
Burning Britely by Deidre Huesmann – Review by Lisa Helmick

Burning BritelyBurning Britely by Deidre Huesmann
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Burning Britely
By Deidre Huesmann
Rated 5 stars

I really REALLY liked this story!

You know how some books are written purely for the enjoyment and others seem a little deeper. That is this book! There is the surface but if you look deeper there is a whole other level to this. The way this was written this could be about your brother, cousin or best friend. That makes it more relatable to the reader. You get a look Inside the life of a boy who is abrasive, cranky and prefers to be alone. He is protecting himself and trying to survive high school and figure out he fits in. I really empathized with boy. I was right there with him through all his good and bad times.

Even though it’s a shorts book it still packs a punch. One thing i really like about Jeff is how he thinks about things. Like basketball for example or lunch at school…..or a kiss. This is a story I won’t forget. In fact I will reread it when I need to lighten up a little.

Thank You Deidre Huesmann for this outstanding book!

Reviewed by @lisahelmick

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I Am Kimberly Cole: A Journey into Terror by R.G.Miller – Review by Cindy Mayberry

I Am Kimberly Cole: A Journey into TerrorI Am Kimberly Cole: A Journey into Terror by R.G. Miller
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I am Kimberly Cole
A Journey into Terror
R. G. Miller
A suspenseful thriller. Never be who you are not.

Madison and her 7 year old daughter are living in a homeless shelter. Been there most of Terri’s life. Madison wants so much more for her daughter as well as herself. Madison is in no way a lazy drugged out homeless person. She tries all she can to make a better living for her little family. As her life is about to change for the better, everything comes crashing down. Has she made another mistake in her choices?

R. G. Miller has written another tense and suspenseful story. This is a real page turner. He is direct and to the point, in his telling of this story. He describes his characters clear enough you can picture them in your minds eye. At one point I smelt something burning, and it scared me half to death. No worries though, I had just burnt dinner. I got that caught up in reading. No Spoilers here! I hope you enjoy this book as much as I did.

Reviewed by @cinful

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Nikolai: A Mafia Prince Romance by Shandi Boyes – Review by Michelle Austin

Nikolai: A Mafia Prince RomanceNikolai: A Mafia Prince Romance by Shandi Boyes
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Nikolai was a great 5 star read.
All I can say is wow, the way the scenes are written my heart was racing right along with Justine’s especially when Nikolai tried to intimidate her with words and looks. The chemistry these two have is off the charts hot.

Justine is a first year lawyer, she is a strong, sassy character with some secrets of her own. She has a brother who saved her life, so now she’s trying to save his. When Nikolai ends up on house arrest at Justine’s for 72 hours, she tries her best to avoid him but he is making it very difficult. What will happen if he finds out her secret?

Nikolai is an extremely hot mafia Prince. At first I wasn’t sure I liked him but it didn’t take me long to fall hard. He is arrogant, controlling, dangerous, intimidating, and very smart. He knows what he wants and it’s Justine.

I don’t trust anyone, Ahren. The devil was once an angel too. – Nikolai

There is so much more to this great read. I had several LOL moments along with some heart stopping ones. All of the secondary characters were great. The ending left me wanting more and I can’t wait to get my hands on the next book. 1-click and get started today on this great steamy read.

Reviewed by @mab54615

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Moments That Define Us (A Gray Ghost Prequel Book 0) by Amy McKinley – Review by Debi Kircher

Moments That Define Us (Gray Ghost #0.5)Moments That Define Us by Amy McKinley
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Moments That Define Us (A Gray Ghost Prequel Book 0) by Amy McKinley

5 Stars

I’ve already read the first 2 books in this series and can’t even describe how much I loved them. I normally don’t like to go back and read prequels that come after stories I’ve already read but in this case this came at the perfect time. I sincerely have wondered how it all began and now I know, and it gave me all I needed and wanted to hope that this series goes on and on for quite some time. This was awesome and heartbreaking and it makes me seriously wonder if it didn’t end with an unfinished story that might still come in the future with a certain character seeking revenge. I guess we will see, and I WILL see because I will be one of the first in line to one click whenever another of this series is released. I also want to go seek out what else this author might have available because she has quickly become an absolute favorite of mine.


Review by @debikircher

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Moments that Define Us (A Gray Ghost Prequel Book 0) By Amy McKinley – Review by Dawn Daughenbaugh

Moments That Define Us (Gray Ghost #0.5)Moments That Define Us by Amy McKinley
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5 Star
Moments That Define Us ( A Gray Ghost Prequel Book 0) By Amy McKinley is a quick read. This story is the beginning of Gray Ghost Series. I’ve already read the other books in this series .I enjoyed this book as much as the other books.and I had a hard time putting it down once I started reading it. At times I felt like I was right along with these characters . In the other books and often found myself wondering how it all began and with this book now we know.I absolutely love this author and can’t wait to read more from her.i recommend this short quick read regardless if you’ve already the other books or not.

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Unbreak This Heart by Betty Shreffler – Review by Sara Oxton

Unbreak This HeartUnbreak This Heart by Betty Shreffler
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Unbreak this heart by Betty Shreffler a five-star read that will break you. This isn’t my first read by this author, but it is my favourite, this author has a way with dealing with powerful and uncomfortable circumstances and making them compelling reading. Be warned you will need a box of tissues with this read, but they are worth it. The characters in this story are powerful and once you start to hear their voices as you read you won’t be able to put it down. Alex’s story is one that will stay with you, the way she fights her demons will give you courage and I think we all need a little Jane in all of our lives.

Review by Saraoxo
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Moments That Define Us (Gray Ghost #0.5) by Amy McKinley – Review by Sara Oxton

Moments That Define Us (Gray Ghost #0.5)Moments That Define Us by Amy McKinley
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Moments that Define us by Amy McKinley a five-star read that will define you. This is a prequel to Gray ghost series and I have read the first two books and then gone back to read this one as I enjoyed the series and it was nice going back and finding out where it all started, seeing Jack and understanding him better was a great and compelling read. Its super short but also super thrilling and a great compliment to a great series.

Review by Saraoxo
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Burning Britely by Deidre Huesmann – Review by Lyndsey Fairley

4 stars

This is a first book for me by this author, and I really enjoyed it. I only had one small want from this book after I finished, and that was I wanted to hear some of Braeden’s side of things. Otherwise this was a well done story, that kept me flipping pages until the end.
Jeff is a young man in high school who has one real friend and he’d like to keep it that way. He’s a smart student and a very particular way of how he wants things to go.
I loved the way we meet Braeden, and how Jeff starts to realize things he didn’t before but also come to terms at least internally of others.
And if everyone in his situation, had parents like his, what a godsend that would be.
Great quick read of a young man finding his path in life.

Conviction: An Ash Park Novel #2 by Meghan O’ Flynn – Review by Liz Vrchota

Conviction (Ash Park, #2)Conviction by Meghan O’Flynn
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Conviction is the second installment in the Ash Park Novels from Meghan O’Flynn. She has quickly become my favorite thriller writer and one-click go to author for this genera. I have never been disappointed with a novel of hers and once again she has managed to top the bar she set with her last. Conviction took me on a riveting, perplexing, and hair-raising journey that I never wanted to end. I absolutely adore Meghan’s knack for making it nearly impossible to figure out the twist before it happens. I am known for being the one that figures out the movie twenty minutes in, and same for most books like this, but never with Meghan’s. I am 80% of the time wrong, and I LOVE it!

Like I said before, this is the second installment in her Ash Park novels. They could be read as standalones, but I would highly recommend that you read them in order. There are a lot of reoccurring characters that make up the team that do the investigations and so forth. I find it would be a travesty to really divulge much of anything else about the plot because I just can’t ruin this book for you. Curl up with your favorite blanket in a comfy spot. Set the mood and settle in for a dark adventure you are sure to enjoy in one sitting. Thanks Meghan O’Flynn for another outstanding thrill!

Review by@lizaileen
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A Monster Like Me (Heart of Darkness Book 2) by Pamela Sparkman – Review by Cynthia Ayala

A Monster Like Me (Heart of Darkness Book 2)A Monster Like Me by Pamela Sparkman
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

A powerful novel that follows a band of characters as they try to navigate their way out of the darkness that almost swallowed them up. As a fantasy novel, this story had to be unique in some way, especially in dealing with fairies, and the way the story functions is pretty unique. There is a coldness that emanates from the story as it talks about the Unseelie court, brutality that makes the story jump off the pages and infect the reader with fear and anger. It’s good when a story makes the reader feel so strongly for the characters and the story, not to mention the world that is being built here.

Sparkman did an incredible job building this world and recreating this fantasy and these fairy creatures for the reader. The essence that surrounds them, the plot and definition of the characters is unique and truly stands out. Not to mention the message the story holds the message of perseverance.

The base of the story is all about hope; it’s about having hope and finding the light even in the darkest of times. It means that even when someone loses themselves to darkness the way Zeph lost himself to the darkness that they can find the light and find a way to save themselves from the overwhelming darkness. That message is so incredibly powerful. Zeph found his way out, but this story is all about him and his newfound friends trying to pick up the pieces, to repair themselves and their relationships with one another, to repair everything damaged by the dark with love and hope. And it is an incredible journey to follow because it allows the characters to move about the story with dimension, to jump off the pages and litter the reader with their emotions and thoughts, making the reading experience even more compelling. These characters grow together; they form this bond that allows them to face the darkness head-on once more, adding tension and action to the novel.

There is another thing that makes this story so good, and it’s Sparkman’s use of language. There are some scenes that are triggering, and thankfully Sparkman does give the reader notice before even beginning to read the story, but what makes those scenes as powerful as they are triggering is her limited use of language. These are scenes that have every opportunity to be explicit but are not, and it’s all due to Sparkman’s impeccable use of language. She uses the minimalist of words to get the scene around, playing on the slightest of details to make the scene pop. And pop they do. The reader isn’t dulled by the excessive use of language, there is enough provided to lure the reader in, keep them grounded, and focus on what is happening in the story rather than be distracted by the detail and words. These scenes carry so much power and that’s how they should be. Admittedly they are uncomfortable to read, but they should be, but that only serves to give them more weight, lending to the creation of a powerful novel.

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Burning Britely by Deidre Huesmann – Review by Susan Mowdy

Burning BritelyBurning Britely by Deidre Huesmann
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is my second book I’ve read from this author and I loved it. It really teaches you to be true to yourself as well as those around you. Jeff is pretty much your social hermit. He was bullied so much that he’s kind of folded into himself. Braeden swoops in to save Jeff one day and tries to befriend him. during all the interactions, Jeff starts to fall for the hotshot of the school.

I loved this coming of age story about taking chances and being true to one’s heart. There might be battle wounds but the right person can heal them. Not everyone has the perfect life. Behind closed doors they can being living in their own hell.

This book is definitely a MUST on anyone’s list. The story is beautifully written and it will constantly tug at your heart strings!

Reviewed by @listersda
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Addicted to Love (Bayou Devils MC series) by A.M. Myers – Review by Crystal Davidson

Addicted to Love (Bayou Devils MC #2)Addicted to Love by A.M. Myers
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Addicted to Love is book 2 in the Bayou Devils MC series by A.M.Myers and its the story about Chance and Carly, whom we both meet in book 1. Chance is a biker affiliated with a club that helps to rescue women from dangerous domestic situations and Carly is a friend of a woman in a dangerous situation. Chance decides immediately that Carly is different from other women and wants to get to know her. Carly is a survivor of an attack and rape in her teenage years, so is weary of men and doesn’t appear to be easily swayed by Chance’s advances, until she needs his help to rescue her sister. This story has equal parts mystery, romance, action and humor! 5 stars from me and I cannot wait to read the next book in this series!

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Burning Britely by Deidre Huesmann – Review by Angela Hayes

Burning BritelyBurning Britely by Deidre Huesmann
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

4 Stars

Burning Britely by Deidre Huesmann is a great YA/coming of age story, full of self-discovery, angst, drama, friendship, expectations, emotions, and self-acceptance. I am familiar with Ms. Huesmann’s other work, and really liked the Modern Greek Tale series, and The Alpha’s Pride- but this book is something different – and again it just proves that Ms. Huesmann can work with any genre/subject and create an engrossing story.
The book is a short story and is a very quick and easy read. It has a great pace and a smooth flow. The story and characters were interesting and quite relatable. I loved the strong character development and growth that occurred over the course of the story. For such a short story, the characters were fully realised, and the story had a depth that’s not so easy to achieve in a short amount of space- but Ms. Huesmann certainly succeeded where many have failed.
I am not going to give away spoilers, or rehash the premise of the story- as the blurb does a better job than I ever could. But, I do recommend reading this book, especially to those who love a great YA novel that has all the angst and inner turmoil that come with being a teenager- exploring the characters ‘coming of age’.

Thank you, Ms. Huesmann!

Review by @angelahayes
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Beneath A Blue Moon ( Crescent City Wolf Pack Series Book #2) by Carrie Pulkinen – Review by Angela Hayes

Beneath a Blue Moon (Crescent City Wolf Pack, #2)Beneath a Blue Moon by Carrie Pulkinen
My rating: 5 of 5 stars


“He’s a smokin’ hot werewolf whose kisses make me feel like a fireworks display with a very short fuse.”

Beneath A Blue Moon is the spellbinding second instalment in the Crescent City Wolf Pack series by Carrie Pulkinen. It could be read as a standalone, but seriously, do yourself a real favour and read book one! You really won’t regret it!
I am so in LOVE with this series- I adore everything about it- the brilliant writing, the wonderfully captivating storylines, and the fantastic characters (yes, even the ‘badies’- because the story wouldn’t be the same without them). I didn’t expect going into the first book that I would love it as much as I did, so going into this one I did have pretty high expectations and I was somewhat sceptical as to whether Ms. Pulkinen could deliver another book that would enthrall me as much as the first- but what I found between the covers of Beneath A Blue Moon is so much better than anything I could have imagined. I truly love both books so much, but I have to say that this one has etched itself into my heart just a little deeper than the first!
It is a great paranormal romance- with shifters/werewolves, witches, the supernatural, mystery, suspense, danger, action, murder, drama, secrets, shocking discoveries, and emotion. As with the first book, the story unfolds against the vibrant and mystical backdrop of New Orleans.
Rain Connelly is fairly new to town, opening a bakery called Spellbound Sweets. She’s a witch who had her powers bound and has spent the past seven years looking for a way to get them back. Owning a bakery has always been one of her dreams and she hopes that she can make it a successful venture. But things aren’t going as well as she hoped, having invested all her funds into getting the bakery up and running, she really needs it to start bringing in customers and making money- or she will be forced to close the doors on her dream. When the Alpha werewolf and his fiancée are looking for a bakery to make their wedding cake, Rain wants to win them over and secure the job, as it would be a much-needed boost for her fledgling business. But when the groom arrives with his seriously sexy and completely aggravating second in command, instead of his bride- things don’t go as smoothly as she’d like. In fact, her lack of filter may have just cost her the job.
Chase Beauchamp is the second in command of the Crescent City Pack (we got to meet him in Book #1) and a good friend of Luke, the Alpha. He’s incredibly loyal to the pack and his family. They mean the world to him and he’d do anything for them. But his past experiences have left him with an aversion to witches- yeah, he pretty much can’t stand them. So, when he’s obliged to join Luke on a cake tasting session, he’s really not impressed to discover the bakery belongs to a witch. When he meets Rain for the first time, he’s taken aback by how much he is drawn to her. But witches can’t be trusted- can they? Plus, he feels that there is something she’s hiding- and he makes it his mission to discover what it is. As strange things begin to happen, he can’t help feeling protective of her and being anywhere near her causes their chemistry to sizzle.
When bodies begin to pile up and the past comes looking for revenge- will these two survive long enough to find out what fate has in store for them. What happens when Chase discovers her secret? Will he understand, or will his mistrust and hatred of witches cloud his reasoning? Will she take the chance to break the curse that binds her magic, or will she sacrifice everything to save the ones she loves?
As with the first book, this story is quite gripping and suspenseful- with a bit of a ‘mystery’ to try to unravel. There are also some funny moments- witty quips, banter and antics that made me smile/laugh. The chemistry between Rain and Chase was palpable, and there were some very steamy moments to be had between these two! Ms. Pulkinen built the tension and the intrigue superbly. I was hanging on her every word and I definitely had my heart in my mouth for the last few chapters- HOLY MOLEY!!!
Book #3 can’t come quickly enough for my liking!!!! I can’t wait to read Alexis and Bryce’s story… I think it’s going to be epic!!!

Thank you, Ms. Pulkinen!

Review by @angelahayes
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Phoenix Rising: A Fortis Security Novel Book 7 by Maddie Wade – Review by Jenni Bishop

Phoenix Rising: A Fortis Security Novel Book 7 (Fortis Security Series)Phoenix Rising: A Fortis Security Novel Book 7 by Maddie Wade
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Phoenix Rising: A Fortis Security Novel Book 7 Maddie Wade is yet another great addition to this great series. I have been waiting for Daniel’s story and I must say I was not disappointed. Good work Maddie! I have fallen in love with each and every character in this series whether it is the alpha males who will stop at nothing to protect those they love and consider family, or the wonderful women who are able to tame them. Maddie is an accomplished writer that writes stories that are engaging and compelling and leave you wanting more. Her characters make you fall in love with them and make you feel like you are part of their lives and their families. This story is full of action that will have you on the edge of your seat and oh so sexy scenes that will see you needing cigarette. I will be sad when this series comes to an end but in the meantime I look forward to Will’s story next.

Reviewed by @jennadb

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Addicted to Love (Bayou Devils MC #2) by A.M. Myers – Review by Liz Vrchota

Addicted to Love (Bayou Devils MC #2)Addicted to Love by A.M. Myers
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I am really loving the Bayou Devils MC series from AM Myers. Book one, Hopelessly Devoted, had me hooked, and I was super excited to dive right on into this one. I did read them in order however, they are written so that you can read the as either standalones or in whichever order you would like. I am a big person for recommending series be read in order from beginning to end. A lot of times you will get updates on favorite characters and meet or get backstory on the future characters of future novels. This seems to be a series that will do that! Plus… they rock so why not???

In Addicted to Love we get the story of Carly Mills. I wasn’t so sure what I thought of her at first. Admittedly she had a rough go with life for quite a bit and I had sympathy for her. She knows that people, men especially can be cruel. This makes her avoid relationships beyond the ‘hit it and quit it’ lifestyle like the plague. That is all put into question when she meets bad boy Chance. She knows better. Her head tells her no, but her heart is doing something totally new, and she finds herself being pulled toward him. Can she really actually like this man?

Chance has been looking for something in his life. Don’t get him wrong he has his MC family now, and has worked through most of his difficult childhood trauma. But something is just missing. The second he lays his eyes on the beautiful Carly Mills he knows she is the missing piece he has been searching for. But she doesn’t seem to want a thing to do with him.

Then danger knocks on Carly’s door sending her rushing to the only person she can think of to help her, Chance of course. Will Chance be able to protect her? Can he also win her heart in the process and break down her barriers? Will Carly stick to her guns and be able to avoid falling in love with Chance?

I adored this story between these two. Several twists and turns that I didn’t see coming had me reading well into the night to finish the novel well past my bedtime and in one sitting. I will be anxious to start book #3, Every Breath You Take.

Review by @lizaileen
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Nikolai: A Mafia Prince Romance by Shandi Boyes – Review by Liz Vrchota

Nikolai: A Mafia Prince RomanceNikolai: A Mafia Prince Romance by Shandi Boyes
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I have read several of Shandi Boyes’s novels before, but I have to say I think that the Russian Mob Chronicles will be my new favorites from her going forward. Nikolai: A Mafia Prince Romance is so far my top favorite of hers, and I look forward to seeing if she tops it with her upcoming books in the Chronicles. I was blown away with how exquisite Boyes writing allows the story to just flow effortlessly for the reader once again. I was consumed from beginning to end and found myself finishing this novel fairly quickly in one sitting. I just couldn’t bear to walk away from it for one moment.

MmmMmm… I love secret love affairs. Shandi hit it out of the ball park with Justine and Nikolai. It wasn’t an easy wham bam and all steamy love scenes type of novel either. There were layers of stories and many different things going on that brought things together and led them to where they were. I am highly curious as to how things will eventually play out in the long run for everyone. I wouldn’t say this necessarily ended on a cliffhanger, but there is more to this story that I need to find out as soon as possible!

Review by @lizaileen
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Phoenix Rising (A Fortis Security Novel Book 7) by Maddie Wade – Review by Liz Vrchota

Phoenix Rising: A Fortis Security Novel Book 7 (Fortis Security Series)Phoenix Rising: A Fortis Security Novel Book 7 by Maddie Wade
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I have been following along on the Fortis Security series journey and so far I have not read one that I didn’t enjoy. I would recommend that you do read them in order that way you can fully understand exactly where these characters have been, are going. There is some intertwining storylines that may be a bit confusing if read out of order, but I could also see where an experienced reader wouldn’t mind reading a few out of order.

In book seven, Phoenix Rising, we follow along on the journey of Megan and Daniel. Oh Mylanta! I felt for these two so deeply! Both of them endured some horrendous traumas. Love was the last thing on their mind, but fate and life often has plans in store for us that we don’t see coming. They each have many layered and complex personalities. Daniel is a complicated man. What you see is not necessarily what he is all about. There is way more under the surface to this man. As for Megan, I just wanted to give her a squeeze several times throughout the novel. She is such a sweetheart, but she definitely can hold her own. She does struggle to find her place in this world now that she is post her trauma.

Their story will keep you on your toes between the hot and steamy love scenes that will have you fanning yourself and needing a tall glass of ice water (or wine), and the intrigue and mystery that takes place for them as well. I look forward to see what will come next in this series.

Review by@lizaileen
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Unbreak This Heart by Betty Shreffler – Review by Liz Vrchota

Unbreak This HeartUnbreak This Heart by Betty Shreffler
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Fragmentized. That is how I felt so much throughout this novel. Betty Shreffler ripped my heart to pieces, the tiniest of pieces, and then she would just be ready to place the last few back in place, and *snap* there they go again. Shreffler has some amazing skills as a writer to be able to do this over and over, with ease and perfection, flawlessly, and yet she ties it all up in a neat and complete package in just under 400 pages. I must say this makes my top twenty reads of 2018, and she has become a new auto one-click author for me.

Alex, wow I just still am unsure where to start with her. I want to give her character justice without giving away anything to ruin her story for you. I will say she suffers a horrific trauma. One I can relate to, and sadly thousands can. Don’t worry, Betty Shreffler does this with care and compassion, very obviously keeping the statistics in mind. I know that feeling of never feeling like you will ever be able to recover, or feel safe again. Feeling unlovable, used. So much more. But honestly, Alex is a survivor. She is a fighter just as much as the actual MMA fighter in the novel, Carter. It is an emotional journey and I truly felt blessed to have read it.

It is on this journey to heal that she joins a self-defense class and meets the ever handsome Carter. She is hesitant for obvious reasons but that you will have to find out in the book. As the work together though the chemistry between them grow and her confidence builds. Eventually things start to blossom between the two and there may be something building on the horizon for these two in the future. Unfortunately, the past will come to pay a visit and decide that it wants another chance at Alex. What will Alex do? How will Carter react? Where will things go from here?

I absolutely adored this novel, and I can’t wait to pick up another Betty Shreffler novel! In fact that is what I am off to do as soon as I finish this review up. Thank you so much for all the feels and a great novel Ms. Shreffler!

Review by@lizaileen
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Wish I Had a Nickel (The Sand Dollar Series Book 2) by J.D. Boudreaux ~ Review by Liz Vrchota

Wish I Had a Nickel (The Sand Dollar Series Book 2)Wish I Had a Nickel by J.D. Boudreaux
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

First and foremost, I highly recommend that you go back and start with book one in The Sand Dollar Series, Penny for Your Thoughts. JD Boudreaux is a very detailed writer, and she also builds her stories over the span of her books. It may not be everyone’s cup of tea to read chronological or series type novels, but if it is this is the stuff right here. Everything flows beautifully and really just comes together to build you the reader into the world of the characters that you are reading about. I like that and am often excited to jump into the Sand Dollar books. I am bummed we will have to wait till 2019 for book three but I know it is already on my TBR list!!

This is more about Alex and Leigh. They were inseparable as children. Well, until Leigh’s family moved to another state and distance didn’t necessarily make the heart grow fonder in this situation. Now, years later they are given a second chance to rekindle the friendship they once had. Both find themselves living by each other again. Conversations seem to flow between these two as if time and distance never even existed but they are cautious and hesitate with each other. Over time it gets harder to deny the romance budding between the two, will they be able to put the past behind them and start anew? Can it work out this time? Will they ruin the friendship they just now reset?

I loved the idea of second friendship with the twist of romance thrown in there. It was a heartwarming story that just felt good while reading. This was the perfect sunny Sunday afternoon read for me, and exactly what I was in need of, just a little bit of a spirit lifter. Happy reading! Thanks for another great Sand Dollar novel JD Boudreaux!

Review by @lizaileen
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The Violet Trilogy (The Gilded Flower Series Books 7-9) by Vivian Winslow – Review by Jenni Bishop

The Violet Trilogy (The Gilded Flower Series, Books 7-9)The Violet Trilogy by Vivian Winslow
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The Violet Trilogy (The Gilded Flower Series Books 7-9) Vivian Winslow and is the last in the sets of The Gilded Flower Series. You need to read the first two sets in this series as you get the complete background and understanding of why these characters are the way they are. Having all three books in one box set is a win as you can carry on reading without having to wait. The stories are captivating and engaging and Vivian has created some amazing characters and with her easy writing style the stories seamlessly flow seamlessly. These stories are full of passion and steam, love and loss, pain and lies and lots of twist and turns. They are also exciting and all so sexy, that you may just need a cold shower to cool down.

Reviewed by @jennadb

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Conviction (Ash Park #2) by Meghan O’Flynn – Review by Lisa Boltiador

Conviction (Ash Park, #2)Conviction by Meghan O’Flynn
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Conviction was just as captivated as the previous book in this series! I am so into these books, I just want to lock the doors, turn off the phone and do nothing but read for days. I love the mystery and trying to figure out the whodunit, which I admit I once again did not figure out on my own. This book had me all twisted up, and like the book before it, showed there’s badness in almost everyone. Doesn’t mean they’re guilty of that particular crime. I loved this book, am loving the characters, and the messed up area they live in. I can’t wait to read more.

Reviewed by @lisaboltiador
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Unbreak This Heart by Betty Shreffler – Review by Michelle Austin

Unbreak This HeartUnbreak This Heart by Betty Shreffler
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Unbreak This Heart was an emotional 5 star read.

I was pulled right in by Alex and her story. She is trying to move forward from a life changing attack that happened over a year ago. She lost so much including her fiance.

My despair and fear have become a black hole from which I can’t escape. I fear the dark. I fear sleep. I fear what comes to me every night.

When her best friend gets her kickboxing lessons she meets Carter. He stirs things up in her she hasn’t felt in a very long time. Just when Carter thinks he may have a chance with Alex, her ex Todd shows back up in the picture. Of course things get complicated and both men want Alex, she still has feelings for Todd but also feels a little something for Carter. Who will she choose?

I quickly found my favorite in Carter he was such a strong, loving man and so badly wanted to be with Alex and give her the love she rightfully deserved. Todd was an arrogant douchebag who was all about himself and didn’t seem to care at all about Alex and her fears. And his family, ugh don’t get me started on his mother.

Tragedy doesn’t break you down, it builds you up.

Just when I thought things were going great, there is a HUGE twist that left me in tears. How could you do this to me Betty? This was quite the page turner and I was up late reading it because I had to see how it ended. I was very happy with the ending but I would love to see more from these two. The secondary characters were great, loved Alex’s bestie Jane. My emotions were all over the place. This book has made my top reads of 2018 list for sure. I highly recommend this book and I look forward to reading more from this author.


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Phoenix Rising: A Fortis Security Novel Book 7 (Fortis Security Series) by Maddie Wade – Review by Jana Teppih

Phoenix Rising: A Fortis Security Novel Book 7 (Fortis Security Series)Phoenix Rising: A Fortis Security Novel Book 7 by Maddie Wade
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Phoenix Rising is the seventh book in Maddie Wade’s Fortis Security series. I fell in love with her writing AND the series with the first book I picked up and now I am following her on all possible platforms in order not to miss the next book! Please do not read this story as a standalone; you will miss so so much!
Phoenix Rising is the story of Daniel – second in command at Fortis Security and a widower and a single father – and Megan – a doctor and one of the Bennett siblings (who you will have met in previous books if you are a fan like me). The chemistry between them is combustible and nothing can stop it! This story is filled with emotion, secrets, grief, anger, danger and love … Every book in the series pulls you further into this intricate world that the writer has created and that she keeps adding to … it leaves no one cold and an outsider … you get invested in the people and the relationships and the stories and … you cannot wait for Digital Desire that is the next one in the series!

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Phoenix Rising: A Fortis Security Novel Book 7 by Maddie Wade – Review by Lisette Gonzalez

Phoenix Rising: A Fortis Security Novel Book 7 (Fortis Security Series)Phoenix Rising: A Fortis Security Novel Book 7 by Maddie Wade
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Phoenix Rising: A Fortis Security Novel Book 7 (Fortis Security Series)
by Maddie Wade
5 Stars

Phoenix Rising by Maddie Wade is the seventh installment of the Fortis Security Series. This installment is about Daniel Thompson and Megan Bennett. Although Daniel can be very protective, he has a soft side. He is very attracted to Megan Bennett, but he is trying to restrain his feelings for her. Megan is not only beautiful but she is also warmhearted, charitable and intelligent. She is always ready to help others. Megan is also attracted to Daniel and the chemistry between them is palpable. Be prepared with a fan because here will be some scenes while reading that may cause you to fan yourself? While this story is a romance, the whole book isn’t lovey dovey, there is also danger. Megan is in a dangerous predicament, will Daniel be able to save her? Will Megan’s dangerous predicament bring them closer together and finally have a happily every after? The only way to find out is by reading this story. I truly enjoyed reading Daniel and Megan’s story. Although I have read a few books from this series, I have not read the complete series sequentially. I recommend this story and series and plan to go back and read the series in order.

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Nikolai: A Mafia Prince Romance by Shandi Boyes – Review by Jana Teppih

Nikolai: A Mafia Prince RomanceNikolai: A Mafia Prince Romance by Shandi Boyes
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Oh my … Nikolai: A Mafia Prince Romance is the first book in Shandi Boyes’ Russian Mob Chronicles and even though you can read it/them in their own rights, they are sort of also part of her mind blowing Enigma series (and that is also where we met Nikolai for the very first time)!! I read the first Enigma book over a year ago and I have been hooked ever since! I absolutely love how ‘fast’ she is and never leaves us waiting too long!
Nikolai is a story filled with twists and turns and danger and action and … well, it is a mafia story so I am sure you can imagine, at least to a certain extent! This story is obviously about Nikolai who at first I had really hard time to like and then, the more I learnt the more I started … hmmm…. liking him?!… and then there is Justine … every hero needs a heroine and I generally go more for stronger females but the more I read the more I could feel the heat and the chemistry between them … AND do not forget all these other little stories and sideliners that are peppered through the main story and I think I might need to re-read it as there were so many layers and I was simply inhaling it and I want to be prepared for the next steps of the journey …
If you are looking for a new writer then please, be invited into the world of Shandi Boyes! You will not be bored AND there are loads of stories to gorge on!

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Just Exes by Charity Ferrell – Review by Heather Bahm

Just ExesJust Exes by Charity Ferrell
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Just Exes by Charity Ferrell is a contemporary new adult/college romance. This story was rife with hilarious banter, hi-jinks and more – the laughter was hard to control. The author wrote a terrific story that had highly entertaining characters with a mix of drama, adventure and some growth all tied together. Despite the fun of this story, there are serious moments involved and Charity Ferrell did an excellent job of combining those making them flow without effort making a truly rounded story. Truly loved this story and quickly read the story as it was so easily devoured.

Reviewed by @hbahm

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Rescued By the Scot (Romancing the Spies #3) by Laura A. Barnes – Review by Heather Bahm

Rescued By the Scot (Romancing the Spies #3)Rescued By the Scot by Laura A. Barnes
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Laura A. Barnes’ Rescued by the Scot is the third novel in the Romancing the Spies series. This historical romance was a reading pleasure to include the historical depictions, character development and the level of detail that went into this story that made it feel complete & full. I have read the previous two books within this series and the each hold their own, as well as, complimenting each other as part of the series. Zane and Skye were wonderfully paired in Rescued by the Scot – taking in their fiery connection and all the adventure that follows. Any fan of historical novels or those within a series should grab this book, an excellent read.

Reviewed by @hbahm

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Wish I Had a Nickel (The Sand Dollar Series Book 2) by J D Boudreaux – Review by Debi Kircher

Wish I Had a Nickel (The Sand Dollar Series Book 2)Wish I Had a Nickel by J.D. Boudreaux
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Wish I Had a Nickel (The Sand Dollar Series Book 2) by J D Boudreaux

5 Stars

Not sure where to begin with this review… I also wasn’t sure how many stars to give this book, I started out with 4 then stared at the screen thinking wait a minute, just because I’m totally ticked off about a few things doesnt mean its a 4 star book, it actually means in my opinion it’s a 5 star book because of how i’m feeling, which of course means it got to me, and that is usually the author’s intent isn’t it?

Im left confused after finishing this story, this is probably because it’s the 2nd part of this series and like an idiot I didn’t read the 1st. I had no problems while reading the entire book, until like I said it came to an end and I literally threw my kindle…I was so upset because I have no idea what happened…This tells me that I need to without fail, go pick up the first in this series and see if it helps me at all with how this one ended, this will also help in me being 100% ready when the 3rd is released, because I will have the 3rd the very second I can get a hold of it.

I sincerely loved this story, I loved the characters, GiGi and Angela were completely awesome!! Alex and Leigh made me fall in love with them immediately and their lifelong friendship even with the long break in it was great. I loved the way they interacted and how their relationship was aloud to grow, not just happen, was something I seriously appreciated. There are 2 other characters in this story that have me sitting here with question marks above my head…this is where I feel like I’m missing something and although I’m not sure Ill get these cleared up when I read the first, I still feel like I’ll get a little more understanding.

The story moved a tad bit slow in parts but it was still written so beautifully that I read every word and whenever I had to set it down I couldn’t wait to pick it back up. This is an awesome read and I want the next one like 25 minutes ago…I can not wait to see where all of this goes.

Highly recommend, but read them both, I have a feeling that is exactly what I should have done!

Review by @debikircher

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Nikolai: A Mafia Prince Romance (Russian Mob Chronicles) by Shandi Boyes – Review by Debi Kircher

Nikolai: A Mafia Prince RomanceNikolai: A Mafia Prince Romance by Shandi Boyes
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Nikolai: A Mafia Prince Romance (Russian Mob Chronicles) by Shandi Boyes

5 Stars


Had to take some time to write this review because as usual Shandi has messed with my mind, I don’t know how she does it time and time again with every single book I read of hers.

This one was a bit different and I can’t help but wonder already how this story is going to develop and end, I know I will be finding out as soon as possible. My thoughts were all jacked up during this…Do I like this guy, or no? As the story progressed I realize Oh Yes I really like this guy..I was a bit unsure about Justine at first, I just wanted her to be a little stronger at the beginning, but she also drew me in quick once the story progressed. The heat between these two was something you could almost feel while reading.

I love all the little stories going on with each of them, her brother, his Dad, I have a feeling this is going to be one of those series that I will be rereading many many times, and can I just say that I have also fallen totally in love with Roman and can’t wait to see how his character is involved in the rest of this series.

She has done it again, and I highly recommend this book and even more so recommend this author. She is in a class of her own. An automatic one click for me, I don’t even read the synopsis anymore all I need is to see Shandi Boyes on the cover and it’s a no brainer!!

Loved Loved Loved It!!

Review by @debikircher

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