
• A Book Spotlight Showcase includes both promotion and review options.
• A Book Spotlight Showcase runs for 14-35 days depending on package selected.
• Sign-up emailed at least once to our entire blogger/guest reader list.
• Author spotlight posted on the main Facebook page minimum once a day for length of tour.
• Book Spotlight Showcase social media posts as follows:
• Custom Book Showcase Spotlight Banner at my design discretion. Four teasers offered and will be created with quotes author provides at least two weeks in advance of tour start date.
• Two times a day on main Itsy Bitsy Facebook page.
• Author interview posted on main Facebook page.
• Eight Facebook groups a day.
• We will read the first chapter or first 15 minutes (depending on length) of your book live in the main IBBB group.
• Optional 1-hour takeover in main IBBB Facebook group.
• Minimum of four times on Instagram during the tour.
• Once daily on Twitter and Pinterest.
• Featured on IBBB website within 48 hours of tour start and featured on front page slider for at least the first 7 days of the tour.
• Depending on tour length, author is promoted 400-1000 times.
• You are provided with access to a Google doc where all promotion or review links are posted 24-48 hours AFTER tour begins.
• Depending on Showcase length, tours generally result in between 15 – 50 reviews on AVERAGE. There are no guarantees. You are not “paying” for reviews, as that would be unethical.
• Reviews are posted on Amazon (mandatory – when permitted), BookBub (mandatory), GoodReads, Itsy Bitsy Book Bits Website, Barnes & Noble, and other various avenues.
• ARC Team/Reader Group Management for tour. (Using our sign-up sheet, readers request an ARC, and we will send ARCs for you, plus our admin team will follow up with any readers who do not post to make sure you get a review from all who got a book.
• We will promote your upcoming tour/book a minimum of 1 day before the tour starts as FREE extra promotion in the hopes to generate sales and buzz in advance of the actual tour.