strand that just keeps going and giving! Thank you Anna Brooks for this amazing story and please do not keep us waiting too long for the next one!

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Beneath the Secrets (Enigma #5) by Shandi Boyes – Review by Jana Teppih

Beneath the Secrets (Enigma #5)Beneath the Secrets by Shandi Boyes
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Beneath the Secrets is the fifth book in Shandi Boyes’ Engima series and it is the first part of Hugo’s story (I am not really happy that the writer split his book, I would totally have been happy like a clam with a 600-700-page story, just saying!). You could read this story as a standalone and maybe it is smart to do so as then you are not haunted by what you have learnt about Hugo in the previous Engima books but on the other hand, you get much better understanding of some of the other characters if you have read the first books.
I knew that Hugo had his own story to tell and I thought I might have some sort of idea after having read all of the previous Enigma books but oh boy, was I setting the bar low! It was the case of that what people show you is very far from what is actually going on behind the ‘walls’, why do I keep getting surprised?!
Hugo’s story was a very emotional story to read, I have to say that his story is probably more gut wrenching than Isaac and Izzy’s story! (Sacrilege, I know!) Hugo is battling demons and at times they win, Ava has her own baggage that brings along its own challenges … nothing is straight forward here!
I cried and I laughed and mostly I cried … The story gets its claws into you and does not let go! I really do hope that the writer will not keep us waiting too long for the second part of the story! Do a favor and read it! You will not regret it!

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Unwilling (Unwilling #1) by K.D. Wood – Review by Jana Teppih

Unwilling (Unwilling #1)Unwilling by K.D. Wood
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Unwilling is the first book in the paranormal trilogy by K. D. Wood. The synopsis was intriguing but in no way did it prepare me for what this story really is about!
The beginning was crazy, you start thinking what the heck is going on and then come the first couple of chapters and it seems to be an angsty young adult romance with Neely and Hayden but then boom, it goes haywire and you are pulled in by the words on the page and you cannot put the book down and suddenly you notice that it is already past midnight and you need to go to work next day and you say hell with it and just continue … until … you … get … to … the … end … and ask yourself when can I read the second book?! And then you check and you see that the rest of the trilogy has been published as well and you have to take a very difficult decision – you need to go to sleep to go to work and plan a reading binge for the weekend!
I have never read anything by this writer before but I need to say that this one, this paranormal romance is a bomb, it pulls you in and doesn’t let go! Seriously, get a copy and plan an evening, no plan a weekend because once you finish Unwilling you want to read the following two like I did! You will not regret it!

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Life’s Second Chances (Show Me, #1) by Anne Stone – Review by Jana Teppih

Life's Second Chances (Show Me, #1)Life’s Second Chances by Anne Stone
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Life’s Second Chances is my first read by this writer. It seems to be the first book in The Show Me series. It was a sweet story about two people brought together by friendship that becomes more through the life events.
This story is about Angelina and Alejandro, it is about loss, friendship, adoption, faith, love… it is a heart-warming story giving us hope that there are second chances in life if you open up your heart and have faith. The main characters are complex and likable, secondary characters are also great and I can see many books to come in the series.
For me personally the book felt a bit too long and at times too wordy, I do believe the writer wanted to make sure that we follow the story and understand and hear both Angelina and Alejandro’s sides. At times I also felt that the arguments and disagreements got fixed too fast which I do not think really happens in real life. As it is the writer’s debut novel, I am sure she will polish her craft and these minor things I struggled with will be issues of the past.
I do think that it is a beautiful story of second chances and it was a nice change to read something ‘clean’, most books include profanity or sex so I can imagine the book appealing or being suitable to a wide range of audience. It is a positive story that shows us that no matter what life throws at your way and whatever hardships you have to go through, you will get to the other side and it might be even better…

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Bedlam (A Twisted Hearts Love Story, #1) by Autumn Sand – Review by Jana Teppih

Bedlam (A Twisted Hearts Love Story, #1)Bedlam by Autumn Sand
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Bedlam is the first book in Autumn Sands Twisted Hearts Love Story series. It is a great read and I am looking forward to the next book (hopefully the writer will not keep us waiting too long!).
It is a very emotional and painful book that pulled me in from the first page – the way Autumn writes, it creates images in your head and you ‘watch’ the book while reading it. It is both a blessing and a curse, in Bedlam’s case the curse is that the writer touches upon many important and painful issues such as impact of having grown up in foster care as a child of addicts, domestic violence, abuse, rape … I cried, a lot but I think that shows how well the book was written as how could something that deals with such serious matters be light and funny? No way!
The protagonists of the first book are Anaya and Tony and the antagonist is Ignacio. There are couple of other great ‘supporting’ characters and I hope some of them get their own story (actually I do know that Trick gets his story next!). There are a few surprising twists that I did not see coming but of course when they were revealed, I went like “duh, how did I not see it coming!” The story keeps you guessing and I personally could not put the book down until I had finished it so be warned! I recommend the book and wish you great hours filled with great writing!

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Breaking the Girl: A Dark Suspense Romance by M.C. Webb – Review by Jana Teppih

Breaking the Girl: A Dark Suspense RomanceBreaking the Girl: A Dark Suspense Romance by M.C. Webb
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Breaking the Girl is my first read by M. C. Webb. She hooked me from the first page – “You are a salesman. You have to sell yourself within a few seconds or people get bored”. This quote could no doubt be used to reference M.C. Webb as her job as a writer is to hook me (the reader)!
It was an unusual and unexpected love story between a porn star (Alex) who makes x-rated movies for and a girl looking to be trained by him (Payton). The story was an emotional rollercoaster that at times was disturbing to read (there is a graphic rape scene towards the end of the book so if that is something of a trigger, please take care and be prepared). This story got to me on so many levels, one would say how can you relate to the story but you need to remember that this story is about people, people who have their painful pasts that have molded them to who they are today aka where we start in the story.
There are other impressively written characters in this story and that adds to the different layers and are vital to the story and in us understanding Alex and Payton. I loved M. C. Webb’s writing style very much, I had no issues to follow the story line, I loved how it went from Alex’ point of view to Payton’s and vice versa. For a while there I was not sure if there will be a Happily Ever After ending but in the end, the characters pulled through and as Alex says himself, “Although we are not a traditional love story, we are a love story.” I will go back to this writer for some more stories!

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Project 99 (Perfect Human Book 1) by C.S. Patra – Review by Jana Teppih

Project 99 (Perfect Human Book 1)Project 99 by C.S. Patra
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Project 99 is the first book in C. S. Patra’s Perfect Human series. It was my first encounter with this writer. It is a cool science fiction piece that is taking its story line from the well-known concept of human desire for a perfect child. Of course, as it is about how we go after it then Project 99 is one version of it!
It took me a while to get into the story, there were different things happening from the beginning but for some reason it was not holding my attention. The story itself is well written, it was simply that I had hard time to relate to it. Maybe it was the concept, I am not sure …. Maybe it was the sometimes awkward dialogue, maybe it was something about the flow of the story …
When looking at the story objectively, I can say that if you are science fan and like science fiction fantasy then you might find this story intriguing and when you are done with the book then you might be wondering what comes next, how will the ‘eight’ go about fighting back! It is also interesting how you get the story through so many voices, the writer did a good job with merging all these different characters.
It is a solid start for a series dealing with such an intriguing concept. I mean, considering how much progress is done in science every day, maybe … just maybe … all this is already happening? Ever thought that?

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Saving Mercy (Fatal Truth #1) by Abbie Roads – Review by Jana Teppih

Saving Mercy (Fatal Truth #1)Saving Mercy by Abbie Roads
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Saving Mercy is the first book in Abbie Roads’ new series called Fatal Truth. It is my first encounter with this writer and holy moly, did it leave me in ruins or not! It was ‘bloody’ amazing! I will definitely read the next one in the series and then the next one and … you get the picture.
It is a book that makes you question your sanity! It is twisted and bloody and dark and haunted and oh my god, so much pain … Meet Cain and Mercy that are linked through a horrific event twenty years ago, they are two broken people who realize that they are THE ONES for each other. You would think that there is no way in hell those two would work … but they do … in a craziest way possible they complement each other, center each other, bring light …
If you do not like blood and anything related to it, then this book is NOT for you! If you are open to a possibility of going beyond it, you are guaranteed a crazy rollercoaster! You get constantly blindsided, there are twists and turns everywhere you go and yet, there is this underlying tenderness and kindness and goodness that you feel when you read about Cain and Mercy together. I cried and swore and many times I had to put the book down but it was like an addiction, I kept going back to it, every single time!
Thank you Abbie Roads for this fantastic and thrilling read and please, do not take too much time with the next book in the series!

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Chi: A Short Story 2 (UNDER GROUND #0.6) by Alice Rachel – Review by Jana Teppih

Chi: A Short Story 2 (UNDER GROUND #0.6)Chi: A Short Story 2 by Alice Rachel
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Chi 2 by Alice Rachel is a short story that should be read after the 2nd book and Stephen Richard’s Novella 2 and it is part of her Under Ground series. Again, I will anger some of the Under Ground series fans as I will say that I do not understand how Chi could live his life being so clueless! I would have thought that living as an Unwanted and how strong the undertones of abuse were in their household! The way his mother treated his brother, the way his father treated his brother, oh man, could he not get the feeling that something is wrong?! He says himself “Stephen has been in pain for a very long time. I can feel his emotions as if they were my own. His pain flows through my skin as if we shared the same body. And I just hurt from looking at him.”
I love how Alice keeps giving us glimpses into the main characters’ history and she does it in such a compelling way!

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Chi: A Short Story 1 (UNDER GROUND #0.1) by Alice Rachel – Review by Jana Teppih

Chi: A Short Story 1 (UNDER GROUND #0.1)Chi: A Short Story 1 by Alice Rachel
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Chi 1 is a short story in Alice Rachel’s Under Ground series, there will be another Chia short story. You absolutely need to read ALL of the short stories that Alice keeps writing as they offer you such an insight into the characters that help you to understand the main story line and the characters’ motivations better.
Chi 1 will fill some of the gaps that you might have been thinking hmmm while reading the first book, it also gives a different perspective. Do NOT let yourself fooled by the limited pages, the writer does not pull punches and every single page counts! It totally has romance, drama and dystopian angst.
I suggest that if you are a fan of Under Ground series, keep reading the short stories, you will enjoy and appreciate the full books much more.

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Chasing Kade (Thrill of the Chase, #1) by Anna Paige – Review by Jana Teppih

Chasing Kade (Thrill of the Chase, #1)Chasing Kade by Anna Paige
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Chasing Kade is the first book in Anna Paige’s new Thrill of the Chase series. This is the first book I have read by the writer and I have to say that I really liked it and I am looking forward to the next book (hopefully I don’t have to wait too long!).
This is a Rock star romance book and in many ways the storyline is not really anything new BUT the way how the writer gets us invested in this glittery world, oh my, she has a way with words! The story is told from both Kade and Aubrey’s point of view which makes it easy to follow.
There is no heavy angst or drama or jealous exes lurking in the backstage so in that sense it is a bit different from your usual Rock star romance book! It is a beautiful story of two people struggling with their feelings for each other. What do you get when you have a moody hot Rock star and an independent beautiful woman, and yes, then there is also the hot twin brother of the Rock star who is ALSO a Rock star …You get humor, hot steamy sex, betrayal, brotherhood, family, acceptance, banter … I could just keep going! I giggled so much that when I was reading the book in the coffee shop I had to remind myself that I was in the public! It is a real page turner and in no way will you be disappointed if you like Rock star romances!

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Confessions of a Carpool Captive by Dawn L. Chiletz – Review by Jana Teppih

Confessions of a Carpool CaptiveConfessions of a Carpool Captive by Dawn L. Chiletz
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Confessions of a Carpool Captive is a RomCom contemporary romance by Dawn L. Chiletz. It is my first encounter with the writer and I fell deeply in love with her writing! I will find time to read some more of her work.
Why did I fall in love with the book? It felt like a breath of fresh air, not your usual RomCom – it is peppered with great nuggets of humor, I laughed and giggled and snorted and … even when I was frustrated with Liz I actually had a smile on my face! It was so easy to relate to ALL of the characters, I could see myself being the invisible passenger in that carpool and they all felt like friends. Even though some of the characters were extremely quirky (and annoyingly obnoxious), the writer showed great warmth and love towards all of them.
So, let’s see, we have an introvert Liz who loves numbers and doesn’t like people (or so she thinks); then we have eternally positive Finn who never gives up; and then we have the 3 mischiefs Emerson, Kel and Ernesto who make the rides hilarious as heck!
If you need a pick up and want to laugh while keeping it real, read Confessions of a Carpool Captive! It is perfect! As the writer says: “There are many roads in life and we choose which path is right for us. Just remember, it’s not about how fast you get there. It’s the journey that matters most. Live for the journey.”

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Waiting to Breathe (Waiting Duet, #1) by Alyson Reynolds – Review by Jana Teppih

Waiting to Breathe (Waiting Duet, #1)Waiting to Breathe by Alyson Reynolds
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Waiting to Breathe is the first book in Alyson Reynolds’ Waiting Duet. It is the first book I have read by this writer. I guess you would classify the book as a new adult romance taking place in college.
It is a beautifully simple and striking writing that makes it so easy to relate to Olivia and Nate (and Finn and Cora). Alyson tells the story from both Olivia and Nate’s point of view so you always know what they are feeling which makes the story come alive!
Despite of the writing being simple, the story was emotional, angsty and packed with drama which one would expect when knowing what has lead Olivia and Nate to where they are in their lives when they meet. Also, I liked that the story did not follow the typical college stories stereotypes of a player athlete meeting a nerdy girl etc. Nate is not a player at all, he is very focused on his studies and at times he reminded me of old world gentleman; Olivia is an extremely smart young woman who thinks that she is broken because of what she has experienced prior meeting Nate.
The writer is tackling some really tough topics that young people (and also older people) have hard time to deal with. You question some of Nate and Olivia’s actions and you keep your fingers crossed for them and hope that even when something really terrible has happened in your life, the sun will come out and there is future for you! One can find happiness after a lot of pain.
It is a great read and you will not regret the hours spent with Olivia and Nate. I am looking forward to Cora and Finn’s story!

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Savage Collision (Hawke Family, #1) by Gwyn McNamee – Review by Jana Teppih

Savage Collision (Hawke Family, #1)Savage Collision by Gwyn McNamee
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Savage Collision is the first book in the Hawke Family series by Gwyn McNamee. The author has said that it can be read as a standalone and it is true – you get the beginning and conclusion of the relationship between Savage and Danika. But as the author says, we will meet them also in the other books in the series and this book introduces us to the next book’s main characters.
It is a great story with many what the hell moments! You sit back and relax and start enjoying the sexual chemistry and banter between Savage and Danika and bam, you are hit with a twist from the left! Something that you did not see coming! I loved the book as it played on all of my emotions – I cried, I got angry, I got frustrated, I laughed, I … well, you get the picture!
The couple has to overcome many obstacles, there are many secrets and as we know, secrets are never good and at times, they can be deadly! I recommend the book to anyone who likes alpha men, kick ass women, crazy twists, hot and steamy scenes … I promise you an orgasmic ride (you get?).
It was my first encounter with Gwyn McNamee and she did not disappoint me, I am looking forward to Gabe and Skye’s story and I am wondering who would be the leads in the third book … Gwyn has written a great story with a lot of emotions and an engaging storyline and you simply need to take couple of hours to read it!

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Distraction (Distraction, #1) by Angela McPherson – Review by Jana Teppih

Distraction (Distraction, #1)Distraction by Angela McPherson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Distraction is the first book in Angela McPherson’s Distraction trilogy and I absolutely loved it, all 315 pages of it! I read it in one day and once I was done, I dived into the second book and … guess what, once I was done with the second book, I grabbed the third book … it was a very very long day but it is ok, I really needed it!
The trilogy is a story of Elle and Tristan who have been friends since they were kids. The story is full of angst and emotion and romance and … What do you get when you get childhood friends who have been in love with each other since they were kids, who go to college and hang out at a fraternity and yeah, when Tristan is a football start with a bright future … You can imagine …. At times it got so crazy that I felt like hitting both of them, what the hell, take a chance and go for it! And then I remembered how insecure I was myself when I was young and how you really thought that maybe it is better to at least have the friendship than have nothing …
The story was very well written, it was both from Elle’s point of view and Tristan’s point of view so you were following both of them on their painful journey. It is a story about two people who know each other so well and who are best friends and who understand each other and share everything (or almost everything) with each other and … it is a real life fairy tale and it makes you hope and you root for them and wish for the best and grab the second book!
Do not hesitate! Get the book and spend a weekend with Elle and Tristan and their best friends! And I mean, take a weekend as I can bet my head that once you finish the first book, you want to continue to the second and then to the third and you need time so start Friday night!

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Addiction (Distraction #2) by Angela McPherson – Review by Jana Teppih

Addiction (Distraction #2)Addiction by Angela McPherson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Addiction is the second book in Angela Mcpherson’s Distraction trilogy and she absolutely blew my mind with the second book! I took no breather between the books and it all felt like one long dream (at times a nightmare that you cannot wake up from). Do not read this book as a standalone! You will miss out on so much!
Thank you so much Angela for tackling this horrific and heartbreaking topic, I forgive you for taking it to the direction you did as that is what the real life is about! I was crying so hard; I simply could not stop. I have felt what Elle’s sister Heather felt … It broke my heart but I understand …
The more I read, the more I fell in love with Tristan, he was amazing and I know, we all wish for a boyfriend like him (even if we do not acknowledge it out loud). Also, this book added so many more layers to Elle and got us deeper into some of her behavior and reasoning.
It is crazy what twists the writer threw us into, there were so many secrets and as we all know, secrets have a bad habit of surfacing and biting us in our butt … Angela’s storytelling is brilliant and I knew that I had to go straight to book three when I finished book two as I knew that she would bring the story together, she would not leave us with so much pain, there has to be more!

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Dogged by Love by Holly Tierney-Bedord – Review by Jana Teppih

Dogged by LoveDogged by Love by Holly Tierney-Bedord
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Dogged by Love is another fun novella by Holly Tierney-Bedord! It is an absolute blast to read a story written from a point of view of a … dog! I have read couple of more Ms Tierney-Bedord novellas and I have to say that this one was as captivated read as the others!
I admire the writer’s imagination – she writes the whole story from Rufus’ point of view who is the canine companion in this novella. It was so comical at points that I could not stop giggling – I could so easily just picture Rufus’ mischiefs that he gets into to keep his position as the only love of his daddy Edward! But of course it is all in vain, we all know that humans have this need to have other humans in their lives so it is inevitable that things go awry for Rufus.
I suggest you take an evening and sit down with Rufus and join him in his shenanigans while Edward tries to find his way in the dating world! You will spend a fun night and I promise you, you will not be disappointed, Ms Tierney-Bedord knows how to write!

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When Love Breaks by Kate Squires – Review by Jana Teppih

When Love BreaksWhen Love Breaks by Kate Squires
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

When Love Breaks by Kate Squires was my first encounter with this writer. The blurb was very intriguing so I decided that I want to read it and find out what it really is about, I was not disappointed!
It is an incredibly beautiful love story of Logan and Elora that took its sweet time to come to happen. I loved how the author wrote from both main characters’ point of view – it would have been so easy to dislike Logan when learning about him just from Elora’s point of view. Reading his words, one could so easily relate to his frustration and it all adds an additional layer to the story.
Kate Squires writes beautifully about love and loss, trust and loyalty, ethics mixed with feelings … You feel all the emotions down to your bones – when you cry then you truly cry (not some cute sniffles but real bowling your eyes out), when you laugh at the characters’ quirky back and forth then you truly laugh (not some polite chuckle but out loud so you have to catch yourself if you are sneak reading at work)!
The writer makes us to question ourselves, the world is not black and white, there is a lot of gray and you need to take a stand to “can you give up your dreams for someone else?”, “can you give up your dreams for … love”? What will it be when it comes to it … Take couple of evenings and find out! You will not regret the hours you’ll be spending with Elora and Logan!
I will be on a lookout for Kate Squires next book as she is someone to note down on my new authors’ list!

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Possession: Blue Line Book Two by Brandy Ayers – Review by Jana Teppih

Possession: Blue Line Book TwoPossession: Blue Line Book Two by Brandy Ayers
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Possession is the second book in Brandy Ayers Blue Line series. I had not read the first book when I started reading this one. (Just to say, after I finished this one, I had to go and get the first book and now I cannot wait for the third one!) I know that the writer says you can read the book as a standalone but after having read the first book afterwards, I feel I would have benefitted from having have read the first book first.
The two main characters could not be as opposite as they come – Lexis a single mother of a deaf son working three jobs and Bryan is a playboy cop who loves all women! It is a fast paced story with well-developed characters. You get what you see – all the issues get spelled out up front and then you jump on for a ride! It is not to say that the relationship happens overnight, it is just that the writer lets you know of the passing of time without making you wait for it actually to drag …
In the background there is the story of drugs and crime that does not get concluded and will carry over to the third book, at the same time it is well woven into the current story (and the first book as well).
It is a quick steamy action filled read, grab a glass a wine and couple of hours and let Bryan and Lexis to take you away!

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The Miraculous Power of Butter Cookies by Holly Tierney-Bedord – Review by Jana Teppih

The Miraculous Power of Butter CookiesThe Miraculous Power of Butter Cookies by Holly Tierney-Bedord
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The Miraculous Power of Butter Cookies is a novella by Holly Tierney-Bedford. I have read quite a few of her novellas before so I was ready to have fun! Her novellas are short and sweet delivering a mix of humor and deep human emotion.
It is a story of three Buefred sisters that have never been close but their family was always kept together by their mother who was a wizard when it came to making cookies! This short story pulls you in from page one onward and you are on a rollercoaster ride through all 42 pages!
First you might be sort of on the fence about will these sisters really manage to pull it together – it feels like they all are pulling in different directions BUT then …well, you need to read it yourself to find out if they manage to pull it together, remember their mother’s cookie recipes, win the prize ….
I have to admit that so far this is my favorite Holly’s story, it was heartwarming offering hope when playing out oh so often happening ‘sibling drifting apart’ scenario!
Have fun! Grab a cookie and glass of milk and enjoy it!

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